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Fantasy Snow Academy for Gifted Persons

Shadow said:
Okay.....and do you know if WhoCaresAnyway62 is going to be gone more often? I thought she might since she stopped being GM, so I don't know if I should change who Glenn mentors. @Trust
I'm not sure either... She hasn't told me much apart from that i am the moderator
Name: Briar Sky

Nickname: Bry

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Role (student or mentor) : Student

Origin: Central Kingdom

Family (optional): A mother names Filly Sky and a father named Sore West. Also a little brother name Zeppelin Sky (Zep for short.)

Pet (optional): A black fox named Galore

Birthday: October 14

Species: Human/Giant Hafling

Ability: She seems to be over average in most physical aspects including strength and speed. But she's not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Ability Level (0-terrible 5- awesome): 3

Royalty? (If so, which kingdom?) Nope.

Likes: A challenge, Meat, Fighting, Being taller than a lot of people, Food

Dislikes: Someone calling her dumb, Royalty, Small spaces

Goals: To be the strongest person in the world.

Fears: Burning alive

Pet Peeve: Someone talking about her like she's a freakshow. People who are too arrogant for their own good.

Personality: She's rather cocky but really self-assured. She's outgoing and doesn't seem to care if she offends feelings when she talks mostly because she doesn't notice that she's offending anybody. Also she can't read the atmosphere all that well which causes her to say things that shouldn't of been said at that time.

Bio: She was a only child until she was four. She had a loving family that made sure her and Zeppelin were well. She was home shooled since she didn't get a lot of the stuff being taught in normal schools. Briar was taller than most kids her age, which made her stand out like a sore thumb. Her lack of mental strength caused her to be picked on which ended up with the attackers on the ground most of the time. Both of her parents and Zeppelin are alive but she doesn't visit them all that much which cause others to assume they aren't at all close. Which is untrue.

Crush/BF/GF: None



Name Hachurui Aca

Nickname (optional): Snake, Hachi

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Role (student or mentor): Student

Origin: Eastern Kingdom

Family (optional): Father named Kabuto Aca and Mother named Yuki Aca

Pet (optional): He has a bunch of snakes.

Birthday: April 1

Species: Hebi (Japanese snake spirit.)

Ability: He can summon and control any kind of reptile.

Ability Level (0-terrible 5- awesome): 3

Royalty? (If so, which kingdom?): Nope.

Likes: Reptiles, Warm areas, Reading

Dislikes: The cold, Being insulted, Not being able to do anything

Goals: N/A

Fears: Being tortured

Pet Peeve: When people leave trash and stuff around.

Personality: Hachi is very quiet and hardly ever talks unless it's for a reptile of some kind. Usually he is mistaken for secretive when in actuality he's pretty open when you get him to talk. Since he's not human he usually bases a lot of what he does off the people around him. When you do get him to talk he will tell you some things that you didn't need or want to know,

Bio: Hachi was sent out by his parents and lived on the street for a lot of his life. When he was older he had joined a traveling circus. he had become pretty flexible while he was there and seemed to enjoy the acts he played in. He lived with them until the troupe was arrested for some kind of human trafficking rig. All the troupe was arrested except the ringleader Noel, a acrobat name Juzou and himself.

Crush/BF/GF: None



Name: Richard Gore

Nickname: Rich, Richy, Big R

Age: 16

Gender: M

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Role: Student

Origin: Northen Kingdom

Family: Mother and sisters

Pet: Pit bull named Kiya. Looks:


Birthday: 12/11

Species: Mythical being

Abilities: He can play with fire, meaning he can throw it, make it, control it. He can also turn into a phoenix at anytime

Ability level:5 all across the board

Likes Girls with abnormal colors for eyes, and a few normal ones like blue and silver, guns, video games, Music like Breaking Benjamin.

Dislikes Men who act like jerks to females, those types get to talk to my foot. Dog fighters, microwaved steak, like EW.

Goals make friends and get a job at a gaming company... Or be a vet.

Fears being alone forever, dying, I need to make peace with my demons before I pass.

Pet: Peeve People who bad mouth the military and our veterans, and people who lie.

Personality: I'm mostly a loner, but I like to be with people. I'm also a very happy person when you get to know me

Bio: Richard tends to play with fire when he's alone, moving napalm drops around his fingers and melting metal and turning them into small figurines and keeping them around as decorations, he's mostly made car's and video game characters, but loves to fly around when he can!





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  • Name
  • Ivy Blackburn
  • Age
  • 15
  • Gender
  • Female
  • Sexuality
  • Straight
  • Role (student or mentor)
  • Student
  • Origin (Central Kingdom, Northern Kingdom, Southern Kingdom, Eastern Kingdom, or Western Kingdom)
  • Southern Kingdom
  • Pet (optional)
  • A black widow spider, Ebony
  • Birthday
  • 19th Nobember
  • Species
  • Faery
  • Ability
  • Death Touch. It is always in her hands, but it can be radiated all over her body and projected outwards from her with concentration.
  • She can fly
  • Ability Level (0-terrible 5- awesome)
  • I'm not sure, probably 4 or 5 because she's very dangerous, especially for her size.
  • Royalty? (If so, which kingdom?)
  • No
  • Likes
  • Ebony
  • Plants
  • The Colours purple, black and green
  • Dislikes
  • Being Underestimated
  • Pink
  • Inequality
  • Goals
  • To become a warrior for her kingdom and be respected, not judged for her size. She wants to learn how to better control her power.
  • Fears
  • Accidentally killing somebody
  • Pet Peeve
  • People spelling Faery wrong
  • Personality
  • She is quite serious, but has a very light hearted caring side that she only shows to people close to her.
  • Bio
  • She lived with her parents until she was 9. Then her powers began to develop. One day she hugged her parents, putting them both in a coma they have yet to wake from. She wants to develop her powers so that she is safe to be around but can be a respected warrior. She never wants to harm a friend again.
  • Looks
  • ff564e5f451214d6d358c6f015346442.jpg

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  • Name: Mikahil (My real name irl)
  • Nickname: Mikachu (For shits and giggles)
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Role: Student
  • Origin: Another world called Thea (My character doesn't know that though. He was transferred to the Eastern Kingdom.)
  • Family: Lost brother (optional)
  • Pet: Tanuki http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-F118CMbzJOU/Ub9esTP44KI/AAAAAAAACrU/QMDmF484xLs/s1600/kyuubi.jpg (optional)
  • Birthday: 3/28
  • Species: I don't know what to call it or how he should find out.
  • Ability: The ability to control all types of energy. (Sound Energy, Kinetic Energy, Potential energy, Heat energy, Etc.)
  • Ability Level: 11/10 would use again. (5/5) (I won't be god moding, but I will if I need to protect and do good. Like a huge bad villain. Only if I'm allowed to though.)
  • Royalty: He's the prince of Thea, but since his parents are dead; his brother took over the whole shtuffs. (If so, which kingdom?)
  • Likes: Sweets, to be nice, to fight, training, to help people.
  • Dislikes: Spicy things, to do bad, people who can't keep behind their word.
  • Goals: To become known for centuries after death.
  • Fears: To die, That Red might emerge and destroy. (Red is an evil alternate personality that wants to destroy everything. Only reason for this is because of his horrible past that affected him phsycologically.)
  • Pet Peeve: The constant repress to keep my alternate personality under control.
  • Personality: Nice, shy (hides his face with a mask, but still talks to people normally.)
  • Bio:At the age of five he was very bright and smart, but in just the span of two weeks things fell apart. The government found strange readings in his area and decided to quietly investigate undercover, and as it turns out the boy was giving those strange readings and effecting the energy around him. After a few days of decision making, they decided to kill off his family and send him to maximum security prison. Yes, it is very cruel to kill of his parents like that, but apparently they were from another world; knowledge of this world is very limited, so information will not be given out for plot reasons (plot is plotty.) After a year in prison they wanted to see if they could use him as a weapon, so they did some studying and found out that he needs to be at a near death experience to fully awaken his powers. So they tortured, tested, and brain-washed a little, until his powers were awakened. This process, however, took three years to complete. He was angry, he wanted to escape, he wanted to be free, so he soon stole a few things, made months of planning, and eventually got a katana to help him with the tests that he was put in. He used everything against them and finally escaped. He fled from the island, stealing a boat in the process, and went to many different places. He was searched for and had to live a secret life full of murder (will be explained in rp if I'm accepted.) this continued after eight long years until he was accepted into a school. Only time will tell what unfolds.
  • Crush/BF/GF: Let me think about my non-existant life...Nope, none. xD N/A
  • Looks: https://oncetold.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/hei-full-1124033.jpg
  • With mask: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR1FIMFAiB7f0umz4QeTuOQx-K1QiYQ_iMUiegqElcYXmN5Bqsh
  • Best image outta' all: http://orig09.deviantart.net/7c45/f/2012/201/7/f/_darker_than_black___hei___by_goku_no_baka-d57z6gq.jpg



Azzy for short


Paradise time is much different than earth time so her exact age is hard to pin point but shes put anywhere from 18-21. Still very young for a crusnix.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight although getting in a relationship with a Crusnix, especially of her age, is very hard. Crusnix keep their childish mentality for a very long time and don’t think sexually often.

Role: Student

Origin: Ehhh well… not from this earth. Reall from a place called the ‘white kingdom’ where the Crusnix reside… but. Well. She crash landed in the southern kingdom.

Family: None, Crusnix are created on their own when times of great joy are so massive in quantity; they are felt in the white kingdom. Azriel was spawned on Christmas day.

Pet: None as of now, but knowing her… well… the dorm will be full of every member of the animal kingdom soon.


Christmas Day




· Wings- Crusnix have four wings, a primary larger set, and a smaller secondary set. Her feathers are soft and downy, although can be launched like needles when in a pickle. Of course they also serve as flight enablers as well.

· Magic- Crusnix are natural magic users. Usually of the ‘miracling’ or ‘wish granting’ variety. Although this magic isn’t foolproof. She can’t just magic up anything she wishes.

· Battle magic- Although Azzy is not built for battle, she can fight. She can magic up a weapon or two, perhaps cause a slight spark. But her combat magic isn’t great.

Ability Level

3 borderline 4


All Crusnix are considered royalty-ish as they are ‘named’. Although in this world, not so much.


Fun things, joy, upbeatedness, kids, cats! Animals in general.


Sadness, sickness, war, bad people, abuse


Get back home


That she’ll be stuck away from the other Crusnix forever.

Pet Peeve

She.. really doesn’t have one. She hasn’t been here long enough to have one.


Azzy is a very happy, fun-loving girl. She’s usually bouncy, upbeat and always marching along to her own beat. She can sit still and be quiet at time, just listening. Although she is always thinking and is always happy… until her home is brought up. That’s a surefire way to bring on the tears.


Azzy was raised the way most Crusnix are, taking up their roles and doing their jobs the best they can to keep the city running and escorting dead souls to the gates of paradise. Azzy was a part of the screening for who got in and who didn’t, when one day, she noticed discrepancies. The people was screening as positive, were being turned away. She went straight to the head of admissions, Nexolum, and voiced her concerns. This resulted in a nasty argument, as his standards where much stricter than they ever had to be. She tried to convince him that there was no reason to turn the people away but this only made the conversation turn violent. He pushed her over the ledge of paradise, sending her crashing into the mortal world, where she crash landed in the south. From there she has wondered aimlessly. When a Crusnix falls, it is usually because they have done so much wrong, that they are banished. Hardly ever do they fall by means of malice, so there is no real way to get back. She’s trapped here for now.

Crush/BF/GF: Read sexuality. She doesn’t think sexually by nature. She must be taught that.

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