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Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons


Levi Alcott:: "Yes, that would be me."

Nickname (optional)

Kitten:: "I'd rather you didn't ask why, heh."


16:: "Accurate."


Male:: "Don't try and look."


Heterosexual:: "Forever."


Student:: "Student is such a weird word when you think about it, ayyy."


Eastern Kingdom:: "Yeah."


Parents, younger brother named Jacob:: "I nicknamed Jacob 'Little S***'. Sibling rivalry at its best."


Crow named Clause:: "My lil buddy."


January 21st:: "Don't forget to get a present, 'kay?"


Human:: "Like I'd be anything else."


He has memorised many spells, and is experienced in magic:: "Consider me magical-ised."

Ability Level

2-3:: "I just have to be less clumsy."


No:: "I'm the king of swag."


Social places, tacos, running:: "Yum. Tacos."


Crowded places, avocado (excluding guacamole), chocolate:: "Hate me all you want. I just don't like chocolate."


To get a girlfriend:: "Yeaahhh..."


Drunk people and mosquitoes:: "They just flop about everywhere! Drunk people are scary!"

Pet Peeve

When there's no toilet paper left in public toilets:: "I get annoyed as hell."


Levi likes the company of people, animals, or anything in general. He hates being alone, and when he is, he will sort of go crazy. He can't talk to girls (well he can, but just awkwardly), and can't focus at all:: "I sound pretty cool, right?"


Levi leads a normal life: goes to school, plays sport, hasn't really moved houses at all. You could say his life isn't interesting:: "Sure it is!"


"Yeah but I don't wanna tell you who."/ "Oh." / "
This is just upsetting"



woah the image is bigger than expected lmao help pls
  • Name: Oliver Mcknight
  • Nickname: Cub
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Role: Student
  • Origin: Northern Kingdom
  • Family: Father (KIA) Mother (KIA) Brother (MIA)
  • Pet: Oliver has a pet Great Grey Owl (10 Ft tall with 22 Ft wingspan)
  • NwNnzT6fERqH4yF8iFEjoHpAQF1dBgtRDIZxq9NORcqoyra1Y3UyWuSxNN7NaDg4oM7-jK0BM-XjvDoY6lSkO_iKPiRl6z7k1yUp14YNaWGVNTi4ZNsp6F27cbpQ2OZPS0hUiB6c

  • Birthday: 7th July
  • Species: Were-owl
  • Ability: Flight and Super Agility when in owl form
  • Ability Level: 3 Oliver has little control over when he can turn into his owl form but when in owl form he can control most actions.
  • Royalty: No
  • Likes: Night time, Trees, Flying, and Music.
  • Dislikes: Alone, Enclosed areas, and annoying people.
  • Goals: Control power fully and find brother.
  • Fears: Heights.
  • Pet Peeve: Whistling.
  • Personality: Oliver is seen as bright smart and intelligent but has trouble focusing on one subject alone.
  • Bio: Oliver first changed into his owl form when he turned five and killed his parents in a rage he could not control, His brother ran out of the house into the night never to be seen again. Oliver in shame fled to the northern kingdom and lived his live as a barkeep trying to make enough money to feed himself. During these years he learned to control himself during his change.
  • Crush/BF/GF: None At the moment
  • Looks:



In this form he stands 8 feet tall towering over most people in this form, His agility and intelligence is increased beyond human standards.


CainMcknight said:
  • Name: Oliver Mcknight
  • Nickname: Cub
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Role: Student
  • Origin: Northern Kingdom
  • Family: Father (KIA) Mother (KIA) Brother (MIA)
  • Pet: Oliver has a pet Great Grey Owl (10 Ft tall with 22 Ft wingspan)
  • NwNnzT6fERqH4yF8iFEjoHpAQF1dBgtRDIZxq9NORcqoyra1Y3UyWuSxNN7NaDg4oM7-jK0BM-XjvDoY6lSkO_iKPiRl6z7k1yUp14YNaWGVNTi4ZNsp6F27cbpQ2OZPS0hUiB6c

  • Birthday: 7th July
  • Species: Were-owl
  • Ability: Flight and Super Agility when in owl form
  • Ability Level: 3 Oliver has little control over when he can turn into his owl form but when in owl form he can control most actions.
  • Royalty: No
  • Likes: Night time, Trees, Flying, and Music.
  • Dislikes: Alone, Enclosed areas, and annoying people.
  • Goals: Control power fully and find brother.
  • Fears: Heights.
  • Pet Peeve: Whistling.
  • Personality: Oliver is seen as bright smart and intelligent but has trouble focusing on one subject alone.
  • Bio: Oliver first changed into his owl form when he turned five and killed his parents in a rage he could not control, His brother ran out of the house into the night never to be seen again. Oliver in shame fled to the northern kingdom and lived his live as a barkeep trying to make enough money to feed himself. During these years he learned to control himself during his change.
  • Crush/BF/GF: None At the moment
  • Looks:



In this form he stands 8 feet tall towering over most people in this form, His agility and intelligence is increased beyond human standards.


Thats pretty awesome :0

Usagi Sonoharu



?Female (like it isn't obvious~)



?Eastern Kingdom


?Pet- Claudius


?Species: Neko witch

?Ability: She has the power to communicate with all breeds of cat.

? 4

<3: Cats, casting spells, alchemy, cake, magic, fairy tales, reading, snow, milk

</3: Dogs, hot weather, messy tables, boring people, rude people, guacamole, squashed food :'(

?She wants to become a great witch, surpassing her mother's ability. She also wants to attain more powers involving cats.

?She's afraid of thunder and lightning and heavy rain. Storms are a nono for her. She doesn't mind a light drizzle though.

?She can't stand a broken book spine.

?Usagi is pretty laid back and friendly. She has quite an extroverted character and loves to be around people. Yet, she loves to read and immerse herself in a fantasy realm. She finds it very easy to talk to people, and has no problem meeting new friends. She is very calm and supportive, her energy isn't overwhelming at all. It's rare she'll get angry but she is too be avoided if she does. She tends not to use her fists but a rainbow of fury will erupt from her mouth when she is angry.

?Usagi was brought up in a fairly rich large family of witches in Japan. She has a mother, a father, three sisters and four brothers; A family of ten. Her mother a powerful witch, her father a powerful wizard. Both of them with the distinguishable characteristic: Cat ears, which the rest of her family also inherits. She is a decendant of an old family of powerful cats that lurked around the mountains of ancient Japan in 3000 BC . They were said to bring good luck and fortune to all, and had special healing powers. This likely explains Usagi's luck and affluence.

?Crush: N/A




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  • Name- Ezekiel Black

  • Nickname- Ez

  • Age- 19

  • Gender- Male

  • Sexuality- Straight

  • Role- Student

  • Origin- Northern Kingdom

  • Family- Jaina Black (Mother), Ishrion Black (Father), Seren Black (Brother)

  • Pet- Fox [image to be added when possible]

  • Birthday- October 1st

  • Species- Shadowclaw

  • Abilities-

  • Shadowmeld) Can dissipate into shadows and travel through them

  • Shadow Morph) Allows him to shift from true form to human form and vice versa

  • Ability Level- 4

  • Royalty- N/A

  • Likes- Darkness, Books, Tricks, "Black Magics", Death

  • Dislikes- Daylight, Romance, Seren, His true form, Water

  • Goals- "I'm going to surpass my father's legacy and become the new lord of nightmares!"

  • Fears- "I fear that my goal will lead me toward my brother's madness... I fear my life going that path."

  • Pet Peeve- "Stop staring at me! Just because I'm different doesn't mean you can stare."

  • Personality- Serious, Flirtatious, Sly, Analytical

  • Bio- Ezekiel grew up in a part of the Northern Kingdom that doesn't take kind to outsiders for many reasons. While growing up he was taught that fear ran the world, that without fear the world would be in utter ruin. As he grew up he was taught how to fight, how to use the shadows to his advantage, and how to avoid a fight. When he and his brother were of age his brother went to seek power, only to find madness before killing their father. Soon after Ezekiel left to attend this school to learn to control himself as well as make friends to avoid the Fate of his brother.

  • Crush/BF/GF- "A what now?"

  • Looks- Height of 6'4" and weight of 130 pounds. Grey hair down to his nose, styled so he can see and a dog tag necklace. Grey eyes and an almost permanent blank stare on his face. Often wears a red shirt with a black overcoat with fur lining the hood, and edges of the sleeves and bottom, also wears blue jeans. In true form he appears as a shadowy serpent-like creature, floating in place and moving in a slithering motion. When partially morphing a limb into true form his arms will appear as large shadowy hands ending in clawed fingers. In true form his arms are replaced by giant scythe like appendages and has nothing upon his face but a maw of razor sharp fangs. [images to be added when pissible]
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ZoroarkGangster said:
  • Name- Ezekiel Black

  • Nickname- Ez

  • Age- 19

  • Gender- Male

  • Sexuality- Straight

  • Role- Student

  • Origin- Northern Kingdom

  • Family- Jaina Black (Mother), Ishrion Black (Father), Seren Black (Brother)

  • Pet- Fox [image to be added when possible]

  • Birthday- October 1st

  • Species- Shadowclaw

  • Abilities-

  • Shadowmeld) Can dissipate into shadows and travel through them

  • Shadow Morph) Allows him to shift from true form to human form and vice versa

  • Ability Level- 4

  • Royalty- N/A

  • Likes- Darkness, Books, Tricks, "Black Magics", Death

  • Dislikes- Daylight, Romance, Seren, His true form, Water

  • Goals- "I'm going to surpass my father's legacy and become the new lord of nightmares!"

  • Fears- "I fear that my goal will lead me toward my brother's madness... I fear my life going that path."

  • Pet Peeve- "Stop staring at me! Just because I'm different doesn't mean you can stare."

  • Personality- Serious, Flirtatious, Sly, Analytical

  • Bio- Ezekiel grew up in a part of the Northern Kingdom that doesn't take kind to outsiders for many reasons. While growing up he was taught that fear ran the world, that without fear the world would be in utter ruin. As he grew up he was taught how to fight, how to use the shadows to his advantage, and how to avoid a fight. When he and his brother were of age his brother went to seek power, only to find madness before killing their father. Soon after Ezekiel left to attend this school to learn to control himself as well as make friends to avoid the Fate of his brother.

  • Crush/BF/GF- "A what now?"

  • Looks- Height of 6'4" and weight of 130 pounds. Grey hair down to his nose, styled so he can see and a dog tag necklace. Grey eyes and an almost permanent blank stare on his face. Often wears a red shirt with a black overcoat with fur lining the hood, and edges of the sleeves and bottom, also wears blue jeans. In true form he appears as a shadowy serpent-like creature, floating in place and moving in a slithering motion. When partially morphing a limb into true form his arms will appear as large shadowy hands ending in clawed fingers. In true form his arms are replaced by giant scythe like appendages and has nothing upon his face but a maw of razor sharp fangs. [images to be added when pissible]
Name- Tenner Nidlogard

Nickname- Well, Tenner isn't his real name

Age- 19

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Heterosexual

Role- Mentor

Origin- Western Kingdom

Family- None that recognizes him

Pet- Spirit wolf named Enara (en-are-uh)

Birthday- August, 17

Species Unknown

Ability- Spirit summoning; He can summon and control the spirits of animals. When he does it, his eyes turn white while his pupils look like blue fire. He can also leave his body and posses the spirit of any animal he has summoned.

Ability Level- Level 5

Royalty?- No, he is a bastard child of the Queen of the Western Kingdom

Likes- The moon, traveling, animals, reading

Dislikes- Royalty, older men, being purposefully ignored, inequality

Goals- To become a better teacher and friend to everyone he knows

Fears- His past being discovered

Pet Peeve- Being told how to feel or act

Personality- Tenner is a soulful person who is a light wherever he goes. He had a tendency to be silent unless he is spoken to and keeps his feelings to himself. Although he doesn't mind sharing what he is feeling as long as it won't make the other person upset. He tries hard not to think about himself and is sure to always be there for people who need him. As a teacher, he is always patient and understanding, allowing each person to learn in their own time. But he knows how to be stern and unrelenting if the situation calls for it.


Tenner is the bastard son of the Queen of the Western Kingdom. At first the Queen was able to pretend she was pregnant with the King's child, but as soon as he was born his unique coloring gave him away. So the King forced her to get rid of him and told the townspeople the baby was stillborn. So Tenner grew up on the streets, raised by other homeless citizens if they could afford it. His constantly shifting childhood heavily influenced his personality and he is very quick to adjust to different situations. He was told about his parentage by the midwife, who felt he should know. But she made him promise to keep it a secret. Eventually, the multiple families that raised him gathered money to send him to a school. They gave him the money and sent him on his way, where he eventually found Snow Academy.

Crush/BF/GF- Hahaha, nope.....not yet anyway


Shadow said:
Name- Tenner Nidlogard
Nickname- Well, Tenner isn't his real name

Age- 19

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Heterosexual

Role- Mentor

Origin- Western Kingdom

Family- None that recognizes him

Pet- Spirit wolf named Enara (en-are-uh)

Birthday- August, 17

Species Unknown

Ability- Spirit summoning; He can summon and control the spirits of animals. When he does it, his eyes turn white while his pupils look like blue fire. He can also leave his body and posses the spirit of any animal he has summoned.

Ability Level- Level 5

Royalty?- No, he is a bastard child of the Queen of the Western Kingdom

Likes- The moon, traveling, animals, reading

Dislikes- Royalty, older men, being purposefully ignored, inequality

Goals- To become a better teacher and friend to everyone he knows

Fears- His past being discovered

Pet Peeve- Being told how to feel or act

Personality- Tenner is a soulful person who is a light wherever he goes. He had a tendency to be silent unless he is spoken to and keeps his feelings to himself. Although he doesn't mind sharing what he is feeling as long as it won't make the other person upset. He tries hard not to think about himself and is sure to always be there for people who need him. As a teacher, he is always patient and understanding, allowing each person to learn in their own time. But he knows how to be stern and unrelenting if the situation calls for it.


Tenner is the bastard son of the Queen of the Western Kingdom. At first the Queen was able to pretend she was pregnant with the King's child, but as soon as he was born his unique coloring gave him away. So the King forced her to get rid of him and told the townspeople the baby was stillborn. So Tenner grew up on the streets, raised by other homeless citizens if they could afford it. His constantly shifting childhood heavily influenced his personality and he is very quick to adjust to different situations. He was told about his parentage by the midwife, who felt he should know. But she made him promise to keep it a secret. Eventually, the multiple families that raised him gathered money to send him to a school. They gave him the money and sent him on his way, where he eventually found Snow Academy.

Crush/BF/GF- Hahaha, nope.....not yet anyway


Accepted, he would like Lucy's backstory then xD
Shadow said:
Would you mind assigning him to a student for me? Unless someone wants to have him as a mentor?
Lucy doesn't have a teacher so... You can teach her if you like
Okay.....and do you know if WhoCaresAnyway62 is going to be gone more often? I thought she might since she stopped being GM, so I don't know if I should change who Glenn mentors. @Trust
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