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Fantasy Soaring OOC

Zack:*laughs at her attempts to move him* Yea, sure, it's no problem, I'd love for us to move to your tree house in the woods. Hold on, though. *Zack makes a whistle like noise* I'll get packing just as soon as I give the frankentruppen some orders. *In just a moment, the frankentruppen arrive in all their unholy, gore-y glory, pieces of their body were missing, some of them had intestines wrapped around their torsos, some of them had no mandibles what so ever.* SOLDIERS! Halt! Move to sector 7 of column 9, split in two groups, group A cover the left and group B cover the right. *The frankentruppen received their orders and began to shamble towards their destination.*
Ingrid: Yeah? *smiles* Sure! Wait Franken-whaaaat in the hell are they?! Why are they not treated first? Do you make zombies? *is freaked out a bit and watches silently as the Frankentruppen are given orders then takes a moment to process and laughs* oh now I get the name. Hahaha.....what did I marry into?
Ingrid: Yeah? *smiles* Sure! Wait Franken-whaaaat in the hell are they?! Why are they not treated first? Do you make zombies? *is freaked out a bit and watches silently as the Frankentruppen are given orders then takes a moment to process and laughs* oh now I get the name. Hahaha.....what did I marry into?
Zack: Yes, the frankentruppen are new creation, made in collaboration with the Jeweled Wasps, basically they are undead troops carrying parasite eggs in their torso, once they die, the parasite is released and feeds on the enemy, it's quite effective against the aforementioned Robber Flies and you married into a humanoid hornet hive, don't worry the hive, (at least the sentient part) *he spoke that part in a lower tone* love you even if they don't like the bee puns.
Zack: Yes, the frankentruppen are new creation, made in collaboration with the Jeweled Wasps, basically they are undead troops carrying parasite eggs in their torso, once they die, the parasite is released and feeds on the enemy, it's quite effective against the aforementioned Robber Flies and you married into a humanoid hornet hive, don't worry the hive, (at least the sentient part) *he spoke that part in a lower tone* love you even if they don't like the bee puns.
Ingrid: Wow that's pretty dark yo. While not very moral but I suppose it works to win. *hums in tbought rather intruiged* Awe thank you~ all of your family is sweet like you love bug *cups Zacks face and pets him with his thumbs*
Ingrid: Wow that's pretty dark yo. While not very moral but I suppose it works to win. *hums in tbought rather intruiged* Awe thank you~ all of your family is sweet like you love bug *cups Zacks face and pets him with his thumbs*
Zack: They sign an agreement, that they are willing, well, at least the sentient ones. *holds Ingrid by the waist* And you are just the most fluffiest raven.
Zack: They sign an agreement, that they are willing, well, at least the sentient ones. *holds Ingrid by the waist* And you are just the most fluffiest raven.
Ingrid: Why not have the drones do it? Less resistent, less brain power as theh just follow their orders and did I just help suggest a better host? My god I think your military ways is rubbing off on me
*is concerned* start setting booby traps to fake nests to capture and kill them hehehe. Torture them before theh die in the most gruesome, horrible way. Push their eyes into their bodies to watch you pull out their carcass. Strangle the enemy with their own intestines and send their lifeless corpes to the enemy like they ain't nothing. Yesssss. *smirks devilishly while laughing to herself*
Ingrid: Why not have the drones do it? Less resistent, less brain power as theh just follow their orders and did I just help suggest a better host? My god I think your military ways is rubbing off on me
*is concerned* start setting booby traps to fake nests to capture and kill them hehehe
Zack: I believe you missed the part where we ask the sentient ones to sign, the drones almost always get the parasite if their body has at least 76% undamaged tissue. *Scratches his head.* The fake nests traps are an outdated tactic but there are still experiments with them going on.
We also vet the parasite eggs the jeweled wasps send us, we trust them but not enough that we would blindly accept their parasites without review.
Zack: I believe you missed the part where we ask the sentient ones to sign, the drones almost always get the parasite if their body has at least 76% undamaged tissue. *Scratches his head.* The fake nests traps are an outdated tactic but there are still experiments with them going on.
We also vet the parasite eggs the jeweled wasps send us, we trust them but not enough that we would blindly accept their parasites without review.

Ingrid: Damn. *pets Zack* your whole colony just sounds paranoid. Never a chance at letting one's guard down. It cannot be good for you my darling. *frowns* No wonder you were so uptight when we met. You need a small vacation. I know you cannot be away from the hive for long but at least a few weeks? Days even? What do you say love bug?
Ingrid: Damn. *pets Zack* your whole colony just sounds paranoid. Never a chance at letting one's guard down. It cannot be good for you my darling. *frowns* No wonder you were so uptight when we met. You need a small vacation. I know you cannot be away from the hive for long but at least a few weeks? Days even? What do you say love bug?
Zack:Well, it's not about paranoia, it's about preventing a zombie apocalypse from occurring, you really wanna be fighting zombified humanoid hornets and Overmind forbid, zombified winged and humans? And I can be away from the hive, I'm not psychically linked. *He sighs* Where do you want to go? We could go to the Snow Hunter's peak in North or do you perhaps prefer a more hot environment.
Zack:Well, it's not about paranoia, it's about preventing a zombie apocalypse from occurring, you really wanna be fighting zombified humanoid hornets and Overmind forbid, zombified winged and humans? And I can be away from the hive, I'm not psychically linked. *He sighs* Where do you want to go? We could go to the Snow Hunter's peak in North or do you perhaps prefer a more hot environment.
Ingrid: Okay, okay alright buddy easy with the theory of apocolypse. Alright? OKAY! I got it. Sheesh. Fucking psycho *mumbles very low to herself* Anywhere with you is fine. But keep me the hell away from hot weather. I don't do heat. I get health problems with intense heat. Umm are you sure you can survive in the cold? I mean you are still an insect love. Humanoid but still insect. How about the forest. I miss the meadow there where I pick up my flowers and herbs. I can finally make you your favorite drink :D
Ingrid: Okay, okay alright buddy easy with the theory of apocolypse. Alright? OKAY! I got it. Sheesh. Fucking psycho *mumbles very low to herself* Anywhere with you is fine. But keep me the hell away from hot weather. I don't do heat. I get health problems with intense heat. Umm are you sure you can survive in the cold? I mean you are still an insect love. Humanoid but still insect. How about the forest. I miss the meadow there where I pick up my flowers and herbs. I can finally make you your favorite drink :D
Zack: Ahem, we got parkas, they come in a wide range of colors like... light orange... dark orange... black... uhhhh... *he pauses* white military parkas? But if you really want the forest, sure let's go there right now.

(you ever just co-opt an OOC just to flex on your rpers? HAHAHAHAhahahahahaha)
Zack: Ahem, we got parkas, they come in a wide range of colors like... light orange... dark orange... black... uhhhh... *he pauses* white military parkas? But if you really want the forest, sure let's go there right now.

(you ever just co-opt an OOC just to flex on your rpers? HAHAHAHAhahahahahaha)
(You mean troll? Yes I have. It's the best xD what are you selling me sir? Im starting to think Zack is part time vendor )
Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian

*After moving into the treehouse Zack is greeted by a 8 year old boy that looks similar to Ingrid just staring at Zack on his sleeping chest*

Boy: *pokes Zacks head* So he's a real bee?

Ingrid: He prefers Hornet.

Boy: You married a bee into our family? So cool
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Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian

*After moving into the treehouse Zack is greeted by a 8 year old boy that looks similar to Ingrid just staring at Zack on his sleeping chest*

Boy: *pokes Zacks head* So he's a real bee?

Ingrid: He prefers Hornet.

Boy: You married a bee into our family? So cool

*Zack is a bit hazed from waking up but realized there is another person, a small boy on him. He then picks up the boy by his armpits and yawns, the yawning makes his mandibles click a couple of times.*

Zack:Ingrid.. who is this boi? *He said his eye plates still adjusting* and why does he have your features?
*Zack is a bit hazed from waking up but realized there is another person, a small boy on him. He then picks up the boy by his armpits and yawns, the yawning makes his mandibles click a couple of times.*

Zack:Ingrid.. who is this boi? *He said his eye plates still adjusting* and why does he have your features?
Ingrid: *boy grabs Zack's antennas and moves them around* He's our son *she gasps* dun dun dun! Okay, no, no, no Izzy do not touch his antennaes. He needs those *pulls boy away after he releases Zack's antennaes and wonders if Zack knows how reproduction works*
Ingrid: *boy grabs Zack's antennas and moves them around* He's our son *she gasps* dun dun dun! Okay, no, no, no Izzy do not touch his antennaes. He needs those *pulls boy away after he releases Zack's antennaes and wonders if Zack knows how reproduction works*
*Even though Zack was still a bit hazy, he knew this doesn't happen over night*

Zack:*He yawns again* We do receive an education, Ingrid dear, I'm gonna assume he is your little brother?
*Even though Zack was still a bit hazy, he knew this doesn't happen over night*

Zack:*He yawns again* We do receive an education, Ingrid dear, I'm gonna assume he is your little brother?
Ingrid: damn it. I was hoping for a cute reaction or something. *pouts and sets Izzy down* but yes he's the youngest dumpling. He's the only one who sees me and knows where I live. He's the smart one out of the two older ones I got. Because of him I was able to make this house~

Izzy: *boredly stares at Zack* His fur is so soft. Can I have a pet bee too?

Ingrid: He is not a pet! He's your brother-in law *sighs* lets get ya home. My parents will be worried if you're not home.

Izzy: I can get home on my own thanks. Bye. *leaves*
Ingrid: damn it. I was hoping for a cute reaction or something. *pouts and sets Izzy down* but yes he's the youngest dumpling. He's the only one who sees me and knows where I live. He's the smart one out of the two older ones I got. Because of him I was able to make this house~

Izzy: *boredly stares at Zack* His fur is so soft. Can I have a pet bee too?

Ingrid: He is not a pet! He's your brother-in law *sighs* lets get ya home. My parents will be worried if you're not home.

Izzy: I can get home on my own thanks. Bye. *leaves*

Zack:*gasps* But when did we? I mean.. were we drunk? Were my claspers too tight? *he tried his hardest reaction* Satisfied now?
Zack:*gasps* But when did we? I mean.. were we drunk? Were my claspers too tight? *he tried his hardest reaction* Satisfied now?

Ingrid: Drunk? Wow ok! *glares at Zack and tosses an orange at his head* Jerk. You just lowered yourself to bee. You can make your own breakfast. Enjoy. To think I was trying to surprise you with a nice hearty breakfast *huffs and grumbles with a slight blush grabbing her bag and hat*
Ingrid: Drunk? Wow ok! *glares at Zack and tosses an orange at his head* Jerk. You just lowered yourself to bee. You can make your own breakfast. Enjoy. To think I was trying to surprise you with a nice hearty breakfast *huffs and grumbles with a slight blush grabbing her bag and hat*
Zack: *Zack catches the orange* Wait, baby, I'm sorry how can I make it up to you? *gets up from where ever he was sleeping on and jogs over.* That was rude of me, I apologize, I don't need to be drunk for... that special event.

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