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Fantasy Snow-Fire Academy for the Gifted

Lucia, having already done her ten push-ups in a matter of mere moments, as push-ups were rather easy for her in all honesty, had once again taken her seat and was jotting down what the teacher had just said. The sound of something slamming against the wall almost made her jump a little, startling her and causing her to immediately snap her attention to the student who had hit his head against the wall. She seriously wondered what this person's problem was.
Leonardo sat down, already about to explode "Sir, are there any big differences between a Dragon and a Drakon?" He tried to not sound angry, but failed horribly.
Asura, although he wasn't keen on taking notes, was intently paying attention to Elch's lesson due to the talk of creatures unknown to him. He had an odd smile on his face which faded as His concentration was broken and his head snapped to the sound of a wall being hit. After blinking a few times he dismissed it and turned back to the board to see what Elch's response to the boys question would be.
"Did I tell you to sit down?" Elch asked. His smile was gone and the look he had on now was somewhat intimidating. "Also you do not give me ANY attitude in my classroom. Now get your grumpy tail-end down here." He pointed to the spot in front of where Smoke was standing. Elch didn't sound angry, nor upset but more like a disciplinary figure upset with a child. Which was close to what was happening. Elch pointed back at the sketch of the Drakon.
"And yes there are multiple differences between the two. Hopefully you'll listen, the biggest one is the fact their scales impenetrable. Nothing, may I repeat, nothing can penetrate the scales. Not even magic swords that can cut through anything. Their scales are magic proof." He jotted all of this down next to the sketch, in a bulleted format
He walked up without a word. He thought he was going to enjoy the the teacher for this class. No, he'd rather meet the same fate his... His anger began to transfer into sadness, before he stopped thinking about it, 'Calmed down'.
He walked up without a word. He thought he was going to enjoy the the teacher for this class. No, he'd rather meet the same fate his... His anger began to transfer into sadness, before he stopped thinking about it, 'Calmed down'.
"Draw your scythe please." Elch instructed as Smoke walked up to Leo. Smoke nuzzled Leos hand affectionately and looked at him with calmingly blue eyes.
"When you have your scythe out take a swing."
Leonardo had his scythe in Sword Mode, worried about any tricks any of them might pull. He was so worried he might actually hurt Smoke, so he closed his eyes brought the blade up against his face, raised the sword up, and striked
He had a thankful sigh, before reverting his weapon to a Scythe and sat down. "Thank god... I don't know what i'd do if I harmed Smoke or Fallon..." He thought. "But why do I hate them both so much?" He returned his attention to the teacher
Smoke followed Leo and laid at his feet. Elch turned towards the board and began to speak what he wrote.
"Drakons can grow to be enormous, to put it in perspective a full grown drakon is around the size and length of the eiffel tower. Drakons also have multiple souls. Allowing them to live longer. Alright thats all for notes. Please pick a partner for your combat training then come down here. Whoever is the odd man out will train with me."
Esper Alucard Esper Alucard SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird zenreaper zenreaper
Lucia quickly jotted down what the teacher had said before carefully closing her notebook. She had practically picked out who her combat training partner would be already. Who else but Asura? She didn't know anyone else in this classroom, after all, and while Asura was admittedly probably much stronger than her, it was better than having to do combat training with someone she didn't know, or with the teacher of all people. She stood up and glanced over at him. "Asura, you and me will be partners for combat training today. Now come on, let's go."
zenreaper zenreaper
Asura was fascinated with the showing of the durability of smokes scales but took his mind off it as battle practice was announced. As he turned to Lucia she was already a step ahead of him and more declaring him to he her partner which he didn't have any issues with "sure, let's do it" he said as he stood walking over to her.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Leonardo looked down at Smoke "So... do you think i should fight Fallon? Or the Teacher? One's too easy, and the other seems like all i'll be able to do is just block or dodge until i get defeated." He was trying to not convince Smoke to be his fighting Partner, scared he might use his drakon form, and because he's too innocent to fight.
h2h0e h2h0e ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
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(Fallon's faster than you think... lol)

She teleported be hind him and healed again very quickly. She swatted away... something. There was a smirk on her face. All of a sudden, the knifed nightstick flew into her hand, which burst into flame, destroying it. She materialized a double-ended sword. "I'll pay for it later," she said as she leaped in the air again to land on his back and slit Elch's hand. Her sword morphed into a dagger again, and she stabbed him in the shoulder quickly twice. She threw a few fireballs at him once she jumped off.
"You said who ever could beat you, and I intend on it!" Fallon yelled with passion. She was thinking about her bio mom, for some odd reason, but she was, and her anger was fueled by it.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
Esper Alucard Esper Alucard
(did NOT realize stuff happened)
(Let's see where this goes)
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(Fallon's faster than you think... lol)

She teleported be hind him and healed again very quickly. She swatted away... something. There was a smirk on her face. All of a sudden, the knifed nightstick flew into her hand, which burst into flame, destroying it. She materialized a double-ended sword. "I'll pay for it later," she said as she leaped in the air again to land on his back and slit Elch's hand. Her sword morphed into a dagger again, and she stabbed him in the shoulder quickly twice. She threw a few fireballs at him once she jumped off.
"You said who ever could beat you, and I intend on it!" Fallon yelled with passion. She was thinking about her bio mom, for some odd reason, but she was, and her anger was fueled by it.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
Esper Alucard Esper Alucard
(did NOT realize stuff happened)
(Let's see where this goes)
(Elch has ben training for 15 or so years ever since he found out about his abilities. So multiply that by five. 75 years of nothing but physical training and martial arts.)
Elch sighed again and in less than a second was holding the kitsune by her neck, lifting her off the ground. Elch had dodged the fireballs but took the sword slices on his hand without flinching. He grabbed her wrist and squeezed, it was strong enough to shatter her wrist, he turned her wrist forcing the weapon out of her hand.
"Yes I said that. However theres no point in fighting a fight when the winner is already determined. Now stop this and save the pride you have left. Please. I don't want to hurt one of my brothers friends in front of him." Elch said. His grip on her neck was iron tight and it hadn't loosened one bit.

Smoke looked at Leo. "You might have to fight someone else. It doesn't look like Fallons ready to give up." He laid his head in Leos lap and his forked tongue flickered out at the demon.
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"I... Don't... Care...." Fallon managed. It was all she could do to not reach for her neck. She put her hand slowly on Elch's elbow, and summoned a bomb. She then set it off as soon as possible, blowing the arm he was holding her up with off. "I'm sorry, but I'm not afraid to maim you. I won't kill you, but I WILL beat you." Fallon said as she ripped Elch's arm off her neck. She summoned her sword again, and pointed it at his neck. "The winner is now determined. I can fix your arm later."
There was silence from the class.

(sorry about the gore... I like to have fun)
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
Esper Alucard Esper Alucard
"I... Don't... Care...." Fallon managed. It was all she could do to not reach for her neck. She put her hand slowly on Elch's elbow, and summoned a bomb. She then set it off as soon as possible, blowing the arm he was holding her up with off. "I'm sorry, but I'm not afraid to maim you. I won't kill you, but I WILL beat you." Fallon said as she ripped Elch's arm off her neck. She summoned her sword again, and pointed it at his neck. "The winner is now determined. I can fix your arm later."
There was silence from the class.

(sorry about the gore... I like to have fun)
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
Esper Alucard Esper Alucard
Elch snickered and looked at his arm which now laid across the classroom. He chuckled and walked to his desk pulling out whiskey, he poured it onto the stump where his arm should've been. He pulled out a lighter and lit the whiskey ablaze, cauterizing the wound. He smashed the bottle and appeared in front of her. He buried the bottle into her gut and slashed sideways. He pulled out intestines and muscle. He then picked the fox up by the neck and slammed her into the wall, the wall crumbled slightly. Elch put Fallon down allowing her to regenerate.
"We are done. You're not winning this, I'm a God Slayer. You don't stand a chance, and you never will if you fight like this." Elch said turning away. He walked over to the weapon rack pulling off a rusty sword. He stabbed into the ground and touched it. It lit ablaze causing a smile to creep onto Elchs face. He pulled out his pocket knife and casually slit his throat. His body began to disappear and reappear at the flaming sword. He was completely fine, all wounds and tears gone.
Fallon stood up. She healed again. "You win this one. But don't think I won't beat you one day," She leaped into her seat with a flip im mid-air. She landed with grace. Fallon put her head on her arms and watched the teacher with a hard stare.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
Esper Alucard Esper Alucard
Leo began to pet Smoke's head "Well, i reckon Fallon had enough of a fight... Say, you dont seem like the kind to Fight." He remembered Fallon's fighting technique, and turned his Scythe into Gauntlets.
h2h0e h2h0e ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
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Leo began to pet Smoke's head "Well, i reckon Fallon had enough of a fight... Say, you dont seem like the kind to Fight." He remembered Fallon's fighting technique, and turned his Scythe into Gauntlets.
"I'm not, but I can fight." Smoke said purring slightly. "Could we practice or did you already make plans with Fallon?" He sniffed the gauntlets curiously. "Elch is a fighter at heart so he'll take you on. I'll give you a hint. Hes completely blind in his left eye." Smoke said staring at his brother.

Elch ignored Fallon and looked at his students. "If everyone has paired up please head out the door to the field. There I will assign areas for you and your partner to train and beat the crap out of each other." Elch said with brutal honesty.
"Yea... She's focused on rushing her enemy from multiple angles. These with Ice is like tanks on your hands... She cant fight the teacher though..." He stood up, looking between Fallon and Elch, thinking.
His horn sparked once. "Nah, i'm looking for a challenge" He walked up to the Teacher "I wish to battle you, sir." He took a deep breath, ready to be tormented by challenging him. He was hoping Elch would teach him and act like... 'Him'.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
His horn sparked once. "Nah, i'm looking for a challenge" He walked up to the Teacher "I wish to battle you, sir." He took a deep breath, ready to be tormented by challenging him. He was hoping Elch would teach him and act like... 'Him'.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
Elch looked at the student who had gotten upset earlier. He had asked to challenge Elch, and he seemed respectful. Elch smiled warmly and nodded before saying
"Sure. Go outside. The rest of you will meet your partner outside and choose your own area." Elch chose a nightstick, a sword, a shield and a pair of guantlets made out of a black metal.
He walked with the teacher, looking at the Arsenal he chose "If you wanted to Copy me, you forgot the scythe." He turned the gauntlets back into his scythe. trying to have a friendly joke before fighting him

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