Sonic the Hedgehog: A new beginning


Three Thousand Club
This is the RP for Sonic the Hedgehog: A new beginning. Feel free to post whenever you like! Here's the link to the sign up sheet: Huge update to plot has been made, please go check it out! Thanks to Pain-clown123 and Rabidbunny69 for the idea! ^_^

Shadow the Hedgehog walked around the G.U.N. Base. He hadn't heard from Rouge or Omega lately, which he thought was a little strange seeing as they work together constantly. He had even formed a bond with them over the years. Today at G.U.N. was a free day, so Shadow was able to do whatever he wanted, he decided to go for a run around Mobius, he hadn't been there in awhile. So with mild excitement, he rushed towards Mobius. Shadow could feel the heat underneath his feet as his jet boosters kicked in speeding up his movement. He was rapidly approaching Mobius, he could'v just warped there, but he always enjoyed running.

Shadow finally arrived at his destination, Mobius, home to the Freedom Fighters, and his arch enemy, Sonic the Hedgehog. He looked around, not much had changed, there was plenty of people walking around, in fact it was even more lively than usual, all these new people were around, he hadn't recognized any of them. Then again he never did pay attention to the people around him.
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Suddenly the entire area of mobius began to shake, it felt like an earthquake but seemed alot stranger. Deep in the ocean a small orb slowly floats and with a strong burst of light a strange shark like creature appears on the beach. "hmmm..." looks to the left, then the right. "yawwwn" he walks lazily
Shadow feels vibrations and gets ready for combat, he looks around and sees a shark figure, so Shadow ran up to it ready for combat. "Who are you?" Shadow said calmly, trying to avoid a fight, he had come to Mobius to relax.
The figure just continued to streach, ignoring shadow. " that was sooome nap~" he yawned so hard a hprrid smell came from his mouth. "huh" breaths out sniffing his own breath, then jolts. "man i really need a mint" he walks off looking for a mint like berry, plucking it he swallows the fruit hole.
Shadow just watched the shark, yes, he had figured out it was a shark... He's like Sherlock Holmes. Shadow observed the shark, he didn't seem like a threat to Shadow, but he had to be sure, after all, he was created to protect the Earth.
He walks along looking through bushes. "hmmm hmmmm.." he was secrrtly thinking to himself as he stopped a large group of eggrobots loomed to m with swords. One of them said in its robotic voice "must find eliminate shark like creature" as the robot went to stab at the shark, it ruthessly bite the head of the robot and with a twist yanked its head off.
... Nevermind, that guy is dangerous. Shadow followed the shark, hiding up in the trees silent as a leaf, he was the Ultimate Life Form, it would take an expert to notice him up there watching. He saw the shark bite the robots head clean off. 'brutal.' Shadow thought to himself as he continued to observe.
Look if your gonna watch, you could atleast help me" the shark said as he stomped on two robots deet then pulling there arms, he rippwd them both in two, qs the animals edcaped the shark turned to where shadow was exactly. "shadow the headghog..." he gave a sharp fanged smile.
'He saw me!? And he knows who I am!?' Shadows thoughts were interrupted by Eggbots firing bullets at him at a machine guns pace, Shadow hopped off the branch he was on, landing gracefully on his feet, then before the robots knew what was happening, Shadow rushed at top speeds, damaging them as he rushed back and forth past them, he stopped, snapped his fingers, and they exploded.
Not bad shadow, id have to say your...reputation is as real as you are..." he fgave a fanged smile, then using the water by him he summons a massive harpoon throwing it towards three more bot letting the animals free, and causing the robots to explode.
"You aren't too bad yourself... Shark... Guy..." Shadow had no idea what to call him. The robots had been dispatched, so Shadow stood there and waited to hear the sharks name, if he was willing to give it of course.
Its brutos..." he turns to leave, seconds andche was already in the ocean swmming around. "hrhe" finding one of robotniks subs, he pierced through the hull as there was a massive underwater explosion shooting water skyhigh.
Shadow didn't so much as flinch, he just stood there with his arms crossed watching the explosion. "It's a good thing Robotnik is the only threat we have anymore, it's made things much easier, and simpler then all the otherworldly, overpowered monsters Sonic and I always end up having to fight." Shadow confessed, all the endless fighting had drained him, but lately things had quieted down and he was able to rest and restore his powers to its fullest, he had never felt better... Unless he was with Rouge, then he felt complete. (Yea that's right, Shadouge, deal with it.)
(lol ur for them huh i say rouge is more knyckles but thats me)

Brutos climbed out of the water like a dog, shaking his body. "huh" he picks his teeth revealing a shard of metal, shrugging though he eats it with a loud crunch. "yum...titanium" swallowing the mwtal he satched as the explosions water forces it to rain everywhere
(I can probably find about 10 ways to refute that if you'd like.)

"A lot has happened since Sonic the Hedgehog and I have been around, but we've both found decent friends and allies." Shadow said referring to the Freedom Fighters and his own Team Dark, and G.U.N. However he was glad to get a break from them for a day.
Brutos wondered off yawning, he treaked through the forst, using side fins to cut through roots and other plant like substaances. "man stupid plans" he immitated as some. "hah do us a favour, make sure foliadge is ever, tsk stupid god" mobius shook lots like it was an earthquake. "okay okay! Im sorry" it stops instantly
Shadow laughed. "After all the things I've been through, I know better than to bad mouth Mobius. You should too." Shadow said walking with Brutos, he was bored and no one else was around. He caught up to him and stayed an foot behind him just in case.
(no one liners. I'm actually gonna try to enforce that rule.)

Shadow just stared at him. "I'm bored, and you're the most interesting person I've seen today." Shadow told him not caring how he took it. It was unlike him to tag along though.
"ill take that as some kind of compliment" he kept walking ashe slices through another root, then looks at a ruined temple. "ooo look interesting...shall we* smiles super wide shadow could see his gums.
"I have nothing better to do, lead the way." Shadow followed him up the steps of the temple, it had a creepy design at the entrance, but it didn't faze Shadow, nothing fazed him. 'Maria...' Shadow thought flashing back, that memory did not hurt him anymore, he was happy.
Last edited by a moderator: this place is huuuge" he gave a wide smile, sees a golden chalice on a mantle. "ooooo" goes to touch/ take it. "this thing loookd sooo expensive, what could it bw made odf"
Shadow grabbed his arm. "Stop, don't just carelessly grab things, you'll get us both killed, it's probably a trap." Shadow said cautious and on his guard now. He moved Brutos's hand away from the Chalice and observed it
Tsk..uour boring" he folded his arms leaning against a wall as a brick goes in. "eep...uhh shaaadooow...ya know u said might be trapped..." points to the doors as they close. And the floor caves in. "whoaaaa!!!"
Shadow pulls out the green Chaos Emerald. "Chaos Control!" Time slowed down except for Shadow. He gripped Brutos's arm and charged full speed, busting the door down, he then allows time to move normally now that they are safe. Shadow looked at Brutos, he then glared. "That's why you don't touch." Shadow said crossing his arms.

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