| ♥ | "So what if my family has 18 kids.. I'm one of them!" | ♥ | Family/Human RP

Liam followed Luna upstairs. She dressed quickly in her swimsuit and ran outside. She climbed down the pool stairs and dove under the water.
(Oh...uh. Red for both of them xD )

As both of their sisters got into the pool, they waited until Liam re-surfaced and then with perfect timing they both leapt up and yelled, "BOOOOO!" In their sisters faces, giggling like mad. Kianna splashed them with a little bit of water and Annika smiled at her sisters hugely, receiving a high five from Kianna.
Liam screamed and then she laughed. She grabbed Kianna and picked her up. She threw her up and laughed as she landed with a big splash in the water.
Annika giggled as her twin sister was thrown under the water and when Kianna re-surfaced she heard the giggle, "Oh it's on Anni!" She grabbed her twin and dunked her under the water, this of course began a whole splashing and dunking fight between them both until they both looked at each other with a twinkle in their golden-brown eyes that matched their sister Luna's eyes perfectly. They both swam over and dunked Liam together, having enough strength to do it between the both of them, as Liam re-surfaced Kianna yelled, "Swim for it Anni!" Annika giggled and they both swam off quickly.
Liam swam after them and grabbed them both, one in each arm. "I'm gonna get cha this time." she said and placed one hand on top of their heads, she pressed down and watched as they slipped under water. She than swam off.
Both twins squealed as they went under and rather than plopping back up they swam underneath the water quickly, they each grabbed ahold of one of Liam's legs each and swum downwards, causing Liam to fall down under the water. The twins smirked at eachother, did an underwater high five and re-surfaced swimming to the edge of the pool and climbed out of the pool, high fived one more and giggled at their sister in the water. "We so totally got you Liam!" "Yeah, we win!" Annika was beaming in delight as Kianna smirked at Liam.
Full Name: Paul Brendan Wolf

Age: 7

Gender: Male.

Birthday: April 30th!

Family: Wolf family, Can't really count em.

BF/GF: Girls are icky.

Husband/Wife: One time i played house with Haley, does that count?

Children: None.

Best Friend(s): Vanilla

Brief Personality: He is gennerally nice, He feels kinda weird being the only boy out of the three triplets.

Bedroom Description: Blue ish Purple Mixture, His little bed, and his sisters Bunkbed.

Pet(s): Vanilla, A ferret who is 2 months old


Job/School: He goes to Redfern Elemetry




Full Name: Haley Louise Wolf, Bailey Rachel Wolf.

Age: Both are 7.

Gender: Both, Are Female.

Birthday: April 30th

Family: Wolf Family.

BF/GF: No, Boys are Gross.

Husband/Wife: No! we're 7.

Children: None~

Best Friend(s): Eachother.

Brief Personality: Haley is the Nice girl who always tries to fallow her moms steps and be a vetinerian, while Bailey Is a tom-boy and hang's out with paul and his friends sometimes.

Bedroom Description: Purplish Blue, the sleep in a bunkbed together.

Pet(s): Chocolate, a ferret who is also 2 months old.


Job/School: Redfern Elementary.



Haley is the one on the left, and Bailey is on the right.

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