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Fandom Soul Eater: F.A.T.E


Vale of Ffestiniog, Gwynedd, Wales​

The group lead by Elly had discussed most of the important items on their agenda. Maria still had a fair amount of time and plenty of resources to perform her repairs. Even if there was no combat on their mission leaving them unnecessary, repairs done now only made them more stable for transport. Aside from that, there was an oddly soothing effect that came from repairing those dolls. Her pull fixated on creation, perhaps it was even a subset of order, and the opportunity to restore her dolls was a relief not unlike scratching a nagging itch. With what was shared in their last conversation, Zosar had plenty to mull over; the Meister would need far more time to process all that he had learned, but nonetheless, it had an immediately profound effect on plenty of things he perceived.

Whether she liked it or not, Wren received plenty of support and attention. A fairly abrupt departure from the norm, and even if the majority of it was genuinely positive, truly receiving it that way was likely its whole own challenge. Just as some people refused to accept a compliment, it was entirely feasible that all these good intentions could have made things worse. Or, perhaps, they were but seeds planted. They bore no fruit now, but what came to grow in the future remained uncertain. All that was certain was that Wren had a new struggle with a new voice now and that was a battle she and to a lesser extent Zosar would face alone.

Elly had a whole different set of issues. Unlike Wren, she wasn't as shaken by the Madness they encountered. Unlike Maria, she didn't have anything to repair or a status quo to restore. Unlike Zosar, their recent mission didn't upend some of their long-held beliefs. She might have questioned her decision-making and temporary lapse in judgement, as she might have seen it, but overall, her experience wasn't as severe as the others. Regardless, it did leave a residue of unease. So much didn't make sense, and worse, they probably ought not be alive.

But, they were. The explanation given was simple: Lady Crimson used a loophole in Eros' control to slip a ton of information. They didn't catch her. They didn't outwit her. She was playing into their hands the entire time in the only feat of rebellion she could against her tyrant owner. It could have probably been any other agent, so long as they could have handled Royal Pain. They were alive because Lady Crimson needed a messenger. The only reason Midori was even remotely relevant was that his nigh-suicidal drive to see Lady Crimson made him the perfect candidate to be a messenger if only because most sane agents would have backed off.

For better or worse, his obsession did lead to valuable intel. In a thousand other scenarios, it very well might have gotten them killed.

These were two opposing trains of thought that Elly would have to find a way to reconcile over time. As it stood now, she had plenty of other adjustments to make. Midori was now Kisei and Kisei was an entirely different weapon. More so, he was a Death Scythe. The raw power he gained was nothing to scoff at, but it was also met by a fundamental change in his combat style. His primary form now was a double-bladed scythe. A terribly unrealistic weapon whose salvation came in some of the abilities that were picked up. Much like his old form, it could split into two sickles. Further, the ends of each sickle could be connected by a metallic vertebrae that acted like a chain. It made him more of a mid-to-short range weapon as opposed to the wider range he once had.

It would turn out that most of the skills Elly previously had with Midori would now work with Kisei, with the exception of the clear lack of ranged fire. Weapon Amplification Form, Resonance, Chain Resonance even. It was all still on the table and if anything more powerful than before. In the end, it didn't mean much for the party or the mission, but the time spent practicing these techniques to confirm what they could and could not do did ultimately consume a large sum of the time Elly might have spent scolding her partner.

Were they really, truly ready for another mission? Who could say. It was doubtful anything could have prepared them for the chaos that was trying to track down a Fae.

As it would turn out, the Gwynedd Preserve wasn't in Wales at all. It was in North Wales, which was part of Pennsylvania. That made no sense, however, as this Hag was clearly in Western Europe. She was in Wales. Now whether this was some Fae trick to lead anyone tracking her in the wrong direction or a genuine mistake on the clerical side of things. It wasn't likely that the branch would misguide the Fate Agents all the way back to the United States, especially when they were technically doing them a favor. Regardless, anything was possible.

Instead, the group found their actual destination: the Vale of Ffestiniog within Gwynedd which itself was in the north-west of Wales which made far more sense for the stories they had been told. Annoyingly, the closest landing strip for a DWMA sanctioned flight was five hours away. As it turned out, the quickest way to the Vale was to drive to a nearby port city from the airport, then catch a train as the area still had an active rail system. The end result of this fragmented journey meant that sleep during transit would also be fragmented, thus lower quality. The railway and robust public transit system did, at the least, allow for Maria to quite easily move most of her dolls to this otherwise fairly remote location.

Next came the confusion and frustration. They were after a notoriously well-hidden hag. Their only concrete idea of a location was the Vale of Ffestiniog, which really was just a certain valley in Snowdownia National Park. The entire area they were given to search was incredibly rural and while it was at least well-developed where it was developed, most of the locals predominantly spoke Welsh. Translating was not necessarily an issue with the technology they had on hand, but it proved to be an annoying intermediate step regardless.

The group was in a disadvantage in that they were completely out of their element and away from home.

The entire endeavor might have been considered a lost cause. Kisei didn't actually care that much about the boons of this mirror. In just a few hours of practice, Elly had already confirmed a lot about his new form. More so, it was becoming more and more apparent why the Western European Branch had neglected this mission for so long. Even if they had agents from the area that didn't have this immediate language barrier, the reports had sightings that spanned something like four hundred square miles with no rhyme or reason to the encounters. Even now, this little valley was only picked due to the frequency of reports and the thief claiming he dropped the mirror off after a night in the Oakeley Arms Hotel.

Their investigation at the Oakeley Arms Hotel brought up nothing. The same story with another nearby Hotel and Restaurant called The Grapes. What did occur after this wasted time was not some miraculous lead found by logic or deduction. It was wild, feral instinct. It was Wren. Due West from The Grapes was a church and within it a feral being at odds with the canine nature of Wren. This was an oddity, perhaps only so strong now due to her newfound sensitive to madness, but it was a feral activation of her instincts as a predator. To hunt. To track. To kill.

St Twrog's Church, a parking lot, and a large graveyard were all that direction hosted. Still, it was close enough that Elly could in fact sense there was a presence there. Magical, menstruous even. With a little focus on her part, from this range, she could determine it in fact was some local variation of a Monster Cat at the church, assuming whatever it was happened to be the same feral trigger for Wren. Then again, it could be nothing. Happenstance of running into a magical creature in the area just minding its own business.

The Regal Rper The Regal Rper RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Haze- Haze-


Undead Shrine Guardians
Mission: Disturbance in Qena w/ RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun
Date: September 20th, 2067
Location: Eastern Shrine, Qena, Egypt

The first khopesh/shield warrior snarled as the woman used her odd weapon to block his upcoming attack, only to get blasted back by the… man who became a gong?

What was this sorcery?

The shield warrior stumbled backwards and then tried to find purchase, only for the “arrows” to shoot through his knees, causing him to crumple. The swift kick to the head ended in his body falling to the floor, crumpled. He wasn’t getting up.

The one that charged at Ark did seem at all phased by the attempts at moving the ground, only because the ground didn’t shift fully like Ark wanted it to. Whether there was a delay or a lessening in movement, it didn’t seem to deter the approaching khopesh/shield warrior at all.

Ark’s attention going to the archers was a mistake. The mummy’s shield kept him covered and he crouched on the ground, waiting for the right to time strike. He suddenly lunged at Ark as soon as Ark made footfall, intending to bash his shield against Ark’s body to destabilize and distract before going to hook his sword around Ark’s seemingly unprotected leg and pull back.

The large shield warriors continued to slowly march forward, lessening the space their enemies had to fight. However, as the lich mummy charged, they stopped for a longer amount of time, only for one to leave the line, the others shifting to make up for the one mummy loss, and the one dual-shield mummy slowly approaching the woman and her weird talking weapons, only to suddenly lunge and swing one of his shields outward, intending to smash her back.


Noah WileyNeutral Noah.png
Date: September 20, 2067
Location: Eastern Shrine, Qena, Egypt
Interactions: Gauss, Arkayis, Aki, Feng, Wes, Ark, Moreau
Mentions: Annika
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Peckinou Peckinou EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin The Regal Rper The Regal Rper

The enemies were encroaching and Wes was finally in the hand - er, around the arm - of Feng. The delayed explosion by Arkayis was something Noah was sure they never really worked on, but the fact that Arkayis managed to do it at all was a feat in and of itself. Congratulatory praise would be in order if they weren’t in the middle of a life or death scenario. Still, he offered up what he could.

‘Hey, for somethin’ ya haven’t really worked on before, that’s impressive. Nice one!’

Then, there was the chain resonance by Wes and Noah felt oddly connected. He had never experienced a chain resonance like this before and it was honestly phenomenal that it was happening. Was Wes even that good?

Damn, he needed to get some pointers.

He took that connection Gauss secured for himself and the weapons, and Noah began working with the chain resonance, trying to stabilize it to add in some help. It wasn’t much, but it was something. Then, with the power he felt surging towards Arkayis, Noah decided to pitch in, as well. With that Chain Resonance stable, he regulated some of Gauss’s energy to help with the drain of the chain resonance and the power-up he’s giving Arkayis.

With the incoming lich mummy, he gave a sadistic grin. ‘Cut that motherfucker down to scraps.’ He hoped that mummy got hit by that spear. It might not do a whole lot, but the redirection in movement would help Gauss secure a blow.


Sara MiddletonMad Texas.png
Date: September 20, 2067
Location: Conference Room, DWMA Main Grounds, Death City, Nevada -> Venus Lounge, Malibu, California
Interactions: Raph, Noise, Dani, Nadia, Adrian, Cyrus, Charles
Mentions: N/A
Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul The Regal Rper The Regal Rper

Well… This lady had some colorful words.

Sara didn’t understand what was going on with Noise, but there was obviously something up with her. Did she just hate the feeling of inferiority so she made it her goal to put others down so she didn’t feel bad about herself?

That was certainly unhealthy.

Still, with Noise’s attitude, Sara was surprised she was even clear for field duty. This kind of attitude would get someone killed, so there must be something else going on or she was just picked. Being called a pipsqueak didn’t really bother her any. In fact, she was more bothered by Cyrus being his old meanie self. She sighed, watching the aggressive Russian yelling go on, and then Adrian proving a point.

The prior conversation about special treatment wasn’t lost on her though. She knew about all those other things, but it wasn’t like that was going to help them against the paladins. But she guessed it wouldn’t be them specifically getting cooked, it was going to be all of DWMA.

Nadia’s defense of actually helping those innocent people had her pausing. And then even as she expressed… concern? Or was that just an observation about Noise walking all over her?

It was more like she annoyed those similar to Noise - bad-mouthed, assholish, and lazy - by trying to walk over them and dragging them around everywhere.

Still, now that she wasn’t in the presence of Eva, she felt… Conflicted, still. She did feel legitimately sorry for how she acted. And to hear that Nadia wasn’t actually just a monster…

She’s not the dolls. She’s not like the dolls…

What have I done?

Wringing her hands, she tried to find some way to say sorry for what she did, but knowing Nadia, sorry would do jack shit. It was going to be action. Hearing that Nadia still hadn’t forgotten about that, she looked up at Nadia, her apologetic eyes showing concern and sympathy.

Yeah, it was wrong of her to do that.

When the meeting was over, she walked over to Noise and gave her a kind hand up. Whether she took it or not, it didn’t matter. It was a show of good courtesy. “I’m sorry you had to go through that. Though, that kind of behavior can get someone hurt or killed, and I wouldn’t want to lose another weapon partner. Come on, let’s go. We can talk some on the way. I wanna get to know you.” She smiled, her tail wagging slightly.

Right before they left the facility though, she needed to talk to Nadia and apologize.

Regardless of how well the talk with Noise went, Sara found herself wondering when this wild goose chase would end, until they finally made it to Venus Lounge and met Anatoli’s cousin. Charles was certainly candid.

Having learned her own lesson, Sara stayed silent, letting Nadia take the first words. It seemed like Charles and Nadia could strike up some quick rapport with the way he so candidly and brutishly - as he put it - regarded the Paladins.

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Raphael ValeriasChara2.png
Date: September 20, 2067
Location: Conference Room, DWMA Main Grounds, Death City, Nevada -> Venus Lounge, Malibu, California
Interactions: Sara, Noise, Dani, Nadia, Adrian, Cyrus, Charles
Mentions: N/A
Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul The Regal Rper The Regal Rper

Well… Wasn’t she a firecracker.

Between the words of Adrian trying to assuage their concerns that it wasn’t like they didn’t just not have any help from the government and the aggressive Russian words, Raphael stayed silent. He silently agreed with Adrian, but his point was unmoved. He certainly wasn’t jealous, he just saw themselves as a disadvantage, but one that could be remedied with Anatoli’s help.

Noise’s own and quick insubordination despite not even being a part of the group had Raphael sighing. He knew what that was like. He gave Nadia and Dani a furtive glance as he rubbed his ribs, remembering when he got chased by Nadia and Dani and getting laid into in an alleyway.

His pride stirred, but he kept it at bay this time.

He gave Noise a sympathetic gaze, but moved on. He wasn’t her meister, so he wasn’t going to do the job of what Sara was going to do.

Not getting to see further of Anatoli was disappointing enough, but not even being able to enter the Lux?

A shame that made him rather brooding and silent for most of the running around they did, but once they made it to the Venus Lounge, he was all smiles and awes at how pretty everything was. It was when they made it to Charles did he keep his mouth shut. He was immediately reminded of Nadia when he spoke, and since she was the leader, he was going to let her do the talking. Though, he was finding it very difficult to not stare at everything else around the room that struck his fancy. Even seeing the expensive alcohol made his mouth parched, wanting to have some.

But they’ll have to wait.

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Nadia Semyonov - LA - Venus Lounge
From the very start, when they were assigned a bus back, of all things, a fucking bus, Nadia knew this would be well below expectations. Provided Anatoli had hired them in the first place. Well, not hired, so much as offered his aid. If they met with the number one, it would likely only be after they had achieved results. Such was the nature of the world.

They were not going to the Lux, nor would they see the man in charge, but rather a cousin, one Charles Martin, or that was what the Hispanic lady had explained as they were led through an employ entrance to a lesser, though in its own right, grand. Still, most of this was lost on Nadia herself. While she could appreciate the effort and hard work evident as they were led past, she would have a cordial response for this man, and one to test the waters of these modern-day aristocrats, or oligarchs. The Neon glow and steel construction with bits of glass, its modernity. Nadia thought of her own style and tastes as being firmly gripped into the old world, so silently with head held high, she walked in the front, letting the others walk alongside or in the back, determined to test the purpose in all of this, to see if her suspicions were correct.

Eyeing the office in kind, it suited its needs, the main seemed to be an avid reader in the least, but seemed slightly out of place, minimalist was the name of the game with this office, but not cheap. The books however, those led her to believe at the very least this man was at least who he said, with his greetings and introductions, Nadia took a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk before nodding in introduction. "Nadia Semyonov, team leader. As to what you said, two things come to mind for me, "God is in his Heaven, all is right in the world." And, "Does God fear what he has made and abandoned us?" If man indeed is made in the Image of God, then we can find within us the same power to be gods ourselves... But ah, Charles Marin, which do you prefer? But if it's all the same I would allow my men to wander the establishment where allowed, unless they wish to stay for this meeting?" She asked, hinting at both parties, though she rather doubted any of her own would leave, it still stood worth offering, or seeing about.

"And I take it Mister Anatoli would rather avoid an official appearance with us, till we've done something worth it... Just as our meeting here is also meant to be a secret. Unfortunately, those 15th century men hold a bit of sway with the masses. I trust your side of this deal has something to help us? And yes, we have met them and have cause to seek them out, to destroy them. Unfortunately, they have proven to be rather compartmentalized. What pieces we have gotten our hands on do not know the rest of the puzzle."

Interactions/Mentions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Dani) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Adrian) Merciless Medic Merciless Medic (Sara - Raph) The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu (Noise)
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Eloise Keegan - Vale of Ffestiniog, Gwynedd, Wales
Elly only grew more tired as the day went on, the coffee barely registering within her. The nature of the transit system meant she was unable to sleep consistently, pair that with her unsettling thoughts of the prior day and need to explore Kisei's capabilities, and she caught naught a wink. Her bubbly demeanor now completely dissipated, leaving room only for a neutral face that looked less than pleased.

Add to that the annoying and fruitless search for leads, and Elly did not find this quest going well. A large area in an unfamiliar environment with a language barrier, and no one seemed to know anything...

As they departed the hotel, Elly mulled over their next course of action before Wren's soul perked up. She felt the spiritual change before Wren's demeanor became apparent. Leaving the wolf to Zosar to keep calm, Elly glanced in the direction Wren seemed to take interest in and quickly honed in on a unique spiritual signature. If Elly's face wasn't already in a deadpan, it would've been now.

"...It's a monster cat," Elly stated aloud with a somewhat tired tone as she pinched the bridge of her nose. Though, nonetheless, she began to head towards the church with only a brief delay. It could be a coincidence and another fruitless stop, but what was the alternative? "Regardless, we don't have anything else to go on, so I suppose we'll pay the cat a visit. Perhaps they will know something..."

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Haze- Haze-

The Venus Lounge, Malibu, CA​

Content Warning: Minor gore described

"Take no offense to the fact my dear cousin did not meet you in person," Charles responded, politely addressing the point Nadia had made about Anatoli not meeting them in person. There was some truth to her words, but not a complete truth. On a personal level, Anatoli likely wouldn't have minded meeting any single one of the agents. He had nothing to hide and wouldn't object to their company without even knowing them. That said, there were several factors ranging from his distance from the DWMA to the current social climate that complicated his personal involvement.

Besides, Charles was the righteous fury of the family. He would be of more help to the agents, though why would become more obvious sooner rather than later.

Charles waited a moment with his hands folded over in front of him, elbows on his sleek desk, eyes evaluating the group. Little did they know that Charles was trained in soul perception, just as they were. He could see the loud, boisterous soul of Noise. He could see the odd mix of a monster soul inside the human soul of Sara due to her condition. He could even see the faint traces of magic that radiated from Raph. Dani and Adrian were a little more difficult to read; obviously weapons, but the group dynamic had yet to unfold. Aside from the fact Nadia was the clear leader.

Of note, nothing about this group particularly impressed him. That was hardly a fair comparison given he was accustomed to working with the elite of the DWMA if he ever had to. The elite, however, weren't the ones touched by these black, satanic flames.

"While his task is salvaging this PR nightmare, mine was investigating this alleged cult," Charles explained, his tone shifting slightly deeper as he emphasized his efforts with the cult. Following those words, he pressed his thumb to a scanner mounted inconspicuously to the edge of his desk. He stood up, revealing himself to be behemoth of a man. Built like a brick shed-house painted with expensive Armani, towering over most of the group including both giants in Nadia and Noise. It wasn't a common occurrence that someone dwarfed over them, but here it was, all put together in a well-tailored suit.

"The DWMA provides us certain... allowances, you could say," he told them, turning away from them and to the black wall behind him. He did pause for a moment to overlook the sun shimmering over the ocean from his perch, but only for a moment. It was a beautiful site, but a site he saw almost daily. While waiting for the elevator to arrive, he gently tugged on the cuffs of his jacket, realigning the sleeves for a better fit and allowing his cufflinks to be more visible, their centerpieces being small but iridescent, pink pearls.

"It should come as no surprise that we often skirt around the law, but to what extent might surprise you," he added, being somewhat indirect in what he meant to say, but for a reason beyond dramatic effect. This would work better if they could see for themselves just what he was permitted to do. It made the arrival of the elevator convenient. The doors opened, showing they were perfectly flush against the black wall; trimmed down to blend in to such an extent they were nigh-invisible. This particular elevator was one not meant for public use, such as the one the group had entered through.

"I can add you to an invite list for the Lounge at a later time, but for now, you'll need to come with me--sorry to disappoint," he told them, declining the request Nadia made about the others checking out the lounge. Admittedly, the elevator was quite large, but the size of the group did make for somewhat close quarters. After ushering them in, Charles didn't continue to speak. Hot breath in such a small space wouldn't be appreciated. It was a quick, smooth transition, not like older systems with their annoying jolts and jars.

Where it took them was an underground floor, though still well lit and well adorned. It might not have been as fancy as the rest of the Venus Lounge, but it certainly wasn't some industrial complex. The lighting was bright and warm, the floor carpeted, wooden guide rails on the walls that seemed robust enough to bear the weight of a full person, and elegant red trim on an off white wall. Luckily, no proper guest would ever get to judge the Lounge by this tacky layout akin to a three star hotel. These private quarters were for a different kind of business.

Charles personally escorted them for what was ultimately a short walk. The room he led them to was a fairly standard police interrogation room. Soundproof on their side, a one way window to see someone who had clearly been roughed up tied to a chair in a dim room, and an intercom system. There were only two meager chairs in this room, unfortunately; it was rare this floor had so many visitors.

"That is Viktor Chavez," Charles told them, raising his hand up to gesture at the man. His brown hair was messy and matted, some from blood, some from sweat, his face was beaten harshly it was difficult to make out any of his Hispanic features. Bruises of various stages of healing were around his tan face, one eye swollen shut, stiches present on one side near his ear. It might have seemed vile right up until any one of the agents with Soul Perception present might have picked up on the wicked aura radiating from his soul. Again, not quite Mad, but so close to the verge and so vile that it might as well have been. Upon closer inspection, the fingertips of this man were blooded and scabbed over, some missing fingernails, his left hand had his pinky and ring finger wrapped over stubs. Evil though he may be, he was clearly put through some type of Hell.

"And, this is a don't ask, don't tell scenario. All you need to know is we did what the law won't let the DWMA," Charles told them, implying the under-the-table agreement he and his family had established over the last few decades. Though, in context, it was likely quite appalling to see. This type of torture was something one might expect from the actual mafia or via war crimes. Here, it was just treated like a necessary evil. And, for all intents and purposes, Viktor Chavez as corrupt as he may be was in fact still a United States civilian. Truth was, a lot of rights were overlooked here.

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu


Vale of Ffestiniog; Gwynned, Wales

Wren was running on nerves, anger, and a cheeky hit of caffeine she’d snuck into her system before they all headed off. And she’d been running like a well-oiled machine just off of that alone for a while now. Still, the lack of direction piling up with the weight on her eyelids was starting to wane on her.

That placebo, mock-up energy was starting to turn into frustration by now.

They’d gone through two hotels and a restaurant, hopscotching language barriers. No leads. No threads. Nothing. She’d gotten much too tired of waiting for the monotone voice of the translator app to come through their phones, re-rolling the message when the locals hadn’t quite caught it the first time.

In an investigation, information— conflicting, redundant, repeating—was supposed to come washing in waves. You had to hope they’d wash you up a fathom, then find more waves, enough to send you to shore, find what you need at the end.

This place was dry as all hell.

Wren sighed, brushing the wind off her bangs as they walked aimless through the streets. Hoping they’d run into a lead, something solid enough to go off of. She wasn’t hopeful, that was for certain. She’d kept her head down, tight-lipped, playing her role of looking scary looming behind the group perfectly. Wren hadn’t spoken a word to the locals whatsoever.

In a different occasion, she would’ve darted around the place like a child. Taking in the exotic sights, shaking hands, stopping at restaurants to nag a quick bite of the local special— like a complete tourist. Now, nothing really drew her attention. She could look up Welsh recipes later, once they were done finding this damned hag.

A few beats after leaving The Grapes, walking lazily with her hand shoved down her pockets, there was a sudden, noticeable change in Wren’s demeanor. She’d had her partial transformations off the moment they’d stepped off the train, kept herself looking human on the outside. Now, without thinking, Wren’s soul flared.

She stood still as her body shifted, without motive or apparent reason. She grew a head taller, nails went sharper, tail fanned behind and ears perked up to the sound, her nose scrunched up to an awful smell of fur. Wren’s head bobbed to the side, eyes snapping in the direction of the church.

It wasn’t a foreign feeling to her, it was just a tick of her animal instinct, something that’d quieted down once she got to her growing pains. She’d followed it blindly a thousand times before when she was a child, that feeling in her gut — “The fuck is that...?” — Now that she’d seen the personification of that primal instinct eye to eye…

Wren didn’t know if she could trust it anymore.

Elly snapped her out of focus, her eyes glancing over before coming back on the church — “Being near them’s pissing me off, and I don’t really know why...” — She grunted, shook her head with clear tire writ to her, finally ungluing her eyes from it. It was just nothing, didn’t matter to their investigation.

"Huh?” — Or so she thought — “I mean if you say so, guess it won’t hurt to try… Any insightful information regarding monster cats I should know about?”

EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen The Regal Rper The Regal Rper RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul




Species Death Golem
Partner Eloise Keegan
Rank Two-Star

Location Maentwrog, Vale of Ffestiniog, Gwynedd, Wales
Mission A Reflection of Question
Status Focused


It was easy to get frustrated on a mission like this. Understandable, even. Given how fast-paced and action-packed most of their missions were, one that went slow and didn't have an obvious direction could feel like it would slog on forever. None that applied to Kisei. He was trained as an assassin. Patience was importance. Waiting days or even weeks for a well-timed strike wasn't absurd to his kin if it reaped better results. Beyond that, as ironic as it was, he spent the bulk of his functional years as a Monster Hunter with Ao. Despite recent events, the experience from that era of his life reminded him of just how importance a virtue patience was.

The keen difference here that did worry him was the Hag. Or, more accurately, the Fae in general. During his time as a Monster Hunter, he and Ao did in fact cross paths with a Magical Creature that turned out to be a Fae Creature. In such cases, it was often better to just disengage from the situation if that was an option. Hunting the Fae was no easy task and there was no universal guideline to it. With normal magic, there was some semblance of how it worked. There was logic to it. The Fae had no such limitations and worse would vary greatly from location to location. Dealing with the Fae was as dangerous as a gambler in Vegas.

Kisei did have some actual useful experience in this particular situation, too. His history with the Fae made him aware that their magic, much like a Witch's magic, required a whole separate bit of training to even see. The Fae were sneaky creatures that didn't erase their souls, as Witches did with Soul Protect, but instead allow them to appear as if they were human or something else. They hid in plain sight, relying on the fact few Meisters could naturally see their souls. Though, somewhat ironically, those more spiritually attuned could often feel them in a more vague sense. In general, this meant that Elly would be both a boon with her range but hamstringed in that she had no real practice perceiving Fae or Fae magic, unless she went leprechaun hunting and simply never told him.

Kisei was prepared to continue on for hours if not days even without stumbling onto anything. The reality of the situation was that they might waste a week or longer just roaming the countryside looking for this Hag potentially to find nothing. If that were the case and they returned empty handed, no harm, no foul. It would be little more than a vacation in Wales. He wasn't sure how Maria would take it, but he was sure he could talk Zosar into enjoying it. Wren could have benefited from the tranquility. Hell, as long as it meant she was safe, even Elly might have been with the stupendous waste of time.

Then came a disturbance in the force. From this distance, Kisei had no hope of picking it up. With her stupidly long range, Elly, had no difficulties. As for Wren, she likely picked it up due to some werewolf instinct. That meant himself, Maria, and Zosar were all-but blind to the creature until Elly informed them of what she had picked up and Wren was talking about. A Monster Cat. Such an odd species of Magical Creature. Unique Souls that could elude even Death himself, at least a few times. In tune with nature, but not quite feral. Human enough in many ways, but somehow still a whole step below a Witch.

Oddities that Kisei had no love for. Weird creatures his player didn't like, either.

"Monster cats are a pestilence the world over," Kisei answered, voicing his distaste for the creatures.

"No offense to other felines, like your pet Felis Milagua, Zose," Kisei added on, switching gears from just plain distaste to a touch of explanation, "But, Monster Cats are their whole own breed of annoying."

Kisei sighed, deciding it was actually worthwhile to give the group a proper description before they went and encountered this one. "Monster Cats are a type of Magical Creature that are born as kittens, gain intelligence and their magical abilities as they mature, and can shapeshift into a human form. Their magic is limited; unlike Maria who could in theory learn just about any spell with enough time and tutoring, a Monster Cat can only learn what their genes allow," Kisei explained, going over the broad specifics of the species.

"They reach relative human intelligence, though I've never met one that matured past the angsty teen stage--if that. They're found almost all over the world, like normal cats, and pick up traits region to region. Because of that, they're often pretty in-tune with nature and local ley lines," he told them, going on about the diversity the species had though undermining their intelligence as he saw it.

"It's a myth that dogs just hate cats," Kisei said, chuckling as he let the words slip out. "There's no natural canine hate of the feline species. It's all about predator and prey. If you take a domesticated dog as a puppy and socialize it with cats, it'll be fine. The aggression only comes from poor socialization," he added, poking fun at Wren. He wasn't sure if she was about to accept these jokes or take it as insults at face value, but he was curious enough to test it.

Besides... he wasn't wrong.

Aki Kiyoko - Egypt - Feng Long - Wes
Qena Dig Site, Eastern Shrine - Egypt
September - 20th

With the surge in power from Wes, and her own unique trait that allowed her to partner with varying numbers or individual partners. Often short lived or lacking in stable long term use. She wasn’t all that well trusted by her Triad bosses, aside from the old man. And while she had learned a bit in terms of gunfu from the mentor master, the new weight attached to her upper arm was in the way of much of that. Fortunately, there were the old ways, while she might not be able to cut loose in here, but she could fall back into the rough and dirty world of a Triad and Chinese Government enforcer, it was like the old days, killing in ways of training and improvisation. And most importantly of all, strength.

‘Wes, Aki, change of plans.’ she said within the link and soul space they all shared. ’Getting sick of the big man’s shit, we’ll take both of them out, I need you to give me part of your wavelength Aki, see if we can get a charged shot going, punch through that pile of rock. Wes, if you do it without breaking the chain resonance, I would like you to shift yourself lower, going to drop my second gun, use you as a shield or buckler for some hand to hand.’

’What?’ the request had him pause for a second ‘like, lower the resonance? Or literally move down.’ He asked. He would be more than capable if it were the latter, but he had no idea if, or why in any case, they’d want to lower their output.

’Literally, like put those bands around my lower arm, or in my hand directly for one of them.’ Feng added in quick order.

With a silent acknowledgement, the red cord that was wrapped around Feng's shoulder loosened, shifting its way down her arm and settling just above her wrist. Wrapping it tightly against her forearm, the gong shifted as well, moving from its previous position to rest against the bound cord. A small bit of slack was left, just large enough for her to slip her hand through and grab onto for a better grip should she choose to do so.

’Yes! I’ve been wanting to test this on something!’ As Wes shifted his own form, Aki’s wavelength jittered and buzzed, cackling in an unsettling manner as it merged with her partners’. Her weapon form seemed to almost become luminescent as the barrel glowed. ‘That’s about as stable as I can make it!’

’It will be enough. Alright! Let’s do this!’ Gripping the Gong cord as she dropped her magitech pistol for the time being, Feng let out a loud battlecry, leveling Aki’s gun form directly at the approaching shielder and squeezed the trigger as a deafening BOOM filled the local area and a spirit infused projectile struck home, penetrating the shield and the buff mummy behind it in an instant, and even more impressive impacted the now closed stonework bulwark door a punch through, cracking it in parts, charging for the now open second one, Feng speaks once more, ‘Alright! Aki back to using mine! Gonna ring you against that second big bastard and break him down.’

As the blast shot through the shield and mummy behind it, Aki started to giggle a bit, seemingly greatly amused by the kick. ‘Oh, right. Yup!’ She replied shortly thereafter.

With that all said and done, Feng directly launched herself into the flank of the other shield carrying mummy, with her resonance enhanced physical abilities, Feng moves in fast and low, brutally opening fire once more into the legs and feet of this portion of the wall as it moved in towards the rest, ducking towards his instep, Feng was quick to bash it in the back, helping it fall the rest of the way, before leaping a top it and using the Gong as a bludgeoning weapon to the back of the skull, however, with the organs long having been removed and it’s nature being more akin to a lich, it was only when the destruction was near total that it stopped moving or attempting to get up.


On the other side of things, the Commander of the Royal Guard reacted expertly to the spear, as the jewels on his chest glowed, and in the fashion of the previous instances the jewel dimmed and cracked. For whatever as yet unknown reason and fashion, these accessories seemed able to absorb the elemental properties of fire, be it magical, physical, or spiritual. And with the jewels seemingly absorbing and then expanding this energy. While an effective system, it faced obvious weaknesses, that being the stones could absorb but so much, in addition, while refined to an amazing quality, the gear they were was still made of Gold and Bronze. Which even in their finest state, melted and shattered against even mediocre steel.

As the magma spear struck home, the mummy didn’t seem to even bother dodging it, a dark chuckle emerged from his skull like face, ragged and ruined, the spell clarified his nature of existence as it punctured a portion of the armor and even came out the other side partially as the commander slashed into the rock with his khopesh, then hollowed eye sockets looked at the mage, then at the man in question.

The nature of these mummies was undead on a technicality, it explained much in regard to the lack of hunger exhibited in zombies, if anything they were akin to cursed corpses, bindings and preservation techniques, souls bound to bone and tissue, but utterly lacking in organs, like any true mummy. There were no organs, no heart, no brain. Just the soul bound to the body, with it’s pure will driving it. It was possible they had far more in common with a Lich, though a “budget” one as these tales went.

With the shattering boom, the Lich commander could only laugh, the door was down, but he was so outclassed and not even prepared for this era, these enemies. There was much and more he would have asked, but he was sword to duty, his very soul was engraved into it. The explosions, the fire, bits of earth, the archer now destroying his men. Serious mistakes were made. But they were never meant to be more than cannon fodder, the first defense, operating alongside the great sages, and the Children of the venerable one… Seemingly mimicking the act of breathing, taking in a big breath of air, the Warrior watched the new magic in front of him. This would be short lived, still he did at least need to stab at that one, the wavelength those few were giving off was something else altogether… This battle would be short lived now that the wallers were down.


Zosar | Gwenydd, Wales

There was something about bouncing around from place to place and trying to get information that reminded him of the old days.

Not every mission he had as a lawful mercenary had been tied to immediate action. Despite not being as pleased to be on another mission so soon, the sights of Wales made up for it. The growing discontent with Wren, and the displeasure he could tell from Elly, didn't shake his own sense of general patient awareness.

Stopping to savor wasn't on the agenda but eyes did take a moment or two to linger here or there, before once again moving on.

The problem here was that their journey had them in the part of Wales where there were no English speakers. The country had English as it's other official language but this north-west county had nothing but a larger Welsh speaking population as a total. Unfortunate in earnesty. Perhaps if they had been to the areas he knew there were a few contacts hanging around, he might have been able to see if those links were still viable. Translators simplified things certainly, but it didn't make the results of finding the details they were looking for any easier when there was none to be had.

He could understand the general sense of frustration from the others. Especially Wren, searching two hotels and the restaurant with little information for it just seemed like a massive waste of time and her demeanor, withdrawn as it had been, certainly showed she really was ‘changing it up’ but in all sincerity, hunts like this just reminded him of the things he used to do before.

So compared to those displeased, he wasn't even remotely bothered. What was on his mind more was how the meeting with this Fae would actually go.

Wren's sudden shift, the spiritual flare in her soul as she altered from human form to her demi state, caught his attention just as much as Elly’s statements did.

His brows knitted.

Ironic she reacted that way to such a specific creature.

Despite the knowledge he had on the creatures he had only really met one Monster Cat in the past year, and only really knew of interactions with them from members of his old crew. Midori's plain distaste of them and Wren’s-- what even was it? Instinctual? Whatever had drawn her to the presence simply told him that interactions with the creature were going to be tense if she was on guard from merely picking up such a presence. Her reaction to it before either he or Maria could pick up on it, honestly, just reminded him that her senses were keener than theirs-- except Elly’s.

Couldn't help but crack a loose smile at Midori's little poke of fun at his partner though.

They can't all be bad though,” adding his two cents. “Let's hope this one isn't as bad as the ones you've met. I'm sure if Wren here has sensed them from this distance, they're already aware of us.” Especially when we have a mage in our party.

Frankly he was hoping this engagement wouldn't wear the thin patience anyone might be holding on to.

And as he passed Wren, he hooked an arm around her shoulders. “ Who knows, maybe the second impression will be better than the first.” It was wishful thinking, but it was better to approach this with a better mindset at the possibility than going in with all their guards so openly on display. Patting her on the adjacent shoulder once that was said, and moving along for Church.

There was a perspective Zosar held that had him slightly more optimistic, but not by much, than the others.

Of all those Lord Kidd had once been in the same league with that he knew from history, he was honestly hoping that this wild creature would be more like Blair the Witch; a Magical Creature that was rather popular in the years before the Mad Virus plague. A ‘witch’ who became a model and make it as a huge sensation not long after Treaty of the Moon has been signed and integration plans had been underway.

Back in the day, lots of methods had been taken to lay the ground work for an improved viewpoint on Witches in general. With Outlaws emerging almost immediately after the Treaty was signed and plans to set things right before they could all go wrong, there had been battles fought to secure a positive view on the magical counterparts Kidd was trying to bring into the world, Blair, had been one of those.

At least, from what he had read of the history of DWMA and the alliance it formed, it made sense that Blair had been one.

From early 2010s till the early 2040s she had been a huge sensation with brief moments of other events superseding her fame of course at the time, only for each negative turn over to have her come rocketing back up the popularity polls. If there had ever been a mascot for DWMA, Blair Nekomata had been DWMA’s cheerleader and the first biggest face before BlackStar.

Still, he was aware how her positive presence in the modeling and music industry, appearances in commercials, and one or two movies had sort of paved something of an opening that DWMA and Guild alike had capitalized on multiple times.

Granted not all Monster Cats were like her, there was no guarantee this one would be but a guy could hope that meeting one here wouldn't be like what had happened at the start of FATE. Getting bombed by a spell for kicks wasn't exactly his idea of fun, and if they were to be attacked shortly after entry, well…conversation would become tense quickly.

If this one was in a Church, one could hope they might have some common sense though right?

…He couldn't say his hopes were as high as he had just projected to Wren or even Midori, but open-mindedness was a skill of its own. So he tried to stay positive the whole way there..

Mentions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen

Interactions: Haze- Haze- Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul

Ark | Egypt | Rings: 0/1

He was starting to really detest this place and the effect it was impacting his magic. Perhaps it was time to start investing in other methods of combat so as not to be put so far back on his guard like this in the future.

Conjurations at least would have to be his go to for.now.

Attention went from the targets he had hurled flaming blades at to the mummy targeting him and by then he had preemptively already predicted the likelihood of attack.

With a snap, as he landed, the spear inside the mummy collapsed into a ball at its core and before more heat could be sapped that ball burned brighter, like a furnace with flames stocked it burned up until it erupted a second after into charred matter and flames within the creature. In the same instant as he was charged, resistance was met as the conjured earth he had been generating, clamped like clay to his leg. That clay hardened before the blade even made contact. Hardened like gems, a makeshift leg guard that saw sparks fleeing from the blade as it drew across and was met by his immediate left foot on the standing leg, using the shield as a vault to leap off and further his distance and in the same.moment as he vaulted himself off the attacker, generated two magma blades and countered the blister with one and stabbed the other straight through the field onto the other side.

That other side of the peeking blade, flickered with light and then shot out into a spray of magma shards that buried itself in the mummy’s sockets, neck and upper chest. Part of the arm and shoulder. In the same instant that occured, Ark maneuvered the hand parrying the sword of the mummy with a surprising amount of strength and force, that flung the blade onto the ground but ended up with one wrist being caught before he could drive the other magma sword into the creature and finish the job.

The ground vibrated, barely noticeable to the others. Instinctive as a result of his irritation at how little his magic was making an impact, his magic also responded to the anger. The earth mage, not.even realizing what he was subtly doing, let the weapon carrying hand that pierced the shield release the handle and his armored right arm gained a series of jagged spikes that shot out from where he was being grabbed. Slicing through the Undead’s hand and with a vicious jerking motion, severing the wrist from the rest of the arm.

Ark didn't stop there, he used the advantage of his height and size, reached around the undead quickly in a bear hug like motion and from his armored layers, where he had conjured dust to settle around it, he hardened, shaped and manipulated the dust for them to become spikes that pierced into the undead all over where he grabbed, turning it into his personal pin cushion, shredded by thirty different spikes that he dissipated so he smoothly released the undead warrior as it crumpled motionlessly to the ground. Hole punched in different ways, but certain to not rise again.

Mentions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

Interactions: RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul
Nadia Semyonov - LA - Venus Lounge
As the formalities were swiftly dealt with and the man stood up to lead them to a connected elevator, Nadia had a feeling what they would see next would be displeasing. Or at least to some of them. No matter how well spoken he may be, his sheer size, disposition and minimalist attitude marked him as an enforcer. He likely handled many things the Family rather not come into the open. Nadia had turned her own life around early on, but organized crime was rife in the camps, or those bugs that ran when it was the first chance of danger.

The elevator ride was cramped, thankfully no one seemed eager to speak, though not being explained where they were going was a bit aggravating. He had also misjudged why she asked that. This was a deal under the table, there would be questionable things to happen here, and at least one of her number would have something to say. As the Elevator arrived at a stop, the black suited woman followed, looking at the decor that surrounded them. It was a bit gaudy, but she expected something worse, still this was likely not a place many seen.

What as next however, the matter-of-fact conversation, the interrogation room, and the tortured man they had in holding, one Viktor Chavez. While some would expect such a thing to only have been done by a Mafia or Syndicate, the rich were also known, via proxies to do the same or worse. From slave labor factories to death squads in South America employed by major food companies out of the US, to hiring mercenaries armed to the teeth for defense or having to deal with industrial espionage, thier hands were not bloodless and many such cases of wonton excess was wiped from the public memory. Such was the dangerous of Capitalism left to run free.

"As if the police could have stopped me, the words that the only mostly sane one had to offer me were barely of any value. What makes this one any different? And are you and yours sure his information was useful? And just what information did he give?" She wasn't going to ask the ultimate fate of this man, nor did she care to plead for his human rights, he was just barely better than the ones they grabbed, and the only fate that awaited him was to disappear. Waiting for an answer from Charles, she also braced for any of her team stepping out of line.

Interactions/Mentions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Dani) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Adrian) Merciless Medic Merciless Medic (Sara - Raph) The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu (Noise)
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Maria Mayer - Vale of Ffestiniog, Gwynedd, Wales

With the space she was given, Maria was more than happy to avoid others, in truth she had long since finished her repairs, she even took the time to help the branch office with what few things that were on hand for her touch. It was calming in its own right. Those here all had one form or another of problems. And some space, or attention in a few cases was the best way of dealing with it. In either case, Maria seemed rather happy with the downtime. Still, it seemed the casual nature of this branch bled through in its work and what they knew or could be sent on, through the hills and far away, into the lands of the Welsh.

"This land has a long and troubled history, ironic in a manner. We have little in terms of leads to go on, so asking the cat may be the best option. It is that or wandering the hills and swamps of this valley. Given their connections with my own people, they may be more willing to give me answers, but be warned, he or she will likely seek out some form of amusement at our expense. Or give a half answer. However, at the least with my being here, they may not be offended or malicious for your presence being here... Well, Wren is an exception. Otherwise, we could just wander the valley and try to draw her attention."

Stating her own opinion as her human sized doll walked behind them, with her cloak regained, Maria for her part staying towards the back of the group, pointing towards the church off in the distance. "Though it is odd, with a graveyard you would expect this place to have a Parish, a priest on call to tend to it. Surely it is not the cat, is it?"

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Elly) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Midori) The Regal Rper The Regal Rper (Zosar) Haze- Haze- (Wren)

Maentwrog, Vale of Ffestiniog, Gwynedd, Wales​

Maria had several good points and if the group were to investigate the nearby church, flash their badge, and ask a few translated questions, they would in fact have learned that there are in fact two local priests that use the church grounds and a Parish, though the graveyard itself is maintained in part via a lot of local volunteers. As one might expect, many locals living there now dated back generations. Keeping up the graveyard wasn't that far off taking care of their own. That was a fairly universal gesture most understood.

While all information was great to have, it wouldn't have provided any insight on this Monster Cat. They could have asked all day and not received an answer about a Monster Cat. The locals here knew nothing about Monster Cats, their folklore had nothing comparable, and the creatures could hide in plain site as humans. When traveling the world, this would prove to be a problem. What was common knowledge at the DWMA wasn't in other parts of the world in the same way their local superstitions were complete mysterious to most agents.

Though, they might have picked up on old stories about a black dog that guarded the graveyard, and a few ghosts of those that had died on the railway.

Even should they have tried to pick up information before a direct confrontation, the situation would prove that said confrontation would be the best way to follow this specific lead. The Monster Cat in human form was a short fellow. Black, unkempt hair, eyes of gold that seemed to glow, and a lithe figure that seemed to flow like a fluid, as if he could just melt into the jacket he wore. He wasn't menacing or aggressive, but wasn't exactly open or inviting. The closer they got to him, the more Wren would be susceptible to that new, odd sensation that made the existence of this particular creature infuriating. It wasn't inherently hunger as was her Madness, though could be misconstrued as such. It was more territorial. Destructive, almost, as if that creature should not be there.

The Monster Cat himself was in one of the rows further away from the church, sitting by rows of much newer headstones. He may have been a monster by soul, but all that he did was human. He had a sullen stare down to one of the headstones, a pained look of loss, perhaps riddled with a touch of anger and a little despair. It wasn't until the agents grew close that his body language changed. By the time they were in eyesight, his body was already stiffened. His focus on the headstones lost. He now felt panicked, like a cornered animal. In no small part because he was.

Monster Cats were known to flee. Their fight or flight instincts were commonly on flight, unless they viewed a target as prey. Then they might just toy with them, using whatever magic they had at their disposal. This Monster Cat was quite sure the group in front of him were not prey. He could sense the feral conflict between himself and Wren and even more damning, he knew Maria had the Soul of Sorcerer. He dared not cross both a werewolf and a Witch.

That said, even if wanted to initially run, there was a plan here. Kisei was a Hoshi assassin after all. Having him stealthily near the Monster Cat while Elly kept tabs with those special eyes meant they could ultimately get closer to the creature before it had a chance to dart off, as they were prone to do.

This Monster Cat did in fact have that flight response, but something about his depressed state kept him from acting on it. His soul wreaked of sadness. That and he was old enough to be logical. He may have appeared a teen, but he was much older. If a Witch, a werewolf, and two markedly strong souls were approaching him, chances are, he wasn't going to be able to outrun them to begin with. Furthermore, he hadn't really done anything wrong, so he wasn't sure why there might be a group of hunters after him. It was just too much to deal with. If they were going to kill him, they could at least make it quick. If capture was their goal, then going in easy meant he might get a comfortable ride.

"ydych chi'n helwyr neu ai hwn yn unig yw fy niwrnod lwcus?" [Are you hunters or is this just my lucky day?] the Monster Cat asked, speaking in the native tongue. Even with the language barrier, his lack of enthusiasm for this encounter was plain as day. He didn't pay the group of a lot of attention with his physical body language, either. He didn't turn to them, at least not fully. His hands stayed in his pockets, his head only lifted up briefly when he spoke to them, then back down to the grave.

The Regal Rper The Regal Rper RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Haze- Haze-


Sara MiddletonSerious Texas.jpg
Date: September 20, 2067
Location: Under Venus Lounge, Malibu, California
Interactions: Raph, Noise, Nadia, Dani, Adrian, Charles
Mentions: N/A
Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul The Regal Rper The Regal Rper

Nadia spoke of… God? Didn’t the man say he didn’t much care for religion? Why talk about it?

Well, she must have had her reasons, likely it was some kind of insight or test. Of which, the man didn’t seem to open up or say anything more on the subject, instead explaining his own situation succinctly, getting up, and having an elevator open behind him after saying they shouldn’t be walking around the Lounge, of which Sara wouldn’t want to anyway. First of all, he was fucking gigantic and her eyes widened as she silently regarded his height and width with awe. Secondly, she stared at the opening doors and blinked a few times, as if realizing that it indeed looked like a wall and now it moved and showed there was something in there. Sneaky.

They all went down the elevator, Sara squishing herself in the corner because elevators made her a little anxious and she didn’t want to be completely surrounded, even if it were by people she knew.

When they were escorted through the halls, the metallic scent of blood hit Sara’s nose as they got deeper in. It was when they finally were met with an informant on the throes of their “interrogation” did she fully understand what Nadia meant by ‘you will likely see worse’ right after giving Nadia a lengthy apology back at the DWMA.

Steeling herself, she gripped her fists tightly before easing back to a more relaxed state, trying not to let pay too much attention to the man before her. Butchering a dead body for consumption was something she was used to, but butchering a live body - even if it was to help in something they were doing that would lead to a good result - didn’t sit well with her.

Still, it was something she’d have to tolerate. Was this something her mother had to witness herself?

The idea that the DWMA would even allow this was astonishing, but given the DWMA needed a third party who weren’t afraid or had the means to hide their illegal actions made sense. It just made her stomach churn.

If this were clear-cut though, it was obvious that there were no leniencies that were usually given to civilians, everyone was in the wrong. But because they needed to dabble in darkness to fight the dark… This was hurting her mind, but she was going to behave as best as she was able.

Nadia was obviously unphased by it, but the most troubling Sara felt was how unphased Raphael looked staring at the man. Was that… Glee she was smelling from his soul?

The fuck was wrong with their mage???

All Sara could do was stay silent and look the other way. She really didn’t want to complicate things between the Morningstars and the DWMA.

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Raphael ValeriasChara7.jpg
Date: September 20, 2067
Location: Under Venus Lounge, Malibu, California
Interactions: Sara, Noise, Nadia, Dani, Adrian, Charles
Mentions: N/A
Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul The Regal Rper The Regal Rper

Charles was… Intimidating. In an… oddly attractive way, and Raphael absolutely hated it.

Raph just didn’t want his team lead to see into his soul to see that, so he kept himself still in mind. At least, he tried.

The man’s size did not help as he stood up to lead them under the lounge via an elevator that was perfectly hidden, and Raphael’s eyes practically ogled at the smooth flushness the doors had, not even noticing it was there to begin with. Fascinating!

As they were escorted further into the underbelly of the lounge, where Raphael knew criminal undertakings took place, it was when he saw the man - Viktor - before them that Raphael started feeling a very familiar sensation.

Raphael liked torture. It wasn’t something he did all the time, nor was he able to do a lot of. He’d have bursts here and there where he wouldn’t be able to contain himself and lashed out due to anger to hurt those who slighted him.

Information went one ear and out the other as he regarded Viktor with a subtly twisted smirk, glee in his eyes at seeing the poor man in this state. That’s what he gets for allying with the madness cult. If someone were to withhold information on something so vile, they should surely get punished for it.

This necessary evil Charles conducted was no exception. Raphael knew fully well that they all should be punished if they were ever found to withhold information about the goings-on of Charles’ work, from both Charles and anybody else who thought them cowards and disgusting for allowing such crude tactics for information to be used in such a way.

In fact… It left him feeling oddly calm.

He noticed Sara looking at him, but he didn’t care. She was probably appalled at his more-than-positive reaction to seeing the man sitting there, bleeding and incomplete as if they tore off pieces of him - pruning him like a bonsai tree to show the most pretty leaves and see the most compelling information.

He looked at Nadia and Charles, awaiting what other news Charles was willing to give.

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Sara & NadiaSara Headshot.png1705009979450.png
Apology - September 20th - DWMA, Death City
After Sara helped Noise - whether Noise took it or not - the werewolf set her eyes on their team lead. Sighing and feeling a whole bundle of nerves, she knew that things could get worse if she didn’t try to amend them, and considering she herself was the reason for their worsening relations, Sara needed to come forward first and admit her wrongs.

Sara walked up to Nadia, her ears pinned back as she gazed up at her with a remorseful look. “Nadia… Can I speak to you in private please?” She hoped that would be the case, otherwise it would be heavily embarrassing. At least Cyrus wasn’t right there listening in.

Pausing mid step, Nadia exhaled a bit, casting a glance down at the other, she decided to at least humor her. ”Very well, do you have a place in mind, or do we wait here for the rest to leave?”

Sara shook her head at the question, wordlessly walking over to an adjacent hallway away from the others so they may talk semi-privately. Sighing, she fiddled with her jacket’s zipper before finally steeling herself and turning to face her. “Look, I know I was pretty unfair. I’m still very icky about the whole thing that happened during April Fools, and for a second - whether it was my own judgment or the anxiety I was feeling from Eva, I can’t tell - I thought you were one of those terrorist dolls. Maybe it was both because I know I’m mostly to blame, if not completely. Now that I’m not holding Eva and have a much clearer mind and can see what I have done with better clarity, I deeply regret what I have done and said. I should have had more trust in you, and hearing that you did your best despite the appearance of your actions when you didn’t really need to do all that due to what we’re dealing with - which I also understand must be difficult for you because of your past - I understand that I was in the wrong. You have more experience than me in these things and I shouldn’t have had my own past problems cause you any issue, especially when we’re in the middle of a life-or-death madness situation.” For the whole time she was apologizing and showing that she did indeed understand, she looked Nadia in the eyes, unwavering in her remorse. As soon as she was done, she bowed her head in guilt and shame. “I’ll be better from now on and I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again, but I understand if you don’t trust me right now. I’m deeply sorry.”

Pausing to listen to what all Sara had to reply, at first her jaw seemed to clench, as if angry before exhaling and switching back to her more usual grump looking expression. There was a lot being said there, and a lot that needed to be said in kind.

“I have a way I do things, you do not share the same. Though know this, working with the DWMA you will see things that are not so clear cut, if we were just heroes then most of the world would not just tolerate us at best. Over the course of this mission you will likely see worse. You were in your dome, though touched with Madness, in the outside world, much destruction was had, much death, it is a miracle in most regards that society even continues to function, though I guess that is not true of everywhere.

The point is, when a madness outbreak is happening, purges become a must. As to being a Doll;”
Nadia narrowed her eyes, staring right into those of Sara, with a hint of what, challenge? Fanaticism? Nightmares of long ago, or martial valor? Either way, those harsh blue eyes bore in on the other.

“I will do what is needed to save the most lives, to do my Duty. If I were out to just save my own skin, I would have not organized the survivors, though the DWMA needed our help, the situation did not allow for us to actually help. My own opinions of the DWMA have sunk in most regards, in fact it is likely for Dani’s sake I still try. With the orders I had given at that Mall, well you could sense what was off with them, and three were not among them, something only sure when we were in close. You must adapt a given mission to the new realities found within it, however do not mistake my duty for Sympathy. Let me ask you Sara, should you wish to continue this work, what if we run into a bloodsucker that looks like a child, or in fact a child serving as the anchoring point for madness? Or an Elderly person?”

At first, Sara was apprehensive. She knew Nadia was a very harsh person, but she wasn’t expecting the oddly sweet sentiment that came, even if it likely wasn’t supposed to sound sweet. She nodded in understanding to her warning. This mission was her test in keeping sealed lips and following orders. As much as she wanted to right things back to some clear-cut black-and-white thing, it wasn’t feasible and she couldn’t expect the world to work like that. Even though it hurt. Though, Nadia wasn’t the only one with a low opinion of the DWMA, as Noah expressed his own disdain in the past and even rather recently.

When Nadia was suddenly staring at her with intensity, Sara had actually stared back, but not with as much intensity but determination instead. She listened, and then answered Nadia without missing a beat. “If it’s a Bloodsucker yet they look like a child, they have likely had countless years to hurt others because of their innocent looks, so they must die so they may not trick and hurt anyone else. If a child is an anchoring point for madness, it is highly likely the child is suffering immensely and must find release, even if it is from death. Same for the elderly, but for the elderly they don’t have too much longer to live anyway.” She then looked off anxiously to the side. “But uh… I… barely even sensed the three that were mostly untouched by madness in that mall. The smell was so strong that I couldn’t even tell who was which or if they were even okay. I just thought it came from the food, to be honest.” Sighing, she shook her head.

“Regardless, I’ll trust in what you perceive with your eyes. My ocular soul perception is worse than yours, and potent smells can hide much-needed information from my olfactory soul perception. I’ll be putting more trust in your soul perception, just let me know because I might not be able to tell if the smell is too strong.” She gave a light-hearted chuckle and smile. She knew they weren’t better, but it was a start at least and that’s all she could hope for.

”I may do things harsh as you will see them, but I shall not do anything to sully my honor. I don’t believe in sawing off the foot to save the toes. Or whatever you wish to call it. The point is I’m not just going to slaughter innocents, but situations may get out of control or need to be stopped at once at risk to others. I will always lead into danger. Still, you have more important things to deal with now. That partner of yours, I will find the details later, but unless you can bridge to her, then you will just be a liability. Best of luck? Still, I will tell you a little bit of wisdom as it were…”

With that, Nadia took a more neutral expression and backed her gaze towards the doorway. “Trust in your abilities and in your decisions, while history may not judge them as well as you do, to question all that you do and will do, you will never know any respite. Also, I will accept this apology, but I do not wish for you to be sorry, be better. Use the chain of command to speak with me before acting if you believe my actions are not correct.

Ah that's right, the expression, to cut off your nose, to spite your face.”

Hearing that Nadia actually accepted her apology made Sara feel a ton better. She also had some worries about Noise, so Nadia wasn’t alone there, and her analogies were pretty funny even if morbid. But in some wisdom regarding her questioning herself, Sara smiled. “Thank you. And I will be better, I know you prefer action over words. As for Noise, I’ve dealt with people like her. Noah was pretty much like her before I got to him, I’m pretty much an asshole conversion camp. I got this in the bag, don’t worry.” She smiled wide, tail wagging happily now. “Thank you again.” With a little head bow, she ran down the hall to catch up to where everybody else was at so they may all leave together.

Collabed with RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun


The Venus Lounge, Malibu, CA​

"Good question," Charles responded, seeing that Nadia had already began on the same train of logic that led the entire group to where they were now. Of course, Charles had more information, but that was only due to his considerably longer time on the task. Even still, it was good to see the leader of this group on the same rails he was. It made the whole exchange easier.

"It should make more sense if I share some of our findings with you," Charles added, giving at least a small level of insight as to the fact there was more.

"Before we move on, there is another point issue to address," he told them, "we've captured eighty-eight targets and in that time learned a lot. For example, I doubt you guys even know that the priests and Bishops appear to have something akin to magic."

Charles raised his eyebrows towards the group. It was neither surprising nor really the end of the world, especially to someone resistant like Nadia. Regardless, information was information.

"It's a nasty little form of magic, too. Uses the blood. It's volatile. Lost a good man from an infection it caused," he went on, "which is why I intend on offering you lot some of the equipment we've been using to combat it." Right around the time Charles explained his intentions, the doors opened up to reveal a man and a woman both in black suits, both of obvious employment of Charles. They stood at the door with their hands held in front of them, awaiting instructions.

"It's optional, of course, but I would highly suggest you at the very least have an antidote synthesized in the event you get infected," he told them, "Hailie and Palmer will take you to the workshop and my man there will explain all that you can receive from us."

With that out of the way, Charles returned his attention to Nadia and Dani. Adrian seemed intent on staying with them over going to the workshop, though would have left if Nadia gave the instruction. Charles didn't care either way, instead reassuring Nadia, "You'll have time to get yourself outfitted, too, should you want it."

He then turned his attention back to Viktor. A disgusting fellow he wouldn't mind purging from the Earth, but for the moment, he was quite literally a necessary evil.

"There is a specific way we have pried information from these cultists," Charles told her, "as no amount of torture or conventional means worked."

"You see, once they get far enough in their transition, they begin to submit to anyone higher up in the chain than them," he explained, "with a little sleight of hand and deception, we convinced plenty of cultists to share what they knew. They thought it was Viktor asking them, after all."

Charles then turned back to Nadia and Dani, his eyes now expressly falling to the pink-haired Demon Weapon. "Until now, we didn't have anyone that might outrank Viktor... but if the rumors are true, there's a chance we can work around that," he told them.

Meanwhile, anyone that would have followed Hallie and Palmer would have been taken to the area known as the workshop. It wasn't nearly as fancy as a place like the magitech labs, but it didn't have to be. Much like the rest of this underground facility, the workshop itself was pretty plain to the point of sterile. Illuminated with fluorescent lights, with only three others present inside the area, it seemed. None of them were in lab coats or any type of wardrobe that would designate them as engineer or scientist. Simple slacks and a button down for the men and a skirt for the woman. It was far less impressive than anything that came to mind when one thought of the Morningstars or the Venus Lounge.

That said, what hid behind the mundane nature of the workshop was actually quite impressive. A massive scanner and printer to weave them full body carbon-weave outerwear, a science lab tucked away in the corner where the aforementioned antidote was manufactured. They would soon learn it required a pinprick of their blood as each antidote serum had to be tailored to the person receiving it. More over, there were an odd assortment of weapons around. Specialized bullets and grenades, many of which were loaded up with a specialized fibrin concoction. When it came into contact with blood, it would harden it like cement. A powerful weapon against these cultists.

The room had an assortment of items that could also be printed for them, had anyone asked. According to Palmer, the cultists were most dangerous if there was exposed wounds or open blood. And, as mentioned before, blood was integral to their magic. Raphael should have been aware that blood magic was absurdly powerful and volatile, meaning that there was plenty of reason to take these suggestions to heart. Even if these carbon weave garments only prevented a single cut, that might just be the difference between life and death. Assuming, that is, they hadn't grown so arrogant to believe these cultists were of no threat to them.

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu



Eloise Keegan - Vale of Ffestiniog, Gwynedd, Wales
"Who knows," Elly mused in response to Maria's ending comments about the cats. The meister didn't have all that much experience with the creatures, though she did know of them. They were, well, cats for all that entailed. "The worst it could be is a waste of time," She added.

As they reached the cemetery with the cat in question, Elly noted it looked quite young, though that was likely a trick. As with most magical creatures, they often looked younger than her whilst also being centuries older. Aside from physical appearances, his soul reeked of depression, drooping and swaying with sorrow as it stared at the grave. It didn't run, or try to, which was another clue of its maturity, or perhaps it just didn't care.

Elly held her palms up as an gesture of peace, using her phone as a makeshift translator to bridge the language barrier.
"Not hunters. Believe it or not, we noticed you out of happenstance and figured we'd ask," She prefaced, making it clear they weren't on some cat hunt. "We've heard that there's a Hag in the area. We're seeking her out to barter with her. Don't suppose you would know anything that could point us in the right direction?"

Straightforward and honest, perhaps a surprise from Elly of all people. Her tone was gentle and disarming, not throwing weight or titles around. However, the fact she wasn't outright brandishing their affiliation was also perhaps a consequence of her trip to Romania and how well that turned out.
"Sorry for intruding as well... I just figure you may have been here long enough to have heard something the other locals haven't."

RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Haze- Haze- Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul


Daniella Ethalyn - Venus Lounge
Dani was already well pissed off courtesy of Cyrus, which wasn't exactly a new development. However, after the testing and Fool's Festival, she thought he had at least mellowed out slightly. Yet her opinion had retracted back to square one. Aside from the stupidity of it in and of itself, using Adrian in that manner ticked her off to no end, but there was nothing to be done now except pat him on the back.

The club was quite extravagant, though nothing Dani was all that interested in. Stuff like this wasn't her scene, and the more bougie the premises the more out of place she felt. The interior, the decor, furniture, people. It all just put her on edge, made her more conscious of everything as if she had to take extra care not to break something. To make her point, enter Charles.

First thing he does is pull out a chilled glass, pour some scotch, and say something that sounded like it was out of a mafia movie.

Dani folded her arms and let Nadia do the talking. Places like this always made her feel weird for talking too, as if her sailor's mouth was unwelcome. That was just the air the surrounded it. The bougie floors, walls, lighting, desks, huge-ass man.

"...fuck me," Dani murmured unintentionally as the man stood up. In her defense, fucker was bigger than Nadia, even.

Dani's eyes followed him skeptically. All his movements and mannerisms were dramatic, which just made her more on edge. She already didn't really trust these people, and when the guy revealed a secret elevator in the wall, Dani's feeling didn't shift. In fact, it worsened. The elevator ride was quiet and cramped, and as they were ushered out to see the Morningstar's guest, Dani's expression shifted to one of disgust as she cringed.

"Eugh-What the fuck-" She remarked to no one in particular.

Her eyes briefly settled on Raph, narrowing in aversion. Of course the freak-twink was happy.

Dani scowled, shoving her hands in her pockets just to have a place to put them. She wasn't exactly squeamish, but it was a bit different seeing the results of a battle and seeing the results of a torture. The Demon Sword kept her eyes averted, trying to find something else to focus on as Charles provided some of their intel. That was, until, his eyes settled on her.

Did they know? Who was she kidding, of course they knew. They had sources everywhere.

"...We tried questioning them, the only guy who even talked to us was some dude who wasn't completely invested yet. The transitioned ones just start babbling at us," Dani stated pointedly.

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu


Thaddeus Thales


Species Human
Partner Noah Wiley, Arkayis Misonuka
Rank Fate Agent

Location New Temple, Egypt
Mission TBD
Status Focused


Resonance was a powerful thing. Gauss feeding his wavelength into Arkayis for him to amplify, only for it to be cycled back to Gauss multiplicatively stronger and more resolute. Then, in the end, for all of that raw spiritual power to take form around Arkayis where it was first amplified. This series of steps resulted in a Weapon Amplification form, though this time slightly different than when it was used on their previous missions.

Under normal circumstances, this larger, more powerful form for Arky was lit a constant blaze of blue flame with the only exception being on the attack when that flame was tamed into sapphire jets of even more intense heat. This was the first time the form had ever been manifested without the flames, oddly making it a first for both Meister and Weapon.

In his enhanced form, the head of his scythe not only grew, it became mirrored and even oversized to such an extent its blades were as wide as the polearm was tall. The spearheaded tip became even more pronounced, and the spiritual energy that was a mixture of both Gauss and Arkayis swirled around like a night sky with neon trim along the sharpest points of the form. Oversized, no doubt, though not as much as it was normally with the addition of flames. Still, it was an absurd weapon to be seen no doubt.

Absurd especially for their antiquated target who had never seen a Demon Weapon thus had no idea these colossal weapons were nigh-weightless for their wielders.

The connection between Gauss and Arkayis now was close. Given that they couldn’t burn the lich, which was Arkayis preferred method of slaughter, they defaulted to his second favorite: overkill. Gauss followed the spear Ark had launched almost immediately, and made the only attack he cared to guide specifically himself: a slash through the upper torso of the lich that would cleave off his head and shoulders in one fell swoop, even cutting through the Undead Soul held in his chest.

Soon though one slice turning into another, the Blue flames around the Scythe intensified, as they fell into a repetitive back and forth motion. Until what was once seen as a body, could only be considered a mass of burnt off pieces of flesh. Even after everything was done, torrent of Blue Flames protruded from the spearhead of Arkayis burning the pieces of flesh till it was basically charred beyond recognition.

Gauss wasn't exactly appeased by the use of flame when there had been a discussion not to, but at the least Arkayis had diced the commander into small enough chunks that the flames require to incinerate his dry-rotted flesh were minimal by comparison. It might have been a torrent of flames, but it was a short torrent. Such was the nature of his fire anyway. Regardless, it did make Gauss more aware of the fact they were still captive within this particular room. Inevitable suffocation wasn't precisely how he wanted to die and at this point, he was fairly sure Feng and Ark could easily handle the remainder of the targets.

He instead wanted to deal with the door. With Chain Resonance, normal Resonance, and Wes helping it all become significantly stronger, Gauss at the moment felt his raw strength reach a peak it simply hadn't ever. He recalled from their mission in Romania with the boulders that brute strength could in fact be a solution. That alongside the fact these ancient guardians likely never considered strength on par with modern Meisters.

Gauss didn't worry about the enemies, lest they unleash an attack on him. Instead, he wanted to continue this momentum of clearing obstacles. He ran over to the shut door and with a mighty swing, tried to lodge the over-sized, amplified scythe end of Arkayis into it its corner as a hook. Then, he rammed the spearhead of this weapon form into the ground and created a lever. Simple physics. With his amplified strength and leverage, Gauss intended to simply haul the door open with sheer brute strength if it was an option. If it was held in place simply by its mass, this wouldn't be too tough of a task. If it was held in place by some trapping mechanism, then it would all come down to design. He was fairly certain he could overpower a brass or stone lock or break through bolts of solid stone.

Solid stone was hardly a struggle for any of the Meisters at their skill level presently. Though, he did at least try to split his attention in the event he had to deflect, dodge, or otherwise react with Noah.

Maria Mayer - Vale of Ffestiniog, Gwynedd, Wales

Listening to the translation offered by the phone, Maria pondered briefly if it would be prudent to start studying other languages. Unfortunately, the humans have too many. The humans... When did I start thinking that way? She thought to herself but did not yet dare voice, over the course of all she learned and all she had done, she just found things like this to be tedious. English was the language principle of the United Kingdom yet here was this hold out. In fact if one were take to learning the most commonly used languages, then there were twelve to thirteen. Such wasteful inefficiencies, and for what reason? Well, maybe those most common thirteen would be worth humoring.

Well, that was neither here nor there, as Maria spoke out, joining in with Elly, close enough so the Phone could translate. "We mean you no harm, they are not hunting magical beings, I am one of the children of the magnus after all." With that she flashed a visible green glowing wisp of wind magic in the palm of her hand before dismissing it. "It is as she says, we wish to barter with this hag, though, it seems you are preoccupied with this... Is someone you know buried here?" Maria asked, gesturing at the graves or grave the monster cat seemed fixated on.

Interactions: EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen (Elly) Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul (Midori) The Regal Rper The Regal Rper (Zosar) Haze- Haze- (Wren)

Sara MiddletonSara Headshot.png
Date: September 20, 2067
Location: Under Venus Lounge, Malibu, California
Interactions: Noise, Raph
Mentions: Adrian, Nadia, Dani, Charles
Chibistaryuu Chibistaryuu RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul

Sara listened intently to the knowledge that was being given. Eighty-eight targets was a lot of people, so surely they had gotten more information than her team did just having a cursory look for the better part of a day. When she heard of blood magic, her own blood ran cold.

That had to be awful…

Sara looked over at the door the man and woman stood at. Optional? Yeah, Sara was going to take that immediately. She looked up at Noise, her concern knitting her brows together, then her eyes fell on Charles.

They should probably get this.

Sara looked up at Nadia, lightly pulling at her sleeve to see if she’ll allow them to go get this equipment early. Having an antidote would be nice.

And frankly, Sara really didn’t want to hear how they pried information from the cultists, nor did she want to look at the man right now. But she did pocket away that information about using the connection of a higher-up to get the information. How? She could probably figure it out unless Nadia and Dani were told of this later.

Getting a dismissing wave from Nadia, Sara nodded for Noise to follow her wordlessly before walking over to the two people standing guard and entering the workshop. Her eyes went wide. There was just so much stuff, she had no idea where to even start. She practically heard the mini stifled squealing of Raphael - who had appeared beside her - at the knickknacks and doodads. As it was explained to them - about the carbon-weave outerwear and the antidote that required their pinprick of blood, as well as an assortment of blood-related weapons - Sara felt a bit overwhelmed. She quickly figured out what she needed first though: the antidote. And to have the pinprick be done with as it just made her stomach flip into knots just thinking about it.

With some ideas from Raphael, Sara also asked for a jacket and pants made out of this carbon-weave stuff. Sara didn’t want to have her blood be exposed to these cultists if what Palmer said was true.


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