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Fantasy Son's and Daughters of Olympus

demetri eyed the guy. What he said matched what he found yet it wasn't exactly clear. '' So basically... He managed to gather the energy of each temple into some weapon? Is that what you are saying? Who created such weapon because obviously Kronos didn't and Hades isn't really one to create such.'' he stated analyzing everything he said.
"Well.....I'd be lying if I said I eavesdropped. But during the second Titan War....I may have betrayed

Hephaestus and helped forge it....I was killed and in the Gaea thing I was reborn as the age I was then." He said with a nervous glance.
(Im going to give you this xD you got imagination! I like that xD )

Demetri looked at him at a weird angle, '' You betrayed your own father...how am I suppose to trust you?'' he asked chuckling at this point. He rolled his eyes and simply turned around. '' Well, at least you followed what you believed and there is a reason why you were reborn so I'm just going to assume that you are actually a good guy. One betrayal and your head will be rolling on the floor. Capiche amigo?'' he said with a sly smile.
"As I said before. I was reborn from the Doors of Death." His eyes flickered between brown and gold. "Crystal Clear." He said turning to the other male. ((I know!!))
Demetri noticed the flickering of the eyes, '' I believe you.. I'm just stating what will happen If such happened.'' he said shrugging and being quite indifferent. He waited for him to answer all of Idriss questions and also wondered why she just called him Grandpa.
"You didn't answer anything else." She said, smiling again. "And why are you telling us? Pretending to help us?"
"I don't appreciate the comment, miss. And trust me, my betrayal was because of confusion. I wanted to take Hephaestus's throne for myself. He allowed my mother to die." He said glaring at the girl.
Aurora finished eating and got up. She quietly put her plate away, unsure of what to do next. She glanced around briefly before silently walking into the training room. She looked at the others that already occupied the room and shrugged it off as she sat down on a random bench. She pulled out a small journal from her pocket and a pen before opening it and starting to write.

Eva slowly opened her eyes and glanced around the room she was in. She noticed the body still occupying the bed and sat up straight. She had fallen asleep in the chair she occupied in Captain's room. She yawned softly and stood up, walking out without a sound so she wouldn't wake him. She went downstairs to the cafeteria and refilled her drink before going back upstairs. She walked straight back to the room she had come out of and sat back down in the chair, sipping on her drink as she watched over Jethro.
demetri trying not to create some kind of fight that seemed to be forging,''Ok Guys..How about we call it a conversation. I'm very please to meet you Jason, now maybe go eat Lunch? What do you guys think of that?'' he stated clapping his hand together.
Jethro squirmed a bit in the bedding before bolting upright. He put his face in his hands and breathed heavily into them. He then lifted his face from his hands and took a slow look about the room. He noticed Eva sitting in the chair in his room. Finding his voice he said,

"I certainly hope I have not kept you waiting there for very long. That would be very rude of me after all."
Her expression didn't change. "Yet you still didn't answer my other questions." She laughed then. It was a fake laugh. "But if you'll help, how nice that would be." She declines the offer to eat lunch. "I'm going to go look for the Captain. See you later, Jason." She reached Number 4 and knocked politely on the door.
Jason nodded silently and moved his hood down. He shared an odd resemblance to Leo Valdez, uncanny resemblance. He walked behind the group.
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be here Captain," Eva said quietly as a slightly worried expression came over her face. She heard the door open and glanced over, seeing Idris standing there. She gave her a genuine smile and said, "He just woke up."
'' Oh wait Idris...Tell Jethro to come at the cafeteria. We have to sort all of this out with the others while we are all gathered there.'' Demetri stated slowly exiting the training ground. He noticed Aurora, which he didn't necessarily like but didn't hate either. He just wanted to finally explain this to everyone and so he waved at her to come.

"Yes, he just woke up. Now he is going to start talking, how depressing is that?"

Jethro responded, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.
"Good afternoon, Sleeping Beauty." Idris said with laughter in her eyes. "How are you feeling, Captain? If you can walk, Demetri wants you to come down to the cafeteria. There's been an... update."
Aurora silently stood up and put her book and pen away. She followed out of the training room and sat down at a random table once she reached the cafeteria without a word.

Eva glanced at Idris, frowning a bit. She could tell that something was being hidden from everyone else and she didn't like it. She just let it go as to not cause problems. She continued sipping silently on her drink as she listened.
Demetri sat next to Jason and in front of Aurora, '' So..How Have you been darling?'' he asked trying to start the conversation smoothly. While walking in, he took a trail of food with him and ate normally. '' Oh, by the way.. This is Jason.. Jason, this is Aurora.'' he simply stated to introduce both of them
"Well, atleast I can say I am beautiful now."

Jethro replied, then pushing himself he got shakily to his feet and walked towards the door.

"Lets go you two, I think I sense another adventure ahead of us. Injured or not I will not miss this adventure either. So, lets get to the cafeteria already."
Idris laughed. This guy... She went over to support him, then looked over at Eva, letting him go and stepping back. She cast her eyes down, saying "I'm backing off, you two go first" without words.
"I've been fine. Miss the farm. Can't wait to get out of here, but fine," Aurora said quietly. She glanced at Jason and gave a polite smile. "Daughter of Poseidon," she said simply. She stood up and walked away to get a bottle of water. She finished and came back, sitting back in her place without another word.

Eva silently got up and tilted her head ever so slightly at the girl. She was a bit confused by her actions but decided not to pry right now. She walked out of the room and headed down to the cafeteria, finishing off her drink. Once she arrived, she got a bottle of sprite and sat down next to Aurora.
Jethro walked after Eva, slowly at first but then he gained his usual speed. He stepped into the cafeteria. Looking about to see who was all in the room.

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