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Fantasy Son's and Daughters of Olympus

Demetri laughed and then tried fixing his wheelchair since it got stuck in between chair. Looking back at Aurora, '' Oh Geez, if only we could. You are stuck here for at least a few weeks.'' He simply stated giving her a sympathetic smile. He then simply shrugged and shoved the spaghetti he had in front of him.
The minute the three of them entered, she spotted Demetri with another girl and Jason. She led the other two straight to them. "Demetri. I brought him. And Eva. You should probably give them the new info."
Demetri looked at everyone. There was Eva, Idris, Jethro, Aurora and there new friend Jason. He finally pulled away from the table going to a place, moving a bit to be able to see everyone clearly. He exhaled and started explaining the whole situation. From what happened down in the Underworld, how kronos escaped blablabla. He finished with telling them that they will have to go to Athens and ,thanks to the knowledge of Jason on the weapon he forged himself, they pretty much knew the weakness. The only thing that bothered him was that it seemed too easy. Something was off but he didn't know what it was. Shrugging those thoughts away, he looked back at all of them waiting for there reaction. '' So...That is what is happening. We are doom if we don't do anything 6 days from now including today.''
"I think there are others we can bring as well." She said, softly. "And if we're going to do it. We should gather them now. Today."
Aurora sat silently as she comprehended what he had said. Her only response was shaking her wrist, causing her sword to appear as she sipped on the water. It was her way of saying she was ready for anything, well, almost anything at least.

Eva fiddled with a strand of her hair as Demetri explained. Once what he had said sank into her mind, she looked up from the table and around at the others. Her eyes landed on Demetri, and her only words were, "Then we can't afford to waist time."
"The weapon, is somewhere a Greek wouldn't think to put it. After Athenes, I need to check something...." He said with a smirk.
Demetri looked at Eva with dread serious eyes, they weren't the same as usual. He understood what she meant and it true. He looked at the others but smiled. There was still a lot of hope for now and six days was just enough. '' Exactly, we don't have much time but enough to do a good plan. I propose that we leave tomorrow morning for Athenes. Each of you will have a talkie walkie since I won't be leaving the resort*points at wheelchair.*... I will take only the volunteers to face Kronos. I don't want anyone who chickens out on us.'' he stated. '' Any questions so far?''
"I volunteer to be on the take down team against Kronos. I have some powers and equipment that could come in handy. I will follow whoever you send to lead the quest."
"I'll help take down Kronos simply because of my father. But as far as the leader goes, there's only one person for the job and that's Jethro," Aurora said, finally pulling the bottle from her mouth. She glanced over at Idris and nodded. "I have to agree with her. Something more modern would draw less attention," she added before sipping on the water again.

Eva met his dead serious look before he looked away. She listened for a bit more before saying, "I'll do whatever you need me to do." She was dead serious. She didn't have to like him, but she couldn't deny that he was one of their best chances of surviving.
Jethro's heart skipped a beat as he head Aurora's statement, he looked about at the campers assembled. Then his attention turned to Aurora.

"You cannot be serious right now. You want me to lead again?! You saw the disaster that occurred the last time I took charge. We lost everything, campers, our home. We had to go into hiding for a year. I can't do it again, I am not strong enough, not after what happened before."
Demetri sighted, '' No sweet heart. I will not give you my cellphone number..'' Trails off with a wink, '' Walkie Talkies are perfectly fine as long as we use a private signal and if by any chance the army starts hearing us..they will think we are a bunch of kids playing around.'' he added. '' Trust me... And a cellphone is not very reliable. Short battery life and only one person hears at a time. Now don't worry about those stuff. I have everything planned out for your equipment and for the rooms.'' he then looked at Aurora, '' I know perfectly who can lead and who cannot.'' he looked back at everyone, '' Jethro, I believe you are the most suitable one for this..adventure.. but you we will have to listen to me if I tell you something. I will need your full trust on me.'' he stated.
Aurora was about to say something when Eva grabbed Jethro's wrist and stood up. "Come with me," she said quietly before walking out of the cafeteria. She didn't care what anyone else was saying at that point. Sense needed to be talked into him.
"I can follow orders but I am asking you for the good of everyone here, do not make me lead this assault team. I can't make the right calls, people die when I lead."

Jethro managed to say before he was dragged from the room by Eva.
Demetri rolled his eyes,'' Urg... Why so much dramatic measurements.. why couldn't she just say this here.'' he said to himself out loud while crossing his arms.
She watched as Eva dragged Jethro away. Looking back at Demetri, she told him, "I'm going to find Ira and Tom, Freya, and Fawn. I would like to see if they want to come." She smiled at Demetri's comment. "I think she might like him. And he needs convincing that his past mistakes don't mean he's a horrible leader. That can't be done in front of everybody. I will see you later. Is there anyone else you think I should find?"
'' Well you obviously forgot Hunter but it's fine, he is already informed. Yes, all of you are pretty much dismissed. Make sure you are at the entrance of the resort at 5am. We will hold a small meeting before everyone leaves. '' Demetri said. He didn't care what Eva had to do or anything. He knew Jethro more than anyone and knows of his leadership. He trusted him and that was enough to convince Demetri. '' If there is any questions, I will be in my room, number 14.'' and with this, he left rolling in his wheelchair. He passed in front of Eva and Jethro noticing his somehow strange looking watch '' Glad to see you are safe and pretty healthy after the last minute escape from Hades...If it wasn't for you, I would of died there. '' Ill make a comment on the watch tomorrow.. he's busy dealing with that girl. He thought leaving both. 
Ill be offline now~ Maybe back on later tehee so see ya!!!
(Going to wait till one of the people I mentioned is online before posting again. Who informs Will, Luke and the others is up to y'all. I dunno, Persians? Romans?)
(heyy we decided it was Kronos who has the weapon hahah so you want be able to see it till the 6th days, question of keeping the suspense ahhaha ) 
I will pretty much control Kronos (main reason why I left Demetri to the resort lmfao)

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