Solar/Lunar game, some XP, current age, need storyteller

Okay. I'll do my best to get the rest sent in by then.

Is it okay if I send you the general ideas I have, but might end up changing a little, or did you just want what I've decided on for sure?
I haven`t finished choosing all 8 players, and will extend the deadline by another 24 hours, but some of the spots have been chosen.

I do want to thank all those who sent in their concepts, it`s been a pleasure reading through them, and narrowing it down isn`t easy (as evidenced by the fact that I haven`t finished yet...

Here are the players so far:

1 ) Kaelik

2 ) Axelgear

3 ) Xormis

4 ) Atrius Night

5 ) Hammercro

6 )

7 )

8 )

here's the eight slot ;-)
I'd like to retract my character concept, if that's alright. My hands are full with my attempts at running a game, but I thank you for your consideration =]
Here's the list of players:

1 ) Kaelik

2 ) Axelgear

3 ) Xormis

4 ) Atrius Night

5 ) Hammercro

6 ) Phoenix_Kensai

7 ) Divideby0

8 ) Dax Thura

So, we have 3 Lunars and 5 Solars. Once I have the forum set up, I want to know which Lunar goes with which Solar, for their Solar Bond.

Any mutations/merits/flaws/artifacts you wish to give your character, give me a head's up. I'm usually flexible, but be aware that I'm not too keen on the heavy magitech stuff, but if you've got some idea for a custom artifact, feel free to talk to me about it.

Congratulations to those who were chosen, and I do hope those of you who applied and didn't get in, to find a game soon.
So, about merits and flaws... were we going to use the ones from 1st Edition, or what's available on the wiki from 2nd Edition?
I haven't even realized they released the new merits and flaws, but unles you have the scroll of heroes, it's kinda hard to use since you only get the blurb for the most part, and not the mechanics.
Ah, I didn't think of that... I never read much of the 2e Merits on the wiki, so I didn't realize they would be difficult to use, and I don't think the Scroll of Heroes is out yet.
I'm actually very much surprised we have more Solars than Lunars, given the discussion that went on beforehand.

I'll get to work on a character sheet, just so I can fully declare the typical appearance(s) of Odalis, who is all things to all people in a more than slightly literal manner...
All done with the sheet. If we get a board soon, I'll post it there. If not, I'll just PM it to our ST.
Sorry, updated the forum so all 8 players are now members of it. feel free to ehad there, read the rules, and then post your characters.
If someone wants to join this game, we could use one more player. Lunar is prefered, but even a Solar is acceptable. PM me if you've got a concept, and we'll take it from there. But be quick, we start in about 48 hours...
Well I'm still interested. You already have my character concept. I'd do a lunar if I could, but I don't have their manual sadly enough.
Oh I'd jump in if you have a slot. I'm all Lunar loving. ^^ Oddly I guess Sidereals get a second (Looks at all the sidey characters with dead games xD ) Hmm so I guess I'll toss the concept at you then re-sheet it up if it's taken. ... rchant.jpg (note: I did not draw this myself)

Toyakasha Todomi

Guild Factor of Nexus

Eclipse Caste Solar

Anima: [Anima/Caste effect/Description]

Motivation: to rise within the ranks of the Guild, eventually becoming a member of the Guild Directorate and subordinating the other hierarchs to his will, effectively becoming the sole Director of the Guild.


Positive: the Guild, Nexus, wealth, capitalism

Negative: House Cynis of the Realm

Languages: Forest-tongue, Guild Cant, High Realm, Low Realm, Old Realm, Riverspeak

Essence: 4

Willpower: 6/6

Personal Essence: 15/15 Committed: 0

Peripheral Essence: 33/36 Committed: 3 (Orichalcum Lamellar)


Compassion 1

Conviction 3

Temperance 3

Valor 2

Limit/Resonance: 0/10

Virtue Flaw: Overindulgence

Parry DV: 5 (Perfect shortsword)

Dodge DV: 3

Mental Parry DV: 5 (Presence)

Mental Dodge DV: 6

Hardness: 6B, 6L, 6A

Natural Soak: 1B, 1L, 0A

Armored Soak: 12B, 11L, 10A (Orichalcum Lamellar)

Health Levels:

-0: 0/1

-1: 0/2

-2: 0/2

-4: 0/1

Incapacitated/Dying: 0/1



Strength 1, Dexterity 4, Stamina 1


Charisma 4, Manipulation 5, Appearance 2


Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 2



Bureaucracy 3, Investigation 3, Larceny 3, Linguistics 5, Melee 3 (Knives +1), Performance 3, Presence 5, Ride 1, Sail 0, Socialize 5 (Interacting with the Upper Class +1)


Integrity 2, Lore 1


Artifact 2 (Orichalcum Lamellar)

Backing (the Guild) 3: Guild factor in Nexus, who regularly travels throughout the Scavenger Lands, the East and the Blessed Isle.

Resources 4: wealthy merchant: townhouse in wealthier quarters of Nexus (with 4 servants), country estate near Great Forks (with 8 servants).


Wise-Eyed Courtier Method

Second Socialize Excellency

Understanding the Court

Second Linguistics Excellency

Flawless Brush Discipline

Twisted Words Technique

Sagacious Reading of Intent

Letter-Within-a-Letter Technique

Poetic Expression Style

Whirling Brush Method

Unbreakable Fascination Method

Linguistics Essence Flow

Principle of Motion (RoGD 1, p. 144)

Elemental Domain (Metody) (RoGD 2, p. 83)

Insightful Buyer Technique


Courtly clothing (silk), noble jewelry (electrum and pinhead-size gems)

Perfect knife: +2 Acc, +1 Dmg, +1 Def

Exceptional thief's kit (lockpicks, make-up, etc.): +1 to Larceny rolls

Exceptional writing tools: +1 to Linguistics rolls

Perfect short sword : +1 Acc, +1 Dmg, +2 Def

5 doses of coral snake venom

3 doses of arrow frog venom


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