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Fantasy Snow-Fire Academy for the Gifted

He walked with the teacher, looking at the Arsenal he chose "If you wanted to Copy me, you forgot the scythe." He turned the gauntlets back into his scythe. trying to have a friendly joke before fighting him
Elch chuckled and picked up the rusty red sword. He walked outside and stabbed in back in the ground.
"Nah. Scythes are inneficient, they weren't made for combat." Elch said pulling on the gauntlets. "You can set the boundaries for this fight. No death battle but cuts, and broken bones are allowed." He put the rest of the stuff down.
"Its an accidental weapon. The greatest things are accidents, you know. No bounds" He didnt have any noticable battle stance, and had his weapon sheathed, which you found odd
Fallon looked up at Smoke, who had asked her to train with him. "Sure," she said grudgingly. She stood up and quickly followed the rest of the class out to the arena. She waited for Smoke to catch up. "Get ready," she said as she disappeared.
She reappeared high in the air above Smoke with a gun in hand. She started shooting at Smoke's limbs as she came back down to the ground. About half of the bullets hit. She landed with an earth-shattering force that knocked Smoke off his feet. Fallon summoned a mace and slowly advanced towards Smoke.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
"Its an accidental weapon. The greatest things are accidents, you know. No bounds" He didnt have any noticable battle stance, and had his weapon sheathed, which you found odd
Elch nodded and straightened his back. He lunged disappearing out of sight before appearing in front of Leo. He faked left, and landed a hit from the right side. It had enough force to send anyone flying, that and the gauntlets made the punches deadly.

Smoke dodged the bullets and avoided being Fallons landing pad. Smoke pounced back and stood at full height showing off the solid muscles and scales that intimidated most. He roared getting the attention of most outside. He galloped towards Fallon at a speed he knew she could see.
h2h0e h2h0e
Fallon teleported to Smoke's left, shot 3 rounds, teleported again to his right and charged at him with her mace. As she was running up at him, the mace burst into blue flame. She whacked the dragon with her mace and magic fire until he turned. She then teleported behind him and shot him with a blazing magma laser beam.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
He quickly drew the weapon, blocking to the right with the metal handle, and counter attacked with a single rising spin, before spinning to follow up with another rising slash to send him into the air. He began to transform his Scythe into Gauntlets while you were airborne
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
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Fallon teleported to Smoke's left, shot 3 rounds, teleported again to his right and charged at him with her mace. As she was running up at him, the mace burst into blue flame. She whacked the dragon with her mace and magic fire until he turned. She then teleported behind him and shot him with a blazing magma laser beam.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
None of the shots seemed to bother Smoke, he just tanked them. As soon as Fallon teleported behind him Smoke wrapped his tail around you. The scales disabling teleportation for Fallon, Smoke brought her around to his snout. He puffed smoke into her face before smiling.
"Hey Fallon!" He said happily.
He quickly drew the weapon, blocking to the right with the metal handle, and counter attacked with a single rising spin, before spinning to follow up with another rising slash to send him into the air. He began to transform his Scythe into Gauntlets while you were airborne
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
Elch sighed and shot straight down. He landed and rolled off to the side. As soon as he was upright he lunged and landed a solid gut punch
A shield of ice formed from from the fist of the gauntlet. He lowered his shielded gauntlet over his gut. He blocked the attack, but the shield broke a second after Contact. He jumped back, readying a hard punch
A shield of ice formed from from the fist of the gauntlet. He lowered his shielded gauntlet over his gut. He blocked the attack, but the shield broke a second after Contact. He jumped back, readying a hard punch
Elch pressed forward and lunged again. He hit Leo's left shoulder, then performed a solid upper cut. He jumped back towards his assortment of weapons. Elch picked up his sword and held it with two hands.
Asura was fascinated with the showing of the durability of smokes scales but took his mind off it as battle practice was announced. As he turned to Lucia she was already a step ahead of him and more declaring him to he her partner which he didn't have any issues with "sure, let's do it" he said as he stood walking over to her.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Lucia was glad that at least Asura had no objections to it. It would have been rather annoying having to convince him to be her combat training partner if he'd said no. She created a pre-emptive plan in her head quickly. Since Asura was likely stronger and more agile than her, or at least that was what she was assuming, she would have a hard time fighting on the defensive. So, she would fight using hit and run tactics and focus a lot on avoiding being hit. Failing that, she'd probably just improvise. "Alright then. Let's head out to the field and start training, like the teacher said to do." She says, before walking off without Asura, assuming that he'd probably follow. Once she was outside she picked out a small area for them to fight in and waited or Asura there.
His plan failed, and he took the two punches. He laughed a little, before walking forward, his gauntlets readied. He was indeed enjoying the fight, as his cruel demonic nature slowly began to take over without him noticing.
His plan failed, and he took the two punches. He laughed a little, before walking forward, his gauntlets readied. He was indeed enjoying the fight, as his cruel demonic nature slowly began to take over without him noticing.
Elch sensed the difference and smiled sadly. He realized what he was fighting and felt terrible for it.
"Demon?" Elch asked even though he knew the answer.
Mikage wasn’t so thrilled with the sound of not having any leads even now but he was still sure it was possible. Though the mention of his strength confused him a bit and he followed with looking to his hand before glancing back to his new towering friend. “I guess so. My master is stronger..” he added the last bit. Though he didn’t think she would use her nose to find the right direction being a little taken back by it. He hesitated to follow after her but did so anyways. He was hoping for it to be a quiet walk there but that was short lived having her ask the question. Mikage wasn’t sure if he wanted to explain it but least he could a little bit. “not really.. wasn’t paying much attention to the traffic and was hit. Just had some bad luck after that..” It wasn’t something he was to proud of to talk about.

demiSpirit demiSpirit
He began to laugh, while ice formed on his gauntlets, one was just shaped similar to Brass Knuckles, while the other Gauntlet had the spikes face towards Leo on the Upper Part of the gauntlets, and he began to spin around, causing major damage and ending in a punch to send you away. His half horn began 2/3's of a horn. "Why, you know something about us, geezer?" The ice shattered as his Gauntlets formed into a single smaller than average Greatsword consumed in flame
He began to laugh, while ice formed on his gauntlets, one was just shaped similar to Brass Knuckles, while the other Gauntlet had the spikes face towards Leo on the Upper Part of the gauntlets, and he began to spin around, causing major damage and ending in a punch to send you away. His half horn began 2/3's of a horn. "Why, you know something about us, geezer?" The ice shattered as his Gauntlets formed into a single smaller than average Greatsword consumed in flame
Elch stabbed the sword into the ground and held fast. When the gusts were over Elch caught his fist pushed up under his elbow. He heard the satisfying snap as the joint snapped. He roundhouse kicked the demon with enough force to send him flying.
"Geezer huh? This 'Geezer' is about to kick your scrawny punk ass." Elch growled.
"Hi, Smoke," Fallon said, with disdain as she tried to teleport, but failed. "Shit," she whispered under her breath. "Hey, Smoke, can you turn around? I wan't to see your face when I ask you this question." He promptly moved his tail in front of his face. "What's your favorite color?" Fallon asked. He opened his mouth to respond, and she summoned a spear and threw it with the help of the wind and it pierced Smoke's tongue. He dropped Fallon, who landed on her feet.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
"Aagh!" He placed the other hand on his Elbow, slowly healing it up "Sorry for the Insult, sir!" He, pointed the sword towards you, it charged up flames. He sounded different when he called you a Geezer... Maybe its best you ignore any Insults from him?
Perhaps it was her own personal impressions of the school but Lan didn't quite like anything about it. It seemed less study and more infighting, she didn't understand he necessity of it here within the school, especially for someone her age. Yes she was at the prime of her 'time' or really that of a humans, honestly she'd live and grow much slower, which was a pain all in its own but at least higher concepts and knowledge could come at its own pace.
Which is exactly why she was here at the age of twenty five and no younger, her parents held onto her as long as they could. It wasn't as if the rumors of the place where small or hidden, many folk there in the central city knew of its reputation for some violence.
In Lan's opinion it seemed to be a lot her left handing coming up to rub at the side of her head knocking the mask somewhat angled, her head had never been sorer, she'd collapsed yesterday during mathematics; a foreseeable future scuffle in the hall, then another during lunch which she had to excuse herself from a few friends yet again to nurse the headache she gained from yet another scuffle on campus grounds.
Sometimes she wondered if her visions where area bound, as far as things went all of that she'd seen since entering the school is short scuffles, a few doomed tests a couple of teacher accidents and what have you.
Though sometimes she had the bigger ones, the ones that pertained to the entire city and those could put her out for days, and its not like those where believed most of the time nor did she share. As well as it was to be paid for oracles it put a lot of pressure on those whom had the visions, there would always be someone displeased enough to try murder, and even more whom would wish to bring her harm or kidnapping for such a gift.
She adjusted the mask atop her head wisps of hair fluttering in the breeze, it often left her somewhat of a fluffy mess if she adusted it too much. But she saw no reason why she shouldn't if her head was this painful.
What was her next class again? she adjusted the books slung in her right arm and shuffled for the paper. Hopefully she'd make it on time, if not? ah well at least she would be there at some point.
"Hi, Smoke," Fallon said, with disdain as she tried to teleport, but failed. "Shit," she whispered under her breath. "Hey, Smoke, can you turn around? I wan't to see your face when I ask you this question." He promptly moved his tail in front of his face. "What's your favorite color?" Fallon asked. He opened his mouth to respond, and she summoned a spear and threw it with the help of the wind and it pierced Smoke's tongue. He dropped Fallon, who landed on her feet.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
(Hmmm -.-)
Smoke however was not dumb enough to fall for this. He snarled and slammed her into the ground once. He was a bit young but he was no fool. Smoke began to fly upward, not stopping until he was high enough to touch the clouds. He folded in his wings and divebombed the ground pulling up at the last second before throwing Fallon down. The impact made a small crater. Smoke landed and checked on his friend.
"Fallon?" He asked crawling next to her.
"Aagh!" He placed the other hand on his Elbow, slowly healing it up "Sorry for the Insult, sir!" He, pointed the sword towards you, it charged up flames. He sounded different when he called you a Geezer... Maybe its best you ignore any Insults from him?
Elch lunged and put Leo in a headlock and tightened the grip choking him.
"Stick to your damn guns kid don't apologize. Also I've pulled the same move on you, what, four times? Finally why the hell are you even talking in a fight?"
He'd jump back, before thrusting the blade as you Lunged "I have a reason to apologize!" His horn grew once more, but in Anger, his Demonic Nature almost gripping him completely. The blade began to twist before Leonardo threw it at him like a Spear, Exploding (By releasing the Charge, Not destroying the weapon) upon Contact with the Teacher. His happiness slowly turned into anger and a little bit of Sadness.
"Y'sure that's bad luck, Kage?" She turned around to face him and walk backwards down the corridor. "I dunno, I mean, whatever happened it probably got ya to keep livin' an' bring ya here. I'm sure ya got your annoyances cause of your current position, but since you're still kickin' an' screamin', you're able to look for a way to get past that, an' you can still experience all the loves of the world. Even if it's as a part of vampire folk." She sniffs for a second. "Woah, it's this way. Definitely this way." She walks past him and turns down into a hallway they just walked by. "All I'm sayin' is, it's better to still have a chance at livin' for somethin', rather than bein' in the dirt."
noirfox5 noirfox5
Asura quickly followed Lucia to her chosen spot, sword in hand. He didn't have much of a plan rather than To 'feel it out'. He may have been particularly strong but he didn't have much battle experience. As a preemptive measure he unsheathed his sword. As he did so the sheath itself disappeared in a flash of golden light. He held the sword in his right hand and rested it on his shoulder and took a battle stance turning his left side to her. "Ready when you are" Asura spoke giving a wink.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Mikage fell quiet as he listened to what she said. It was a little different then how he saw it but she had a point. Though one thing confused him the most. Even after following her to back track a bit. "hold on.. Kage?" out of all that he got stuck there. He understood all that she was saying after that but still.

demiSpirit demiSpirit
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Lucia shrugged. "I'm ready now I suppose." Her hand seemed to twitch slightly, a movement that was barely noticeable. What was far more noticeable, however, was the whip made of a human spine that Lucia had been carrying lashing out and striking Asura in the right eye before he could even react and quickly being pulled back. Lucia had a feeling that trick probably wouldn't work twice. "And don't you dare go easy on me." She says, grinning slightly. While she wasn't exactly the biggest fan of fighting without at least a really good reason, she was quite interested in seeing what Asura was capable of doing in combat.
zenreaper zenreaper

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