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Fandom Soul Eater: F.A.T.E


Noah & Dani & Nadia1677211198221.png1677211211721.png1677211322612.png

Location: Death City Apartments -> Mechanical Bull Ride -> Elephant Ear Vendor -> Stone Vendor, Fool’s Festival
April 1, 2067

Alright, now that Noah was goofed up to high heaven, he was ready. He wondered if Dani would attempt to dress up in something nice or absurdly. Eh, oh well. Looking like something a jester barfed up on a good day, he made his way to the apartment Dani and Nadia lived.

Making her way down and out one of the main doors, it seemed Nadia was first to join up, as she looked at Noah she scoffed, of course, for a Death Damned fools festival they would play the part. All the more reason to just sit up in her room, but it was too late now. “Tch. Figures this wouldn’t be an actual dance so much as holiday stupidity… I should have just stayed with the Record player. I’ll stay here and see if Dani wants to change into something more casual however..” Eyeing the other over, she did want to just turn around, but she had said she would stay here.

Dani was soon to appear after Nadia, pausing after she exited the front doors in a red dress. As her eyes cast against Noah, her face portrayed her thoughts pretty blatantly. Processing, then holding it back, and finally…

“Pft-HahahaHoly shit! What the fuck happened?” She managed through stifled laughter.

Noah snickered as Nadia came out, knowing she really wasn’t going to enjoy this whole party shindig, but that was fine. It was Dani’s expression that had him genuinely laughing and he shrugged. “Ah, I had Gauss ‘n’ our new partner dress me up. It’s completely idiotic but I never felt better for it. Which… ‘s odd.” He stared off into space for a moment, as if contemplating all of his life choices and why he didn’t feel so gross with himself, disappointed, or whatever other emotion there was. He then shrugged and looked at what they were wearing. “I can’t tell if I’m underdressed ‘r overdressed though. Ya wanna go walkin’ around in dresses?”

“I made the mistake of thinking this holiday was remotely serious, though I guess to be in the spirit of things I can get Dani and I some sort of masquerade mask.” Nadia says in response, looking at him and sighing. “I may have a couple, or a shop on the way may sell them.”

“Well, it’s either this or some casual shit… I don’t got a clown costume and I wouldn’t wear it if I did,” Dani remarked, glancing over to Nadia with a deadpan. “And why would you have masquerade masks? …Either way, think I’ll just buy a mask there. It’s not like my dress is one of those stuffy, uncomfortable ones.”

Noah - having been forced to wear the lamp leg dress with a brazier, fishnets, a wig, with a Guy Fawkes mask on his head - felt absolutely ridiculous and he loved it. It seemed they were contemplating on just going to buy it, even though Nadia thought about going back. Noah shrugged, stuffing his hands in whatever pocket he could find and walked towards the direction of the festival. “This’s the festival of fools after all. What they’re serious ‘bout is havin’ fun.” He stretched his arms up and looked over his shoulder at them. “Pretty sure they got plenty of stalls for literally anythin’ you want. We’ll find masks ‘n’ more for ya.”

“Fun.” A snort of contempt from Nadia as she walked along, finding a pair of masks that she felt suited them. Both from some sort of barbarians themed store, for Dani she got a mask that was the upper half of a bear’s head and for herself a Valkyrie helmet.

“Fun enough I guess, now what, why are both of us here?” Nadia asks.

"Maybe you should dress up more often if it's so fun," Dani teased with a chuckle, one that showed she was more amused than Nadia was. As they came upon the stalls and Nadia picked out masks, the pink-haired girl looked up at her with a smirk. "Medved… looks like you found a way to have some fun," She said, referring to the other's choice. "Not really sure… haven't been to this thing in years."

Should he dress up more often? He shrugged at Dani’s tease. “Eh, I’m too lazy to do it pretty much ever.” Noah watched them grab something to wear, trying not to laugh at how ridiculous they both look with such proper dresses and then silly masks. At the question of what they are supposed to be doing, Noah shrugged. “Well, there’s game stands.” He pointed to some stands. One of them in particular could win them a stuffed animal of their choice if they threw rings around bottle necks, among other carnival booth games. “Buy somethin’.” There were tons of those around, and he didn’t need to gesture towards any one of them. Many of these booths had freelance tailors, charm makers, and artists selling their creations. Others just had food. “‘N’ some simple rides.” Noah pointed to a couple of distant rides. Merry-go-rounds, ferris wheels, and some other more interesting rides that weren’t as big as a roller coaster (as there weren’t any), but they still had some thrill in being ridden. The Hurricane being one of them, two hammer-shaped rides swinging themselves around in opposite rotations.

“But tha’s all here. If ya want to potentially prank others, there’s always the DWMA area. Sara would always drag me to these events ‘n’ I had brought two cartons of eggs to egg people one time.” He sighed, chuckling as he reminisced. “Anyway, I think they got some new magitech ‘n’ magical toys in the DWMA area, as well as a stand-up comedy stand, ‘n’ Joker Joustin’. So,” He turned to see the two in full, his eyes looking tired, yet he seemed to have quite the energy. “What’re ya willin’ to do?”

“I’ll just leave Dani to answer that, I’m just a third wheel, though the less the better, heh.” Nadia says, throwing the matter over to Dani, before pausing. “I’m not going to go egging people. Rides may be okay, games, eh.”

"Games are probably a bust unless you want her to start cursing in Russian for the game being rigged," Dani remarked, nudging the other woman. Though, she was probably the worst with anger. "No roller coaster, but a couple of the rides could be cool. Then food, then maybe the nerd stuff I guess?"

Noah first spoke to Nadia, peering at her from over his shoulder. “I don’t mind hearin’ colorful Russian words. Besides, yer with us, not jus’ a third wheel, Nadia. I did ask Dani, but I wasn’t gonna keep ya from joinin’, let alone not have anythin’ to do either.” He then looked over to Dani. “‘N’ Dani, ya lucky. There’re no roller coasters to be unwillingly dragged in.” He grinned mischievously, as if he would actually do that to one of them if they were available. Man, Sara had been rubbing off on him. “I heard there’s some retro game stands if ya interested. Pretty sure ya two’d be fun to watch doin’ Joker Joustin’ though. Basically get on a horse, dress up in a jester outfit, ‘n’ use a lance with a pie at the end to hit yer opponent as ya both charge at each other. Quite strangely entertainin’. Though, when we do get on DWMA grounds, be ready to get pranked on. Be amusin’ seein’ ya crack skulls over it though.” Noah chuckled, grinning like he’s scheming something.

The trio passed by a couple calmer rides, but one Noah did find interesting was a bull riding machine. Due to some of its users being trained meisters, weapons, and monsters, it had a couple settings all made to throw you off into a moat of water with some apples floating around. The bull was dressed up in a silly jester outfit that barely fit its proportions, as if the very fabric was straining to keep on the base body form of a bull. What was a bit sillier was a face drawn on its head: eyes with an angry, challenging furrow of its brow and sharp teeth in a smile.

“How ‘bout that one?” He gestured to it.

“I ain’t afraid of rollercoasters!” Dani retorted with a huff. It wasn’t as if they would have the chance to prove her wrong this day either. The joust didn’t sound particularly amusing to her, and she couldn’t ride a horse. Inside the DWMA was a warzone it sounded like. The other rides were probably the best bet.

She watched Noah eye the mechanical bull, and Dani raised a brow. “What, you wanna try that? Shouldn’t be that difficult, given we’re all trained,” She commented, not thinking the machine would have any enhancements.

“Hmm.. Very well, I’ll try and find something to do then.” Nadia said in response to what Noah had to say as she looked at Dani to see how she would respond to his words, it seemed he was interested in the bull, as Dani seemed somewhat accepting of the idea. “I am not keen on getting drenched, plus it looks like it was made for us more than not. Though, I could do it if that is what we decide on.”
Seeing as Dani was into it but Nadia was on the fence, he realized they were wearing dresses… Riding a bull with a dress regardless of they were going to be thrown off was probably not a good idea. “Well, ya guys got anythin’ coverin’ ya under yer dresses? Realized it might be a bit too improper for ya two to try it out.” He sighed then shrugged. “Guess I can go then.” He looked at the prizes they were handing out for those who can in a set amount of time. Lasting for longer than five minutes gave the contestant a free ride pass. Lasting between four and five minutes gave the contestant a sort of toy. Lasting between three and four minutes gave the contestant a plushie selected from a bin. Lasting under three minutes got the contestant candy. And a helping of whipped cream pie being splashed in their face as someone around Noah’s age had tried, failed in under that amount of time, and got splashed with a whipped cream pie while also having been drenched in water with floating apples.


Noah looked back at either of the girls, wondering if he should honestly win something for himself or for them. “Want me to win ya anythin’ if ya don’t wanna try?” Despite looking a bit bored with the idea, he wasn’t going to lose out on being a gentleman anyway.

“Heh. Thanks for the offer, but win something for yourself, then do with it what you like. Victories for others aren’t the same as those for themself. Plus I don’t want to get disappointed.” Nadia said in a manner that insinuated he was going to fail, judging from her smile. “As to what I have on, I came expecting a dance, not common stupidity.”

“Yeah, just try ‘n survive for a few minutes. Then we’ll see,” Dani replied with a cocky smirk, looking over to Nadia’s comment about common stupidity. “I did. It’s a holiday revolving around fuckin’ pranks. Dance or not, I don’t trust half the people here not to pull something,” She added, though she didn’t want the dress to get soaked. Of course, that was only a problem if she lost. “You spar in a skirt though, so not all that different.”

“Well, enjoy yourself, I’m just going to go look around, call me when you’re done Dani.” Nadia says before giving a wave of her hand as she went off to nearby stalls. “Or I’ll just find you.” She says with a shrug.

“Should have stuck to policy and just stayed home.”

Watching Nadia walk away, Noah shrugged and looked back at Dani. “Well, let’s see if I can’t get that plush for ya.” He walked up to the person running the game and asked him. “Hey, what’s the rule on weapon transformations?”

“Ahh, that’s a no-go, mah dude. Maybe if there was a bull ride that was specialized for that up in the DWMA grounds, maybe, but not here, mah man. If ya wanna use a bit of that ol’ wavelength ability though, knock yerself out. That bull will scale to whatever ya throw at it.”

Huh, that was cool. He gave the ginger ride handler some money and walked onto the matted area. The perimeter holding a moat of water with apples floating along had him a bit nervous. He looked above them and realized people were watching him. Great. It wasn’t just Dani he was showing off to, it was the rest of the Death-damned City.

He sighed, hopping onto the bull and making sure his accessories didn’t get caught as he held onto the piece of rope they used, and he wrapped his hand around it. He then squeezed his legs around the bull’s torso and looked up at Dani, giving her a cocky grin.

As if this wasn’t going to go horribly wrong…

All he had to do was last for at least three minutes and not any longer than four, right?

Well, each second felt torturously long. As the bull “woke up” - eyes glowing green - and made a terrifying, angry bull noise, it began bucking back and forth, spinning around, going slow after going fast, but Noah’s legs were channeling with a bit of his wavelength amplification. Huh, this was good exercise. However, with the level he was using - which wasn’t much to begin with - the bull got harsher in its movements, its eyes going from green to red. Noah was nearly bucked off forward, then nearly fell off the side, but he managed to hold on, using his legs to either catch on the horns and keep him seated, or pull himself back up to the bull’s seat. Along with the bull’s angry noises and the silly carnival music playing, there were the glorious sounds of a distressed Noah, breaking the conventions of a male voice as he practically begged the bull not to throw him too hard.

So much for looking cool…

After what felt like hours, his bum and legs sore, hand rubbed raw from the rope, he was finally swung off with a sudden turn, and he fell onto the mats, and bounced into the moat. Groaning, he got up, shaking his arms and hands as he looked up at the time.


“HELL YEAH!” Noah yelled, pumping his fist into the air. Noah didn’t think he’d be so excited to get third place, but he did. He got off the mats, walking a bit funny from how sore his legs were, and he looked at the plushie toy bin. “So uh… What do ya want?”

“Huh? Sure…” Dani replied as a less-than-amused Nadia walked off. Shrugging, the Demon Weapon thought that if any of the attractions would have entertained her, it’d be this one, short of a drunken brawl.

Turning her attention back to Noah, he seemed confident as he mounted the bull, and Dani stifled a chuckle as she predicted how poorly this was going to go. It didn’t take long for his facade to break and be hanging on for dear life, nor did it take long for Dani to break out into laughter in response. At some point, though, she stopped laughing so much actually cheering him on, even if he probably couldn’t hear her over everyone else and his own terror. “Come on! Ya’ got 20 seconds!” She called out, though it didn’t look as though he heard her. Too focused on survival, she presumed.

After Noah was tossed, Dani stifled another laugh as she made her way over to meet him with a smirk of her own. “You looked like you enjoyed that. Sure you don’t wanna go again?” She teased before glancing in the bin. She pointed to a small, blue bear plush for the operator to retrieve. “I’ll stick with the theme I have goin’ here… but thank you. I feel like I should win you something, walkin’ like you just got mugged.”

The operator grabbed her the blue plush, giving it to Dani directly as Noah chuckled, his costume definitely feeling a few pounds heavier. “Well, I had to summon all the thigh strength I had to stay on. Pretty sure they’ll be sore for a few days. And n-no.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “I don’t wanna go again, thank ya very much.” He was about to walk along, until he realized something and stopped. “Were ya just cheerin’ for me back there?” His smirk came up like a mischievous little grin, wondering if she was going to deny that. He swore he heard the unmistakable voice of her cheering for him back there, but he was screaming a lot, so he wasn’t sure.

Taking the plushie, Dani clutched it tightly, taken aback by the accusation. “Psh… N-No… Laughing my ass off, maybe…” She played it off, giving him a terse nudge with her elbow as she passed him. “But uh… Nadia said she’d meet us later, so we got time. Anything specific at this place you wanted to do? …I ain’t jumping in that pie joust though.”

Noah raised an eyebrow as he stared at Dani with a creeping grin. “Oh? You weren’t? I heard you laughin’, but cheerin’... Nah, I swore I heard ya cheerin’- Ow.” She elbowed him and he chuckled, rubbing his arm from it. Noah just shrugged at what they could be doing now. “Well, the pie joustin’ is on DWMA grounds, not Death City grounds. Buuuuut~...” He grinned, standing in front of her and his eyes staring at her with a sort of smug expression. “You bein’ a tsundere? I mean, it does suit you. And no, I won’t let this go.”

“Noooo. I was definitely laughing!” Dani retorted with a pout, narrowing her eyes at his smug expression. “And I haven’t beaten you to death to be a tsundere… yet.” Grumbling a bit at that, the mask at least hid her becoming flustered. “How could you even hear anything over all your screaming?”

Noah continued smugly grinning, especially as she pouted. He chuckled at the ‘yet’, crossing his arms. “How ‘bout ya try ‘n’ scream on that ride and we’ll see if ya can hear anythin’.” He countered, eyes leering at her. “Unless yer afraid of a little water.” He challenged her, knowing exactly what he was doing. Bullying the mad pinkie to do the mechanical bull ride? Absolutely.

Dani scowled under the mask, staring challenging at him before she shoved the plush bear in his arms. "Fine, hold'im."

Marching up to the operator, it seemed like Noah’s goad worked as the girl mounted the mechanical bull. She didn't seem particularly worried about the dress given she had expected the worst and was wearing spats underneath. Coiling the rope around one fist, her other hand rested against the rear of the back. Dani seemed determined at first as the bull began to kick and buck. She didn't look like she was trying to adapt and counter the machine's movements so much as she was strangling it with the rope and rooting herself in position. Of course, however, she appeared less established as the difficulty increased. With a roar it jumped and spun furiously, causing the Demon sword to lurch forward and wrap her unconstraIned arm around the faux horn. She let out a few terse yelps at sudden shifts in demeanor, but quickly transitioned to grumbles and cursings after the initial shock was gone.

She glanced up at the clock that read 2:50. "Ten seconds, ten seconds, tennnNNN-" with another roar the bull kicked up the ferocity of its mechanics again, swinging and churning, causing Dani to rock forward and back, side to side, but she held, hanging by the side stubbornly. Looking up at the clock again, it just passed 3:01.

"HA! Eaeeet-!" About to say something probably not very family friendly, the distraction in her focus was enough for the bull to throw her off. Her confidence quickly shrank as she desperately clung to the padding that preempted the moat, stopping herself just shy of falling in. "Fuck, fuck--nope!" And with renewed vigor, stumbled up and exited the arena to rendezvous with Noah, pointing at him accusingly. "I know what you did, and fuck you. But I still didn't get dunked!" She said with a smirk, referring to his goading of her. As she stole the plush back, she nodded toward the stand. "Now we're even too."

Noah grabbed the bear and held it in the cradle of his arms, feeling so smug that he finally got her to do this. Those few yelps were music to his ears, and he couldn’t help his laughter from bubbling up to the surface. As the bull rocked even harsher, he actually started feeling a little bad, so he cheered for her. “Ya got this, Dani!! Come on!!”

Then she was thrown off as she was trying to say something about eating. Eating what?

Oh, that reminded him he was hungry.

As Dani angrily came up to him, he just took it and smiled. He was about to give the plush back when it was snatched from his hand, but he took it well as he laughed. “Heyy, ya did well. Come on now, you knew what I did, yet you did it what I wanted anyway? Goofball. Though, now, I get a plush.” He looked at the options and started feeling nostalgic.

Uh… There’s a wolf one.

Apparently, his eyes had lingered on it for too long because the operator grabbed it and gave it to him, ushering him out of the way of a new competitor. Noah grabbed it and glared at the operator for being politely moved out of the way before returning to Dani. “While we get ourselves some elephant ears, ya heard me, right?” He asked, eager to prove his point that he did hear Dani. And also hoping Dani didn’t mention anything about the damn wolf plushie.

Dani let out a bemused scoff as he took consolation in the fact he got his choice of a plush now. "Right, I'm the goofball," She remarked before tilting her head in confusion. "Elephant ears?" She questioned, before looking further puzzled, then a look of understanding. "Oh, yo-" Then, she seemingly caught herself and tried to play it off again. "I dunno what you mean. The bull was pretty loud… Either way, if you wanna exchange the wolf, you probably could."

Noah completely ignored the wolf comment, though his cheeks did turn pink. Instead, he pointed at a nearby stall. “Oh, look, elephant ears.” He then walked towards it pretty swiftly, only pausing to make sure Dani was following him as he made it to the stall.

The sound of oils sizzling dough, and the smell of cooking oil and cinnamon-sugar filled the air as they got near. On a display tray were huge, flat, fried dough pieces, all blanketed with cinnamon-sugar and glazed with butter to make sure the cinnamon-sugar stayed on, but there was always too much cinnamon-sugar for the glaze to work properly. Noah beamed when he saw one and looked back at Dani. “Want one?”

Dani narrowed her eyes at that. "Suspicious…" She mused aloud, following next to him with an accusing stare. "Why's your face getting red now?" She pursued, briefly turning her attention to the treat in front of them. "...Oh… Now I get it," She commented to no one in particular. "Sure, but don't that gives you an escape."

Noah looked at her in mock surprise, then pouted. “I dunno what yer talkin’ about.” He then ordered two elephant ears, paid for them, and each ear was set upon a large paper napkin. He gave one to Dani. “Here, it’s kinda greasy, but it beats all other carnival food by far.” He held his as if it were a saucer and he were a maid, his fingers splayed out. His other arm held the wolf plushie in the nook of his arm.

“You being a tsundere now? And no, I won’t let this go,” Dani remarking, mocking his smug tone of voice from earlier as she took the treat, examining a bit. “It just looks like a floppy donut,” she concluded before taking a bite, though her face instantly lit up. “Oh! It is! It’s like one of those fried ones!” She said through hums of satisfaction.

Luckily for Noah, her phone pinged, causing her to pull it from an unseen pocket in the dress. It looked like a location ping from Adrian, as well as an unread text. She must not have noticed it during the bull riding fiasco. “Hey, it okay if we go meet up with a friend? I think he came here with Sara, too, so you can show her your wolf plush.” It was a tease without thought, however after saying it aloud, it began processing in her head. “...Wait…”

Noah tried ignoring Dani’s remarks to the best of his ability, but they were really getting to him. At least she was enjoying the elephant ear he got her. He looked on curiously to hear that Adrian had texted her. Then Dani connected the dots on what Noah didn’t want her to find out.

“Yeah, yeah, let’s just go then.” He grumbled, eating his elephant ear as he walked towards whatever direction, only to realize he had no idea where he was going. “Where is he?”

“Wait, what?” Dani hummed in confusion before looking back at her phone as she followed. “Ah… he’s at some stand over here it looks like.”


Sara MiddletonCute Texas2 (2).jpg
April 1, 2067
Location: Stone Seller, Fool’s Festival, Death City, Nevada
Interactions: Eva, Adrian, Dani, Nadia, Noah
Mentions: N/A
Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen

As Eva traveled to the Fool’s Festival with Eva, Sara felt a buzz in her pocket. Fishing for her pocket, she looked at it and realized… Adrian was still waiting for her. Eyes widening and freaking out, she chuckled nervously. “Oh no, I’m so late. I hope he doesn’t hate that. He’s near the stone seller though, so that’s good.” And, like that, Sara quickly walked off. Into the crowds. It was at this time that she found these weird jester girls giving out beads. She ended up taking one and thanking them before moving on, using her nose to guide herself along as she had no idea where the stone vendor was.

Finally, she found him. And a long, long line of people.

She ran up Adrian and waved. “Hi, Adrian, I’m baaaack~.” She then remembered the bag she had been carrying around and she went inside to pull out a bento box. It was then that she saw Nadia, and then Noah and Dani. Oh.

She hoped she didn’t leave Eva too far behind.

Still, she didn’t let that stop her, waving her hand at them. “Hi, guys!” She then turned to Adrian, grinning.
“So, how’s rock shaping? That looks cool!”



Thaddeus Thales


Species Human
Partner Noah Wiley, Arkayis Misonuka
Rank Fate Agent

Location Death City, Fool's Festival - Apparel Booths
Mission Fool's Festival
Status Interested

Tags: Peckinou Peckinou


With their outfits sorted, it seemed Noah was off. He did this from time to time, though not normally during a moment like this. Chances were, Noah made some promise to someone to be somewhere at some time, or some nonsense, and he lost track of time. It was hard to tell. For all Gauss knew, Sara could have told him there was an empty stall for a quickie. Not that he was about to share that possibility.

It left him and Arky, and that arguably wasn't the worst thing. Noah was a bit of a buffer for them, it seemed. While Gauss worked hard to clean up his act, he had became aware of how oddly off-putting his attitude could be when he wasn't peppering in his smooth talk or sugar-coated words. The cost of morality and ethics, it seemed. Unfortunately, really, as it did make his life harder. His psychiatrist sure was happy about it though, so that was something.

"He does this from time to time," Gauss told Arky with a fairly assured tone. "He's got a surprising amount of friends and a former partner. Doesn't normally become an issue unless he tries to skimp out on training," Gauss explained, though he did realize after saying it that describing it as a 'surprising' amount could have been construed as a slight insult. It wasn't intended to be. More like, it was just difficult to make friends in this environment. Or, again, that might perhaps just be a struggle Gauss had. He had his whole image working against him, after all.

"Let's get these off to the tailor, then I think you and I could check out the other stalls..." Gauss suggested, trying to brainstorm things to do. "There are a few game stalls out here. I said I'd get you a VR; I'm pretty sure they have a stall out here for LastLife games where you could test fit some," he added, fleshing out that suggestion with a few ideas he had. Gauss was at least considerate, though his ideas did revolve around him buying stuff. He was consistent, at the very least.

"And, it's not part of the festival really, but I did notice that room looked a little bare... we could get you some decorations, maybe stop by furniture store. Can just have stuff delivered," he tossed on, expanding his ideas beyond that of just the festival. If he was anything, it was generous. To him, spending sprees were a common form of entertainment as much as arcades or the rides there. Actually, he probably enjoyed them more. He had a penchant for shiny new things. Sure, the market typically was just minor generational improvements on things released six months ago, but it was always interesting to him to see what small tweaks were made to make something just 'that' teensy much better.

Maria Mayer - Dall Island

As she moved in with her smaller dolls, Maria was suddenly overwhelmed by a loud blast and pressure wave, a bright blinding light. She was picked up and tossed a bit like her two smaller dolls, watching them fly away.... Stretching her left arm out to them she found her vision going dark for the briefest of instances, laying on the ground she rests.

No... Get up... Such devastation... it was not my intention... I must.. get...up... Was that the, yes, that was the pull, wasn't it? I cannot do that again.

With a loud ringing in her ears and spitting up a bit of blood, she was hurt all over, but so were those spider bastards and the queen had lost connection, the blade on her right arm was still here, she was still running through her magic, the Alicia should still be here. Somewhere near, her blast had killed the beast and almost another one, maybe even small ones that were not worth accounting for. Looking at the rest or at least those she could see, she did not have time to say sorry, she couldn't even hear her own voice as she yelled at them, it hurt to even do that.

"Ahh...ahh...attack..." Drawing a connection to her medium doll that had orders to keep close, she took off quickly, pushing aside the pain for here and now, she knew there was no choice but to kill them all, or at least enough till they ran, and the best way to do that was... "Attack!" Heaving a deep breath of air the battled damaged girl moved as gracefully and rigid in a manner as her own creations, though in this case it was not like before. Maria wasn't one to much care for fighting directly unless hard pressed and always put a bit of art into her display, so the movements of the doll being unlike her own, not like a shadow, so much as an instrument was something new.

Had their survival not been at stake she was unsure she would have done this. There was no beauty in desperation was there? Picking out the rammer that had offended her from before with its massive front legs, Maria sends her armored puppet at it head on, locking its twin blades against the appendages, as she herself came up from the rear and right side, slamming her gauntlet blade into the abdomen of the beast, running her blade alongside the guts, or rather the goo and strange material that made up the insides of a spider, she then pulled the blade out and looked into the swarm, right at the queen. She had to destroy her, or at least drive her off, that was the only way this ends, hopefully the rest would support her or see what she was doing.

With her doll mirroring her movements at her side, Maria aimed to cut through the nearest members of the swarm, to skewer the queen, even as she fought off her ringing sensations and pain, she would not run, nor call upon the pull. This was revolting enough as it was. She could only keep this up but for so much longer, was even going to this stupid tree worth all this effort? Her thoughts dwelled upon slaughtering what she could so they could leave this place, and she would be taking wood samples of that damned tree for herself, she had lost too much here this day.

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Meredith Meredith Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul
Last edited:


Adrian Hackney

"The Maiden"

Species Human
Partner None
Rank Fate Agent

Location Death City, Fool's Festival - Civilian Booths
MissionFool's Festival
Status Impatient


By the time Dani, Sara, and Noah were there (perhaps even Nadia, if she found anything down that way interesting), Adrian had became a bit of a spectacle. The stall owners had rearranged a few of their stalls to make room for him so that people could watch. Sure, it sounded like horrendous grinder and at first glance a giant torture device being fed random materials was slightly disturbing, but the crowd seemed to be all about the craftsmanship.

Derrek by this time had already ran out of materials. Adrian carved through nearly two years worth of supply in just an hour or two out of raw efficiency, but he wasn't precisely complaining. He pulled in a profit that would keep him afloat for months if not longer, and what he wasn't selling, he could peddle at different places. Best part? Adrian wasn't charging. He just asked for a few items himself, and in the grand scheme of things, that was a pitifully small cost to pay.

Instead, Derrek had became a ringmaster of sorts for this one person circus. Other local craftsmen were lining up to see if Adrian could adopt his creations to their art, with some guidance. With some creative help from those involved, he was making everything from leather corsets to rocking chairs. He had managed to go as far as creating holes in anvils for a blacksmith to straightening how swords that had warped in the forge. His spikes were truly all but magic, in no small part to the indestructible nature of all Demon Weapons. Beyond that, he was receiving all sorts of help from those around him. One brave leatherworker was even willing to crawl inside the otherwise terrifying chamber to loop rawhide thread around his spikes so that he could do rudimentary stitchwork.

And, the crowd loved it. Odd all the oddities that existed on the streets and the performers already there, the sheer absurdity of these feats brought plenty of eyes. He didn't precisely stop once his friends were there, either. Instead, they would get to see the culmination of events that Derrek had orchestrated. Not only would a leatherworker first step in with sheets of black dyed leather and thread, but after just a minute or two of him inside, the doors would open for him to leave and one of the customers would step in only moments later to step out wearing a fully tightened corset custom fit to her.

Pictures were snapped from all around them being uploaded to Tombstagram when she did, lighting up social media with #MaidenMasterMaker. If any of his friends wanted to check their feeds, he was probably right on there for them to see. If he ever truly did fuck up in this program, he definitely had a whole ass career on the side.

After that last endeavor, Adrian did finally take notice of those that arrived and he transformed back, telling Derrek he had company. Derrek clearly wasn't terribly pleased by the sudden stop, but what was he really going to do? He had only stumbled onto the potential of this man a moment ago and he was working essentially for free, anyway. It was basically a game to him.

Oddly enough, a good portion of the crowd was confused and there was some murmuring. While some of them had actually seen Adrian before, many of them were surprised that the Maiden Master Maker... was a dude. Granted, no one seemed displeased at that turn of events. Most were just disappointed the show seemed to be over.

Adrian on the other hand retrieved the bag of games and other assorted baubles he had appropriated in this time and darted through the crowd to the few friendly faces he knew. "So uh... turns out all it takes for people to step into a death trap is for it to give them stuff," he told them. "Pretty sure there's a fairy tale about that and a tree," he explained to them.

"I been at this a while. What you guys been up to?" he asked, curious as to what shenanigans they had been involved in. Not that he was terribly upset, but more so a touch insecure given how many times he had messaged.



Daniella Ethalyn - Death City Fool's Festival
On the way to the show Adrian had started impromptu, the festival seemed to be attacked by clones. Jester and harlequin clones. What made it all weirder were the beads they were peddling en masse. However, Dani didn't pay it too much heed given that the entire basis of this festival was that of weirdness. Dani just accepted them for the potential free stuff and to be able to bypass the Joker gang to get to the location ping in the first place.

As they got there, it seemed Adrian had found his own fun. He was popping out gems, rocks, and other things. Dani didn't even know that such a thing could come out of a Demon Weapon transformation, but she supposed this was proof at least some of them were good for more than being used to hit things.

Not her, of course, but some of them.

Glancing to Nadia, the pink-haired woman saw the taller one begrudgingly holding a string of the beads being handed out. "Go you too, huh?" She questioned. Knowing the giant, those harlequin girls must have really dragged her down to accept such a thing.

"Do you always carry a supply of those things around...?" Dani asked, noting the bento produced by Sara. It seemed like every time she saw the girl she had one of those. Then, looking over to Adrian, she hummed thoughtfully. "I guess so... Though if you ever want to bail on the whole agent shit, looks like you could get rich off doing this," She noted aloud with a shrug. "Well... Noah and I did this mechanical bull thing. It's made for agents so that thing'll throw your ass... That's also why he's soaked," She followed up with a cheeky smirk. "Oh. I did see your message after a while... but it's loud as shit and I couldn't hear or feel anything while on the bull ride."

Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun
EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Merciless Medic Merciless Medic RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun
Death City Fools Festival.​

Having left their apartment with Sara the white haired woman had more or less bumbled about, taking in all the sights and different costumes of the festival. By the time she had realized she was falling behind she had more or less lost sight of Sara. Pursing her lips she stopped moving several seconds and tried to figure out where she could be in relation to her friend. “Sara?” Eva called out but realized the noise of the festival would make trying to call out for her sorta pointless.

Noticing a large crowd Eva began to migrate towards it, her curiosity driving her to figure out what it was. Picking up on all the crafters she moved her way into it and actually ended up picking out Sara from all the others, luckily the werewolf was easily spotted due to her unique outfit. Even amongst others sporting similarly weird clothing Sara stuck out.

Coming in late the large gathering seemed to begin to disperse, Eva not having seen what Adrian was doing. Moving up and towards Sara she tapped her on the back “Ended up getting sucked into the atmosphere. Luckily you really stick out even amongst everyone else.” Eva said with a smile.

Giving a small wave to the others she ended up seeing someone she didn’t recognize. “Hello, I'm Evangeline, Sara’s partner." Eva spoke up “What is with the crowd?” She asked having missed what was going on minutes before.

The Twisted Joke


April 1st, 2067 | 1445 - 1630

The air that followed the parade was like electricity, energizing the already-excited crowd with elation that citizens to the city normally only saw during the Death Festival. Any and all questions about the intensity of a last-minute surprise parade were dispelled. Citizens and festival-goers were lined up throughout the city to see the splendor as it made its way through the streets of Death City. Leading the entire parade was a DCPD pilot car followed by a massive, colorful float adorned with a polished, brassy jester mask in full smiling glory donning a four-pronged, dyed-cotton hat that reached both sides of the street with its massive, functioning bells found on any of its colorful ends. Purple and orange seemed to be the theme of this float with bulk of the jubilant beast being covered in the typical, albeit colorful and very festive, paper-textured pomps, creating a seamless transition from the jester head to the back bed of the vehicle.

Beside this float and even within the bed of the truck it was built around were dozens upon dozens of the jester girls waving to the crowd and walking along with it, many of them throwing out a seemingly infinite supply of the beads and other themed goods. The enthusiasm here was fierce, and these same girls were seen almost throughout the entire series of waves of vehicles and spectacles that comprised the parade. In fact, this parade went harder than those in previous years with more themed floats from local businesses incorporating the different jester and clown motifs, ranging from LastLife Games rendition of the actual DC Joker to Hallowed Grounds and their blacked out jester. More candy filled the air than the entire city could consume in a week if they wanted, and there were even far less common attractions such as color-coordinated horses and a marching band playing brilliant, exuberant music.

Men on stilts and street performers joined in, showing all sorts of oddities towards the middle of the parade as its intensity died down--not every float could be so grandiose. Still, it went on, spanning far more than just a few city blocks. And, if ever there needed to be confirmation that this was surely a sanctioned even, the DCPD, Ambulance Districts, and Firehouses all had their own part in the show, blaring sirens and tossing out their own treats as they went through. Yet still, the biggest surprise was perhaps at the end where after a few street cleaners were several pieces of a stage and decorated storage containers being pulled along on festive trailers, and more of the jester girls handing out fliers for the show that would happen when they finally stopped near the heart of the city in Spirit Park, starting right after the floats and other attractions cleared out.

This parade itself went on for a good two hours and as promised, ended in Spirit Park. It was truly a beautiful part of the city. Though, it was small for a park. Decades prior, it was one of the closer places to the DWMA with cheap hotels for scrupulous meetups, doubtlessly after visiting the dingy bars in the area. The exact type of place Spirit would have loved in his youth. Upon his assassination, many of the businesses were purchased and the entire area was converted into a park as a memorial to Spirit and many of the others that had fallen in the Second Coming of Salem, though unofficially. Either way, it made for an incredibly convenient and scenic place to setup these impromptu stages.

With the helpful hands of countless jesters and volunteers, the stage pieces came together quickly, and by the end of it, it looked spectacular. It was slightly small for the crowd that had formed, but a PA system was in place that made sure everyone could hear whatever news that the rumor mill had hyped up so intently. The sea of people sporting incredibly wacky attire would be exactly where the majority of the Fate Agents found themselves. Spirit Park was about as packed as it could get with the only relatively clear spot being the roped off area surrounding the stage and storage units it traveled with. The energy from the parade transferred right over to here as the anticipation built. Whatever news they intended to announce, it had to be big.

Alas, the stage would never get used. At least, not for the purpose the curious crowd of onlookers assumed. Once it was placed together, it formed a massive glowing rune and directly after, every member of the crowd wearing the red and black attire provided by the jesters would be affected by an absurdly powerful spell. Wavelengths and Magic alike were suppressed by it, and each individually affected would be effectively frozen in place as if the gravity around them had been cranked up to a hundred. In just seconds, the excitement that once filled the air turned to panic. And soon, worse. In total, the twelve hundred women that appeared in the streets with those matching jester costumes transformed into faceless dolls with glimmering, porcelain bodies. The containers that were drug to the stage opened to reveal large caches of weapons, everything ranging from firearms to tire-irons--anything that could be deadly.

The only ones sparred at least slightly by this Spell were the select few with some type of natural resistance to it. Those with an inherent resistance to magic were not impaired by the extra weight, though there wavelength were still suppressed. Those with a healing wavelength, collar that used it, or some other device that replicated it, were also considerably less affected. In fact, those rare few were be the only ones even able to move while this spell was active. Even if there were Three-Stars present, this spell would prove powerful enough to leave them just as vulnerable as a civilian.

The screaming began. The few not wearing cursed objects provided by the jesters now realizing what was happening; those that were now unable to even move their jaws to cry out. The jester dolls were now blindly killing members of the crowd with no regard to who or really what they hit. Gunfire tore through waves of people, blood spilled onto the ground of Spirit Park. Little did anyone in the crowd know this same chaos sparked throughout all of Death City, not just the area around the stage. First responders and DCPD whom accepted the same gifts in the spirit of the holiday during the parade were in the same dreadful situation, resulting in the majority of even civilian resources being on lockdown.

Not even a minute after the attack began, the entire city was in disarray. Only a handful of agents were capable of resisting these affects, and half of them were low-tier Fate Agents...

...but that was the punchline of this twisted joke.

Nadia Semyonov - Death City - Festival Grounds
"Tch." Clicking her tongue at Adrian just noticing her after the rest had arrived, put the Meister in a bit of a bad mood, till she caught eye of what he was making. That and the fact he seemed to notice the rest after the fact as well. "Heh. I have to agree, should the DWMA not work out you have the skills of an artesian. Maybe I'll have something engraved... Dani." She said in greeting to her partner, all the rest got a nod of her head in greeting, but not their names said aloud. It was progress at least from the indifference she had towards the rest when this all started.

Letting the rest talk to him or watching his work, she eventually wandered off to other stalls, messaging Dani when the Parade was about to begin. It seemed she and other FATE agents were gathered around one another to watch said parade. Nadia could care little and less for it, the noise, the crowds, sirens and flashing lights. In fact there were moments of it that reminded her of her youth. Memories that were better left repressed. But something more had garnered her attention. Those girls... Always so happy and handing out those damn charms... By the hundreds did they come, all the exact same... The exact same... A feeling of ice hit her in the stomach, she could say whatever she wanted, do as she liked, but she doubted the rest would consider her as more than Paranoid or a mood killer. Picking up one of the flyers, she looked over at Dani and spoke in a terse tone.

"Dani, keep close to me, this all reminds me too much of bad things..." The containers only reinforced her view, still, with what was to come immediately was of a scale she did not expect, guns, so many guns, but before that was the stench of Magic, causing her blood to run cold, her body felt heavy, restricted, around her others could not move as those clones shifted into golems, dolls. Where the fuck is Maria when you need her? Her thoughts asked, but why was this happening, what was happening? What was in common.

The beads, the Death damned Beads! She was not wearing hers at least, forcing her fingers to move to drop it from her hand, she tried to speak. "Bbbbbbbbeeeeeeaa"

What in the actual fuck?!

Shutting up she waited till she dropped the beads and felt relief, her physical power and wavelength restored.

"The beads! The Damn beads! Get rid of them! Dani! To me!" With that she had half a mind to cut her allies free first of all, but that was when the guns came out and hell descended upon the park.

"Nu vse, tebe pizda!"

Whatever she said was clearly angry and given her trademark behavior likely nothing good as she quickly reached into her purse, taking out her combat knives and throwing it down as she threw one of the blades cleanly into the head of the nearest automaton, her right hand free hoping that Dani would be once of those like her that could move, even as her hand was held open Nadia moved under the strength of her rapidly growing wavelength, knocking scores of Civilians and maybe even a few of her allies to the ground, saving some of them from the initial gunfire, throwing her left knife into another of the bots as she grabbed the first bot she took at and hurled it to knock over even more people and yet more attackers, to knock them off balance or to the ground, her right hand still waiting for and expecting Dani. Maybe she should turn around and help out the rest, it seemed no one else could move... No, there were a couple who could, though slowly. "Tch."

Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider Peckinou Peckinou The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Serei2477 Serei2477 Meredith Meredith
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Dane Markovic
Desert between Death City and Las Vegas

Meathead... The weapon grumbled internally. Starwulf's persistence was especially irritating.

Watching as the meister lifted the hammer up, he began to retract the coil and electrical barrier it created. The shockwave struck and ran along his limb back to his body. He pulled his foot back with a grimace, only for it to be further glanced by a projectile from Az. This seemed to draw the mad weapon's attention as the blue orbs trailed from Starwulf to Az. His head jerked to the side to let the second glance past him, while his hips jutted just enough for the last to do so as well.

It seemed the second nuisance was content to take pot shots while Starwulf kept his focus. Waiting and setting a trap wasn't all that useful, then. Electricity jumped across his arms as Dane's posture lowered, his body facing Starwulf again. Sand kicked up from behind him as he shot forward, charging to meet Starwulf and Fia head on. However, as he closed the distance, the electricity jump down his arm to his palm and fingertips again before exploding out towards the pair.

Just as suddenly, his angle shifted, and the coil was now gunning for Az. Starwulf lacked the capacity and the attitude to pick at an enemy from a range, and his advantage lay in close-range as well. The four had to worry about friendly fire and coordination, while he did not. Besides, so long as they were together, they would be easier to trap should he decide to go that route.

Noah WileySad Noah.png
April 1st, 2067
Location: Spirit Park, Fool's Festival, Death City, Nevada
Interactions: Gauss, Arkayis, Sara, Adrian, Eva, Dani, Nadia
Mentions: N/A
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Peckinou Peckinou EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

Noah had seen the absolute skill of the Autonomous Weapon and actually had an impressed smile. "Huh... Fascinatin'." Stones and leatherwork? Even corsets? Man, these people were brave walking into a torture device, but at least he wasn't hurting anyone. When he popped out and the crowd of onlookers began to disperse, Adrian walked up to them. His joke actually had Noah chuckling and he nodded. "Was thinkin' 'bout that myself." When asked, he was about to say what they were doing, but Dani interrupted and spoke of the mechanical bull ride. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Ye, but I got ya a plush. And ya cheered for me." He smugly added, trying to turn the tables back on her. When Nadia came back, he nodded at her in greeting.

He took a bento box from Sara after he finished eating his elephant ear and began to eat the food Sara had made. Man, he forgot all about how good her cooking was. He should ask for some care packages... Not that he cared to admit that to her.

Eva, Sara's partner, had arrived at some point. Asking what was going on, Noah decided to speak to her. He didn't really care if Sara was going to anyway. "Adrian here was makin' stones, corsets, and other such stuff. It's pretty cool. Pretty sure there's a hashtag trendin' now." He pulled out his phone to check on Tombstagram, chuckling. "Maiden Master Maker? Impressive. You already got a springboard for a future business."

It was then that the parade started. The festivities were fun, but Noah was starting to feel his energy level dropping and he was just not prepared to do anything else that wasn't just sticking around the group for a bit and hiding. After the parade lasted for about two hours and they all migrated to Spirit Park, he was really starting to get bored. He had found Gauss and Arkayis again, able to find them in the crowd by remembering their outfits. He went to go to them, when he saw a sudden rune pop up. What... Was that? He looked around at his other teammates and Fate members, before his his body was suddenly seized in a hold. It was hard to breathe, his entire body paralyzed, as if gravity was pushing against him on all sides. His eyes looked over at Nadia, who had dropped the beads as the crazy jester girls became depraved and began shooting and killing everyone. This was just like the bunker... When his dad came in and...

The beads... The beads! Oh fuck!

He felt his hands move. His wavelength was suppressed, but he had a higher resistance to it than the others. He didn't fully know why, but oh well. He pulled his hands up, ducked his head down, until his fingers slowly grasped the beads and he raised them over his head.

Finally, they were off. He can breathe and feel his wavelength again. He darted around to the others, ripping the beads off of Adrian, Dani, and Sara. He then ran off to Gauss and Arkayis, ripping the beads off of them, as well as he grabbed both of their arms and looking between them. "We have to stop them now." And with that, he prepped for transformation and a resonance, his passive healing wavelength trying to insert some bit of calm through their touch.

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Sara MiddletonMad Texas.png
April 1st, 2067
Location: Spirit Park, Fool's Festival, Death City, Nevada
Interactions: Eva, Adrian, Nadia, Dani, Noah, Gauss, Arkayis
Mentions: N/A
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Peckinou Peckinou EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

As they all congregated around Adrian, Sara realized he was doing way more than just stones. He was even doing corsets and leather! When she saw Nadia and Dani arrive, she gave them food, too. And even Adrian when he came out of his weapon form. There were just a few bento boxes left, and she was hoping to give them to Gauss and his new weapon partner when she met them again. When Adrian asked what they were doing, Sara giggled, though nervously. "Oh, making food, and trying to find you. I got here kinda late..." She was about to tell Eva excitedly about what Adrian was doing, but Noah had already beaten her to it. She pouted at him, then realized he was holding onto a wolf plush. Oh, that was precious. She gave him a sneer before going back to conversing with the others.

She ended up finding Gauss and Arkayis during the 2-hour long parade, finding them in the crowd and giving the two her food. During the parade, she ate her food and enjoyed the sights, the sounds, the smell. Oh, it all smelled really good! All the candy and treats!

She eventually walked with her friends down to Spirit Park. Everything was happening so well, for it to only go so wrong. She felt her entire body freeze, her fingertips barely able to move. What was this?

Fear and helplessness struck her. She didn't know why she couldn't move, and not being able to move her body to get somewhere safe as-

No... Their screaming...

Her wavelength was suppressed, but the screaming rang in her ears, and they couldn't swivel away. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she was forced to watch people she knew or kind of knew get slaughtered by those evil jester girls. Then...

She was free. She looked down to see the beads were gone from her neck, and some of these beads on the floor. As soon as she saw Noah take off someone else's beads and they began to move, she realized what was causing it. She ripped the beads off Eva's neck, and held her hand. "We need to save as many people as we can. Transform." She instructed, feeling the familiar handle of the lantern flail in her hands. She began tearing beads off of the others around her, whether they be stranger or friend - it did not matter. She needed to get them undone. She looked into the crowd to find any stronger meisters and weapons, heading to them to hopefully free them of their bead bondage.

She swung the lantern bit around when she got an idea, tears stung her eyes as she tried to fight back her emotions and focus on the task at hand.

'Eva, can you use your flames to distract or attack those jester girls? Keep them from hurting more people?' She asked within their soul space, hoping she wasn't too shell shocked to act. She found a notable meister somewhere nearby and ran to them, hoping to catch up to them in time to rip the beads off.

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Daniella Ethalyn - Death City Fool's Festival
"Hey-Hey! I never admitted to that!" Dani began greeting Eva, but quickly switched to retort to Noah with a huff.

The rest of the interaction was interrupted by the parade, leading everyone to the park for whatever show was to take place. Dani thought nothing of it and simply followed along, allowing herself not to worry and just enjoy herself with her friends. However, of course that was asking for too much.

Dani glanced to Nadia suspiciously, not knowing what she was referring to or why. Sure, the woman could be a stick in the mud, but she wasn't likely to take such precautions. Perhaps she saw something in the crowd of people? Dani didn't know not see it coming until it occurred. She wondered what that symbol on the ground was, but then wondered and cared less when the necklace's effects were made apparent. She felt heavy and stiff, though unlike everyone else, she was still capable of moving and speaking.

"What... The fuck... is this?" Dani growled, forcing movement from her jaw out of pure stubbornness.

Then the thots in costume transformed and the gunfire started. Dani's eyes widened in horror, but quickly narrowed in anger. She heard Nadia call out about the beads and Noah ripped hers off. Once removed, she felt her body free from the weight burdening her and sprinted for Nadia with eyes seeing red. This was reminding Dani of bad times as well now.

"I'll do more than fucking stop them!" She growled with rage.

As she got close, Dani's form glowed and compressed into a light that shot into Nadia's open hand.
Eva looked to Noah as he spoke and tilted her head “From stone…? Interesting.” Eva commented looking over to Adrian. Over the course of the parade Eva had gotten into the food that Sara had prepared. It was always a delightful meal, something she looked forward to. While she herself didn’t have an ounce of cooking talent, Sara had managed to make up for it by being good enough for the two of them. Still, she did stuff here and there but it was always iffying at best. Though she was sure Sara would say it was amazing.

As the parade continued she made her way with the rest of the group to spirit park. As they came closer Eva felt herself freeze up, unable to move and felt her chest tighten. Immediately panic set in, while she couldn’t move her mind moved at lightspeed. Processing out what was going on she tried to figure out what was going on but drew a blank. Then the screaming started, she heard the noises, the squeals and death yells of countless people. Her mind shrunk back from it, going back to the feeling of helplessness that had come in the wake of nearly being killed by the witch she and her former partner were sent to eliminate.

Tears began to form in her eyes as she felt something around her neck give and immediately her body came back under her control. Sniffling she felt a wave of emotions wash over her and was momentarily stunned. Feeling a hand on her own she didn’t hear what Sara said but for one word ‘Transform’. Breaking from the emotional haze that had overtaken her Eva felt internal kindling spark into a blaze and where there was fear and panic she suddenly felt angry, very angry.

In a way she was thankful that Sara had a hold of her, for if she wasn’t in the hands of her meister she was sure she would be acting autonomously, using the weight of her mace to demolish whatever cursed creatures were tearing through innocent people. “Destroy them, I only wish my fire could burn them into oblivion.” Eva spoke coldly, her voice hiding the uncharacteristic rage growing within.


Francis Flynn


Species Human
Partner Fia
Rank Three-Star

Location Nevada Desert between Death City and Las Vegas
Mission Coils of Despair
Status Focused and excited

Starwulf figured that Dane would never actually let him get in close of his own volition. He was almost certain even this maddened weapon knew that if Starwulf landed a solid blow, it would be the beginning of his end. He went into this fight thinking Dane would try every type of feint and underhanded technique there was to avoid that, so when he saw Dane rush at him, he was already contemplating just how to prepare some type of counter-offense. Issue was, Starwulf didn't have a lot of things that could just outright counter electricity.

His lightning was not like Soul Menace. It was not based on his wavelength. It was not something his skill alone could overcome. Even if he was to get in close to Dane, it had to be on his own terms. The weapon was not one he could consider a sitting duck. He had a dozen or more tricks up his sleeve that made this fight dangerous. Perhaps even more now given that he was Mad.

It was time to do his master proud. Seeing electricity first spark down Dane's arm, this was the actual nature of the attack he expected. This close to him, he really only had one thing in his entire arsenal capable of handling it. Something passed down to him from the generation before.

The electricity shot out, but by the time it reached where Starwulf was, he was gone. Not far, only a meter or so to the left and still rushing forward. This was Speed☆Star, or at the least his diluted variant of it. HIs master in his prime could use this repeatedly to fight someone at blinding speeds, weaving it into multiple attacks and feints. That was a skill level Starwulf and honestly few others ever achieved.

There did exist an immediate downside to this raw burst of speed. Sand did not have sufficient traction for its use and his resulting reappearance had Starwulf sliding through it, trying to maintain his composure. Was it absurdly fast? Absolutely. But, it came with limits. Had this fight taken place in Death City or Las Vegas, Starwulf could have made far better use of it. As it stood now, he toppled over and was literally rolling through the sand as he simply couldn't maintain his balance with that momentum.

'Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck,' Starwulf thought, echoing over to Fia as he did. The best he could do at this point was ram the spiked end of her hammer into the ground, causing them to come to a true halt, and swing around it to stand back up, though all of the momentum he previously had was gone. The only advantage he had here now was being closer to Dane and in this moment he was sincerely hoping Az and Reiko could do something to prevent the weapon from just launching more electricity his way.

The man was not keen on rolling through the sand as a means to dodge that electricity indefinitely.



Adrian Hackney

"The Maiden"

Species Human
Partner None
Rank Fate Agent

Location Death City, Spirit Park
Mission The Black Parade
Status Half-Mad, enraged


When I was
A young boy
My father
Took me to the city
To see a marching band

Hell broke loose in the streets of Death City.

Spirit Park had been desecrated with the blood of innocents.

The first few beautiful hours that Adrian had felt better since the departure of his friends were irredeemable poisoned in an instant.

Adrian felt the pressure bearing down on him. It felt like trying to move through quicksand. HIs wavelength was suppressed--virtually useless. In this bleak moment, he wasn't as focused on himself. How his body felt, what he could and couldn't do. Instead, he heard the screams and panic of those around him. He again felt powerless. He was supposed to be a protector of these people. He was supposed to be a good guy and yet again, he could do nothing.

He remembered Zari leaving. Some important business that Adrian couldn't be part of. No amount of pleading or bargaining mattered, no questions would be answered. Then, too, Adrian felt absolutely powerless. The blackness that came then after he was knocked out felt like it should be setting in soon here. As if it were PTSD or just some irrational fear, Adrian felt like his conscious might just slip out of this reality. Maybe, in fact, he didn't belong. Maybe he wasn't meant for this world.

And, for a moment, a dark, bleak moment, that was his truth. He didn't even fight against the pressure that held him in place. He just accepted it, like he had to accept everything that came before it.

"We have to stop them now."

He heard it. It was Noah. Honestly, he hadn't even realized Noah removed his beads. He didn't process what Nadia said before it, either. Whatever force that held him in place in that prisoner of pity before had lifted, and in a daze he looked up to see what was going on.

Yeah, gunfire was still rampant. People were screaming. People were dying. People that weren't even Agents. That's not all he saw, though. Noah was taking the beads off his partners. That's where he heard those words from. Noah had came in and freed Adrian before he even did his own partners. Nadia and Dani were already freed somehow, too. It seemed Sara already had Eva as a weapon in her hands. All of these people--teammates or other members of Fate that he recognized--didn't... do what he did.

They didn't break down. They didn't just accept it. They weren't powerless.

They weren't powerless.

He said, 'Son when
You grow up
Would you be
The savior of the broken
The beaten, and the damned

There were no words for what happened next. Adrian was not Adrian. Not really. The truth was, he did black out here. He did accept that darkness. He did accept his truth.

Adrian was a man made to cause pain and no amount of pretending he was some type of craftsman. Adrian lived to torture and destroy. He dropped the bag of things he had bought and made and too dropped the charade of being some creator. Adrian was a destroyer. Where his power lied was in choosing just who entered the gaping maw. He could hear the echoing voice of all his insecurities telling him over and over to destroy. To stab. To smash. To make these dolls and whoever else was behind this pay.

To those around him, it was a little more obvious what was going on. Madness sparked inside of Adrian. It was not like a Corrupted Soul, and his collar had expended its charge protecting him from the spell for what little it did. Unless someone was there to activate it, he was about to go on a rampage. His wavelength flared like violent fireworks on a starless night. The red tinge of madness poisoning the blue hue that normally erupted from him. And, oh, it was powerful... he was not a spark in the day, but a bonfire burning in the inky blackness of nocturne.

Then he was gone. Not just his mind, but his body. His speed was unlike anything he had demonstrated prior, even with his Self-Resonance. He harmed none in the crowd, dead bodies or not. Despite whatever was going on with him, he could still make that differentiation. But beyond that? Beyond that he was more demon than man. More beast than Sara. More angry than Dani. Without a doubt, more unstable than any of them.


A spike through the skull of one of the doll gunman, it soon after erupting into a pile of off-white mud-like goop.

Guns fired at him, but a quick transformation with his door stopped the bullets in their tracks and a dash forward resulting in him smashing the bodies of two armed dolls so hard into the stage that they also melted into oblivion.

Each one let out a small crack as they did, but such felt like mere punches to Adrian at his core and only served to anger him more.

He was swarmed then by a small wave of dolls looking to kill him in any way he could and in the moments following was a massacre as his body produced spikes to penetrate each one as they came and he went on a frenzy smashing into them with the dark iron door that he still had. Crunch through half their body, breaking it before it could even dissolve. First five, then ten, then twenty were cut down around him as they flooded onto him.

Then one hit. One finally hit. Despite his speed and strength, Adrian was in fact stabbed. A knife to the lower quadrant of his abdomen with the best he was capable of doing being shifting it away from his gut. Though, immediately after, a spike impaled this same doll.

His bright blue eyes were glazed over by this point, not that anyone could immediately see. No words or sounds escaped from him as he looked down to see this. Instead, he reached down his untransformed hand to rip out the knife, causing a splurge of blood to shoot out before the area was transformed over with a spike. It didn't heal him in the slightest, but it did keep him from bleeding out. More importantly, it sparked that Madness only that much more, and with it came that desire to destroy.

No longer were the dolls coming in waves at him. They tried to make their distance and focusing on executing people around them. But they had just become his prey, and he was a viscous predator. He darted after them, impaling them one-by-one and trailing on to the next. He left a wake of ruined dolls in his path, clearing out a swathe of them in his blind, half-mad fury. He continued on in a singular direction, carving a path around the stage and to one of the exits of the Park.

He said, 'Will you
Defeat them,
Your demons
And all the non-believers,
The plans that they had made'

Half-mad though he may be, that Madness at core was not to destroy. Destruction and rage were merely the means to an end. Everything that was said around him soaked into him. They had to stop them. To destroy them. But more importantly, to save as many as they can. He was not a guardian or a shield. His Madness, it was not blind destruction. It was to save. His lifetime had been full of pain and torture. Of being ostracized because of what he was and what he could do. His Madness was not a reflection of how those people saw him. It came to be as he felt powerless to do the opposite.

He would be powerless no longer. Noah might have freed his body from whatever gravity he was under, but the weight of this situation freed him of the stigma he had from others--and worse, from himself. If he had to destroy, it would be to save others. And right now, he intended to do just that. Blind destruction creating a clearing that could be followed to escape once he was done culling these porcelain demons. He would not just fight. He would fight with purpose.

He would pave the way so that others could survive and succeed, even if he got cut down doing so.


Arkayis Misonuka

Arkayis watched as Noah dashed off so suddenly, leaving him alone with Gauss, with Arkayis wondering the reason why he left in such a rush, but it didn't take long before Gauss told him that it was a common thing. It eased Arkayis mind a bit, now knowing that Gauss running off was just a part of his personality, as Gauss continued to explain that he was likely meeting with friends or former partners, Arkayis nodded, twitching a bit in anger as he recalls his former partner, whose life was taken from him. Arkayis mood had soured a bit, as he was forced to switch his thoughts to something else, before he could get too upset. Taking a deep breath in and out, Arkayis turned their attention back to Gauss, as he began suggesting things to do, giving agreeing with his ideas without much of a second thought "That's fine.". Though his ideas for decorations for his room caused Arkayis to shrug "I don't really see decorations as something that serves any real purpose." Though Arkayis didn't really care for decorations, he wasn't going to push the idea of turning down the opportunity to decorate their room to something, that may suit them. "Though i think ordering would be better if it means we don't have to carry all the stuff back."

Though things with Gauss seemed be going decently enough, and as the festival progressed Arkayis mood had slowly began to rise slowly back up, reaching it's peak Sara found them, and offered them food, even though Arkayis was a bit hesitant to take it from them. But overall Arkayis was somewhat satisfied with the entire parade, as everything seem to be going overall pretty smoothly. That was until things weren't, as they soon became frozen in place, along with almost everyone else around them that were wearing the beads, given to them. Though they didn't understand what exactly was going on, even as the heard a loud noise go off in the distance, they were still befuddled with what exactly was happening. They wanted to look towards Gauss for reassurance, but was unable to turn towards them, that was until someone more familiar was able to come to their rescue, Noah.

As Noah pulled the beads off of him, he had began to frantically pull on their arm, saying that, they needed to stop, what was apparently the Jester girls who moments ago were handing out the beads, but now were killing civilians. Despite Noahs frantic behavior, Arkayis was pretty calm about the whole situation, his expression showed more annoyance than anger, "Seems like whoever is behind this attack, planned this out pretty well, there is probably a hidden agenda behind it, but eh." With a hefty sigh and a shrug, Arkayis added "I hate urban combat, it's so restricting." Arkayis had said that knowing full well that he would be more limited in what he would be allowed to do when it comes to his usage of flames. Regardless Arkayis started transforming into their weapon form, Gauss being one of the few people who would be able to use him without getting burned, would only feel hot in his hands but not painfully so, though Arkayis was ready to take down whatever enemy Gauss wanted gone, he only really had one question for him "So, what's the plan Gauss?"

Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Merciless Medic Merciless Medic EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider



Thaddeus Thales


Species Human
Partner Noah Wiley, Arkayis Misonuka
Rank Fate Agent

Location Death City, Fool's Festival - Spirit Park
Mission Fool's Festival
Status Frantic, focused


Just moments ago, Gauss was reveling in how well this day was going. He was making headway with Arkysis, the three had absolutely, terribly, atrociously ridiculous costumes that all somehow matched, and somehow he hadn't managed to fuck this up by saying something wrong to the wrong person. Well aware of his tendency to rub people the wrong way, Gauss was at one point just counting that as a victory. The new furnishing they had procured for Arkysis was, to him, a bonus. His new partner seemed to have better taste than Noah with that horrid bean bag chair, at least.

The parade was even pretty impressive, too. Although, there was no doubt in his mind that whoever was behind these attacks made sure to make it so. Still, seeing that they even broke out the horses--which was quite rare in Death City--made it something he enjoyed seeing. His father had an expensive collection of horses, some with lineages tracing back to Derby winners, some just for breeding, and a few solely due to their appearance. Seeing these beautiful creatures gave him a sense of nostalgia as they trotted through the city. That coupled with being able to see a few faces he hadn't since the beginning of the program, there were throwbacks all around.

This surprise turned out to be shit. The DWMA had been attacked a few times historically on April 1st, yet the holiday was still celebrated. It was the way the DWMA never backed down from 'terrorists' or other threats. And, really, it made sense. Launch an attack on the day everyone might have mistaken something for pranks, get yourself some time, do a little extra damage. That didn't seem to be the case here. This was a complete and abrupt 180. If anything, all the holiday and parade did was round people up into pools like lambs to the slaughter. It was disgusting, really.

His mind went ninety-to-nothing as he tried to figure out what was going on. Of course, he heard the screams. Of course, he heard the gunfire. Problem was, he couldn't fucking move. The pressure from all sides of his body was so intense that he might as well have been a statue. He couldn't blink. He couldn't move his jaw. Even his nostrils struggled to flare. Gauss was never one for weighted blankets, but now this sensation was something that turned him off the idea entirely.

Thankfully, Noah was quick. He was no Meister darting around ripping these beads off, but he had the problem sorted out somehow far faster than anyone else seemed to. Of course, Gauss didn't get to witness the likes of Nadia or Dani and how much less they were affected by it. Nor did he see that with Noah. He had absolutely no idea what was going on. His mind tried to stitch together pieces of logic, but he couldn't figure out what might have connected Noah to anyone else. It had to be some type of magic, he assumed, but he had no idea why Noah would have a way around that.

Questions aside, it was time to act. Noah and Arkysis were already transformed and ready to go. It seemed that all of the Fate Agents present had the same idea. From the looks of it, so did a few other Agents--though none he directly knew. At the very least, there was some type of force stopping this. By the looks of it, however, another Fate Agent he knew very little about was already in the fray of things. Gauss saw everything fairly clearly. Nadia and Dani were ready to leap in at any moment. Sara and Eva were, too. Something about this Adrian fellow was entirely unstable and unsettling. An Autonomous Weapon, it seemed, but he was nearly feral and his wavelength even from this distance had something sinister and sour about it. Perhaps this attack triggered him in some way. Whatever it was, he was definitely targeting these dolls with a fervor that Gauss was almost envious of.

There was little time to consider any of that now. Arkysis asked about a plan and that was something Gauss had to come up with on the fly. He also had another point. Urban combat like this was not something they would be well-suited for. Noah with his electricity might be easier to control, but Arkysis' fire could prove more problematic than beneficial. Gauss processed everything he knew opted to stick to what he had done in the past: support.

'We're after the containers, Gauss answered.

Then he darted off, amplifying himself as he went and pouring his wavelength into both of his partners. They had only minimal time to practice prior to this and he had yet to successfully resonate with Arkysis as he did with Noah, but both of them were entirely useable. In this case, that was enough. "Those containers still have plenty of weapons. Noah and I are going to resonate, steal all of them, put them in a line, then Arkysis and I will melt all of them to form a barricade for people to get behind. The others should be able to clear out threats inside, then save others or focus on killing the dolls with a safe zone,' he explained to them. There weren't any questions with him. He just laid out a plan, plain and simple. He answered the question. Perhaps it landed a little on the one-sided spectrum of communication styles, but these were those fight for flight moments that neglected normal platitudes.

Upon nearly the absolute front of what was the crowd near the roped off area, it was plain to see Adrian had already cleared out a fair majority of the dolls here. Gauss intentionally followed this path, avoiding confrontation at this point as much as possible. Once there, he extended Noah out in front of him and began spinning him on his fingertip, as per their usual, and outstretch Arkysis with his other hand so that his blade, while low to the ground, was ready to be lifted and struck with in the event they were attacked.

With Noah spinning, Gauss was able to pour his wavelength into the weapon and hope for the same outreach to him. He was already pre-emptively trying to pull on the containers, hoping to get them out of the reaches of the dolls further back from the stands as soon as feasibly possible. He didn't know if there were more guns in there, but if he could keep anything in those caches from getting in their hands, it would make everything safer and easier for everyone involved. His Soul Space had its typical tug, one that now both Noah and Arkysis were exposed to. As long as Arkysis remained focused here, he wouldn't interrupt the resonance. What really mattered was Noah matching him with this, and then together hampering the resources of their immediate targets.

'These are a bit heavier than anything we lifted before, but we've got some added oomph from Arky,' he announced to them both, 'doesn't have to be neat, either. Just get them away from those fucking dolls.'

Nadia Semyonov - Death City - Festival Grounds
With grim determination, Nadia quickly observed the scene, as the carnage unfolded, there was more than guns to worry about it seemed. For the civilians at least. The firearms were still a danger to Nadia, the melee weapons not so much. But they were plenty of a threat to everyone else that wasn't a weapon or a meister. Letting her attention dwell on the glowing area, the meister was no mage nor all that attuned to such, but she knew the sense she got from magic when it was in use or fading, and the glowing mark was very much the later. Attacking the center was of little use, at least for that purpose alone.

As Dani entered her hand in weapon form, the other was more than a bit angry, for good reason, she would not tell her some fancy bullshit on remaining detached and calm, this was war. Noah seemed to be going about to free others, till he got his own meister who was going after some of the containers away from the center as best as she could tell, ones that had yet to be opened.

Letting her own anger out a little, Nadia took on the role of being a survivor, a meister, a warrior, as she darted into the midst of the dead and dying, or soon to be dead. No matter the fate of Gauss's endeavors, there were plenty of them armed and operational. Like a whirlwind as Dani boosted her wavelength Nadia runs into a group of gunners, it looked like one of them had an AK pattern rifle, there were also handguns, hunting rifles and shotguns, and even more overwhelmingly all sorts of tools or weapons made for cutting and smashing.

The amount of blood around them showed that for far too many it was too late to do much more than avenge them. Ducking and dodging some fire, it was like being back in Vladivostok... No, if anything it was easier, no abominations had made themselves known, no hidden snipers, no mines to disarm or to piss yourself over defusing with a shaky hand, it was warm, she had food. No, if anything this was in its own way, fun. "Heheheh." These foes could be destroyed, she just had to do that before they could cause more harm. Though it was a shame that the spell was simply an on switch, she could not end what happened, these constructs were likely fueled by souls. Every bit the victim as the lives they now claimed, with no will or control of their own, a battery.

Moving in between one of the AK armed dolls and another whose magazine was empty, she slid her blade into one, then swung it into the other, watching them undergo self-destruct, fortunately as with the two she stabbed at the start they did not fragmentate, while it got in the way of investigations it did also mean they didn't kill even more of the crowd. Picking up the AK in a lightning flash grab, she dumped the magazine into a few of the attackers, throwing the weapon once it was empty with the force of a super human, it destroyed yet another, as she went for a handgun, running and dodging inside of the attacking group. From there she used the sword to break yet more of the dolls, before picking up yet another rifle and reenacting her earlier actions.

There was no need for resonance for this just yet, righteous fury would be enough. Rip and Tear until it was done, she was no longer some helpless girl that struggled and had to hide, for making her remember those times, she would destroy every single one she could... 50 down, over one thousand to go.

Dani, we are being overran. This is good, now I can attack without fear of what I may hit.

Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider Peckinou Peckinou The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Serei2477 Serei2477 Meredith Meredith

Sara Middletonbloodlust texas.jpg
April 1, 2067
Location: Spirit Park, Death City, Nevada
Interactions: Eva
Mentions: Adrian, Nadia, Dani, Gauss, Noah, Arkayis
Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Peckinou Peckinou

Sara’s nose was hit with rotten eggs, and her nose forced her head to twist to-...


Concerned, she switched gears after throwing more beads off of the others she could reach. Nadia and Dani were letting themselves get overrun to attack as many as they could without fear of hurting civilians, and Adrian was… Wild. Gauss and his partners were targeting the gun boxes.

So, she was going to create a barrier. Or, at least try.

Tears still stung her eyes and fell from her face as the screaming continued to nail into her mind. But with Eva’s own anger and determination to stop this, Sara used it as an anchor for her own focus and became a rock for Eva’s own turmoil of emotions after regaining her footing. Even as her own emotions caused her soul to waver, she clung on to Eva to give herself some more fortitude.

‘While our fires can’t burn, they can still distract and give everyone cover until we have something more material.’ She spoke within their soul space, now wishing they could properly resonate - especially with how horrific this all was and how close they were to align for it. Or, well, it felt like it. Their emotions were pretty close.

Logic be damned. Of course, she knew better than this, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

Sara swung the lantern, her intentions fed to Eva to send a bunch of fire towards the line of enemies and create a sort of obfuscating barrier to make for shooting civilians harder. She rushed forward and took off more beads as she went, found a few that were further into the crowd and bashed them on the head. After smashing a few, she paused as she got nearer to the front.

Her soul blanked for a brief moment. Then her soul opened itself up to a resonance, attempting to draw Eva into her eerie forest island. ‘You ready to resonate? Not sure if we’re ready, but it couldn’t hurt to try now, would it?’ Resonating through shared anger and pain for the civilians was something she had seen others do, right? Maybe it wouldn’t be too different? Or were they too inexperienced? Was there something else to it or did it have to be more pure?

These questions failed to go through her mind. Her impulsive nature made her not really second guess herself as she continued for a try.


Noah WileySad Noah.png
April 1, 2067
Location: Spirit Park, Death City, Nevada
Interactions: Gauss, Arkayis
Mentions: Adrian, Nadia, Dani, Sara, Eva
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Peckinou Peckinou Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun

Noah was a bit concerned upon seeing Arkayis’s expression. Why was he so calm? What has he seen? At least he was angry about it though. He swore the guy didn’t really show much emotion besides either dislike or anxiety.

Falling into Gauss’s hand as his weapon form, he focused on tying a bridge between himself and Gauss. Sara and Eva were going around and throwing beads off as many as they could, while Nadia and Dani were killing as many as they could. Adrian… Adrian was a bit of a menace, and it was actually starting to concern him. But he didn’t let that concern echo too harshly within their soul space. Gauss had a plan, and he was going to help as much as he could.

The plan to make a wall of guns sounded promising, so that’s what he was going to do. There was a possible idea of grabbing a few guns so they didn’t get melted and set them on the walls to have them fire at the jester girls, but he wasn’t so sure if anybody else was going to get hit by the crossfire. ‘While I’d love ta fortify the wall with functional, unmelted guns ta shoot back at 'em, I don’t think we got the time for that.’ He echoed his wish for a slightly better plan, but knew how problematic it was. Especially with how heavy these guns were, he wasn’t so sure if he’d be able to properly move them in the way he wanted to that wasn’t clunkily moving them towards or away from them.

The spinning allowed Noah to generate enough electricity to properly use Gauss’s wavelength to tug the guns towards them. Noah took Gauss’s wavelength, used it to tighten that bridge first, then focused on pouring his own wavelength to Gauss. Noah then used Gauss’s wavelength to empower his own so he may magnetize and pull on the guns and boxes. It was at first slow, but they did manage to pull even the metal boxes that housed them.

Once they had pulled the guns away from the jesters, he began moving these boxes towards the front, the guns floating within these metal shipping containers and set them in front of the jesters. Noah did manage to pull up one gun and fire at the jesters after determining he wouldn't hit anyone else with it, but that took way too much energy, so he stopped after firing off an AK's rounds in a couple bursts.

Last edited:


Eloise Keegan - DWMA Festival Grounds
Elly took her share of the treat, adjusting the mask to more clearly enjoy it. She spent the majority of her time snacking at the stands, cheating the game stands, and attending the rides with Annika before the jester girls came out. The meister paid them little mind, though found it odd how resolute the girls were while she prodded them for information about the supposed surprise. Even peering within didn't provide her with insight as to what it could be. Their souls were surprisingly stalwart in revealing cues that were typical in a conversation, though otherwise appeared normal.

It wasn't until later that Elly would come to realize that. As the parade came to an end, the girls transformed into golems and began attacking the populous. This was shocking to the ex mobster given that their souls held no giveaway that she could see. Whoever did this could mask golems against even someone like her, and that was not a thought Elly cared for.

Nonetheless, one issue at a time. For now, she felt her body weigh down. She was frozen in place due to this magic, and it didn't take long for her to put two and two together. The jester girls transformed into golems and were now attacking everyone. What were the golems handing out before this? It honestly wasn't that difficult to figure out, though she supposed given everyone was frozen, it didn't matter if people figured it out. However, it seemed not everyone was completely frozen.

Looking over to Annika, she seemed weighted, but still able to move. Perfect.

"a..." Elly tried to speak, but found even moving her mouth was like swimming upstream with weights attached. "..aa... nika... neck...!"

Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider
Sara and Eva
Shared Soul Space-Jesters Fair
Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Peckinou Peckinou RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen

Yes, a distraction.” Eva spoke as if speaking to herself. “I can't do a wall of fire… would be neat. Well… maybe.” Eva said as she began to think about it. It was then that she began to feel the pull. Sara began to draw her into a shared soul space, all the hate and rage that she felt began to drip along with it. “Couldn’t hurt, lets try it.” Eva spoke back without entirely realizing what she was saying. She was lost in her emotions, the feeling of anger and heart ache permeated every part of her, bringing up memories that she had thought she had dealt with.

It was in the shared soul space that the memories began to slip into. The melding of Sara's forest island with Eva’s forest was at first serene and it seemed like everything was taking shape. Yet, just at the cusp of a melding the first signs of corruption began to spill in. Sitting in the grass Eva looked up to where Sara was standing. “Something doesn’t feel right.” Eva said, though by this point it didn’t matter.

Around Eva the forest began to wither, the trees lost their leaves and the ground began to darken. Gripping her head the immense rage seemed to dump leaving her feeling empty. In its place came a dark foreboding as Eva stood up “Sara…?” she asked her eyes, shifting colors and intensity.

The twisting of Eva’s forest caused Sara’s own forest to twist. Confusion and anxiety from Sara permeated the air, enough that a deep growl reverberated from the very soil underneath them all. Sara felt her hair stand up on end. Sara realized too late that they should have done this in a controlled, safe environment.

Oh, how stupid she was.

Granted, the attempted resonance only had Sara make contact with a portion of Eva’s soul, but already the feeling of being repelled began to take place. Stubbornly, Sara stared at Eva with concern, holding out her hand for Eva to hold. “Eva, we have to stay relatively calm. We can do this.” Though, her words didn’t hold the same confidence she wanted to portray, and it could be felt all around them as the world they both tried to share with each other began to twist.

Feeling the reverberation from the ground Eva began to feel panic rising. Looking around the soul space was deeply disturbed, yet despite being of two different halves the white haired woman seemed to recognize some of it. “No…” Eva whimpered, her eyes darting up to Sara’s own. She saw the hand but didn’t immediately reach for it. “We need to go.” Eva said as her mind drifted back to the death of her previous partner.

Hand snapping out she took Sara’s and turned suddenly. She gave Sara a tug but was stopped dead in her tracks as an eerie purple shadow whipped up from the misty floor of the forest below. Eva’s blood ran cold as it coalesced into a tangible image. Eva recognized it immediately, broken and bloodied as it was. While the image was far from intact, Sara could recognize the visage as Denni from the many pictures scattered about Eva’s previous residence.

From behind there came laughter and an eerie sing-song voice “Scatter as rats they may but soon we will be here to play.” The voice combined with the image of Denni caused Eva’s mind to shatter, the connection between her and Sara snapping like a high tension wire.

Sara grasped a hold of Eva’s hand, but the damage had already been done. The memory started to unfold, and Eva’s mind shattering consequently pulled Sara out of their attempted soul space and dropped Eva’s weapon form.

While Sara barely resonated with even a fraction of Eva’s soul, the rejection still burned. Her entire body felt too hot, the flames from Eva’s weapon form having attacked her and stuck to her clothes. Not only that, but her own collar didn’t sound off its clicking like it normally would have, and she was starting to feel the beast within claw its way to the surface.

But no… She couldn’t allow it.

Grunting and holding her hands to her head, she let out a frustrated roar to center herself. Her ears picked up the fighting, the crying, the screaming… And she remembered where she was. She used that as an anchor to keep herself from transforming, not needing the oddly soothing clicking of her collar to force her to recall where she was. She looked for Eva, seeing if she was a weapon or if she had transformed back.

Being ejected from both her weapon form and the shared soul space was a shock for Eva. She hadn’t expected it and the after images of Denni’s destroyed form stuck with her. Tears streamed down her face and she barely had any solid concept of where she currently was. Having hit the ground with a thud she heard the tell tale sign of whirling and gunfire sweep over her. Ducking her head down she felt something impact her right shoulder and grunted in pain.

Adrenaline pumping through her she didn’t crumble to the ground but instead seemed to use the pain to refocus. She had been here before, just the world seemed so different now.. where were the trees? Shaking her head, her bloodied right arm shifted into a long chain and immediately she spun around, using the momentum of her turn to drag it across the ground and wrap a jester up, pinning it into place. Left arm shifting she spun the other direction, using all her strength to spin the jester like a top, the long chains extending from both her arms lifting off the ground and creating a dangerous pocket of flying metal around her like a mace blender. “Sara.” Eva called out “I think I am hurt.” she managed to say, ending the spinning on one knee.

Sara panicked upon seeing Eva’s hurt shoulder, but paused briefly as Eva attacked a nearby jester. “Yeah, I can see that.” Sara sighed, and reached out to grab a part of her clothes. “Transform again. I know what will happen right after a rejection and it’s gonna hurt a little, maybe even feel a bit uncomfortable, but we don’t have any other choice.” She said, expecting Eva to transform. “We can handle them together, with or without a stable connection.

Feeling the tug on her clothing Eva shifted, immediately she felt a burning sensation shoot through her body. “Yes, uncomfortable…” Eva groaned, the mace slowly dripping blood onto the ground. Still scrambled, Eva fell into a small stint of silence, trying to regather her thoughts after having to deal with her mind fragmenting. After a minute she finally spoke up “We shouldn't have done that.”.

Sara Middleton1677890620816.png
April 1, 2067
Location: Spirit Park, Death City
Interactions: Eva
Mentions: Gauss, Noah, Arkayis, Adrian, Dani, Nadia, Elly, Annika
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul Peckinou Peckinou RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun EmperorsChosen EmperorsChosen Mook-LandStrider Mook-LandStrider

As Eva shifted, Sara's hands began to burn. Stubbornly, she held onto her weapon partner tightly. Their resonance was now paper thin and Eva's weapon form was quite heavy. It was like lifting up one of those fifty-pound steel industrial wrenches. Sara didn't try patching what they did up, as doing it too soon could hurt them and their ability to resonate in the future. Due to how little their resonance was, Sara couldn't talk to her telepathically either.

"Ow, yeah... My fault, shouldn't have asked." Sara said amongst her strain. A stray bullet smashed into her shoulder and she yelped, her hands gripping Eva. "Now that you're heavier, I have to be careful." She then charged, smashing the face of the jester that shot her, causing the humanoid to crumple over. Sara couldn't smell anything wrong with these jesters, they smelled just like human souls.

"Just focus on calming yourself down, I can handle just holding you." Despite the pain now searing into her hands, Sara didn't budge from letting go of Eva. She didn't want Eva to get hurt again because of her inability as a meister. She saw the boxes get sent in front of the mob of shooting jesters, so she jumped over them to smash a jester over the head, take her iron pipe and the lantern flail and iron pipe in conjunction to destroy the jesters in front of her. She just hoped Nadia, Dani, and Adrian were holding up well.

Especially Adrian.


Ark | DWMA | Dall Island | Rings: 0/3

He couldn't protect Maria's doll and himself at the same time- so he dodged the spider's incoming attack and chose to preserve himself.

Then he heard Raphael's call for a magic circle-- his eyes ignited with understanding. Yes! With that they could get enough power to turn the tide.

Attempts to slow the spiders weaving the webs, pointless- he knew without even acting. But getting that magic circle-- would be difficult from the webbing, he realized. Each of these spiders- all of them were capable of anti-magic feats to some degree. Their magical attacks were not as effective, based solely on Rand's own personal move which had only managed to mildly slow them down. This was bad- things were not going well. He considered levelling the whole ground- undoing the ring on his arm and unleashing his magic at its full capacity- to not hold back like he had been- even now, there was still a part of him that worried what he might do to his peers- even with the knowledge that Rand could probably stop him- the fact that he could become an added variable was not frivolous concern that popped into his head

Instead he retaliated, pushing the spiders approaching him back with a gesture that sent a series of earth thorns tearing up the ground towards his attackers.. However Maria's cry briefly drew his attention to her- and he saw the explosion for what it was- an explosion fueled by the rush of magic spurred by emotion, and even more the Pull.

Then his eyes caught merely the briefest glimpse of light-- and everything went white.

The blast staggered him-- he saw nothing, nothing but spots, it and the force of the pressure wave caused him to stumble backwards by three steps but before the fourth with Earth magic, he ceased any further movement that might cause him to lose balance further and in the same instant supported the others in case the blast did the same as well but getting a feel for their locations with Seismic Sense in the same moment he caught himself. Yet even as his footing was arrested and the spots bounced in and out of his temporary blindness, Ark fought to catch his breathe- there was silence-- obviously it'd be a while before he could hear but what was that--

What is that? He felt something like a knife twist in his gut.

He squinted rubbed his eyes, and started to make out shapes. Put a finger to his ear and turned his head.

Nothing. His vision saw shapes now- blurs that slowly cleared with the spots fading- and when he blinked-- he saw soldiers-- scattered- not gore, but there were injured, scorch marks from an explosion. Blood here and there from metal bits that had made a mark. A golem that had been set to blow had nearly taken them out had he and another mage not used their magic to shield them- but the explosion-- the pounding of his heart- the sign of movement from above--

The pounding of his heart-- he realized-- that's what the sound was.

And then he caught movement-- one of the spiders rising back up. As his vision cleared and he made out clarity with rapid succession- Ark glanced in the direction of the blast and saw no sign of the Spider that Maria had unleashed her fury on.

Was it possible? The thought popped into his mind- his heart pounding.

He noticed that Rand had not done anything yet either- was not trying to use his spell to speak while their hearing was out- perhaps it couldn't bypass the laws of nature. And if these spiders were as intelligent as their Queen with how they were attacking them just now- using these webs to slow their progress--

He snapped his fingers-- felt the ring on his arm collapse and fall into a compartment in his pocket.

He had to do something before these things got the upper hand.

Ark spread his hands out, fingers splayed wide and then with his eyes scanning for each ally- a orange outline covered them. From Maria to her remaining dolls, to the others- he had been preserving his magic since those crabs had materialized, managing it with the rings and his own common sense also- there was plenty in stock for him to capitalize on right now.

He could still hear the eerie beat of his own heart and nothing else.

Just like back then.

Images flashed into his mind's eye. He saw Witches descend on him from above.

In the same instant he watched as Maria- whether driven by desperation or her Pull, charge without- to him it seemed- much thought aside from a desire to act.

The ground trembled-- and orange veins spread out across the area.

There was no build up this time-- Ark did what he did the last time he felt backed into a corner- only this time he had the sense beforehand to provide his teammates with protection before unleashing it.

The ground vibrated- shook maddeningly for only a single second and then the next right after, it erupted- torn open as if by claws or blades, as if something was trying to come out. Cracks rocketed along the ground from Ark in every direction and as the cracks formed the lava shot out of the ground in spurts from orange veins.

His eyes narrowed, glancing around- contemplations on whether the Spiders would survive his strongest spell left untamed and given fuel by his Pull and anger and stress.

In this moment he did not care about his colleagues despite already having the safety spell cast to protect them, all he cared about was seeing if he could make everything he wanted to burn- burn. Because he needed them to burn so that he could stay alive.

The cracks stopped a millisecond after his eyes stopped scanning. Then hands went up, and the ground violently shook as immediately after, lava shot out in every direction from where the cracked orange veins tore-- some coming in the path of his colleagues who'd feel nothing- not even the heat. Most however, directly released their liquid fury onto the spiders in an array of volcanic eruptions.

Mentions: n/a

Interactions:: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Meredith Meredith

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