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Fandom SnK RP

(NOOOOOOOOOOOO -Falls to the floor with a cloud hovering over his head- oh and the many 9 has a special meaning to me)
I have to agree with the new rule. I notice my OC falls under titan shifter, but kind of reasonable. You have good management. Thanks

Hey man, try to keep your writing as coherent as possible. I am talking mostly about tenses. For example, in this message:

"Daniel would be trying to find someone that could tell him some questions, he was running trought the top of the buildings however he would try not to use the gear alot so he won't break it or just waist gas. He would look around him until he spot two people. They had the wings of freedom in their uniforms. He nods and runs towards them. Would he reach them in time... wait! he looks at the girl Ymir... where did he saw her... His head would hurt from thinking of it. Am I crazy? he thought I saw that girl from before... maybe from the training? No... from somewhere else... but where?... He sighs. He keeps running towards them "Hey!" he screams "You again miss... Shady was it?!" he would still be screaming. He reaches them and stops to rest."

Try not to use woud in sentences like: "Daniel would be trying to find..." instead, write: "Daniel was trying to..." (or is); and keep writing in past sentence, like you did here: "he was running trought (it's through, tho) the top"

" He would look around him until he spot two people." ----> "He looked around him until he spotted two people."

But the length is very good! This is by no means criticizing, just trying to help you and stuff :D . I am no expert either haha.
Darkmaster006 said:
Hey man, try to keep your writing as coherent as possible. I am talking mostly about tenses. For example, in this message:

"Daniel would be trying to find someone that could tell him some questions, he was running trought the top of the buildings however he would try not to use the gear alot so he won't break it or just waist gas. He would look around him until he spot two people. They had the wings of freedom in their uniforms. He nods and runs towards them. Would he reach them in time... wait! he looks at the girl Ymir... where did he saw her... His head would hurt from thinking of it. Am I crazy? he thought I saw that girl from before... maybe from the training? No... from somewhere else... but where?... He sighs. He keeps running towards them "Hey!" he screams "You again miss... Shady was it?!" he would still be screaming. He reaches them and stops to rest."

Try not to use woud in sentences like: "Daniel would be trying to find..." instead, write: "Daniel was trying to..." (or is); and keep writing in past sentence, like you did here: "he was running trought (it's through, tho) the top"

" He would look around him until he spot two people." ----> "He looked around him until he spotted two people."

But the length is very good! This is by no means criticizing, just trying to help you and stuff :D . I am no expert either haha.
Oh yeah sorry about that xD . I use "would" alot because I don't like to do actions the people can't counter. For example: he would try to take her sword from her hand. That way people can counter what my character does. But yeah I understand. I will try to do that
JPTheWarrior said:
Oh yeah sorry about that xD . I use "would" alot because I don't like to do actions the people can't counter. For example: he would try to take her sword from her hand. That way people can counter what my character does. But yeah I understand. I will try to do that
Oh, I understand. And it'd fine, but those actions couldn't be countered by anyone, I think? Hah, no problem man!
Darkmaster006 said:
Oh, I understand. And it'd fine, but those actions couldn't be countered by anyone, I think? Hah, no problem man!
True xD . Guess it's just an habit, but yeah Ill do my best to not use "would" and like not fail at writing a word
Slasher999999999 said:
Keon would head upstairs from the basement and would head to the living room. Once he was in the living room he would go to Ashlie crib and would gently scoop up ashlie who was wide awake from all the comotion. Keon would gently rock her in his arms as he was walking to couch ans would proccede to sit down while still rocking ashlie in his arms with a gentle warm smile on his face.
Wrong rp xD
(I may make more characters, I'll post them separately when I feel like it lol)

Name: Claire Schnieder

Age: 17

Sex: Female

General Appearance:



On a warm autumn day in the city of Stohess, Claire Schnieder was born to by parents Brutus and Melian. She grew up relatively wealthy as she was from a noble family with lots of ties. Her parents made sure to give their daughter one of the best educations money could buy. Claire never was satisfied with opulent life that most held in the nobility. She often (though to the disliking of her father) hung around the common folk. This often led to her getting into trouble with the local Military Police, whom she didn't like anyway.

Once she hit the age of 14, she decided to sever ties with her father after long heated arguments. She went to her local military recruiter and joined the Trainee Squad. Determined by a strong moral compass, she is determined to change the way the world is. She can do just about anything if she puts her mind to it and focuses.


Strength: 7/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Charisma: 8/10

Aptitude: 7/10

Compassion: 8/10

Determination: 9/10
Name: Gabriel Ackermann

Age: 23

Species: Human

Nationality: Unknown, born within the walls.

Lineage: Cousin of Eren Jeager and lost brother of Mikasa Ackermann

Affiliation: Survey Corps

Interests: Combat, speaking with other people, writing, reading.

Disinterests: Motherfuckers.

Personality: He is quite a quiet guy, but when he is provoked, he wont hesitate to use his arms to his full potential. He loves to read and write, he has written a book aswell: "Giants? Where?".

Backstory: During the slaughter of the Ackermann family, he hid in a closet for the entire time. Nobody looked for him, and so he ran away, as far as he could. He eventually ended up meeting a family that was traveling back in the walls, and so started to live with them.

Appearance: He would be an average male with black hairs, brown eyes. He would stand around 1.89m tall and weighs around 86kg.



3DM gear: 10/10

Hand-to-hand: 9/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Strategy: 8/10

Determination: 6/10


Bravery: 7/10

Agility: 10/10

Speed: 10/10

Kindness: 10/10

Resourcefulness: 8/10
Gabrygabra97 said:
Name: Gabriel Ackermann
Age: 23

Species: Human

Nationality: Unknown, born within the walls.

Lineage: Cousin of Eren Jeager and lost brother of Mikasa Ackermann

Affiliation: Survey Corps

Interests: Combat, speaking with other people, writing, reading.

Disinterests: Motherfuckers.

Personality: He is quite a quiet guy, but when he is provoked, he wont hesitate to use his arms to his full potential. He loves to read and write, he has written a book aswell: "Giants? Where?".

Backstory: During the slaughter of the Ackermann family, he hid in a closet for the entire time. Nobody looked for him, and so he ran away, as far as he could. He eventually ended up meeting a family that was traveling back in the walls, and so started to live with them.

Appearance: He would be an average male with black hairs, brown eyes. He would stand around 1.89m tall and weighs around 86kg.



3DM gear: 10/10

Hand-to-hand: 9/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Strategy: 8/10

Determination: 6/10


Bravery: 7/10

Agility: 10/10

Speed: 10/10

Kindness: 10/10

Resourcefulness: 8/10
We've shown interest in your character, so I must ask you to send a PM to me and @Darkmaster006 together with a roleplay beginner based on the following prompt:

Looking through a library to find a book.

{also, it's Ackerman. Only one 'N'}
Darkmaster006 said:
If you're gonna use an Original Character, this is the place to place the bio.
Besides from the normal regiments, there is one more regiments, explained below by Brianna: Guardian Regiment. Your OC will be able to enter this regiment in the story, but there will be no more regiments.
Im gonna be Annie if thats alright

Name: Steven Ali

Age: 22

Sex: Male


Steven stands at 1.85m and weighing in at about 90Kg. Blond hair cut short and blue eyes. He has a well toned body on the leaner side and a mature look about him with darker features.

A photo to come if I can ever find one like him


He was born and raised within the inner walls of humanity, In a safe home away from the threats of the outer walls but unlike other children he didn't live in ignorant bliss of what truly laid outside the walls. His mother was a doctor and his father a member of the Military Police so he was raised well both in physical training and schooling. During this time he took on a darker out look on the world seeing it as a losing battle and the only real way to live was with in the inner walls free from the worries of the normal masses.

Like his father expected he joined the training corp and passed with ease from the training he already and his want to live a safe life within the inner walls. after passing and joining the MP he lived a fairly good life but he had started to fill his spare time with drinking and gambling. During one night of drinking and gambling he was tricked into a rig match but when he found this he went into a drunken rage beating the man close to death.

After that event and his trail he was discharged from the MP and resigned to the Survey Corps with a ban on any alcohol or gambling but the true reason for it was so he would suffer a death at the hands of a titan rather than in the courts.

3DM gear:10/10









Are stats like that ok with your system?​
samsan99 said:

Name: Steven Ali

Age: 22

Sex: Male


Steven stands at 1.85m and weighing in at about 90Kg. Blond hair cut short and blue eyes. He has a well toned body on the leaner side and a mature look about him with darker features.

A photo to come if I can ever find one like him


He was born and raised within the inner walls of humanity, In a safe home away from the threats of the outer walls but unlike other children he didn't live in ignorant bliss of what truly laid outside the walls. His mother was a doctor and his father a member of the Military Police so he was raised well both in physical training and schooling. During this time he took on a darker out look on the world seeing it as a losing battle and the only real way to live was with in the inner walls free from the worries of the normal masses.

Like his father expected he joined the training corp and passed with ease from the training he already and his want to live a safe life within the inner walls. after passing and joining the MP he lived a fairly good life but he had started to fill his spare time with drinking and gambling. During one night of drinking and gambling he was tricked into a rig match but when he found this he went into a drunken rage beating the man close to death.

After that event and his trail he was discharged from the MP and resigned to the Survey Corps with a ban on any alcohol or gambling but the true reason for it was so he would suffer a death at the hands of a titan rather than in the courts.

3DM gear:10/10









Are stats like that ok with your system?​
Yes. And you are accepted for the most part. Would you mind pm'ing @Darkmaster006 and I for a small detail? You're required to give us a writing sample based on a prompt we will give you

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