Soul Bracelet! (Interest Check)


RPG Title : Soul Bracelet

Theme: Battle, Fantasy, Action, Adventure (The adventure theme kicks in after a little while)

Mood: A raging will to fight and become the best, a raging will to avenge their fallen ones or maybe just to care for others and be that sensitive sort of character. The mood depends on what your character is like. Either way, all moods must come with little to decent amount of emotional sense. That is what makes the story interesting.

Back Story : The city of Arika was once a peaceful place. A city of peace and tranquility. A place where everyone came together as one and acted as brother and sister. There was not a distressed soul in sight. The city of Arika was paradise for everyone living there. That is, until soldiers from a guild named reBORN attacked. reBORN showed no mercy and slaughtered most of the citizens there, including women and children. After the reBORN guild looted everything and left, the only thing left of Arika was random fires burning where there was once houses, still corpses of where the cheerful people used to skip, pieces of metal and glass shattered all over the floor where memories were left and a shocking, disgusted feeling hanging in the balance along with the souls of the deceased. The remaining teenage survivors, who had been training in the city of Arika, are left filled with shock and sadness. Their families and friends, laying on the floor, not moving. Their whole life...wiped out within a matter of minutes. Soon, the remaining teenage survivors get together and decide to find out who the leader of reBORN is and kill him, getting revenge for their fallen city. They decide to produce a guild and name it Soul Bracelet to represent that, through the tough times and the chaos, their souls will still link to each other like a bracelet. Can these low experienced warriors avenge their homeland...?

Plot : The present time is back in the village series (So, back to a time of One Piece and Naruto rather than a time of Bleach or Guilty Crown (No modern-day technology, basically)). The group of surviving teenagers will consist of whoever wants to join the RP (Including me). If people want, they can play an extra role of a character they may encounter along the way of their adventure (E.g. - A merchant, an enemy, a mysterious stranger, someone in another village, etc.) but people shouldn't try to bite off more than they can chew. They should only take on another role if they feel they can handle it. I will play multiple other roles in the RP as well, including the final boss (Leader of reBORN). There is not much chaos , however, there is a high level of fear. Many other villages or guilds are not avenging the city of Arika because of the fear they have for the guild reBORN, which is rumoured to be the strongest in the whole of Japan. reBORN have proven this by slaughtering any village that angers them in the slightest. However, there are some people that help Soul Bracelet out along the way. And, there are some who try and trick or kill them. Who is your friend? Who is your foe? That's the fun part of the RP, you don't know!

Information: If this RP is liked (Which I hope it will be), there will be a short waiting period to allow people to join and state their characters. As soon as the RP starts, the RP will begin from about a day before Arika is destroyed. Relationships/Friendships can form before Arika is attacked. If people join along the way (While Soul Bracelet are on their adventure), they can be part of the guild by meeting up with them and having a similar hatred for reBORN. The warriors will have certain abilities and powers. This can be elemental (Such as fire, water, etc) and bend into many forms to make different and unique moves. So, for example, if I'm playing a boy who uses the power of electricity, I could give him the moves Electric Strike and Rapid Spark. I would also explain what the moves are, what happens, what the motion is and what the outcome/damage is. You could also give your character a weapon too. Or you could just give your character just magical attacks. Or, maybe just a weapon to specialise in.

Goal : The goal of Soul Bracelet is to avenge their fallen village and destroy the guild, reBORN, by killing their leader (Who is currently unknown). However, they think and plan so much into this goal that they don't put a lot of consideration of what their goal will be afterwards or what they will do. This topic is allowed to be brought up part way through the adventure.

Setting : No modern day technology. This is set in Japan. Not modern Japan. More like the previous age (Such as Naruto or One Piece). This starts in the city of Arika and becomes an adventure and meets many other races and cities. The warriors will have certain abilities and powers. This can be elemental (Such as fire, water, etc) and bend into many forms to make different and unique moves. Weapons will exist, so if you want then your character could fight with a weapon only and no special or magic abilities. The RP will not be taken to a different planet, it will stay in Japan. There are spells and attacks that can affect the soul (E.g. - Attacks/Moves that steal someone's soul or disrupt the flow of it).

Rules: 1. Don't just jump into the RP. Post your character details first and wait to be approved. You may use this form to present your character:


Age (MUST be a teenager age):



Abilities (Elemental type, name of ability and description) (If any):

Weapon (Weapon type, Weapon name (If there is a name for the weapon), Anything special about it?) (If any):





Any other information?:

I am online quite frequently so I will be approving/rejecting frequently.

2. Do not ignore anyone unless your character is in the middle of something SERIOUS (Like a battle). With that being said, just because you are in a battle, doesn't mean you ignore every character around but your enemy (Unless that is how your character is. But, at least, state that your character is ignoring them). You could grunt at -insert RP character here- to show you are annoyed.

3. This kind of links to Rule 2. If you see someone is in the middle of something important (A battle or a deep romance scene for example), try not to bother them with something petty and active (For example, if someone is having a battle, you are allowed to call out to them for encouragement or help them out but don't be stupid and do something like 'jump on them to throw them off balance'. You can laugh now but believe me: It has happened)

4. If you are suspected of annoying people or disrupting the flow of the RP, I will give you a warning (Just in case you are not doing it on purpose). However, if you keep comitting offences, I may have to turn to more extreme actions.

5. No killing another character unless it is approved by the owner of the character. If you want to give people the ability to kill your character, just state it like this: (Hey, guys. You can kill my character now. But, he/she won't go down without a fight!). However, just because you say your character is available to kill doesn't mean, they will die straight off. They may not even die at all. It just challenges you a bit more, knowing people can kill your character in battle.

6. When making your Character, try not to make them too strong. They are inexperienced teenagers recovering from their destroyed homeland, they aren't going to be a freakin' Super Saiyan now, are they? But, don't fear: The characters learn and get stronger along the way of the adventure! :)

7. This DEFINATELY links in with Rule 6: No GMs. Seriously. Be prepared to take some losses. Also, no instant-kills (Unless, somehow, the situation allows for it...) If we follow that rule, battles can actually go more smoothly :)

8. Be respectful to each other and play nice!

9. Erm...Have fun! :D

Name: Agile

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Looks: (this is her butterfly form two.)

View attachment 3497View attachment 3498

Abilities: She can control the element of wind

wich gives her the power to change into a butterfly.

Weapon: A japan style fold fan that has retractable blades at the end.

It also helps her harness and control her wind powers

View attachment 3496.

Personality: Agile is always the silent yet good fighter type.

she is very kind wich makes her enemy underestimate her.

Strengths: Her fan and her power to shift into a butterfly.

Weakness: Loseing her fan with out her fan she has no idea how to use her powers

and being tickled.

Bio: i think its better to learn more about her on the rp.

Name: Nova Scar

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Abilities (Elemental type, name of ability and description) (If any): She has heighten sense, able to slow down time but not stop it.

Weapon (Weapon type, Weapon name (If there is a name for the weapon), Anything special about it?) (If any): named Tear

Personality: Nova is a cold girl and troubling to get to know but she cares for people in her our way. Nova expects more of people and herself at times. Nova has trust issues and usually avoid social interaction though she will work with others to complete a goal. She is harsh in the way she goes about things.

Strengths: Her skills with a blade, her combat skills, her ability to percieve things

Weakness: Dealing with others, social interactions, trusting people

Backstory/Bio(optional): Nova did not have a good past. Her parents were separated as her birth was an accident. Nova did not know her mother and instead lived with her father who forced her to take up sword fight. She showed signs of magic and her father say it was most likely because of her mother. Nova was eventually betrayed by someone close and that has shaped the way she acts and explains her low trust issues but what happened Nova does not talk about.

Name: Yukito Li

Age: 15

Gender: Male


Abilities (Elemental type, name of ability and description) (If any): He can use ice magic usually freezing a water source and using that to form weapons or to trap someone but is recently able to produce ice from nothing, can go invisible as well and can make another invisible right now but must be touching them.

Weapon (Weapon type, Weapon name (If there is a name for the weapon), Anything special about it?) (If any): N/A

Personality: Yukito may not seem like a nice person at first glance. He is a shy and bookish person and is either practicing his magic or reading a book either for study or pleasure. He is not always doing these things but they take up much of his energy. Still Yukito is a kind person and always willing to listen to others or socialize. He is a very focused person and puts all his efforts into what he is doing. He tends to just flow with things.

Strengths: His ability to focus on a goal, his willingness to adapt, his smarts and book knowledge, his dedication

Weakness: Weak physically, cannot lead a group, clumsy at times, has difficulty changing this major focus, to easily cowed

Backstory/Bio(optional): Yukito had a pretty normal life most of it either learning about his powers or in a book.
I'm not sure how he can turn invisible. But okay! Approved for the Rp. Just try not to use that power so much, remember. Everyone is just kids that just lost everything.
Name: Raven

Age (MUST be a teenager age): 14

Gender: Female


Abilities (Elemental type, name of ability and description) (If any): Can shapeshift into a black wolf, and has wings only in her human form

Weapon (Weapon type, Weapon name (If there is a name for the weapon), Anything special about it?) (If any): razors between her fingers can be throwing knives, but are normally used at close-range. They are meant to mimic wolf claws.

Personality: Can be a know-it-all or full of herself, but can also be sensitive (rare, but possible)

Strengths: Very agile, good hearing, really beautiful singing voice

Weakness: Can loose her temper very easily, claustrophobic, gets stressed if someone looks her in the eyes for too long (not infrequent because of her violet eyes)

Backstory/Bio(optional): Used to have a pet hawk

Any other information?: Won't sing in front of anyone (if you overhear her that's fine)

Name:Rya Lovegrove



Appearance:Rya stands at a even 5'8, Rya has slightly spiky Cosmic Latte hair which stops at his hips, normally seeming to ''Grow'' like thorns around his hips. He also has silver hairbands which he uses to keep his hair from getting in his face, he takes these out when he's about to go to sleep or going to school. His eyes are a odd Rosewood color, his skin a pale white, he tried before to get some color by going out more, but it didn't really work out all that well. He isn't very ''Buffed up'' as he says it, having a very slim figure himself.

Despite his odd physical look, his clothes are slightly more...Well. Boring.

He wears a light brown vest over a pale gray long sleeve-shirt. When he is wearing this he is never seen without thin, silver glasses. He always has a loosely tied black tie on. He rarely tightens it at all. He also has his hair in his normal slightly spiky state. Though his hair doesn't spike upward, it spikes downward.

Abilities:As of right now, Rya can manipulate manipulate the power of Lunar energy, to a certain extent. He is able to fly with his Element, though he must stop and rest for a while afterwards. He is able to gather small amounts of energy around his hands and feet, though he isn't able to control massive amounts of this energy, though he is able to focus it into a ball of grayish white light. Though this doesn't hurt anything, he leave a opening for him to escape with.

Weapon:Midnight Dream:Rya's weapon is a oddly designed, gloves. Splashed all over with dark gray and silver-ish white colors, moons in the design in the palms of his gloves, seeming to glow in the right light. Rya normally keeps this on his person at all times, to either control his power a bit better, or to really fight something off.

Personality:To be frank, Rya is a normal a very closed in person, though this doesn't mean he's a hermit. He enjoys his own space, he is oddly quite for such a young boy. Prefering to watch instead of getting to deep into things. This being said, he might come across as a uncaring, lazy person. But the truth is, he is quite far from that.

Strengths:Rya is a a very nimble person, thinking that ''Becoming like the moon'' is the best way to go. He is oddly strong for somebody of his size, though this simply might be from his past as a farmer. He can be a very hard foe to fight, his powers may be low but he'll give it all he has to beat the foe. Rya might even be called:A Combo Mixer.

Weakness:Rya's combos are hard to break, though if one is able to stop him, or badly hurt him before he can begin one of his combos, he will be extremely weakened. Against a fighter who focuses on weapons, he would be put at a bad spot. Seeing that he uses his hands and feet for fighting the most.

Backstory/Bio(optional)Desolate land expands out all around a small village. Not even magic can bring life to this dead, empty space. Yet amongst all the dreary scenery live a simple boy with a gift: A gift to give light to the area around him. Renowned and hated for his gift, he is cast out by many and said to be a witch of sorts.

One day the citizens of this village do what they believe is the right thing: They try and kill the witch. They believed they succeeded until the following day. Rya returned, unscathed and just as serene as ever. Despite their actions, he held no ill will toward the villagers. It was then that the villagers had realized that they had misjudged him.

6 months pass and the story of Rya Shirabuki spreads far and wide. Jealous and enraged by his gift, people from far and wide congregate to rid the world of this "otherwordly" creature once and for all. However, the villagers step in to protect him, no matter what the cost. Before the conflicts escalates, Rya steps in and offers himself to the enraged people.

He is then tied up and burned alive inside his house. Even as his light fades, the welfare of the villagers; his friends, remains his top concern. As the smoke clears, all that is left of Rya and his house is ash and smoldering wood. However, amidst this dark, depressing scene, a small light flourishes though the village almost instantaneously. Though he is gone, he left his friends a reminder: He will always be there for them.

Somehow the smoking body of the young boy was found by travelers from a nearby village. Scared about the fading life of the poor boy they carefully picked the burnt body of Rya. Takin him to their village, hiding him from the others as they slowly brought him back to health. The boy seemed to forget about everything that happened to him. The people who too him in said that he hit his head on a rock trying to get a apple out of a tree. And he forgot everything, and they their were his mom and dad. The young boy tried to wrap his head around it before he said: "I'm sorry for scaring you like this mom. I won't do it again." The ''Mom and Dad'' were happy that the boy was able to not remember what had happened to him. Something like that would had scared anybody else for life.

Rya became a member of the village, though he was shy he talked to the many people around town. Never remembering his past.

Any other information?:Has a brother, both in his past and in the present

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