| ♥ | "So what if my family has 18 kids.. I'm one of them!" | ♥ | Family/Human RP


New Member

It all started in when my mom and dad was in high school.. Love is what placed them together.. Of course, with love comes all the other stuff that comes with it and so 4 months before graduation, I was a big fat lump in my mom's belly. It sounds strange to put it that way, but I was.. My parents knew they hadn't made a mistake when they found out about me, they did love each other and loved me and so decided to get married right after graduation. It's just a matter of surprise that I decided it was the day to finally come out on her wedding day. They said it was simply the best wedding gift they could have. And so, I was born, the first child, the only child.. Oh, but that's what they thought.. I was supposed to be an only.. But, yet another surprise came along.. Just when I was five, on my birthday, yet another lump was seen in my mother's belly. I wasn't exactly thrilled, but I accepted that I was to a sibling. Me and my sibling lasted 6 years before another came.. This time two.. And then another.. Until almost every special occasion my mother had a baby in her belly. All the way until I was 22 did they say, they were done expanding the family. A women came up to me one day as me and my best friend were taking my siblings to the mall and asked me why I had a group of kids following me. She thought I was a teacher or a mother, but I just simply answered, "No, they're my siblings." The women stared bewildered. As she began walking away, me and my best friend exchanged a glance. I then turned towards the women and yelled out, "So what if my family has 18 kids! I'm one of them!"
The women turned and smiled. I then felt how lucky I was to have such alike faces around me all my life, including my best friend. Sure, my family was big, but I was proud.


1. Atleast one character has to be apart of the Wolf family. You could be a friend or another family member as your second character.

2. Keep cussing to a minimum.

3. Family applications go quick and there are only so many, so don't be upset if you don't get a character in the Wolf family. You can always be a close family friend or another family member.

3. Keep unnecessary details out of your writing. Use things as:
fades to black, ect.

4. Only 3 starter characters allowed.

5. I will inforce more rules as the roleplay comes along, so make sure your up to date with any updates.

Our Skelly

Full Name:



(You don't have to inclulde the year.)


BF/GF: (Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?)

Husband/Wife: (Are you married?)


Best Friend(s):

Brief Personality:

Bedroom Description:



(no anime please.)

Family Info

Last Name: Wolf

Children: 18 in total. 10 girls, 8 boys. 2 pairs of twins. 1 group of triplets.

Parent's Names:
Charlotte Chesterson-Wolf (Mom), Harley Wolf (Dad)

State/Country: California, USA

Pets: Lets just say, were basically the California Zoo..

Ages: (Oldest to youngest.) 40 (mom), 42 (dad), 22 (the oldest), 21, 16(twin a), 16(twin b), 14, 13, 11, 9 (twin c), 9(twin d), 7 (triplet 1), 7 (triplet 2), 7 (triplet 3), 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (the baby). (LOL, I know it's not very realistic but, if I made it any different there wouldn't be 18 children..)

House: (9 rooms. Atleast 2 people in each room. Pool in backyard. Beach and town is 6 blocks down.)

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School: Toddler Tunes Preschool, Redfern Elementary, Rosewood Middle School, Rollingburg High,

Other Deatails: There is only 16 kids living in the house currently and the other two have houses close by.

Our Other Family: Chesterson - Charlotte's(mom) family, Wolf - Harley's (dad) family Waterbrick - Charlotte(mom) and Harley's(dad) best friend's family, Lillyson - Charlotte's sister's family

Other Family Info: Charlotte - 2 parents, 2 brothers, 1 sister, 1 family-like best friend, 3 nieces(one of them, her best friend's kid), 3 nephews, Harley- 2 parents, no siblings, 1 family-like best friend(who happened to marry Charlotte's best friend), 3 nieces (2 on Charlotte's family, 1 is his best friend's kid.), 3 nephews (both on Charlotte's familly.)

♥ Welcome to the family! ♥

Please inform me before you join so I can add you to the approved members! :)

My Characters:

(Will add rest of the info soon, but for now, I'll just fill out the basics.)

Full Name: Charlotte Rose Chesterson-Wolf

Age: 40

Gender: Female

Birthday: March 12

Family: 18 kids, 1 husband, and then I have my whole other family.

BF/GF: Not any more. ;) I'm married.

Husband/Wife: Harley Wolf

Children: I have 18 of them.

Best Friend(s): Hailey Little-Waterbrick

Brief Personality: Charlotte is a mother who has a kind, patient, loving personality. She loves her family, best friend, and pets. She absolutly loves her Australian Shepherd, Lucy who was basically her first kid and has watched the kids grow up in the family. She is adventurous and witty and is somtimes childish and fun when hanging out with her kids, but she's a good mother. And she raised all her children well.

Bedroom Description: Fairly large, King sized bed, baby blue walls, cherry wood floors, large window, quite plain but comfortable.

Pet(s): Lucy (Australian Shepherd - F - 18 yrs old - Black tri) , Dolores (Tabby Kitten - F - Little under a year of age - Orange) , Then I have my children's pets.

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Job/School: Veterinarian


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Full Name: Lilly Alexis Wolf

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Birthday: August 5 - My Parent's wedding day

Family: I am the oldest of 18 kids and I have a very large family.

BF/GF: Not currently.

Husband/Wife: No..

Children: No..

Best Friend(s): Lauren Tillhouse

Brief Personality: Lilly is smart, kind, and responsible. She never fought with her siblings, well, because she was the oldest. She helped raise each one of her siblings and had a very happy childhood. She always had her best friend to grow up with when she felt that life at her house was too overwelming and so her best friend basically became her sister. Lauren Tillhouse was an only child and was happy to have Lilly to grow up with. Without her, she always said she would have a very different life..

Bedroom Description: I no longer live with my parents. I live in an apartment in town. My apartment is decent and has a water view of the beach. My room is painted turquoise with a hard wood floor and my bed is a twin bed with turquoise sheets and occasionally a ukulele laid on it.

Pet(s): Chance (Bulldog - M - Puppy - Brown, white, and black.)

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Job/School: I work at Starbucks while I attend college.


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Full Name: Luna Skye Wolf

Age: 13

Gender: F

Birthday: May 6

Family: I am one of 18 siblings. I'm the middle child.

BF/GF: No, my parents say I'm too young...

Husband/Wife: No way!

Children: No... ?

Best Friend(s): Kailey Littin

Brief Personality: Luna is a bold, sweet, kind girl. She loves animals and has one all her own. She enjoys playing her cello and teaching her huskey, Nora, how to play fribee and other tricks. She loves her large familly and her many friends, but no friend is more loved than her best friend, Kailey.

Bedroom Description: I have a purple room who I share with my sibling. I have a bunk bed and my bed is pink and fuzzy. I have the bottom bunk so my huskey, Nora can come and sleep with me in the night. We have a flat screen TV in our room and a fairly big window.

Pet(s): Nora (Huskey - F - 1 Yr - Light Blue eyes.)

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Job/School: Rosewood Middle School - 7th Grade

Photo/Description: (I have dirty blonde hair with Golden-brown eyes.)

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Luna looked out the window of her bedroom, lost in her thoughts. It was Monday and she had just come home from school. The rain outside poured down on the California heat, giving it a breezy essence in the weather. It was surprisingly quiet in her house hold, today. She wasn't so sure the reason though. She smiled down at her Huskey, Nora, who was laying her head upon her feet, loyally. She patted Nora and Nora wagged her bushy tail. "Nora, Lora, Tora.. Chora?" Luna said to her, trying to rhyme her name the best she could. Nora just wagged and gently licked Luna's foot. Luna smiled.
Full Name: Liam Rylen Wolf

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthday: July 12, 1996

Family: Uh, the Wolfs. I don't wanna name them all.


Husband/Wife: Noperz

Children: Maybe someday?

Best Friend(s): Ari

Brief Personality: Oh, gosh....Liam is basically a mixture of personalities, she can be shy, funny, weird, and crazy.

Bedroom Description:


Except instead of Lexie it says Liam and no giant picture of the girls.






Job/School: The high school



--- Merged Double Post ---

Full Name: Carter Jayne Wolf

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthday: July 12, 1996 Just four minutes after Liam.

Family: The Wolfs.

BF/GF: Not now.

Husband/Wife: No way!

Children: Really?

Best Friend(s): Ari Lillyton

Brief Personality: Pretty much the same as Liam, just a little more toned down.

Bedroom Description:


As you can see she loves green.




Likra (Lie-cra)


Job/School: Rosewood High School



Full Name: Ari Cate Lillyton

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthday: April 9, 1996

Family: The Lillytons

BF/GF: Nope

Husband/Wife: Nope

Children: Are you kidding?

Best Friend(s): Liam and Carter

Brief Personality: You need to meet her to understand this girls personality. She is like a freaking light switch.

Bedroom Description:



Pet(s): Nah.

Job/School: Rosewood High School



Except WITHOUT the nose ring
OOC: Thanks! This looks like it's a lot of fun!

Liam walked into Luna's room, Jayde perched on her shoulder. She smiled at the dog "Hey, kiddo." she said and ruffled Luna's blonde hair. She looked out at the rain "Looks like our swim's cancelled," she said sadly. All of a sudden she smirked "How about we make some cookies?"

Carter sat on her bed doing math homework. She threw her pencil down and sighed "Mom!" She shouted in frustration. Why did algebra have to be so gosh darn hard?

Ari ran across the street to the Wolf house and raced in almost dripping wet. It was a good thing Liam and her were the same size. She ran upstairs to her room and picked out some Aeropostale sweat pants and a pink Aero shirt.
Luna looked up at her sister. "Hey." She said casually. She watched as Nora jumped to her feet to examine Jayde, the bird who was perched on Liam's shoulder. Luna looked out into the rain. "Yupp, defiantly." she agreed. A smiled wiped across Luna's face at the thought of baking cookies. "Sure!" she exclaimed and got to her feet. She loved baking.

Charlotte grinned from downstairs as she heard Carter upstairs. "Hold on, I'll be right up!" Charlotte was busily on the computer typing to search for a job application for Lilly, her oldest daughter. She had been for some time. As Ari passed by her she smiled. "Hello Ari. Tell Carter, I'll be right up. I just got to finish this.." she stared attentively at the screen but soon got up and walked up the stairs.
Ari nodded and walked into Carter's bright green room "Mom said she'll be right up." She had become ucustomed to calling Charolette 'Mom'.

Liam smiled and grabbed her hand. She bit her lip "Take the stairs or slide down the banister?" she asked a smirk playing on her lips.

Carter nodded and smiled as Ari walked in "Alright. Stupid algebra is driving me nuts." she said and huffed out a sigh.
Full Name: Annika Wolf

Age: 9

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 23rd, 2003

Family: I'm a twin in a family of 18 kids...

BF/GF: Eww, no!

Husband/Wife: No!

Children: ....No.

Best Friend(s): Kianna Wolf

Brief Personality: Annika is the shy one of the two, always following her twin around the house. She has a strong love for cats which is why she cannot wait until she turns 10 when her Mum promised both her and her sister a pet. Annika is the smartest of the two and is very girly, her favourite colour is pink and her favourite food is pasta.

Bedroom Description: View attachment 1763

Pet(s): None yet, wants a female white kitten

Job/School: Rosewood Elementary School

Photo/Description: View attachment 1764 She is the one on the left.


Full Name: Kianna Wolf

Age: 9

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 23rd, 2003. Born 4 hours before Annika

Family: I'm a twin in the Wolf family!

BF/GF: No way! Although one boy in my class is kinda cute, but Dad says I'm too young to date..

Husband/Wife: Are you silly? Of course not!

Children: No!

Best Friend(s): Annika Wolf

Brief Personality: Kianna is the fierce twin of them both. She often gets in small fights at school if someone picks on her twin because she wants to protect her. Kianna really wants a Jack Russell Terrier as a pet and despite her stubbornness and wild moments, nothing is more important to her than her family. Her favourite colour is purple and her favourite food is burgers.

Bedroom Description: Same as Annika since they share

Pet(s): None yet, as mentioned earlier she wants a male Jack Russell Terrier

Job/School: Rosewood Elementary School

Photo/Description: Same as Annika, she is the one on the right.
OOC: Okie dokie. :)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Luna stared up at her sister and smiled. "Defiantly banister! But, quick! Before mom sees!" Luna then started towards the stairs, she then sat on the top of the banister and counted to three, quietly. "1..2..3!" She then slide down the stairs within seconds laughing. What large stairs they had. Once she hit the bottom, Nora was barking and wagging her tail wildly. Luna then jumped off and smiled. Waiting for Liam to come down next.

Charlotte was just turning the hall when she saw her two daughters. She grinned and started up the stairs, looking at them suspiciously. When she reached the top, she went towards Carter's room and walked in. She smiled at the two girls. "Need help?" she asked, looking at Carter.
Liam slid after her. She smirked and ran to the kitchen. She began pulling out all the stuff for chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies.

Carter nodded "Direly." she said and showed her mom the problem. x+56 = 987 x 23 She sighed and shook her head.

Ari chuckled at Carter's frustration. It was pretty funny when Carter was mad.
Luna smiled and grabbed a bowl to mix things in. She then sat at the counter on her favorite stool. She waited for the ingredients to mix. She looked at the large glass windows that peered into the backyard. The pool was glistening and the rain had stopped. She then looked at Liam. "Hey, after were done wanna go in the pool?" she asked Liam with longing eyes.

Charlotte sighed and sat on Carter's bed. "Ummm.." she looked at it with bewilderment, completely wide eyed. She would not be defeated by a little math! Yet, she had no clue what the answer was.. She overlooked the problem again and sighed. "Oh, Carter.. I really don't know.." she shook her head, then looked up at Ari. "Do you know, Ari?" She felt embarrassed.
Carter sighed "Ari, I swear if you don't know the answer I'm going to beat you with a stick." she said with a frown.

Ari chuckled "It's easy. Multiply 987 by 23 and then subtract 53 from it to get x." she said and pointed to different parts of the problem.

Liam smiled "Yeah, of course." she said and handed her the bowl of peanut butter mix "Your turn to mix." she said with a smirked. She started stirring the chocolate chip dough and all of a sudden smeared dough on Luna's face "Oops, sorry!" she said though it was a complete on purpose thing.
Luna eyed Liam, "Obviously you turn to mix.." She opened her mouth with surprise when the dough was smudged on her face. "What was that for?" she asked. She then took the spoon she was mixing with a ran it down her sister's hair, she began to laugh as the dough oozed down her blonde hair.

Charlotte looked at Ari wide eyed. "Wow, Ari!" She laughed. "Pssh, I knew that." Charlotte said with a grin while standing up and walking towards the door. Before stepping out she turned around and flicked her hand towards them, "I knew that.." she said with a smile. She then started down the long hall of many doors, down the stairs, and was greeted by her old best friend, Lucy. She was wagging her tail and her gray-white hairs around her mouth were visible. All Charlotte could say was, "What a beautiful ol' pup!" she exclaimed to her. Lucy went to her slowly and dug her head into Charlotte's legs. Charlotte looked towards the ceiling than bent down and hugged her.
Aria and Aaron raced up behind Lucy and sniffed Charolette's feet with their wet noses.

Carter chuckled "Sure, Mom. Sure." she said quietly and filled in the answers on her paper.

Ari smirked and sat on top of Carter "Sucker." she said to the girl she sat upon.

Liam laughed "Just cause!" she said and a look of disgust flickered across her face as the peanut butter mix oozed through her hair. She then laughed.
OOC: Yuppers! :3 It's still open. :) But, sadly, I gtg.. :( I'll try to get on tomorrow. Byee!

OOC: Shooooot! :( I tried editing this, and I accidently erased the whole post above the Out of Character... Sorry, I'm gonna have to re-do it tomorrow... Byee..
(Kianna is purple, Annika is pink ^.^)

Kianna and Annika were in their room when they heard their sisters laughing and a small thud. That could only mean one thing...Banister surfing! Kianna grinned at her twin - who had just finished plaiting her hair - and gripped her hand lightly, "Come on Anni!" Annika was tugged out of their room, her own blonde plait swaying behind her as her sister pulled her down the stairs carefully. They paused as they heard Liam and Luna messing around in the kitchen, Kianna grinned wickedly as Luna asked Liam about going in the pool and Liam agreed. "I got an idea Anni!" Kianna whispered to her sister and Annika grinned back - maybe they did have telepathy. They ran out through the front door silently and slipped around into the back garden, "Hurry Anni!" Kianna whispered as they both pulled of their clothes - since they already had their swimsuits on underneath. They quickly clambered into the pool and ducked down so that the water was lapping around their chin, "Okay Anni, when they come out, hide under the water and then BOO! We suprise them, okay?" Annika nodded with determination, "Okay" She loved pranks almost as much as Kianna, although of course Kianna was the one who had most of the good ideas.
OOC: Hello! :)

After baking with Liam, Luna dashed upstairs. It was sunny out now. She ran down the hall, pashing all her sibling's rooms. She quickly waved to Carter who was in her room with Ari, then continued running. She dashed into her room and ripped off her clothes, she ran towards her drawers and pulled out her sparkly pink bikini which she slipped on. She was rushing, because she was sure her mother would call them down to dinner very soon. She then ran back downstairs, out the glass sliding down and down towards the pool. A smile on her face and her blonde hair shining in the California sun.

Charlotte smiled at the two pups bouncing at her feet. "Hello puppies! Hello! Hello!" she said to them in the most silliest baby voice. She patted them and bent down to kiss their small faces. She then stood and headed for the kitchen. Lucy followed her. She had to make dinner. She always had to make dinner extra early to be able to feed 18 kids. She smiled and got everything ready. She was to make fetichini with breaded chicken. Her absolute favorite dish to make.

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