Solar/Lunar game, some XP, current age, need storyteller

During the weekend I'll be posting the campaign idea, and some chargen rules. Please refrain from posting your ideas till after I've posted all the stuff, and given the OK.
“A Missing Flameâ€

It is another glorious dawn in the distant land of T'chala, a small nation in the Thousand Kingdoms. 8 Exalts suddenly find themselves wide awake, with a strange feeling. Something is pulling them out of bed and into the fields outside. 8 Lunars and Solars gather in a small clearing in the grove not too far from town. They have known each other for a while now, but never before had any of them felt this calling.

At the moment they all stand still, a strange shape appears in the clearing. 4 female figures emerge from the ground. They are beautiful, and each is more exotic than the others. One is as white as snow, her hair and eyes blue like ice. Another is all green, with a dash of gold and brown in her hair, and brillint green eyes, with a reddish rim. The third one is shorter in stature than the others, but stocky, and she is colored in browns and gold., though her hair is slightly gray. And the fourth is blue-green in color, with eyes of deep blue, and hair like the color of sea shells.

As they stand before you, you can sense sadness in them, and longing, and soon you realize that a fifth one is missing, a red and fiery one. For the 4 figures standing before you are the goddesses in charge of the seasons.

Soon they tell you a tale of woe. For since last Fire Season, their sister went missing, and they couldn't find her. They beseech your help in finding what happened to her, and convince her to come back. Time is running short, for it will be fire season again in 9 months, and if she doesn't return, all of Creation will suffer...


* Create a Solar or Lunar Exalt with 100 xp.

* Lunars use the alternate rules linked earlier in the thread.

* Make a rounded character concept, no One-Trick Ponies.

* Everyone interested can send in a PM or post here with the idea (no stats yet), and the 8 I like most will be chosen.

* While the game is based around this journey, at first, it can develop later into other areas, and will include some side treks as well, and maybe a Wyld Hunt, if you're not careful, or just unlucky.
Where can I read about the Thousand Kingdoms? I don't remember seeing that name mentioned in the books I've read so far, and I can't find anything on the wiki...
...Oh, okay. Thanks.

Did you want us to send in a detailed backstory and description of our characters, or just our general concept?
Is this First Age or Age of Sorrows? I ask because the thought of 8 Solars and Lunars meeting up and living together seems to be a ticking time-bomb for the Wyld Hunt.

And is this 8 Lunars and 8 Solars or 8 total?

Either way, I'm going Solar, probably for my first ever Twilight.
8 Exalts, a mix of Lunars and Solars. And yes, the fact that they all come together will likely draw the attention of the Wyld Hunt, if they are not careful.

Age of Sorrows

General concept is fine, though some background will go towards having your character chosen.

In the case that there is an equal or lesser number of Soalrs, compared to Lunars, I'd prefer if every Solar had a bonded mate.

Sorry for the confusion, I did mean the Hundred Kingdoms. That's what happens when you type things without the corebook at hand :mrgreen:
Speaking of concepts (obviously nothing compared to the full background), did you read my two? If so, any preference there? If they're not in your tastes, I'll come up with something else.

Edit: I'm thinking of changing to Zenith or Eclipse caste, to focus on the idea of this character as preternaturally elegant and beautiful, acting as this circle's diplomat and, possibly, moral guide; a beacon of good in a weird world.

2nd Edit: Yeah, most likely Zenith, especially given we have another Twilight.
I'm thinking about doing a Lunar, but the wording on the alternate rules leave me somewhat confused. Where it says, "Two Favored Attributes from the three related to your Caste, two more chosen from any of the remaining seven." Seeing how you can't stack favored attributes with caste ones, can anybody clarify this for me? And is there still a free attribute dot to apply as you see fit?
Divideby0 said:
I'm thinking about doing a Lunar, but the wording on the alternate rules leave me somewhat confused. Where it says, "Two Favored Attributes from the three related to your Caste, two more chosen from any of the remaining seven." Seeing how you can't stack favored attributes with caste ones, can anybody clarify this for me? And is there still a free attribute dot to apply as you see fit?
As far as I know...

Standard Lunar rules has caste attributes plus one favored one. In the alternate rules, you get four favored attributes and no caste attributes (rule-wise). Instead, two of the favored atts has to be from your caste's selection (IE Str/Dex/Sta for Full Moon). Then you may favor two other attributes.

You do not get a free attribute dot. The alternate rules already give you more dots.
Everyone interested has a chance till Thursday to send in their character concept. I'll post the chosen characters next weekend.
...Ah, sorry about not sending in a background. I've just been dealing with depression and a couple of personal problems in the last few days, in addition to my usual laziness, and I couldn't manage to get anything more done.

I could have sent in something about appearance, but... well, before I did that I needed to ask if you would want pictures for our characters, which I planned to do in the PM containing the background, so >_>
If you want, feel free to send in a picture, but it's not essential.

It would help you if you are chosen, cause I tend to give extra bonus points for Background, pic, and a short fanfic.
Well, the main reason I needed to ask was that if you were going to give bonus points for a picture I'd rather find one first and then base my character's appearance off of that, instead of trying to find a picture that matched what I had in mind. I tend to be picky about that kind of thing, so... I don't think it would have worked out well.

How much time do I still have?

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