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Realistic or Modern Social Media Road Trip ( 1 Spot Available)


Basic Bitches Not Wanted


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Starter: Everyone is arriving in New York City and on their way to the hotel(Everyone is on the 7th floor and the rooms are close to each other) then go to the conference room


Khloe Mitchell

Khloe made sure to go to wake up bright and early, because the day she had been waiting for months was finally here. Her project she had put together about having some of the most famous teens over different social media sites was finally coming true. She had made sure to set it up so their first meet and greet would be in New York City, thankfully the company and people who are helping with all of this, is also paying for everyone's travel expenses. It worked out well for her, mainly because she lived about 30 minutes from the city, so she was sure to be the first there to be able to greet everyone. Her parents were over the moon excited to see her going off, mainly off of what she loved to do and actually have a career out of it.

A car was sent to pick her up from her house, she kept checking the window out to the driveway. Finally after what seemed like forever the large suburban pulled into the driveway, she went out quickly handing the driver her bags. She said goodbye to her family one last time then got into the back. The drive to the city didn't really take that long but it did feel like it, once the tall buildings and increase in traffic and people came into view she got more and more anxious. The car stopped at a large hotel, the driver opened her door, the doorman helped to unload her bags from the trunk, she walked inside, the concierge greeted her and gave her room key, the 7th floor room 705, she went up the elevator and made her way to the large dark door, she opened the door exposing the fancy room, she placed her bags just inside the door way and went to go back down to greet everyone else

Mitch Oakes

Mitch was extremely anxious, not only because of this whole adventure he was going on with all these other famous people but he didn't do to well with heights. He only lived in North Carolina and he figured he would at least try and take a train and it was a much more comfortable ride. He hoped that everyone would be nice and that there wouldn't be a whole lot of drama between them. Mitch turned and looked at the people on the opposite side of the train, a middle age couple, they were holding hands and seemed really happy together, he really wanted that for himself. Maybe on this trip he may meet someone, someone who may make him happy as the couple he seen before him. He turned his head and turned his music up, the music definitely helped him feel so much better.

After a nice nap he woke up just as the train was approaching New York, he could see all the tall buildings and the Pit in his stomach grew. Once the train came to a stop he grabbed his large bag and backpack, he stepped out of the station and looked around, he noticed a man standing there in a suit and holding a sign with his name on it. He walked to the man and he seemed to recognize him right off, he helped with Mitch's bags, he had never ridden in a Suburban before so the whole ride was very fancy, finally they reached the hotel. He stepped out taking a minute to take everything in, he walked in and was handed a key with the number 700 on it. He went up to the floor and opened the door. He decided to take a minute and unpack his guitar and laptop, he played his guitar for a few minutes to calm his nerves, there was a small note on the desk saying to go down to the conference room once he got there, he did as he was told and made his way there only to greet Khloe as he walked in.

@thnksfrllths @tinygrassisdreaming @Starry Night @Illusive @Of the Red
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Elizabeth Scott


Elizabeth stepped outside of the John F. Kennedy International Airport and looked around, unable to contain a small squeal and bounce of excitement. She was in the United States for the first time in her life, and in the Big Apple of all places! Remembering that she was supposed to be vlogging the whole thing, she whipped out her camera and turned it on, smiling into it and talking to her viewers as she walked. She passed so many interesting buildings and people- she felt like a kid in a candy store. She attempted to hail a taxi and got a tip from a 'real pro' who obviously lived in the city and was able to actually get one. Giving the driver the address of the hotel she and the others were staying in, she turned her camera to look out the window so that she could edit it into a time lapse later and ogle at everything now.

Once she reached the hotel, she thanked the cab driver and tipped him along with the payment due, causing him to smile for the first time the whole way there. She looked up at the grand-seeming hotel with a hopeful smile before walking inside. She got her key from the cheery lady behind the front desk and looked at it.

"Room 713," she read aloud to herself, looking around before spotting the elevators and rushing over, her small red and white polka-dotted suitcase trailing behind her. She got to the floor and said goodbye to the friendly Texan couple she'd met on the way up. Looking around the rather small hallway she noticed someone just leaving, whom she assumed was part of this experience she was invited to, and waved excitedly before unlocking her room and looking around. The view over the city, in her opinion, was fantastic. She spotted a small note on the wardrobe and read that she was to go to the conference room as soon as she was done unpacking. Too excited to focus on unpacking, she merely touched up her makeup and hair before heading down to the conference room.

The person she'd waved to in the hallway was already inside as well as another young lady around her age whom she knew as the other YouTuber of the group.

"Khloe Mitchell!
The Khloe Mitchell of Movie Reviews. I absolutely adore your channel," she addressed the girl ecstatically, fan-girling a bit... okay a lot. Elizabeth thought about taking out her camera for a moment, then figured that there would be loads of opportunities to take footage at other times. Now was her chance to make a good impression. She knew that there was another young man in the room, but she'd just yet to introduce herself, not wanting to cut Khloe off. It was an impossibly rude thing to do in her opinion, no matter how many times she'd seen Americans do it on television and in films.

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Alex rubbed his eyes, and stood with his hands in his pockets, watching the luggage spin on the belt. He felt a buzz inside him from nerves, and it'd kept him up all night. It also didn't help that he was busy editing concert footage and pictures overnight, but he overlooked that. He felt nervous, sure, but he didn't feel tired. He shrugged to himself, and grabbed a black suitcase with a duct tape X on it, and stepped out of LaGuardia airport.

Outside, he pulled a slip of paper from his black jeans and a subway map from a nearby stand, and tried to figure out where he could take the subway to. As he walked towards the station, he felt a warmth of familiarity run over him, in addition to the underground heat. Alex smiled slightly, and quickly filed into the subway car.

After a few stops, Alex emerged onto the street, across from the hotel. As he walked to the concierge, he grinned, and sighed in excitement. "Room 709. Got it." He collected his key, and stepped into the elevator, gripping his bag tightly. He fumbled slightly as he unlocked his door, and cautiously walked in. "Wow..." He looked out the window, onto the street, and whistled. As he threw his bags onto the bed, he saw a note, and looked back at the bags. "I can unpack later, right?" He smiled again, and rushed out of the room and down to the conference room.
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Eros gazed out of the small, ovular window next to him as he admired his view from above. He had only been on the plane for an hour, it didn't take very long to get to New York from Maine. This plane flight was actually the shortest of all of his travels, and one could argue that a plane wasn't a necessary form of transportation at all for this trip. Despite this being a completely valid argument, Eros would never miss the chance to rise above the clouds when going someplace new. Unlike many, Eros loved planes. He always found himself especially enjoying looking down and watching as everyone shrank until they were invisible. This always left him pondering on the insignificance of the human race while each human felt like the world revolved around them. He always found himself amused at this thought as he enjoyed the awe inspiring view of clouds from the inside or the land or sea far below.

Eros watched and felt a tinge of dissapointment inside as the land - no - the buildings grew closer. His gaze stayed out of the window, watching the mesmerizing colored and dotted lines as they sped past while the plane landed. His jaws parted in a yawn as the plane slowed to a stop. There he sat, waiting as people began hauling their luggage down from above the seats. While he was waiting, the familiar tweet of his phone notified him that his sister sent him a text. She was always very punctual. "Pos ítan i ptísi?" Queried the text, asking in greek how his flight was. "Varetó" be responded, saying that it was boring. It was his turn to grab his luggage so he tucked his phone back in his pocket and pulled his backpack out of the compartment before stepping off of the plane. Now it was time to go pick up his luggage and his pets.

As he completed these tasks, Eros facetimed his sister and niece. This was a sort of ritual. Eros often went off on travels, when he did his sister would track his flight and text him immediately when the plane status changed to 'arrived.' Then, they would video call while he was waiting for his luggage to come around on the conveyor belt or grabbing a bite to eat and talk about Eros's plans for the trip. This time he traveled close enough to bring some of his pets and made sure not to miss up on this oppurtunity. This time he didn't eat but headed straight to his hotel, he wanted to get his cat and snake out of their travel cages. He decided to take an express taxi directly from the airport in order to get minimal exposure to the nasty air of pollution that the bustling and humid city was shrouded in. Eros had never been to New York City, for good reason. He wasn't one who favored the smoggy air and crowded streets that were so glorified all around the country.

When he walked into the lobby of the hotel, one of the employees recognized him and immediately came to his aid. He let the bellhop take hisluggage, but refused to hand off his pets. Instead, he placed their cages down for a moment to take off his backpack, which he handed to the bellhop before picking the pets up again. The bellhop gave Eros a confused look, but said nothing due to the expecting glare that he recriprocated. His eyes said "I'm waiting to be waited on." Eros wasn't usually a rude guest or client, he actually always went out of his way to be rather nice, but being in these overstimulating surroundings and hot, murky air had him in a rather irritable and impatient mood. He made conversation with the bellhop in the elevator, to the employee's suprise. It was mainly just him complaining about his experience of the city so far, and contrasting the city to his peaceful, fresh-aired home in Maine. His descriptions were all very poetically biased. When they dropped off the luggage in the hotel room Eros bowed to the bellhop in the place of a thank-you.

He sprawled himself across the neatly made bed, but not before setting his pets free. He let his cat and two-headed snake roam around on the carpet for a little while as he pondered in silence. This was going to be a worldwide meet and greet, and it would be the first time he would be travelling with pets. He had thought about this before, Eros wasn't one to act on a whim especially when it was his pets' safety at stake, but it was worth thinking about once more. His cat was healthy and young, filled with vitality. As was his snake. They were both tough creatures, and as long as the pet transports troughout the trip were safe and careful, they would both be perfectly fine.

After a few minutes of watching his cat groom her pelt as the two-headed snake leisurely slithered around, Eros spotted a post-it instructing him to go to the conference room. He assumed that this was where everyone was meeting and decided to show his face. He didn't want to leave his friends behind in the room, they could make guest appearances as well to meet the people they would be traveling with. Eros picked up his two headed friend and let it take it's time wrapping itself around his arm. He opened the door and called to his kitty before closing the door behind her as she stepped out beside him. Eros noticed the room number and decided to pull out his phone to make a joke while simultaneously informing his friends and fans that he had arrived. He took a picture of the number on snapchat, covering the '70' with '66', so that it read "666". The young man hid his phone in the pocket of his mom jeans before picking up his cat just in case they encountered any dogs on the way down to the conference room. He caressed the purring cat gently as he made his way to the rendezvous.

Eros was a bit suprised at the small amount of faces he saw considering how long he took, guessing that everyone else went to the conference room before unpacking as well. There were definitely more to come. He stepped in and approached the small group. A blonde was reveling at meeting the other female youtube on this trip, while another guy stood quietly. He looked rather nervous. Eros was apprenhisive on approaching the boy, he didn't want to offset his nervousness any more by approaching him while carrying two animals. Eros stepped over to a table and sat atop it with his legs crossed, letting his cat sit in his lap and knead though his jeans. The snake was now coiled around his arm, both of the heads sticking out and tasting the air to see what was going on in their surroundings. Eros smiled at his purring pet as he waited for someone to approach him.

(Ohhh my god I'm sorry this is so long I got a little carried away)
Sun-Hi smiled brightly. She had always wanted to go to New York and she could've seeing that she lived in L.A but that would mean paying for the ticket herself so she was estatic when she had found out this was one of the destinations on the trip. She walked out of J.F.K, the huge smile still gracing her features despite all of the weird looks she was getting. Sun-Hi knew it wasn't because she was Korean because she had seen quite a few Asians in her short time here so the next most likely reason was the color of her hair. It wasn't everyday you saw a girl with that colored hair.

Outside was a cab area so she got into the relatively short line and waited. Once she got to the top, she was directed to one of the yellow cars with a tall man waiting by it. Her purple and blue suitcase and carry on dragged behind her nosily on the concrete floor. She and the man exchanged a few words and a flash of something passed through his eyes. Recognition maybe? If that was so he did not say anything. He put her bags in the trunk and she got into the backseat. The drive to the hotel was short and she got to enjoy all the scenes she passed by on the way.

Sun-Hi walked through the hotel doors but turned to wave to the cab but he was already gone. She laughed at herself quietly for thinking he was still there and continued to the lobby of the hotel. The staff seemed to have recognized her but she still went to the front desk. After talking with the lady, she recieved her key with 712 marked on it. She got into the elevator along with a girl and it started going up. She noticed the girl staring at her but she didn't mind, she was used to it. The ding signalled she was at the 7th floor so she happily got off. She was becoming more excited by the minute. The bell boys had taken her stuff to the room so Sun-Hi decided to unpack later. In her room she found a note telling her to go to the conference room.

When she walked in, quite a few people were there already that she regonized so she greeted them. She wasn't up for conversation yet, when she felt like it she would speak to someone but for now she was taking in her surroundings.
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McKenna Peters

Today was the day. The day that McKenna got to go traveling with other popular social media users. She had gotten an e-mail from a girl who was popular on youtube, explaining her idea for this project and how all expenses would be covered. Mac didn't even have to think twice about it. She was in. After all, her account was a traveling account. All of her posts consists of pictures or videos of where she has been, what she saw, what she ate, and the things she did. However, there was one thing that she never included in her posts and that was herself. None of her followers knows what she looks like. Therefore, they're probably just as excited about this as she was because they were finally going to be able to see the face behind the account. Mac just hoped they weren't disappointed.

Mac had packed her things, said goodbye to her family which consisted of 3 brothers and her parents, and was driven to the airport. She currently lives in a small farm town in Georgia, but she was actually born and raised in New York City until she was 14. As usual, Mac had her phone in hand ready to document the journey for her followers. It was much more sensible to fly than to drive. She was offered a car to pick her up at the airport, but she denied it, wanting to take public transit. She had missed taking trains and walking the city blocks. After a few short hours on the plane, Mac debarked, finding her luggage, and then heading to the tram that lead from JFK to Jamaica train station. She had planned it perfectly that she would only have to wait a couple of minutes for the train that she would ride into Penn station. Naturally, she took a picture of graffiti on the side of the tunnel that lead her under the East River and into Penn Station.

Emerging from Penn Station, with her suitcase rolling behind her and her backpack on her back, Mac was hit with the familiar city air that she had grown so accustomed to in her youth. It was a mix of exhaust from the cars and the aroma of food being sold on the street carts. She knew exactly where the hotel was, but it would be a bit of a haul from the station so she decided to hail a taxi. Remembering how her dad used to do it, she mimicked him exactly and the first available one stopped for her. She gave the guy the address and soon they were off. Mac was dropped off in front of the hotel, but spotted a pizza place a couple of store fronts down. She glanced at the time and figured she had plenty of time. Mac ordered herself a slice, taking a picture and posting it with the caption 'Fuhgeddaboudit' (with a pizza and statue of liberty emoji). Boy had she missed decent pizza. Quickly finishing her pizza, she headed back to the hotel to check in. She was handed her room key "Room 707".

Mac keyed into her room and quickly unpacked her things, noticing the note to go down to the conference room after she was all settled. Mac had done her research on who was going to be travelling with her so she didn't seem completely oblivious. When she walked into the conference room, she noticed a bit of people had arrived already. Was she late? Maybe she shouldn't have went to get that slice of pizza...nah it was so worth it. After a quick survey of the room she noticed the two youtube girls, her fellow instagrammer, the two from soundcloud, and the guy from tumblr. How should she go about introducing herself? Mac just decided to walk in with a friendly smile and just wait for the others, figuring that they'd do introductions once everyone got here.

Mason Sutcher


Location: New York

Mood: Excited

In his life, Mason has been given very few luxuries. Growing up in poverty, his mother worked three jobs just to keep food on the table and his father's medical bills payed. Christmas was bleak, and birthdays even bleaker but Mason saw his life as a special opportunity to show the world that he
COULD be something. One vine went viral, and then another, and another and sooner than later he was able to live up to that promise. Despite his overnight fame, Mason still remained humble and so, the prospect of joining all of these amazing individuals on a road trip, still baffled him.

His mother pushed him to take the chance and join everybody on the tour but a small part of him felt wrong doing so, after all she did for him - he wasn't the one that deserved a big break like this, but his mother? She deserved the world. If he could, he'd give it to her on a silver platter, but unfortunately there's only so much he has to give. After a whole lot of persuasion from some of his closest family and friends, Mason was boarding a flight to New York.

It's only six hours of a difference when he arrives in a crowded airport, colors of curiosity painted in cerulean hues, and thick brows knitting together in confusion as he traverses through the throngs of people, keeping his head down and gripping at his shirtsleeves tightly as he waits for his luggage. Anxiety boils in his gut, teeth tugging at his bottom lip as he grabs for the big blue duffel. Slinging it over his shoulder, he cautiously pulls his phone out of his pocket, sending a quick text to mother to confirm that he had landed safely.

His gaze meets that of his escort for the night, at least - that was his assumption. He was holding a bright blue sheet of paper, very obviously announcing his name to the entirety of JFK. He smiled brightly, a dimple pressing into his cheek. He's jittery but that doesn't stop him from approaching the older man, and introducing himself. Luckily enough, the ride was for him and he quickly followed behind the sharply dressed man to a car. The VIP treatment was a little excessive, but he would rather this than have to take a car ride with a bunch of suspicious strangers.

As soon as they pulled up out front of the hotel, Mason offers the driver a small 'thanks' before dragging himself out of the back seat, and rushing to the front doors. This was an entirely new experience for him, so the surprise only made sense. He timidly approached the desk, explaining who he was with ease and taking the key offered to him. A nod of thanks, and he's walking into the elevator and heading up to his room - 704.

There was no time to waste, rushing to his room and shoving the key in the lock, it was an easy task from there. A small note mentioned meeting in the conference room after you were finished unpacking, but a quick look at the few belongings he actually brought along with him confirmed he could easily get that done before sleeping that night. Carefully shutting the door behind him, and pocketing the key, he headed downstairs to greet the group of stars.

A wide grin appeared on his face, and he childishly waved at the majority of the people in the room, crossing the room to take a seat near the corner, only planning to introduce himself after someone spoke to him first.

TAGGING: Whoever!


Eros watched as more people began to arrive. He bowed at each of the stars that greeted him as they entered the room, then watched as everyone just stood around shyly. How annoying. They were all going to travel together, what was everyone waiting for? Eros decided to take action and call over a few of the people who had just arrived to gather them in a group. He hadn't really done much research on the people of which he was going to be traveling with, but he did at least know their names and faces. Except for McKenna, he only knew her name but had deduced who she was when he saw her, she was the only name without a face and that face was the only one he wasn't familiar with.

"Sun-Hi, McKenna, Mason," he called. Once he had their attention, he beckoned for each of them to approach him. When they were all in a small group around him Eros dipped his head in a bow once more and introduced himself. "As you may or may not know, I am Eros Yeong. I answer to both Eros and Yeong, but I'd prefer to be called Yeong. These two are my friends," he said, looking down at the cat in his lap and the two-headed snake wrapped around his arm. "This is Hestia," he said gesturing to his kitty. "And these are Castor and Pollux, or Gemini if you're referring to them as one." He tapped on each head with a finger when introducing the pair. "They'll be traveling with us, so I hope no one has a cat allergy, or a fear of snakes, or... polycephaly," he chuckled lightheartedly.

@RaineeDaze @shygirl3 @Starry Night
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Alex stepped onto the elevator, and pulled out his phone. He checked his notifications, and took a selfie for his personal account to notify his followers that he was in New York. While the elevator descended, he scrolled through his feed, smiling at the occasional picture. When the elevator stopped, he slid his phone into his pocket, and looked into a mirror in the hallway of the lobby. He rubbed his eyes, and made faces until he felt that he couldn't stall much longer. He walked towards the conference room, and slowly poked his head in, seeing the other internet celebrities. As he walked in, a blush spread across his face, and he made his way to a small crowd at the side of the room.

As he got closer, he saw a guy sitting on a table, holding a snake? Alex flinched slightly, and waved gingerly, standing at a slight distance, watching the snake's movement.

Sun-Hi was planning to start up conversation with someone, since she had recognized most of the people except for one but Eros had beaten her to it. He beckoned her, Mason and McKenna over and she complied. It was a start and she could make some friends too. She was going to be on this trip with these people for awhile so she couldn't be antisocial and lonely the whole time.

"Hello." Sun-Hi bowed. That was traditional in Korea but she had grown to the way of life in America so usually she just waved. The only reason she had done that was to be polite to Eros. "I'm Sun-Hi better known as Sana." She offered a smile to all three of them and dipped her head to look at Yeong's, as he preferred to be called, friends. She sucked in a breath quickly trying to mask her fright at the snake.

"Oh... how interesting." Her voice cracked slightly at the end of her sentence. Sun-Hi was not too fond of snakes for many reasons. The list was too long. She did not want to inconvenience anyone so the easiest thing to do was pretend like there wasn't a problem. Easier said than done though. On the other hand, cats were her third favorite animal so there was no problem there. Once she regained her composure, she decided to do that thing where you sort of talked to the animals. "Hey there Hestia, Gemini." She waved, keeping her distance but not far enough to be rude.

Mentions: @tinygrassisdreaming
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.adc574b91914831d766bee0647c9d9b8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134875" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.adc574b91914831d766bee0647c9d9b8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Sapphire woke up to a startle, her five hours and a half flight was coming to an end and she was still in her simple blue dress. She took all her belongings and quickly exited the 1st class area in the airplane. She was so excited because she was getting to meet other famous social media teens, that she completely forgot that she was in a regular outfit. Once she was about to leave the airport when she noticed her outfit, "This won't do" she said, before changing into one of her new cosplay outfit, Fluttershy.

Once she had changed, she quickly caught a cab and arrived to the hotel, she hoped she hadn't over done it with her outfit but she remembered her brother, she shook that thought and breathed in deeply and let it out slowly. She exited the cab, received her key to Room 711, she saw a few people that she recognized from the social media and then she saw Sana and Eros, and she walked up to them, "Hi! I'm Sapphire" she said with an incredibly enthusiastic tone.



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Mason Sutcher

Location: New York

Mood: Excited

Mason supposed he HAD been waiting for the right moment to strike conversation, but, boy was he glad he wasn't the first one to speak. Too accustomed to the uncomfortable awkward silence that usually followed his ramblings, he was more than happy to listen to someone else for once. A bright smile stretched across his lips, and he greeted the other male with a small wave. "Sup, Eros! It's super cool to meet you, and.."

There's a small pause as he takes in the sight of the two headed snake, eyes widening - not in fear but of amazement. "Dude!
Dude, that's just about the coolest thing I've ever seen." He didn't know whether it was safe to touch the creature, unsure of it's stance on stranger danger but he couldn't manage to suppress his excitement over it. "I really like the name scheme, you got going. The whole Greek myth thing, that just makes them like ten times cooler."

After his short - yet slightly obnoxious rambling, he turns his attention to the kitten, offering it a pet on the head. "They'e adorable, I'm glad you brought them!" Mason had never really had a pet, so any chance he got to see someone else's, was always one of the bigger highlights of his day. ( Strangely, enough. )

The crack in Sun-Hi's voice did prompt him to shoot her a concerned glance, a reassuring smile pressed to his lips. "Y'know, he's not going to hurt you. Pet snakes are relatively harmless."

And then...Fluttershy walks into the room??? He's puzzled to say the least, but a quick scan through the files in his brain confirms her to be the tumblr girl, famous for cosplay. At least, he hopes that's the case! He wouldn't want to be wrong. "Hey! It's Sapphire, right? Come check out this snake!"

TAGGING: @tinygrassisdreaming, @Starry Night, @CelestialBunny

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.38856e1e813616013886847e73b8d235.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134964" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.38856e1e813616013886847e73b8d235.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.3e0285422b887912388686288a281a4e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134965" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.3e0285422b887912388686288a281a4e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sapphire turned to face a guy whom she recognized to be Mason, from Vine. "Hey, Yup! That's me, Sapphire" she said as she twirled her hair, now that she was here, she was kinda nervous. When he called her over to look at the snake, she gasped and almost ran over, "How cute! I love animals" she said looking up from the snakes, and looking at Mason, "Dude, you're amazing. I can't believe I'm actually meeting you. You're way cuter in person by the way" she said in a relaxed, kinda flirty way. She smiled, bit her lip when she realized what she has said, "I'm so sorry. I- um -I say things and words at times" she blushed and spoke in a shy way that sounded identical to Fluttershy. @tinygrassisdreaming



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McKenna Peters

It was like all of a sudden everyone got the urge to be sociable. She had watched some people come in and she just sort of stood there observing. Her mind had drifted to all of their personal backstories. Mac was entertaining herself creating these backstories as she waited for something exciting to happen or for someone to try and talk to her. Then it was like someone hit a light switch and she was back to reality, hearing someone call her name. It was a guy sitting on the table with a cat on his lap and it looked to be a snake wrapped around his arm. She wasn't about to be rude so she walked up to the small group that had formed around him, giving a soft smile. "It's nice to meet you all, I'm McKenna but feel free to call me Mac if you want." she said after others had finished introducing themselves.

As Mac looked on she noticed the snake had two heads. She wasn't a huge fan of animals to begin with but a snake with two heads caused her eyes to widen a bit. Mac kept her distance from the animals while everyone else seemed fascinated by them. There was a guy next to her who flinched at the sight of the snake and she glanced over and smiled at him, "not a huge fan of snakes either, huh?" she whispered to the guy. Mac had to think about who he was and then quickly remembered "you're Alex right? My fellow instagram star?" she asked sweetly. "I'm McKenna" she said politely and stuck her hand out to shake his.

Alex shook her hand, grinning. "Yep, your local bandom and fandom trash." He chuckled, glancing at the guy with the snake. "Yeah, I'm not huge on snakes. I'm just like my dad, I guess. But, I'm glad I'm not the only one." He looked around, still beaming. Alex, although somewhat shy around others, fed off of the excited energy resonating from all of the creators here. "You must've done your research beforehand. I feel embarrassed, I don't know anyone here."

Khloe Mitchell

Khloe smiled at each of the people who entered the large room, she recognized each person. She grew more and more excited as they each walked in. She smiled at her fellow Youtuber Elizabeth she was beyond excited to meet her "Omg thank you so much for coming, and I love your videos" she said energetically. She walked over the other side of the room, which held a small stage and had an amp and a mic, she turned them both on, she adjusted the volume loud enough to at least get their attention.

"Hey guys" she said loudly in the mic, and once she figured she had their attention she turned the mic off "Thanks guy for showing up, and for wanting to go on this magical adventure across the country. Well first off I'm Khloe, I know all of you obviously, but tomorrow is our first meet and greet at the local mall not to far from here. But today is a chance for us to get to know each other, maybe see the city"

She smiled at the group assembled but noticed a few people were still missing. She got down off the platform and decided to go and be social.

Mitch Oakes:

Mitch kind of sat their a little awkwardly, he knew some of the people there but not as many as he should. Most of them probably didn't know him mainly because it would be easier to recognize his singing voice. He was happy the Khloe was very outgoing and loud so she was able to get their attention and let everyone know what the deal is. He walked towards some of the others "Hey I'm Mitch, I'm known for singing.... on sound cloud" oh he felt so weird saying that, he said nervously, not really sure what else to say.

@thnksfrllths @tinygrassisdreaming​
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Eros noticed the instagram user who had just arrived and and eyed Alex as he approached, but stayed back when he saw the snake. The blogger was glad to have someone with a similar cultural backround on this trip, but his welcoming smile depleted as Sun-Hi's voice cracked in fear. He wasn't too fond of when people were afraid of his pets, that was always one of the many things that got on his nerves. He was caught off guard by the enthusiasm that suddenly came from Mason. He blinked at hearing his first name from someone he was just meeting, but let it go when the boy expressed interest in his pets. His smile returned and his eyes blinked wide. He felt wave a flattery wash over him when Mason compliment his pets and the names he gave them. "Oh... not really a theme, it's just a ... homage to my culture, I should say. And I'm glad you like them." Hestia purred and pushed her face against the viner's hand. Eros witnessed Mason try to reassure Sun-Hi, and decided to chime in himself. "Yes! Really, Gemini is quite harmless. You can hold her if you like," he offered Mason as he put a hand out in front of the snake who unraveled itself from his arm and slithered over to his hand. "Just be gentle and you'll be fine." He held the snake out to Mason as it suspended the upper half of it's body out from Eros's hand, the two heads smelling their surroundings with their tongues. "Why hello fluttershy, and Mac," he greeted as he eyed Alex who still kept his distance.

Eros turned when he heard a voice from the speakers, and listened to Khloe speak as he gently handed away his two headed snake.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.a4a5ba5d32ad6284422241781d9c34de.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134993" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.a4a5ba5d32ad6284422241781d9c34de.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Sapphire felt like she had embarrassed herself enough infront of Mason so she said, "I'll s-see you later" she said as she waved good-bye. She decided to find someone else to talk to, but her thoughts were interrupted by Khloe's warm welcome. Once, Khloe had finished Sapphire smiled and moved on, accidentally bumped into a boy and fell, messing up her wig placement. She fell onto the floor, looked up and saw a boy, "Hey. I'm sorry" she said to the boy, as she attempted to put her pink wig back in its place.
@RaineeDaze @Tsiwentiio



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Alex looked back at the guy holding the snake, and smiled. Even if he did have a snake, he had a cat, and cats were cool. Maybe this guy was nice. He looked away after a minute, but saw that he was still looking at him, and he bit his lip. If it were any other day, he would've held the stare, but today he was too excited and nervous. But, he looked away from the boy when Khloe did the welcome. "Ah, it'd be awesome to hang out around the city!" He spoke excitedly, mostly to himself.


Elizabeth Scott


She smiled as Khloe finished her speech and moved to stand up but hesitated. Looking around she felt a bit uncomfortable. This was her first time in the United States and she'd never met any of these people. While each of them might not know each other well, they'd at least met. She watched as all of them socialized and as the girl Sapphire fell. Immediately standing up to rush and help her, she noticed that there was already a boy there to help her, the boy from sound cloud. His name was Mitch she believed, and he was rather hadsome. Elizabeth felt rather awkward and alone at the moment and bit her lip, deciding to attempt to make a friend, maybe even two. She hurried over to where Mitch and Sapphire were, her heels clicking on the tile floor. Wearing the 5 inch heels she was, she still only reached to Mitch's shoulder and was just taller than Sapphire. In any other shoes, she was positive she would be shorter than the girl.

"Are you alright sweetie?" she asked Sapphire with a concerned frown. She knew it might sound a bit strange to be calling the girl 'sweetie' since she wasn't much older than her, but that was what she called everyone when not using their names or nicknames.

"You took quite the fall there."

@Tsiwentiio @CelestialBunny
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.7fc699237f089e43c892f567157c5aa1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.7fc699237f089e43c892f567157c5aa1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Sapphire pulled out a mirror from her bag, and continued to fix her wig until a girl appeared, Sapphire had see her before but didn't remember her name. She finally refixed her wig, quickly checked her makeup and wings and then looked up the girl.,
Sweetie? She thought slightly confused, but nodded. She fixed her pony ears and stood up, "Yeah, I'm fine it's just a small fall" she said with a smile. She brushed off her knees, and arms, hiding her bleeding elbow behind her back. "I'm Sapphire" she said sweetly to the girl. @RaineeDaze @Tsiwentiio @Smoaki



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Mitch Oakes

Mitch jumped a little as the girl almost tripped and fell infront of him, he tried to help her up "Are you sure your alright" he asked concerned, although he didn't know her the last thing he wanted was for someone to get hurt. He turned and looked at another girl who cam up to stand next to him, she was really pretty, both girls were actually, he started to feel a little nervous, but thankfully he was pretty good at hiding it. He was surprised that he didn't want to run and hide in his room, "I'm Mitch by the way" he smiled at both of the girls, incase neither or them knew his name.


@Smoaki @CelestialBunny

Elizabeth Scott


"Elizabeth," she responded to both of them," I guess I'd probably be known better as Lizalee."

She had been looking at the girl Sapphire the entire time, and she finally let her eyes travel to the taller boy. He'd said his name, Mitch. She knew who he was of course, she loved his sound cloud. She found it surprizing that he wasn't some big star topping every chart in the world, but then again he most likely would be in another month. She realized she had been staring at him, lost in thought and blinked, snapping back to reality and covering up her embarrassment in words.

"I absolutely adore both of your accounts!" she gushed, her nervous tick of talking kicking in," some of my favourite songs are by you, and your cosplays are absolutely marvelous!"

She turned to the both of them in turn as she spoke of their platforms, an energetic bounce to her step. She bit her lip, realizing that she'd been rambling a bit.

"Sorry, I get a bit... chatty when I'm nervous. This is my first time here."

@Tsiwentiio @CelestialBunny
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