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Fantasy Soaring OOC

Zack: I understand that, baby, I really do and I was going to call mum to see if she has any tips on how to handle this situation, or do I have to remind you that I don't have a shred of romance in me.

(Hahaha, it's just certain actions remind me of certain things ala that papa one. Also I try to be accurate to things I write and while I do understand the concept of suspending disbelief, I also try to minimize that size of disbelief which leads to research, I also research (at least bare minimum) when I try to write characters from places I am not familiar with, i.e Japanese although I can't reduce the size so much because ya know only so much you can reduce before that thing you want to write is unable to be performed.)
Ingrid: *gapes baffled* You can't be serious? Just yesterday you were sweet an affectionate. That was romantic enough for me. I-you *grips hair frustrated and groans then calms* That's all I want. Comfort. Never mind love. I think I'm skipping today and taking a nap. *enters bedroom and uses comforter for a caccoon*

(Yeah that's understandable. It's not a real character without some research. I'm more of go with the flow person so I use imagination as my guide rather than some facts/ research)
Ingrid: *gapes baffled* You can't be serious? Just yesterday you were sweet an affectionate. That was romantic enough for me. I-you *grips hair frustrated and groans then calms* That's all I want. Comfort. Never mind love. I think I'm skipping today and taking a nap. *enters bedroom and uses comforter for a caccoon*

(Yeah that's understandable. It's not a real character without some research. I'm more of go with the flow person so I use imagination as my guide rather than some facts/ research)
Zack: Okay, I am a bit romantic. *follows her into the bedroom* Aw, you look just like a little larvae.

(Yea, that is a good way to write but enough of that, when I was a kid, I always wanted to be a parasite.)
Zack: Okay, I am a bit romantic. *follows her into the bedroom* Aw, you look just like a little larvae.

(Yea, that is a good way to write but enough of that, when I was a kid, I always wanted to be a parasite.)
Ingrid: *blushes then chuckles. Grabs Zack and pulls him down. On the bed for her to rest her head against Zack's head* When I we adopt. I want our first to be a hornet. You're going to have to teach me how to take care of him. I have forgotten I can adopt them while they're a baby. *cups face and looks at him in serious* Will you be able to do that?

(Congratulations! Now ya are :D)
Ingrid: *blushes then chuckles. Grabs Zack and pulls him down. On the bed for her to rest her head against Zack's head* When I we adopt. I want our first to be a hornet. You're going to have to teach me how to take care of him. I have forgotten I can adopt them while they're a baby. *cups face and looks at him in serious* Will you be able to do that?

(Congratulations! Now ya are :D)

Zack: Sure, honeymuffin *he runs his fingers through her hair* I should tell you though those hornet larvae... they like to slime their mum, the queen usually, with their royal jelly.

Zack: Sure, honeymuffin *he runs his fingers through her hair* I should tell you though those hornet larvae... they like to slime their mum, the queen usually, with their royal jelly.

(Proud of you *claps* I can't wait for you to take over the world next :3)

Ingrid: Hehehe I figure. I feel like that's just affection *kiss* but wouldn't it be weird raising one of your siblings and calling them our child? Why not a bumblebee?
(Proud of you *claps* I can't wait for you to take over the world next :3)

Ingrid: Hehehe I figure. I feel like that's just affection *kiss* but wouldn't it be weird raising one of your siblings and calling them our child? Why not a bumblebee?
(Soon, I shall be a fair and honest ruler)
Zack: It would be more nephew than sibling if the queen steps down by then.*he pauses at the bumblebee suggestion*
Absolutely not, no son of mine will be a bumbler.*his phone rings and this is heard. * Oh no
(Soon, I shall be a fair and honest ruler)
Zack: It would be more nephew than sibling if the queen steps down by then.*he pauses at the bumblebee suggestion*
Absolutely not, no son of mine will be a bumbler.*his phone rings and this is heard. * Oh no
(Of course you will. Your children will be in everyone so you gotta be good to everyone)

Ingrid: *stares at Zack while listening to the bizarre ringtone that just keeps babbling: bumblebee. A brow is quirked then a devilish smirk* You don't like bumblebees huh? Well good sir you just had me make a list of bees to adopt. Like the bumblebee, hornet, western honey bee, wasp, oh and a second favorite of mine. The yellow Jacket. *borrows his phone and searches an image* look at it! Don't you find it adorable? His antenneas curved all cute like. Awe~ he's ready for picture day
(Of course you will. Your children will be in everyone so you gotta be good to everyone)

Ingrid: *stares at Zack while listening to the bizarre ringtone that just keeps babbling: bumblebee. A brow is quirked then a devilish smirk* You don't like bumblebees huh? Well good sir you just had me make a list of bees to adopt. Like the bumblebee, hornet, western honey bee, wasp, oh and a second favorite of mine. The yellow Jacket. *borrows his phone and searches an image* look at it! Don't you find it adorable? His antenneas curved all cute like. Awe~ he's ready for picture day
Zack: Buck Bumble is a national hero, you.. you... Fine, we can have a bee child. *his antennae go down.* Sometimes, I should've been born as a moth.
Zack: Buck Bumble is a national hero, you.. you... Fine, we can have a bee child. *his antennae go down.* Sometimes, I should've been born as a moth.
Ingrid: *chuckles* Buck Bumblebee? Ahahhaha sorry sorry. I shouldn't be laughing. So sorry *KIsses his forehead and leans head against his* I'm sorry baby, but you shouldn't joke about being a moth hun. They're actually the beautiful insects to me. So fluffy and cute and soft. You'd kill me with your adorableness and have me wrapped around your finger obeying every whim. If you want a moth child we can. These are just ideas. I want to agree with which child we choose. So I told you my opinion. Now it's your turn fuzz butt hehehe. Thanks foe cheering me up. See? You didn't need your mum. Your a natural.

(Do not.....get me started on Moths. Cause they are the only insects that I like to touch besides rolly polly's, lady bugs, caterpillars and butterflies. They are the beautiful but eat clothes. I used to be an insect collector as a kid)
Oh gosh the number of messages that occur when i turn my back xD

Wait.... why can't y'all have kids? I mean... don't yall have... uhhh.. y'know?
Oh gosh the number of messages that occur when i turn my back xD

Wait.... why can't y'all have kids? I mean... don't yall have... uhhh.. y'know?
No we do idk if Zack does but he is humanoid so I assume yes. The problem is that he's more structured to be a hornet than a human with wings like us. If the two are able to do the whoopie then the out come would be incompatibility or just a hybrid of part hornet human liked winged. Which in my head would be either good or bad. The good being more like this:

Excuse the nudity I couldn't find a good oneCapture+_2019-03-03-20-35-07-1.png

Although Zack offered to make a genetically enhanced child built with both of Ingrid's and his genes. But that's not normal *scowls* birth is a beautiful natural thing where as mother nature's things shoild not be messed with science.

Anyways Ingrid would probably miscarry because she's not a match and cause hee a great deal of depression to a woman.
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Ingrid: *chuckles* Buck Bumblebee? Ahahhaha sorry sorry. I shouldn't be laughing. So sorry *KIsses his forehead and leans head against his* I'm sorry baby, but you shouldn't joke about being a moth hun. They're actually the beautiful insects to me. So fluffy and cute and soft. You'd kill me with your adorableness and have me wrapped around your finger obeying every whim. If you want a moth child we can. These are just ideas. I want to agree with which child we choose. So I told you my opinion. Now it's your turn fuzz butt hehehe. Thanks foe cheering me up. See? You didn't need your mum. Your a natural.

(Do not.....get me started on Moths. Cause they are the only insects that I like to touch besides rolly polly's, lady bugs, caterpillars and butterflies. They are the beautiful but eat clothes. I used to be an insect collector as a kid)
Zack: hmmm, I'm fine with whatever you chose, it's not sbout the appearance of the kid, it's about the character that kid grows into.
No we do idk if Zack does but he is humanoid so I assume yes. The problem is that he's more structured to be a hornet than a human with wings like us. If the two are able to do the whoopie then the out come would be incompatibility or just a hybrid of part hornet human liked winged. Which in my head would be either good or bad. The good being more like this:

Excuse the nudity I couldn't find a good oneView attachment 547993

Although Zack offered to make a genetically enhanced child built with both of Ingrid's and his genes. But that's not normal *scowls* birth is a beautiful natural thing where as mother nature's things shoild not be messed with science.

Anyways Ingrid would probably miscarry because she's not a match and cause hee a great deal of depression to a woman.

Heyk yeh, natural birth is great.

Though, I kinda super wanna see the hybrid child and how they behave with their parents o-o

(Don't mind me, I;m reading frankenstein at the moment. All of my thoughts are super creepy science gallimaufries.)
Heyk yeh, natural birth is great.

Though, I kinda super wanna see the hybrid child and how they behave with their parents o-o

(Don't mind me, I;m reading frankenstein at the moment. All of my thoughts are super creepy science gallimaufries.)
The big bad monster just wanted a wife.
Heyk yeh, natural birth is great.

Though, I kinda super wanna see the hybrid child and how they behave with their parents o-o

(Don't mind me, I;m reading frankenstein at the moment. All of my thoughts are super creepy science gallimaufries.)
Oh alright Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian the boy wants us to have a hybrid child. I guess I'll allow it. Zack go ahead and call them jewel bees
Oh alright Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian the boy wants us to have a hybrid child. I guess I'll allow it. Zack go ahead and call them jewel bees
Zack: Call them jeweled bees and they'll give our kid down syndrome or worse. *He calls them up* Oi, listen here ya wankaz, mi and moi bird need a kid wit our jeans, I'll send ya the DNA templates in 2 hours or so. *He pauses as he listens to what they have to say,* Yes, i'll take it in egg form please, damn nutter. *he closes the phone.*
Zack: Call them jeweled bees and they'll give our kid down syndrome or worse. *He calls them up* Oi, listen here ya wankaz, mi and moi bird need a kid wit our jeans, I'll send ya the DNA templates in 2 hours or so. *He pauses as he listens to what they have to say,* Yes, i'll take it in egg form please, damn nutter. *he closes the phone.*
Ingrid: *whispers* sorry ): *stares at Zack weirdly* um...okay? Should I ask why speak like- *hears Jonah* okay nvm I see why. *Hums a tune happy to get a child*
Zack: Oi told dem ta stup bein such bloody plonkers, da damn rubbish.
Ingrid: *whispers* sorry ): *stares at Zack weirdly* um...okay? Should I ask why speak like- *hears Jonah* okay nvm I see why. *Hums a tune happy to get a child*
Zack: Not our fault, lass, day be actin liek sum bloody toffs, here have a gander at this. *shows Ingrid a photo of a female jeweled wasp in a blue dress.* Wait, that was the captain-general's wife. *Shows Ingrid a photo of the ugly captain-general jeweled wasp.* He looks like a minger.
Zack: Oi told dem ta stup bein such bloody plonkers, da damn rubbish.

Zack: Not our fault, lass, day be actin liek sum bloody toffs, here have a gander at this. *shows Ingrid a photo of a female jeweled wasp in a blue dress.* Wait, that was the captain-general's wife. *Shows Ingrid a photo of the ugly captain-general jeweled wasp.* He looks like a minger.

Jonah: Oi! Who are yae callin Rubbish, slag? Yae wanna take thes outsaide, dooya bee-boy?
Jonah: Oi! Who are yae callin Rubbish, slag? Yae wanna take thes outsaide, dooya bee-boy?
Zack: Bugger mi, oi wasn't guffin about ya chap, *shows Jonah a picture of the captain-general* Da chap looks really miffed nd ugly, doesn't he? Liek a mug, roight??
Zack: Oi told dem ta stup bein such bloody plonkers, da damn rubbish.

Zack: Not our fault, lass, day be actin liek sum bloody toffs, here have a gander at this. *shows Ingrid a photo of a female jeweled wasp in a blue dress.* Wait, that was the captain-general's wife. *Shows Ingrid a photo of the ugly captain-general jeweled wasp.* He looks like a minger.
Ingrid: *bites inner cheek when she sees the wife and gets a slight squeeze from her chest out of slight jealousy and sadness why Zack holds the picture but keeps silent then sees the general* Hahaha...yeah okay? What does that have to do with anything? *hears Zack and Jonah squabble* okay I think you guys went crazy. I'll let you two talk and I'll just go flower picking *backs away* alone...you guys have fun *fetches basket with her signature hat and bow and arrow then wanders into the woods*
Ingrid: *bites inner cheek when she sees the wife and gets a slight squeeze from her chest out of slight jealousy and sadness why Zack holds the picture but keeps silent then sees the general* Hahaha...yeah okay? What does that have to do with anything? *hears Zack and Jonah squabble* okay I think you guys went crazy. I'll let you two talk and I'll just go flower picking *backs away* alone...you guys have fun *fetches basket with her signature hat and bow and arrow then wanders into the woods*
Zack: Wait, lass, it'z a prank, Oi knicked it when I was an representative of the hornets at their place, the old minger didn't even notice. *he dropped the voice-acting for a bit*

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