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Shioreta Koino

Amber eyes glanced out from the small frame of the glasses in the rather small and cramped office. The small desk barely had much room to contain the two piles of paperwork on opposite side of its occupant with another set of paperwork set down before them, the pen touching upon it as it worked to ink on the final details before the small hand took careful hold placing it upon the larger outgoing pile. her hair whipped back kept back in a pony tail with a familiar though for her much smaller teal ribbon keeping up her locks resembling much her younger self though being a few inches shorter then it once had been. AA bornw button up jump suit sat partially pulled down sitting resting upon her waste the legs reaching down fully stopping a few inches short for her slightly darker shaded boots. The girls frame still seeming to retain a bit of her more thin physic from two years ago though managing to develop out looking as if she might not fall apart as when she was younger if so much a heavy breeze blew past her.

Shioreta sighed lightly, her right fingers tapping along the desk clearly showing signs of boredom even as her left hand continued to write out the details. All a long list of paperwork for the academy students both graduating or set to move onto the next year. Not the sort of work that required any sort of thought or consideration to it... at least that might involve a little thought rather then boring uncreative tedium. At least some days they trusted her to second check their math or to even go over specific details... even if limited due to a particularly mouthy shinobi who didn't understand what some harmless fun speaking casually to an enemy shinobi was about. Not that she expected as a Chuunin they would of let her seen too many specific details anyways, though she was more then certain it was the cause that left her being tossed the tedious paperwork.

It made her miss helping to teach the academy students. Then again, that was a very short lived experience. She had worked hard on that training dummy, giving the kids a far better and more reactive dummy to deal with. She saw it as a great enhancement in terms of training them to one day be Genin and be ready to prepare for the unexpected. You had to be on your toes after all and foes might not just come swinging at you in a swift manner. They might suddenly have an extra limb ready to strike you from... or a hidden kunai in a pocket to stab you with or shuriken sneakily tossed out from their mouth to retaliate from your kunai throw. It sure got them to react... and sure a few might of gotten stabbed, cut up, and one kid looking like a porcupine with her one particular needle launcher, but she was certain it was a lesson they would soon not forget. They really seemed to want to baby the academy students a bit too much in Shioreta's opinion.

Shio leaned back in the chair stretching a bit, her eyes shifting down as a small little notepad to her side seemed to contain a rough schematic, the girl putting her pen down upon it etching a bit more seeming to be conceptualizing yet another puppet mechanism yet again. What she considered to be her form of a little 'break' to the tedium. It was at the moment she could feel the rumble of the explosion followed by another. The girls eyes shifting up as the paperwork seemed to shuffle slightly as if threatening to topple over and create a whole new headache of work for her to have to deal with. Clearly not something she expected or seemed right at all. She put the cap on the pen placing it down, placing a paper weight upon each of the piles stretching a bit.

"I really do hope it is some sort of an enemy attack. At least some troublemakers setting off fireworks or something. Either or though the former would be a little better. I could use a little bit of a longer break from all this bureaucracy."
Shibata Yamamoto

The Ninja Academy

Shifting his feet Shibata watched the brand new genin jostling on stage and cast a glance up at his father standing serenely next to him. He was starting to understand why his sister was in no hurry to reclaim her former position in the clan, apparently his new maturity meant he was granted the privilege to be a representative at certain functions including the graduation day of younger Yamamoto. Sighing slightly he watched the ceremony with a slight smile, curing Fubuki had lifted more weight off of his shoulders than he expected leaving him a fair bit less grim than before.

Spotting Sachiko in the crowd he followed her slightly suspicious movements and chuckled a little as she pranked her little brother though he doubted Koki would forgive her any time soon. He stood back enjoying the lightshow put on by the younger Kounna until he glanced back at Sachiko and saw she seemed to be preparing for something else with a much weightier weapon that would be far too much bother to use for a cheap joke. "Father, something's wrong." Shintaro had time to follow his son's gaze and narrow his eyes suspiciously at Sachiko before she let the projectile fly and everything went to hell.

Watching Sachiko fly back and the explosions start Shibata scowled and took a step toward the Inochi ninja but felt his father's hand on his shoulder. "Wait we need to get the genin out of here first." Guiding him over to where the new team leaders were hustling the recent graduates away from the shattered stage the two Yamamoto created a wall of shining crystal covering their escape. With their first task complete Shibata risked a glance towards the residential area and saw a plume of crystal like a frozen fountain rise up to cover the area around his home blocking the falling debris.

The Residential Area

Just outside the Yamamoto residence Fubuki stepped back from the improvised shield and nodded to the rest of the hurriedly assembled barrier team of clan members. The crystal should be enough to shield the compound and some nearby homes as well as her TV, being laid up for a few years had given her time to get into quite a few shows.

Hearing a thud and the sound of tiles shattering behind her she turned to see a horned man bearing an impractically large sword jump off her roof leaving a sizeable dent in the otherwise undamaged building. Fuming she watched him bounding towards the centre of the decimated Shimuzu compound and after a moment recognised him as the mutated form of one of Shibata's former classmates, feeling that there was almost certainly something important happening in that direction she followed.

Orikanyo Orikanyo Ganryu Ganryu
Okimi Bajirisuku

The market was too damn busy today. When it was like this, Okimi couldn't find jack-shit. Someone was always standing in the way, or there was a big line for the main vendors she needed. If it wasn't that, someone was already sold out of what she needed. Hopefully her mom wouldn't be too pissed if she returned home without everything. Thinking back, she was pissed every single time it happened. Okimi groaned as less popular vendors tried to shove their goods in front of her. One tried to sell her explosive tags of all things. Did they not know whos he was? Okimi stopped in place, taking a moment to rub her forehead. Today wasn't going pretty shitty so far. Okimi's hair was a bit of a mess, she had tried to tie it up in a bun, but she never learned how to do her hair very well. Her bun was loose and messy looking, leaving some strands of green hair to hang down to her chest.

A pained grunt caught Okimi's attention. She spun around just in time to see man transforming inches from her. However, the transformation didn't look voluntary. The man was no doubt in immense pain as his face burst into frog like features. But before the transformation could totally complete, he turned to stone. It didn't stop with the man though, people all around Okimi began to experience the same transformation, their screams and cries echoing throughout the market and inside Okimi's head. Her face turned to one of pure shock and horror, and she found herself unable to do anything but watch as the people around her died. Okimi felt her breath begin to quicken. Were they under attack, like the chuunin exams all over again?

Then, Okimi saw it. The symbol of Inoichigakure etched in a nearby wall. That's when Okimi understood who was behind this all. A rough gravelly voice spoke up. Okimi turned and saw him, an older looking man with a straw hat. He started spouting about nature, so Okimi stopped listening. She brought her hands together, ready to light the man up, but she paused. The statues of frozen people were scattered all throughout the market. If there was a chance they weren't dead... she didn't want to accidentally blow them up. Okimi let her hands fall to her side, before grasping her one of the sticks behind her back. In a flash it transformed into her trusted yari spear. She began towards the man, her own pace only slighty faster than his. "Fix these people and I might let you get out of here alive," Okimi demanded, her eyes narrowed, shooting a deathly glare at him.

The man was singular in purpose, and sure as hell he wasn't going to stop for anything short of-

Oh he was here.

Landing with a ground crushing weight and skidding to a stop, kicking up dust, stone and debris. His eyes turned one way, then to the other, then settled upon a revealed location! A staircase! Leading down! In a seriously exploded area! Surely, whoever did this was down there... Well... It was his intuition, and the fact he smelled burnt leather down that way. Man, whoever did this had alotta power in them... Blowing this rich shit house to smithereens was something he only thought about while he was eatting instant ramen looking at the place from a distance... So many light meals went into getting that T.V...

His fury reignited, he practically burned with chakra as his desire for revenge flared!!!!

He was going to go down those steps to give whoever did this a piece of his mind, and a brutal ass whooping. He hefted his blade over his shoulder, blade facing the sky, soon the ceiling of the descending staircase, the tip occasionally gracing the air with sparks from stone walls the blade occasionally hit... A smart man would note the benefit of a smaller blade within closed quarters, a brilliant man would switch to a dagger or short blade, perhaps poisoned to up his chances.

The genius knows to fear the man who didn't give a shit.

His approach was accompanied by the sound of resounding and rent stone, his eyes glowed in the encroaching dark.

He had been busy the last twoish years, sure he lost faith in his village, but given they gave work, and thus fed his belly, he was staying so long as the coffers didn't run dry. And, really, he had been well known 'round the parts now for a certain degree of ruthlessness, demanding a employer fill not only his wallet, but his gut, for putting in the work. His appettite for destruction, food, drink and money were considered par for the course for an oni. It became part and parcel for folks who hired him to prepare for such things, he was not sutble about his desires, he was not sutble in the way he conducts his missions. Most the time, it came down to the simple act of "Point him at your problems and they suddenly go away." So long as amply paid for such dispersal of issues, he was happy to do it.

But over time, reputations take hold in ways you might not expect, names stick, words get associated...

And thus, he became known as something.

"Woe betide the coffers and pantry of errant hosts, The Glutton of Tsumikagure has come."
The Marketplace
"Fix them? I have fixed them, I have corrected their inbalance with nature," said the old man with a stern expression, neither slowing nor accelerating his deliberate pace towards Okimi. "Just as the tree which has fallen does not right itself; just as the river does not flow backwards to its source; the vanquished do not return to life, such is Nature's justice! Your demands betray your depravity!"

Suddenly the old man lunged forwards, his tattered robes whirling around him as he closed the distance between them and extended an open hand for a palm strike, Okimi's spear was in the path of the old man's blow, but before they even clashed some force pushed her weapon away as if something invisible was radiating out out from his hand. A moment later unless Okimi took some action to avoid it that same force would collide with her chest before his hand was within 30 centimetres of her, pushing her backwards with a powerful force.

The old man raised a hand to his shoulder and cast off his tattered brown robe, revealing a hardened, wiry figure with skin like wizened tree bark. 'I am Toyotomo Chizugami and I will cleanse this wicked place,"

suddenly something shifted within on of the nearby stalls and an empty crate toppled from the stack it had been sitting on top of. Someone within the stall gave a stifled, youthful sounding sob.

Chizugami's eyes narrowed and he pivoted to begin walking towards the stall. "Hmmph, when one is removing weeds from a garden the seeds must also be swept away, lest they someday bloom to spread seeds of corruption once more,"

InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum

The Residential District
Akane Kabenari

"I'm just not sure this is totally necessary," Akane Kabenari said, twisting uneasily under the sheet that had been wrapped around her. Akane was sat in one of the rickety dining chairs in the Kabenari clan kitchen, the dining table and the other chairs having been cleared away to make room for the current activity.

"Oh hush now," said Michiko Kabenari, Akane's wizened grandmother. Michiko had wheeled her wheelchair up behind Akane and now she was patting her granddaughter on the shoulder reassuringly even as her other three arms loomed menacingly over Akane's back wielding scissors, a comb and a spray bottle. "deary you're a teenage girl! if you don't change up your style from time to time how will people even realize what the date is! Young people trying out new styles is a convenient visual shorthand for the passage of time! Why when I was your age I-"

"I don't really want to hear about that Grandma," said Akane hastily.

"Well then quit fussing and let me do my thing!" said Michiko with a faux air of menace. "Or I'll force you to listen to all the gory details!- Like this one boy I knew from the Kounna clan, talk about explosive!-"

"Grandma stop! ew!" Alane protested, whipping all four of her arms out from under the sheet to defend herself and silence her cackling elder. The hair cut quickly descended into a playful wrestling match as four pairs of arms grapples with each other in tangle of limbs.

Suddenly there was a huge boom from somewhere nearby, a tidal wave of sound that rolled over the ramshackle Kabenari compound, rattling the walls and shaking loose fixtures to the ground.

"What was that?" Akane wondered aloud, her playfight instantly forgotten as she strode purposefully over to the nearby window to peer out. It wasn't totally clear what was happening from the groundfloor, but Akane could make out pillars of acrid black spiralling up into the sky from various points in the village while shouts and screams filtered in through the open window. Akane felt her throat tighten and she swallowed forcefully.

"Grandma I..."

"You need to go don't you dear?" Michiko said, wheeling herself over beside Akane. "You go do what you need to do child, I'll get the little ones and the others down into the basement and we'll hunker down for a bit,"

"But I-"

"Don't worry, we can look after ourselves for a bit dear," Michiko said, grinning as she held up her scissors and snipped them menacingly. "Any rotten invaders try anything and I'll give 'em a haircut to remember!" Michiko said with a cackle.

Despite the tense situation Akane laughed gently.

"You just focus on yourself for a bit," Michiko said, already wheeling herself towards the back room where some of the children were playing. "Go out and make us proud, then come back to us you understand?"

"I will," Akane replied solemnly, walking to the entryway and pulling a dark purple cloak from a coat hook and pulling it over the tight black clothes she had been wearing and then looping her hip bag around her waist. In the past few months some of the clan members had convinced Akane to invest a little more in her equipment and clothing; the young shinobi had been reluctant to spend money that could have gone to the clan as a whole but eventually her relatives had convinced her that if she had better equipment she could make a better impression for the clan. Akane's new clothes were tailored to her unique frame and fit much better as a result, especially around the shoulders; the short cloak allowed Akane to keep her second pair of arms concealed when necessary without restricting their movement if she needed them. The slit skirt had been Michiko's idea, the old woman insisting loudly that every kunoichi needed at least one slitted skirt in their wardrobe. Akane had only assented to the racy garment on the condition she also got some modest leggings to wear underneath but the teenager had to admit now that the skirt was very easy to move in and comfortable.

Fully geared up, Akane ran out the door and leaped up onto the roof of a nearby house to get a better view of the unfolding situation. Just as Akane had observed earlier, there were pillars of smoke dotted all over the village, rising up from startling gaps in the once familiar skyline. The closest of the disaster sites was on the other side of the residential district where the wealthier clans had their compounds. Akane realised with a cold chill that the smoking crater she was looking at had been the Shimizu clan compound just hours ago. It was like looking at the very heart of the village being ripped out.

WIthout much more thought Akane began leap frogging from roof to roof towards the remains of the Shimizu compound. It seemed to be the closest centre of activity, which meant it was the closest to her family and some instinct told her something important was going on her. Inadvertently Akane's mind flashed back to a conversation she had had two years ago with an anbu jonin and the disturbing secrets she had learned that day. It seemed like a long shot but Akane couldn't help but wonder if today's disaster was somehow related, if so then this would be where she was needed most.

Akane arrived at the wreckage of the compound in time to see a familar, white haired figure disappear down into the bowels of a recently exposed, stone staircase. Akane had more or less drifted away from Team Miho over the past two years, but Wakanaka was an instantly recognizable figure nevertheless, hopefully he could put aside any resentment for the sake of the immediate crisis. The more concerning discovery was the staircase, it might have been a coincidence that it had been uncovered by the blast, but judging by the speed with which Waka had disappeared down it he was chasing an enemy who had already gone that way.

Why would invaders bother to go down into a basement unless they were after something specific? Akane wondered uneasily, as she jumped down to ground level and then hurried after Wakanaka. Rather than call out to Waka Akane employed her reasonable stealth skills to shadow behind him quickly, but quietly. Waka was such an attention grabbing figure that Akane felt she had a reasonable chance of catching up with him and his target undetected and joining the battle with a sneak attack, if nothing else this approach would spare an awkward conversation before violence did away with the need to talk to him.

Orikanyo Orikanyo Ganryu Ganryu

Residential Area
AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy Orikanyo Orikanyo

Waka and Akane would find following the man even a bit would lead to a spiral stair case, several lairs of steel doors and seals having been blown away from the large blast, the column of light having burst through them like a drill. Down the staircase, several glass displays, mostly shattered could be seen, broken objects and artifacts in them. The walls were lined with weapons, a few having fallen off the hooks on the wall. Many had seals embedded in them, others seemed merely historical, plaques under them, though with the recent 'shuffling' from the blast, some poor sod would have to rematch them once again. Likely someone nerdy enough to know all of them. Then there was the library of books... currently creating a sea of paper on the floor.

The masked man glanced up as Waka introduced himself as the glutton of Tsumigakure. He stared for a minute, meeting Waka's eyes, and made a simple handsign. He then turned away, looking more interested in a broken display. He tapped a dagger, straightening it amidst the chaos. The dagger turned slightly red, and the glass drooped in the display.

A husk voice finally sounded after a minute of being aggravatingly passive. The voice was deep, gravelly, and bored.

"Wakanaka Tsube. Our Fungal Cerebral Spores told us much about your meeting with Inoichigakure's own Magnetic Brothers. I know you. Leave."

A slight shimmer could be seen in the air around the man, and the air was slightly hazey. The small tank on his back began to glow a deep blue as tubes lighting up to him began to spark and glow that same light. It ran across his jacket again and again. Finally, the slowest coin began to light up, travelling down the coil, and into the small hand sized rod in the man's hand.

Gently, a beam of light began to expand out of the rod, the flickering blue lighting up the area, and bathing the man in an eery shadow as the beam flickered and hissed.


Still, the way the man moved was slow, and deliberate... and definitely leaving himself wide open, theatrical as it was.
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The oni stood amongst objects and artifacts that were likely sealed away for various reasons. This vault, likely was some kind of hidden vault hold multitudes of various incredably dangerous and likely cursed objects. Or perhaps they were simply too powerful for actual use?

From what he saw on a casual glance.... A wierd straight sword in a rock. A white round pitted stone that glows lightly. A hamster in a cage with a big seal on it... And a sign that says "Do not feed." A painting of a man who... Made no attempt to hide that he was watching Waka and the other guy.

Then there was a sheath nearby, well, it was massive, proped up like a full sword on the stand... Looked big enough for his, better than wrapping it like he had been.

He did not stop his approach, though with a movement of his left arm he planted his sword into the sheath, then brought both back up to bare. Perfect fit huh?

"If you know me, then your speacial foot fungus should tell you, how truely screwed you are...

I don't care about the village, I don't care about the... Shi-whatever compound, i got a grand total of 1 confirmed and 2 possible friends here.

But what you have done is destroy my prize poessession.

And for that."

He brings up his own blade to his shoulder, one arm upon the hily as the other waits lazily at his side. His eyes however, they were like looking directly into a blazing furnace despite his words showing lackadaisical tones.

"You will die.


Come on foot fungus boy. Don't keep me waiting."
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Okimi Bajirisuku

So that was it. Everyone in the market, dead in an instant. Okimi felt her body start to heat up as the chakra gathered within her. If there was no one near her to get hurt, then she may as well go all out. But before Okimi could fully gather her chakra, the man lunged forward. Something struck her gut sending her tumbling backwards into one of his petrified victims. Her back crashed into the stone, crushing it to pieces as Okimi lay in its rubble. "What the hell..." She grumbled, thinking he had been too far away to strike her, much less with his hand. Okimi had made up her mind. She’d burn him and the whole market to the ground. This guy was dangerous and had to be stopped, losing some buildings wouldnt matter if everyone was a statue. Fiery chakra began to gather in her mouth, preparing to blast the man straight to hell. But a faint noise caught her attention, and apparently it caught the older man’s attention as well.

It was someone. Someone still alive. The invader had turned his attention onto a stall, likely where they were hiding. Okimi knew she had to make a choice here. Her decision depended on how much the people in this village mattered to her. And to be frank, Okimi didn't want to give a damn about this village in the slightest. However, how could she hope to one day protect her clan if she couldn't even protect the place that has kept her safe all these years. If it wasn't for this village taking in her mother and uncles, Okimi may not have made it as far as she has today. Okimi knew this. However, Okimi wanted to be able to throw away these attachments so that she could commit her everything to her real goal. Being held back by bonds and attachments would only make it all harder. Letting whomever was in that stall die in exchange for getting a shot off on the old man seemed incredibly worth it. What would a ninja do? No, what Okimi do? All of these thoughts played out in Okimi's head in an instant before she made her choice.

Suddenly, Okimi appeared between the stall and Toyotomo. She flew through handsigns and in a puff of smoke, two copies of Okimi appeared.

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

"You're not going to kill anyone else," Okimi growled, a vicious snarl on her face.

The two clones attacked Toyotomo, one leaping up and turning mid air for a downward overhead kick while the other lunged to grapple a leg. Meanwhile, Okimi pressed her hand to her chest, summoning Feurey. The dragon already knew Okimi's plan, and quickly transformed into another copy of the girl. But instead of attacking Toyotomo, he approached the stall to see who was inside.

AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy
The Residential District
Akane Kabenari

As Akane slowly caught up to Waka she slowed her pace down, approaching deliberately and quietly until she was separated from him and his opponent only by a corner wall. Carefully Akane pulled a angled, predatory looking tomahawk from her pack, holding the weapon in front of herself and angling the blade carefully so that she could see around the corner in the dim reflection without giving her location way.

It looked like the fight hadn't begun yet, unless the trash talking going on from both sides was part of some kind of elaborate genjutsu but Akane doubted that. The man Waka was facing off had a bingo book entry, Akane might not have realised but the crackling energy sword he had created was a striking tip off. Mitsuhide Fuujin, infamous for his storm release rather than his genjutsu, was one of Inochigamure's big hitters. This was bad news, it at least confirmed who was behind the attack, but Fuujin seemed like a bad match for both Akane and Waka, it would be difficult to bring their close quarters strength to bear without touching that energy blade.

WIth that in mind it would definitely be best to get the jump on this guy if at all possible, so for now Akane would wait and intervene when things had kicked off and Fuujin was at his most distracted.

Ganryu Ganryu Orikanyo Orikanyo
Sachiko Kounna,
The Academy


The soft crinkling of crystal blocked off the academy students from the nin, and Sachiko as well. Gasping for breath, Sachiko collapsed to one knee. She didn't know what that nin had used, but it was brutal. She looked across the stage for the outlines of herself as holes in the wooden floor, and slowly gazing upwards to the wall of crystal, her two gem like eyes detailing the thermal and chakra patterns making up the wall. One side was beautifully crafted down to the chakra itself being laid almost like leylines across it. The work of a craftsman... and a clan head... and a powerful ninja... and probably a great many other things. Kounna clan was close enough to the Yamamoto clan to know it's head. And the more one knew about Shintaro, the less one could believe it... but here, the proof was in the pudding.

"Wish I had a Kekkei Genkai..." She shook her head, but smiled towards two Yamamoto

"Thanks for the save Shibata, and Lord Yamamoto. It's nice to know the village is in capable hands, teehee♥."

Sachiko groaned, but grabbed a red pill from her side. Sachiko's still held up a smile, though it was cracking a bit as she looked out to the medley of newly minted genin. They wouldn't be much help, even as she saw several ready with kunai, and a few scared ones tentatively holding handsigns at the ready. Koki was in a taijutsu stance. Sachiko would be proud if everything wasn't going up in flames. Literally. Still, with the shield from both Yamamoto, and prompting from the newly minted senseis, the squads began to clear out of the stage, running away to a safer spot, though a lie began to circulate about them going to the basement to protect a kinjutsu scroll.

Sachiko smiled. She'd been teasing the academy students about it all year. The dumber ones fell for it happily, running towards basement full speed. She noticed Koki looking at her wistfully, before nodding, and going with his squad, being one of the last to leave.

She took a deep, steadying breath, and with a ragged push of her hand off the ground, Sachiko swayed, and began to walk towards the crystal wall.

"Shibata, mind opening a path in the crystal wall..? I'm sure your clan needs you, but, well, I'm needed here..."
Sachiko staggered, probably not in the best shape of her life, but hey, what's the worst that could happen?

She worried briefly about her own clan, but, well, Koki was safe, and well, her Dad's reputation did near match Shintaro Yamamoto's... he'd be safe. Her mother, well... she seemed to know everything, she could avoid the worst of it. So, that just left Sachiko herself.

Mentally checklist. Am I in the 'safe' category?


Mitsuhide Fuujin, The Burning Light
The Residential District


The man prowled for a moment, leaving himself wide open. And open... and Waka didn't seem to be taking the bait. The Inochi nin grunted and rolled his eyes. Around his body, heat flickered, and for a moment, a hexagonal pattern shimmered, a gauge on the side of the tank on his back glowing as the line decreased slowly.

"Tch. Fine. I don't have time for posturing. Mitsuhide Fuujin. They'll ask at hell." He finally said, and made a few quick handsigns.

Holding the beam of light straight out infront of him horizontally, he held his palm against the tip, and began to groan with effort as he slammed his palm into the beam of light.

The hexagonal shield again appeared, along with a shower of sparks as a vein pulsed on the nin's head, the beam of light starting to flicker and pulse.

Shaking, the beam held for a few minutes more, before shattering like glass in an explosion of sparks that rains across a nearby stone table. Each spark seemed to melt through it, lava dripping out the other end.

Running his palm all the way down the blade, the entire structure gave way down to the tilt, Fuujin now holding it like he was trying to silence a mic.

Bringing it up to his mask, be began to blow against it.

Hundreds of floating pulses of light began to light up the room as he continued to breath out in an arc, a dull blue light changing the entire hue of the room to the same neon blue, each pulse floating like a fairy in the air. And they were everywhere Waka looked, filling the room with hundreds and hundreds of stars of pulsing energery.

"Storm Release: Star Ocean. Now, disappear in a sea of light, Oni. For such is darkness, to be banished by light."

The man began to walk away, turning his back to Waka as the floating planetarium began to slowly drift towards him from every direction. As the pulsing lights touched bookcase, they began to erupt in flames, and holes began to burn through stone and steal as they made their way towards Waka, drifting mockingly slowly towards him. A few burned out on the stone, but others managed to burn straight through it. It was a beautiful display of destruction as the small pulses burned away everything in their slow path, and their path was entirely towards Waka, the ninja having not yet noticed Akane in the shadows.

The tank read 3/4's full.
Aragi Onigake

Aragi wanted to have a relaxing morning, allowing him to read in peace, but the craze of the marketplace around him and his mother’s home had thrown that option out the window. Instead, he had been helping out the ramen shop, serving bowls and taking orders from all kinds of passerbys and hiring some young academy children to deliver some faraway orders whilst his mother had done her best to keep up with the rapid hunger of the crowd in the kitchen. Although they had requested help from cousins and other family members earlier, the other Onigake had been dealing with the same dilemna as they had: loads of families from all over the village choosing to celebrate the graduation of the new generation of ninja through the bustling marketplace. It was a wonderful sight to see, and brought on memories of his own graduation from the academy, with the Onigake family throwing one of their slightly famous festivals that usually took up at least a small fraction of the marketplace with their shenanigans. There was a smile on the shinobi’s face, his much longer hair being tied back into a ponytail as he brushed the few large locks that remained near his face out of the way to get a good view. Peace. It was nice, though he knew it was only a matter of time until the next mission, until the next call for action.

“Aragi, could you grab some more pots from the back? I’m gonna need more to keep up with the latest batch of orders!” His mother called out from the kitchen, and Aragi had to oblige. “Yeah I got it!” Slinking away from the front of the house, he made his way to the storage room in the back, picking up all the pots they’d need for the next while, with a muffled noise coming from where he once was. It peaked for a moment, as if a child had screamed before becoming quiet, too quiet. Dropping all the pots and rushing toward the front, the young man’s eyes widened with horror at the sight that greeted him: it seemed as though everyone around him had turned to stone frogs. A silent rage began to boil within him, and his eyes sharpened as he looked around: An attack on the village? This had to be some kind of jutsu… Either way, I have to find the source and snuff it out. They should be nearby…. Quickly gathering his gear, Aragi rushed outside and formed the handsigns for his Air Step jutsu, wind forming beneath his feet as he ran across the air, searching around the marketplace until he had seen two figures below, surrounded by those same frog statues as before.

Before his surprise attack, he had spotted the green haired figure using shadow clones to attack the other as well as summoning some kind of dragon. A sigh of relief immediately escaped him: Has to be Okimi. Descending to a nearby rooftop, he quickly formed handseals, with his skin beginning to peel away like paper before scattering into a paper trail, making its way down toward the two.

Mentions: AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum

The oni watched the man do his thing, could he rush in? Yea. Could he toss something at him? Also yea. But call it an Oni thing, one of those wierd things that they do and have been transfered to Waka via being one for roughly about a few years now...

He watvhed people do their cool thing, become their strongest and let it rip abit. Yea know, give em their chance to show off you know?

Where was the greatness in crushing an enemy when they were still weak? There was none, no glory, no honor, and no fun...

Plus, some of the things yhese people whip out is straight up rad. Had one fellah he fought triple wield swords, one in each hand and one in his teeth. So cool.

What? Oh, right the battle.

He found himself surrounded and closeing as such, he needed to leave.

Leaning forward slightly and focusing power in his legs he leapt upwards, leaving a creater upon the ground from the power. One of the orbs having singed him on proximity as he leapt through.

Where he landed upon the ceiling was no better, landing feet up on the ceiling the ground upwards buckled up upon the surface, whiched only exploded further as Wakanaka used the very same force to "leap" downwards, his flight downwards not exactly the most aerodynamic, a sloppy spin occurs but the blade, sheathed but nonetheless having the same deadlyness of an iron rebar falling from on high.

Regardless o the hit or not, Waka would land roughly, rolling abit before poping to a squatting stance, blade still held in his left hand.

"Yea i'll tell em a wannabe kid's show villain may have came throughfirst, see if I can visit."

Ganryu Ganryu AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy
Akane Kabenari
Akane stiffened and her grip on her weapon tightened as Fuujin finally acted, revealing a destructively beautiful technique that surrounded Waka with tiny, burning stars of what Akane presumed was storm release chakra. Somewhere in the back of her mind Akane felt a pang of jealousy, for a kekkei genkai to be so pretty when all hers did was turn her into a monster seemed a little unfair. More pressing than jealousy though were the practical challenges ahead though. Akane was realising that it was going to be difficult to line up a good shot from behind Waka, her colleague was pretty mobile and a close in fighter after all.

Instead Akane decided to try and circle around the two of them and lie in wait ahead of Fuujin. Not only would this give Akane a better chance at a clear shot, it also meant that she would be between Fuujin and whatever his ultimate objective was. Perhaps she was being overly paranoid, but Akane felt instinctively uneasy about this place and whatever secrets where buried here should stay out of the wrong hands.

Keeping to the shadows and trying to use debris and other structures, Akane quietly moved back to the staircase they had entered through and took it down another level. From there Akane progressed as rapidly as was possible without giving herself away, hoping to get ahead of where Fujin and Waka were fighting and lie in wait. The vault was a lot bigger than Akane had realized and less linear too, she was starting to get worried that it would actually be too difficult to anticipate Fujin's target and path when she came across a bulky, steel door set in the middle of the hallway.

Oh come on Akane thought. That's just way too obvious

Despite Akane's misgivings though it seemed likely that Fuujin would be passing through here, there weren't any obvious routes deeper into the vault and another staircase joined the floor above to this passage here. Besides this was a big steel door, whatever he was here for had to be behind it right? Akane took the explosive tags from her pack and planted around them on the roof just ahead of the stairwell entrance. It wasn't the most deadly or well hidden trap in shinobi history but it was better than nothing Akane reasoned.

With that accomplished Akane took the stairway up, circling around again to meet back up with Waka and Fuujin from the other side.
Orikanyo Orikanyo Ganryu Ganryu

The Marketplace

Chizugami grunted as he came under assault by Okimi's clones. The old man seemed to prioritise the clone attacking from above, taking its attack with a conventional upper arm block and then counter attacking with a punch similar to the one that had sent Okimi flying earlier: despite seeming to just miss the clone Chizugami's attack still sent it flying into the air where it evaporated in a puff of smoke. The lower clone had meanwhile been given free reign to grapple Chizugami's leg, but something seemed wrong with it. The clone wasn't moving freely and as Chizugami stood still and closed his eyes in an expression of serenity the clone stiffened further and turned grey, its features warping to become toadlike until it was a disfigured stature. With a "Hmmph" The old man lifted up the leg the statue clung to and swung it into the nearby stall, shattering the statue into dust.

The whole exchange had taken Chizugami's attention for several seconds though, more than enough time for Feurey to make it over to the stall and look inside it. Inside was a scrawny, straw haired girl of around eight, the daughter of a local merchant that Okimi and Feuery might or might not recognize. The girl let out a small scream of terror at first when her hiding place was discovered, but she recognized the village's symbol on "Okimi"s forehead protector and with a sob of relief through her skinny arms around the disguised Feurey.

"Hmmph, more chakra than I would expect from a shadow of a pup," said Chizugami, bending down to brush the grey, stone dust from his leg. "But it is no matter, raw energy is nothing compared to the serenity of nature!" Chizugami lowered his stance, coiling his muscles like a spring, then body flickered towards Okimi, closing the distance between them in an instant to unleash a flurry of punches and kicks.

InsaneAsylum InsaneAsylum Spiderverse Spiderverse
Shibata Yamamoto
Accepting Sachiko's thanks with a touch more grace than usual considering the situation Shibata nodded with a slight smirk while his father kept a more serious expression. "No more than was necessary Kounna-san." As she stumbled Shibata stepped forward to steady her. "Careful you're in no shape to run off on your own." Indecisively he looked to his father and towards his home until Shintaro spoke up. "You both have a duty to defend this village, go with her Shibata. I will speak with the Tsumikage." Turning to leave he paused for a moment. "Be safe." With his final terse remark he body-flickered away.

Shibata stared at the empty space where his father had been for a moment then turned his attention to Sachiko. "Let's go." Taking her arm he led her to the crystal and phased them both through it, once they were out the other side he released her and looked her over. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" She still looked pretty beaten up and while he wasn't quite insensitive enough to say it outright, at least not now that he had matured a little, he knew she wasn't the strongest fighter.

Ganryu Ganryu
Sachiko Kounna

Sachiko winced, more out of embarrassment than pain... but accepted the help. She shook her head grinding her teeth.

"Yes, I have to be ready. I need to beat and question this Inochi guy. I need to know something.

Before this guy ambushed me, I... I thought I saw somebody. I wanted to run after him, but, well, I lost him. It was a blue haired man, and a rogue kunoichi called Mizuki Himura. They're Bishamonten, but, well... the guy looked familar. Really familar. He- He looked like a ... Like a Kounna I know."

He looked like my older brother... There's a lot of people who look like eachother, but his presense... it's creeping me out. Friendly, unafraid, and dangerous. That's impossible. I just have to focus on the task at hand.

Sachiko bit her lip, shaking a bit as they warped through the crystal. It felt disturbingly like walking through Jello. How did Shibata not squick out every time?! She could feel the crystal near fluidize around her. It got stuck everwhere! Sachiko was sure some was in her teeth, though it was more like a phantom feeling than anything. Then again, Death Bunny's Scythe felt as much like sludge as it looked coming off of her.

Still, they made it to the otherside, dust billowing over the figure from the earlier debris, the nin walking forward obscured. (As Gan doesn't know if he's taking this fight over or not. Either way will have a response by this weekend.)

"I don't really like fighting honestly. Seems to me if you have to fight somebody, you already failed every single lesson about being a ninja. But hey, I'm not against being a failure. It's fun sometimes, cause if everything went well, you didn't get any better. And I've gotten a lot better."

Sachiko's eyes went from her half closed giggle to open and dead, her face frozen in a neutral stare, unmoving, uncaring. She reached into her jacket, and pulled out a fuma shuriken from back, unfolding it without so much as glancing at it, and throwing it completely to the side in a curved arc at the obscured outline of the Inochi nin. Sachiko's aim was definitely off though. It would definitely hit where the man was currently standing but the way the shuriken wobbled, and the power it lacked were nothing like Sachiko could throw when she was sure.

Shimizu Library
Mitsuhide Fuujin​

As Waka's sword slammed down, an array of hexagon's shimmered around the man, burning a bright blue as the blade made contact, the blade on impact flashing a deeper red as sparks rained across the area as the defense collided with the incoming force. The war of the spark fell to the blade though as the entire defense burst into dust, and the man was sent skidding backwards a few feet, out of the way of the sword as it struck downwards, sinking into the floor with a hiss, wooden tiles burned to either side of it.

As Waka rolled away, the sea of stars above slowly began to tilt, and change direction, coming at him from behind, not done with their pursuit, though they were definitely slow.

Across Mitsuhide's body, blue lines began to retrace again. However, he flicked his wrist out, and they stopped growing, instead his chakra focusing down the rod he was holding, the blade of light restoring.

"Your eyes. You seem... disturbingly unconcerned. Like fight's more interesting than actually protecting anything here. What kind of ninja are you?" He said shaking his head.

Mitsuhide lunged forward with a sudden thrust of the laser knife, stabbing at the sword's hilt, and at Waka's fingers. It... didn't seem like Mitsuhide was the sporting type, even after Waka had so nicely waited for him. Behind Waka, the falling stars cascaded down.

As Akane made her way across the upper levels, several bookshelves had been knocked over, requiring her to jump and leap over them. A few display cases could be seen on the side, and dozens, and dozens of weapons lined the walls.

One small display case was shattered, and across the velvety display, a dried out serpent had glass all over it. Six feet long, it was in surprisingly sturdy shape, it's fangs permanently outstretched, and a tongue extending out like a spear. As Akane passed by it, the gems where the eyes should have been flashed a deep red, and it almost seemed to wiggle back and forth, before straightening. If touched, it would instantly wrap around Akane's hand, hiding down her sleeves, with it's belly still in her hand. Despite looking dried out, the scales were smooth, and easy to grasp.

Above it's case, a plaque could be read.

To those bonded, protection. To those offended, death. Throw me, and I shall judge. ~ Hebi Yoshida

The strike was sudden, but he was trained against sudden underhanded strikes, any ninja should really. Wasn't a wrist strike legal in fencing? Who knows. In either case he shifted his grip from the hanfle of the blade.... To the blade proper!

The blade bit lightly into his hand as he, in this rather strange switch, managed to avoid the thrust. He pushed up, licking the handle and light blade in a shower of sparks, moveing forwards, never back! "Not caring? Well, guess you might be right." The muscles in his left arm flexed. "I don't really care much for whats here. Barely knew this existed."

Was.. the blade getting heavier?

"Never conscerned myself with village dealings.

Never cared about the rich ever since I got my ass kicked out of their little club.

But, yea, i'm barely a god damn ninja of Tsumi."

The blade almost seemed to gain an aura of chakra on it's own, tge weight produced by it compounding, multiplyig even, the fist holding it shakeing hard.

"But heres the thing..." he leans closer.

"Maybe... i'm NOT a ninja...


I'm just a fucken Oni."

He then, with all the combined weight from his chakra enhanced muscles, the force behind it, he... Simply tossed the sword towards the guy, it turning abit with the lock.

"Think fast."

Ganryu Ganryu AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy
Ninja Academy
Yuma Yasuda, the Wind Wall


As Sachiko and Shibata would pass through the crystal wall, the air began to become thick and clammy, the temperature rising slightly and a hot steam rising, making breathing more difficult. It felt swampy.

Standing infront of them, a robed figure stood, his hood pointed at them, his cloak billowing in an abundance of wind. A Jonin in Inochigakure, Yuma Yasuda, the Wind Wall. His entries generally were listed to stalling and stopping fights, especially one's Inochigakure found itself on the losing side of. Even when he was unable to affect a battlefield, it was well noted that no one had seen the man himself bleed.... or well, seen the man at all. His robes were a common part of his appearances.

A civilian was pinned to the ground next to him, gurgling as he was crushed by some invisible force. The hooded figure noticed the gurgles, turning, and snapping his fingers. The invisible load lightened for a moment, and the civilian booked it, running into a nearby house and slamming his door shut.

"Poor thing. Caught up in a jutsu like a bug wandering into a spider's web. Not his fault we're here. You two, however.... you two are tainted. A danger to the world. Does me no pleasure eliminating you. I find our whole village rivalry trivial... but even I can't overlook what you did..."
His voice had a whispy texture to it, as if it was blowing from all directions.

As Sachiko's fuma shuriken flew towards the man, he started a single hand sign. "Tori." (Bird) The shuriken drooped, falling just short, and burying itself in the dirt before the man, missing his achilles tendon by less than an inch.

The man repeated two more handsigns, and suddenly the clammy air began to chill, becoming more breathable, but causing the hair on everyone's arms to stand on end. A sudden updraft started to blow under Sachiko and Shibata as gravity seemed to function in reverse.

IG42 IG42 Ganryu Ganryu (Hi self)
Shibata Yamamoto
Inhaling a little more deeply in the sauna-like atmosphere Shibata resisted the irritating urge to tug at his collar as sweat quickly began to build up on the inside. Sizing up his opponent the condition of the nearby civilian he vaguely recalled something similar from when he had last leafed through a bingo book. Hearing the increasingly tiresome self-righteous Inochi dogma once again he sighed. "I think you'll find we keep the taint off us." Unless you're Waka. "And the only thing I'm a danger to right now is you."

Feeling the air pressure shift he secured himself to the ground. The 'Windwall' that was it. He thought recalling the title from the bingo book while also hoping Sachiko was practical enough to wear shorts under her skirt. Raising his hands he shoot a single crystal needle at the enemy and watched it curve skyward in the updraft gauging it's strength, faking a look of frustration he fired a larger barrage at the Windwall then directed them to drop back down on the target as the wind scattered them.

Ganryu Ganryu
Okimi Bajirisuku

Feurey was quick to scoop the girl up in his arms and take off running. Their destination was Okimi's home, closer to the edge of the village. Hopefully it was safe there, or at the very least still standing. If Okimi's mother Yua was home she could keep an eye on the kid too Feurey figured. After that, Feurey would race back in his dragon form to help in the fight. It sounded simple, but Feurey had to hope Okimi could hold out by herself for that long. His ability to turn people to stone was concerning to the dragon.

Meanwhile Okimi was getting blitzed by an old man. In an instant he was in front of her, striking her. She tried to bring up her arms to defend herself but his fists made contact with her torso a couple times before they were up to take the brunt of the attacks. One of Chizugami's sent her sprawling to the ground with a hard thud, but to ensure she wasn't attacked on the ground she quickly performed several swift somersaults backwards to try and create some distance between her and the old man.

"You're in pretty good shape for a wrinkly sack of shit," Okimi said with a smirk.

Okimi wasn't sure how easy it'd be to antagonize the man, but it was already hard enough to block his attacks when she didn't know which would strike her without actually hitting her or not. If Okimi could piss him off, he'd make some mistakes to give her an opening. Or at the very least, he'd use his more powerful techniques and she could get a better idea what she was up against. It was a pretty garbage strategy, but it was enough for now.

AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy Spiderverse Spiderverse
Akane Kabenari

As Akane made her way back up towards the higher layers her path became more cluttered with debris, as the the higher up layers had been less sheltered from the effects of the explosion. Akane had been viewing the destroyed cases and their contents more as obstacles than objects of curiosity, so she was surprised and rather alarmed when, as she was vaulting over one such case she felt something coil up and around her arm.

Akane hissed sharply and whipped back her arm, ready to smash whatever had grabbed her into the nearby wall and let her healing factor shrug off the damage to her own appendage. However when Akane realized the serpent like object had stopped moving and seemed quite content now that it was wrapped snugly around her forearm she stopped and noticed the placard she had missed before.

Well I'm not dead so I must not have offended, does that mean it's bonded with me? Akane wondered as she turned and twisted her arm to study the strange serpent. It seems to be some kind of weapon, is it alive or not though? Akane held up the snake around her arm up to her face and petted its head, between the jewel like eyes, with a thoughtful finger. If you are alive in there I suppose I can sympathize with being more obviously a weapon than a person Akane thought as she turned back to the path ahead of her, deciding to bring along her new friend for now.

Akane began to hear Waka and Fuujin well again well before she could see them. Admittedly she was mostly hearing Waka, who sounded like he was continuing the fight in the same, distinctly unsubtle fashion he had begun it. In all honesty it was something of a release, if Waka had been quiet it might have been an indication that he was injured, or dead even. At least this way Akane could be sure Waka was still in the feet. Akane rounded the last flight of stairs and finally had a visual on the Waka and Fuujin, who now had his back turned to Akane.

Wasn't that tank more full before? Akane wondered with a frown, as Waka tossed his blade towards Fuujin in am ove that looked more like a distraction than a proper throwing attack. Akane thought for a brief moment about trying out her new friend but decided to hold him in reserve: she wanted to aim for Fuujin's tank and if it exploded or something Yoshida might be caught up in the blast.

Instead Akane drew out one of her tomahawks, cutting a shallow gash in her free arm to coat the blade in her acidic blood and then throwing it as powerfully and accurately as she could manage at Fuujin's tank, hopping some combination of the force of the blow and her blood would damage it enough to impair him.

Orikanyo Orikanyo Ganryu Ganryu
Sachiko Kounna

Sachiko watched the shuriken drop, confused as her eyes looked up at the jutsu, one shining brilliant blue, one shining ruby. She blinked, able to see the jutsu activate, shoving downwards, but something was up with the opponent. The chakra around him didn't mold, it didn't change, even as the handsigns went off.

As she wandered that, Shibata commented on them keeping the taint off of them. "Uh... I mean, have you met Waka?" She said outloud. Waka was a mutant by EVERY sense of the imagination! And she'd met Akane. At least Akane was sheepish, that was normal with a strange body! Waka would just juggle boulders, headbutt one, then drink something fermented, and probably lethal, then pass out in the middle of the training field!

Sachiko had stolen his wallet many times like that! ... Sadly it'd been mostly empty, so she ended up putting in more money than she took out. Most of the time...

Still, the sudden burst of wind upwards caught Sachiko with it, sending her flying into the sky. A blur of silver shot out, a chained whip embedding itself into the side of the building, anchoring her in place as the wind continued to tug at her. Sachiko wound it around her wrist a few times before making a few handsigns. A gust of wind shot out from her, blurring the area for a moment.

"Hey, Shibata! Don't worry about me, I got things. But something's weird. I can't SEE this guy. Like, I mean, I know he's right there, but, well, uh... crapbaskets, I don't want people knowing what my eyes do. Ugh... Fine. Left eye can see chakra, right eye can see heat. I can't see him either way! I think he has some stealth jutsu UUUUUP!!!"

Suddenly, the tip embedded in the wall gave way, and Sachiko was sent flying into the sky by the sudden gust of wind.


Yuma Yasuda

A few handsigns continued as Shibata shrugged off both effects as if they hadn't even been there.

"That's interesting that that's your threat. As if a danger to my life personally should be intimidating. Does death... does danger scare you, little one? Ne, Ushi, Ne Tori, Uma, Hitsuji, Saru, Tori. Wind Release: Wind Hammer"

The handsigns folded right as the shurikens fired above began to fire at Yuma. Suddenly they began to be pulled together like a black hole had formed, all the uprising air joining with it as a green ball in the air formed, then fired downward like mortar fire at Shibata, with all of his crystal needles inside the cannonball. The green orb would detonate with a sudden shockwave, shattering windows as a blastwave shot out with it, trying to use the crystal as shrapnel in the area.
Last edited:
Mitsuhide Fuujin

Mitsuhide's eyes widened as he missed, Waka grabbing the blade itself in a halfswording style, his little laser knife meeting the handle in a burst of useless sparks as it cut into the ito-braid, and slightly into the wood itself. However, the slash had little chance to burn more as Waka readjusted, shoving the entire weighty blade straight at Mitsuhide.

The nin held up a palm against the incoming blade, all the chakra in his laser sword flickering out of existance as it poured into the hexagonal shield on the end of his palm.

The blade's sheer weight began to crack the shield, and Mitsuhide's feet began to slide backwards, leaving scuff marks in the stone ground. He screamed, and pushed back, the hexagonal shield disappearing into a single hexagon, holding back the blade as it cracked more and more. Veins bulged in the nin's forehead, and he pushed back more, additional 3-d layers appearing across the shield, and chakra drawing from his tank into it, a hexagon burning into his palm itself.

With a final burst, the hexagon exploded, barely redirecting the hefty sound to the side, smashing into the steel door behind him, denting into it like a literal cannon ball had been fired at the vault door. With a 'thunk', it bounced off into the distance.

Mitsuhide slid backwards, slamming into the door, with an 'oof', stopping for a second as his head reeled from the unreal strength that was Waka.

However, Waka himself had a new problem to deal with as a stabbing pain would shoot straight through his shoulder as a beam of energy pierced into it, burn marks appearing at the blue light. Then another... and another, and another. All around him from behind an ocean of burning energy pierced him again and again, leaving burns across more and more of his body with each impact.

Mitsuhide groaned, coughing from the impact. "You tried hard. But it looks like nothing really mattered. I don't know what your village is doing with an Oni, but the real strength of ninja is about stealth, subtlty, and-"

A sudden 'thunk' echoed as a tomahawk embedded itself into the man's tank. Mitsuhide's eyes widened as he looked at the damage. He quickly began to scramble to get the tank off of his back. "It's alright, it didn't seem to embed too deep, it might not have touched the chakra hyperflux core ins-" A sizzling could be heard as the acidic blood dripped inside.

A brilliant, blinding flash of light burst out of the area as a beam of chakra blasted straight upwards into the sky, an explosion of pure energy and heat like no other as Mitsuhide disappeared into the column of light. Several moments after the blast, the air shimmered blue with the heat and chakra.

Slowly, though with much sparking and hissing, it began to die down. Molten slag covered the once steel door, and lava pooled in the stone floor below. Soot rained in the area, and behind, the vault itself could be seen. A pair of boots with no visibly attached body stood sentry. Several books and artifacts on the side, as were normal, but a single book could be seen on a pedastal:

The Origin Sin of Tsumikagure

"Whelp, this is how I die, to some idiot with a flashlightsword.

Could be a worse way to go.

Sure, could have died choking on that chicken bone last night.

Came close you know...

Really, thing was a more deadly opponent than anything else I faced... Was it the fault of the chicken place? Hell no, food was so good I practically nearly died shoving the thing in my gob...

Why I left that review.

Proper sign of good work that...

...Well... This is it... Death really is kind of abit of pain then nothing huh...?"

The spirit of Waka spoke frankly in his mind, even if he still felt the floor pressed into his face... Actually... Was it the spirit speaking?

Wait was he just thinking out loud?

He was a pin cushion right?

The young man looked backwards, and saw something... Shocking. The sheathed glowed, red as hell it'self, holding off a massive collection of chakra just ready to dig in his back like daggers. Maybe this is why people just use words behind his back, if his ass is this protected. Good find, that sheath, saved his life it seems, for whatever its worth.

Looks like he'll have another chance at gettig through-

Oh, nope, heres comes the explosion-

The explosion from the door all but caused him to expect the worst once more, but it seems he was lucky, this time, as the pieces of door(and chuunin) missed him. Mostly. The mask the guy had hit him in the shoulder, same place the burn took. Hurts, but hes a big boy, he'll only cry for two minutes...

Did his strike blow up the tank? Man, that must be lucky, his life may be turning around! Maybe he should pick up a lottery ticket when hes out and about next? Fucker blows himself up. Opens a big ol door and... And...

He pauses in his thoughts and spots the other pe4son in the room, his black scellera eyes looked at the young multi talented and armed lady for a few moments, his face serious stern, he showed no hint of the suprise he truely felt that she was, currently, here with him.

"...Good work..." is all he said, before walking towards the doorway, picking up his sword on the way... Will need new binding, but its okay. He could use that string over there? No.. looks cursed...


How long can he go without letting Akane know he never knew she was there? If it were up to him, he'd take it to the grave... Luckily there was something convienient and neat right behind that blown up door!!!

"...Whats this thing?" Waka asked, alreay moving towards it with... Not greed in the slightest in his eyes. Healthy curiosity. He just wanted to know what the book was about.

Ganryu Ganryu AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy
Akane Kabenari
"Well... it's a book isn't it?" said Akane, a bit lamely, somewhat taken aback by the abrupt change in tension. A second ago she had been on razor's edge, tensely waiting to strike at an opponent stronger than her in hopes of scoring an unlikely victory. Akane hadn't really expected her gambit to pay off so well and had actually winced a bit when Fuujin exploded so violently. Akane was glad she hadn't decided to use her new friend, the poor snake thing would likely have been obliterated if it had been anywhere near that mess, Waka seemed fine though, much to Akane's relief but then she had more or less expected that.

Akane walked over to where her tomahawk had been launched by the explosion, noting to her dismay a large chip had formed in the blade as she retrieved it. When Akane straightened up again she realized with a slight trace of alarm that Waka was moving towards the book.

"I wouldn't touch it or anything," Akane said quickly. "It might still be, I don't know warded or something, booby trapped maybe. One of us should probably stand guard while the other goes to find someone from the Shimizu clan and reports what happened. It's possible Inoichi will send more forces here once they realise their initial attempt has failed," Akane watched Waka eye the book covetously and added: "Actually maybe I should stand guard and you should find the Shimizu, I'm um...I'm fresher if enemy reinforcements do arrive after all,"

Orikanyo Orikanyo Ganryu Ganryu

"....One little peek..." Said Waka, hands fumbling with the pages already, it seems being told to go somewhere else sparked a bit of mischevious sparks behind his eyes. "Should know what their after... And don't you wana onow what this origin sin is?

Might be interesting!

And finally a reason to stick around this damn dump."

It seems, regardless of her words, he wanted to see whats inside, so, he would. As an oni does, he will do. And if that means running head first into this heavily horribly cursed knowledge sure. Lets go end up brain dead.

Wont be too far a jump.

Ganryu Ganryu AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy

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