Twenty Thousand Club
She nodded and smiled at him "Thank you, that's really good." She told him quickly and eventually fell asleep waiting for him to wake up, sending his mother a mesage that she would call her shortly but that it had all gone well, eventually waking up to aemond tugging on her arm and just frowned some, "I was having a wonderful dream... how are you feeling?" She asked, rubing at her face but soon turned to look at him and saw he was clearly on pain meds because he was smiling stupidly. "Darling I didn't even know you could make that face." She mumbled.
He continued going in and out for hours until eventually waking up in the middle of the night and now fully awake, the sedation having worn off and now he was just uncomfortable and trying to stay still, grunting a little at the effort of moving without causing himself more pain.
He continued going in and out for hours until eventually waking up in the middle of the night and now fully awake, the sedation having worn off and now he was just uncomfortable and trying to stay still, grunting a little at the effort of moving without causing himself more pain.