sooner or later hes fair game (twilight sparkle x deathweaponstar)

twilight sparkle

Yaoi lover
Angelic was playing around with her best pony friends in equestria, golden arrow and sparklefly! the young filly had a tan coat, hazel eyes, glasses, a medium length black mane with red streaks with a slight curl same with her tail. one day she saw some ponies fighting and had to help. she stood between them spreading her wings. her horn glowed holding the two up. "stop! no fighting!" her horn glowed more and doves flew out like cadence's hearts. they went to the ponies and they instantly calmed. angelic's flank glowed and she had a big red heart with angel wings and a dove in the center. "i got my cutie mark!"
Sparklefly's eyes widened and she rushed over. Sparklefly hadn't gotten her cuti-mark yet, probably because of her shy nature that she was trying to over come so it always amazed her. Sparklefly had been on her own since she was a young filly. Her mother and father met a tragic end in the everfree forest when a tree fell down. Sparklefly looked at the cuti-mark. "It's so elegant!" the slightest flutter of her wings lifted her off the ground, giving away some of the skill hidden in her wings.
angelic's parents galloped over."are you hurt?!" angelic shook her head. angelic was shy as well but will be brave when needed. angelic bounced around smiling and hugged sparklefly. her parents had offered to let sparklefly live with them. golden arrow smiled.
When they had offered Sparklefly was shocked and didn't know how to react but after a moment of mumbled words she took a deepbreath and smiled and kindly accepted though she felt kind of bad that she had. Therefore she always worked hard and did things to help out when ever she could.

Sparklefly hugged Angelic back, the energy the filly was giving off made her all bubbly as well. She flew around and around the filly leaving a trail of sparkles in her path. That managed to get her energy at a more manageable level although she wasn't going nearly as fast as she did up in the clouds when she flew for fun.
angelic smiled and golden flew around with the two. angelic sang softly to herself. "~best friends are there for each other close like sister and brother. so lets get together now! lets dance lets place soar through the sky all day! reach for the sun its the start of the fun!~"her voice was very beautiful.
Sparklefly felt so free. The little pegusus really had become at home with Angelic. Angelic was the only pony she was truly open to. She feared making friends in case they ever got taken from her like her parents had been. That didn't stop Sparklefly from caring about Angelic though. It seemed like maybe the aura around Angelic helped her to be that way.
years passed and angelic grew to be a beautiful mare, golden and a very handsome colt and sparklefly was a beautiful mare too. angelic was happily reading a manga. she loved anime!
Sparklefly had grown much more confident in herself and her cuti-mark, a gem with wings appeared when she raced the other pegusi at the graduation and left everypony in her sparkles. She spends even more time now up in the clouds racing her own imaginary courses then she ever has.But even with her new dreams Angelic is still her friend in Sparklefly's eyes.
angelic saw sparklefly as a sister. she finished her manga and flew from her cloud home and went to sugarcube corner. angelic hummed and wasnt paying attention. she and another pony crashed into eachother in a tangle of limbs. it was a colt she crashed into."sorry i wasnt looking where i was go...angelic, golden?!" the two blushed deeply. well this is awkward... they thought.
Sparklefly had been flying toward apple acres when she saw the two ponies below. she smoothly landed a short distance away and walked over. She recognized the colt after a moment, trying to hide her reaction. "Golden! I haven't seen you in what feels like...well. forever." It was probably clear that she was surprised though as she wasn't very good at hiding things.
The two got untangled and angelic blushed rubbing her right elbow shyly. Golden said"its been a while guys! why don't we catch up?" angelic said"s-sure. sparklefly?"
"Yeah! That sounds great!" It was almost as if she hadn't noticed the collision between Golden and Angelic all though in actuality she had. She kept silent about it so as to the betterment of them who already seemed rather embarrassed.
"Thank you Angelic!" Sparklefly said with a smile. She wondered about what Golden Arrow had been doing all this time. Oddly enough she was feeling a little nervous to ask which hadn't happened in a while. That made her even more curious but about why she was feeling this way. She wondered if they could see her nerviness.
It had seemed to Sparkle that the conversation hadn't even really begun. She had hoped Golden would have asked something so she didn't have to start the conversation because of the strange uneasiness she was feeling. But she finally decided that she should say something so that the silence wouldn't continue forever and become awkward.

"Golden, what have you been doing lately?" It was a simple question but it still set off that uneasy feeling in her stomach. she shook herself. He is just a friend what is there to be so nervous about? she asked herself which seemed to calm the feeling down a lot. Maybe i would be able to talk to them now without sliding back into old habits again.
Golden said"helping with weather and practicing with my archery!"smiling. Angelic said"n-nice. Um so anypony wanna race?"laughing nervously. What's wrong with me? I only stuttered this much with new ponies or something!
"Race? did i hear race?" She smiled kindly. Sparkle never turned down a race. Speed was her thing, it was part of what she did best. How could she ever turn down a chance to use it?
"So what kind of race are we going to do?" Sparkle asked as they continued to walk on. Seeing Pinkie Pie should not have been as surprising as it was for her. She waved to as Pinkie bounced along down the street. ((is it called that i don't know..))

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