Smalltown Kids [Inactive]

Andalexanderwept said:
He held his bag of flowers and backpack close, the tuna sandwich half in his mouth half in his hand. He was shorter then the other boy, a bit scrawnier too. He ate quietly, before looking up and rocking softly on the hard wood of the bench. "Was your name~" he asked softly. "MmmRobby!" He quickly shook the other boys hand, giggling happily and bouncing.
Micheal Carroll: My name is "Micheal" said Micheal, Micheal then decided to give the boy some advice about people. He told him to avoid his sister April as Micheal felt she was a religious nutcase, he also said if boys were bullying him again, to tell Micheal as Micheal would teach the bullies a lesson. He also told him that girls were not worth his time as they are annoying and complain about stuff. 

swampishpetrichor said:
As the bell rang, Rocky immediately stood to her feet, and slung her canvas bag on her shoulder. She accidentally bumped into the girl with the book, making the book fall. Her stunning doe brown eyes flickered to the girl and she gave an apologetic smile as she picked up the book and handed at her, before briefly looking at the title. She gave a more genuine smile and laughed.
"That's a good book. I've read it before." She said, and in the corner of her eye she saw Bo motioning for her to come over. She gave a playful wink. "No worries, I won't spoil it." She added as she jogged off to Bo who was about to head into the halls. Slowing her pace, she walked next to the girl.

"Haven't seen you in ages," she said, smile still upon her freckled face. "What's up?" She asked, cocking a brow. She knew Bo was popular. The popular people had all of the new buzz, which came easy to them since they all lived in such a small town. Rocky was extremely popular, but she never considered herself that. One, she didn't like labels, and two, she was just a normal girl, who just happened to be very social.
April Carroll: She thought the girl was friendly so she thought she might try to make friends with her. She rushed down the hallway as fast as she could in her knee-length green dress as she knew her parents would be coming to pick her and her brother Micheal up soon. She stopped as she saw the girl and another girl talking, she stopped near them and said "Hi"
He listened to his words,then raising it to him. "Well...kay..." he said softly. He nudged his head against his friends arm a bit and ate the rest of his sandwich. He pushed his hand into his mouth and sucked on it. He stared up at him. "Girls are silly."
Andalexanderwept said:
He listened to his words,then raising it to him. "Well...kay..." he said softly. He nudged his head against his friends arm a bit and ate the rest of his sandwich. He pushed his hand into his mouth and sucked on it. He stared up at him. "Girls are silly."
Micheal Carroll: "Yes, yes they are" said Micheal as he pulled out his phone, he showed Robby pictures of his guitar, as he told him he liked Death Metal Music, as he quickly changed to another topic as Micheal told him he had to go soon as his parents were picking him up but he would be back tommrow starting his first day of school, he then showed Robby his schedule and asked about if he knew any of the teachers and what they were like.
She snickered and wiggled her brows at the thought. She knew many of her neighbors since she was a baby, and Logan and Bo just happened to know her when she was young. Sure, sure, Rocky had a bit of a crush on Logan when she was only about seven years old. But guess how she dealt with it? She threw rocks at him, but always felt bad after so she'd say sorry, of course.

"Ooh~" She cooed playfully. She threw her head back a bit into a laugh. "Talk around some cake-faced group says she's an attention seeker. But I don't believe that one bit, I know Logan has a good judge of character." She added logically. Hey, though the girl was often wild, she was intelligent, and very clever when it came to some of the gossip around school. Though she knew about things, there was some buzz that was out of her reach.

She heard the voice of a girl that was unfamiliar and she turned her head. She cocked her chin upwards a bit at her with a smile. "Hey, what's up?" She asked casually. Rocky was very nonchalant, and very social, and she often talked to people as if she knew them their whole lives. The social butterfly with a freckled face and long brown hair with doe eyes to match, was in fact, Rocky. A named heard often.
He pulled his legs against his chest and looked at the paper, before quickly pulling out his books from his backpack, dropping William on the floor. He showed him the crumpled piece of paper of his schedule, written in purple and deep green crayon. He shared a math class, art, history and gym, but science and his other classes he had separate. "I don play music, but I got William! He's real smart!" He grabbed his teddy on the ground and showed him, before grabbing a Lilly out of the bag of flowers and handed it to his new friend. "That for you."
swampishpetrichor said:
She snickered and wiggled her brows at the thought. She knew many of her neighbors since she was a baby, and Logan and Bo just happened to know her when she was young. Sure, sure, Rocky had a bit of a crush on Logan when she was only about seven years old. But guess how she dealt with it? She threw rocks at him, but always felt bad after so she'd say sorry, of course.
"Ooh~" She cooed playfully. She threw her head back a bit into a laugh. "Talk around some cake-faced group says she's an attention seeker. But I don't believe that one bit, I know Logan has a good judge of character." She added logically. Hey, though the girl was often wild, she was intelligent, and very clever when it came to some of the gossip around school. Though she knew about things, there was some buzz that was out of her reach.

She heard the voice of a girl that was unfamiliar and she turned her head. She cocked her chin upwards a bit at her with a smile. "Hey, what's up?" She asked casually. Rocky was very nonchalant, and very social, and she often talked to people as if she knew them their whole lives. The social butterfly with a freckled face and long brown hair with doe eyes to match, was in fact, Rocky. A named heard often.
April Carroll: "I just moved here" said April, April said she has not done much here yet except painting and going to church with her parents, but She was excited to move to Louisiana hoping she would find people that respected her in school unlike in New York, April then said her name was April, and that she was a proud Pentecostal and she loved art especially pieces that conveyed happiness. 

Andalexanderwept said:
He pulled his legs against his chest and looked at the paper, before quickly pulling out his books from his backpack, dropping William on the floor. He showed him the crumpled piece of paper of his schedule, written in purple and deep green crayon. He shared a math class, art, history and gym, but science and his other classes he had separate. "I don play music, but I got William! He's real smart!" He grabbed his teddy on the ground and showed him, before grabbing a Lilly out of the bag of flowers and handed it to his new friend. "That for you."
Micheal Carroll: He said "thank you" to Robby as he put it in his backpack, he was not into flowers but he said in his mind to himself he would accept the gift because he did not want to hurt his feelings and felt bad for Robby, He then said it was awesome that they were in the same class, He also said he could help Robby in Math Class,History,and stick up for Robby in gym if they were jocks trying to hurt Robby's feelings. He said April was in Art so "just avoid April and Talk to Me in art" said Micheal as he noticed his parents car in the driveway, He said to Robby his parents were here but he would be back tommrow.
He looked sad when he had to go, his lower lip trembled. He slowly hugged him and sniffled. "You really have to go?" He whined, hiding his face in the others chest. He didnt want him to leave.
Andalexanderwept said:
He looked sad when he had to go, his lower lip trembled. He slowly hugged him and sniffled. "You really have to go?" He whined, hiding his face in the others chest. He didnt want him to leave.
Micheal Carroll: "Don't worry Robby I will be pack tommrow", Micheal said as he walked outside of the cafeteria into his parents car, His parents asked him why he did not go to Church with him that day, Micheal said "There is no God, if there was a God there would not be stuff like Cancer or Autism" Micheal even though he only talked to Robby for about 20 minutes he cared deeply for him.
Venus ran over to Robby's father and barked loudly, Venus wagged her stumpy tail and put her paws on his legs
Robby waved madly out the window of the door and whined. He was all alone again? He huffed and went to his bench, flopping onto it and whining louder. He had some glares and looks, and quickly glared back, sticking out his tongue. He didn't see the kid behind him who slapped the back of his head. He whined and held it, curling up. He wished his friend was here.
Still keeping her pace with Bo, she nodded at the new girl. Not often seemingly nice kids came to the school, so she'd take her chances if the girl could keep up with her wildness. The girl didn't like fun-suckers, or people who told things that were supposed to be left unsaid. She gave her a smile.

"That's cool. I hope you come to like it 'round here." She replied to her statement. The classroom Bo and Rocky needed to go through came into view, but wasn't close.
"So, you don't mind? You know he says part of him is still crushing on you, hard." Bo twirled a strawberry blonde lock around her papery thin finger, a mischievous smile lighting up her face. When another blonde girl approached them with impressive friendliness, Bo's smug smile shifted to a welcoming grin as the three girls headed for Mrs. Jurn's room. "Hi, I'm Bo."
Wendell gave out a small sigh. He had just entered the cafeteria and saw the food for the first time. "A bunch of gross looking muck." Getting a tray, he simply got a bunch of fruit. It was his first day at the school, and he had only lived in the area for a week prior. It sucked not knowing anyone, but he wasn't too displeased by it. Looking around for a table all he saw were a bunch of random strangers filling them up, leaving not one table empty. "I guess it's time to meet someone..." He tried to find a spot with the least amount of people and found the perfect one. It only had one boy at it, which was fine with Wendell. Walking over to the boy, he asked "Is it O.K. if I sit here with you? I don't really know anyone, so...", hoping the boy would say yes.

@Andalexanderwept ('Ere it is.)
Robby looked up, tilting his head oddly at him and blinking. A small smile came to his face and he nodded excitedly, patting the table top gently with a grubby hand. "Yeah! Yeah you sit! You wan flower?" He asked, rushing to find his bag of slightly crumpled flowers.
A low rumble of a chuckle formed beneath Eli's chest. With an amused smile playing on his lips, he shrugged his shoulders, "whatever Mer, it's your lost that you turned down such a good offer; a leg rester for 'fat' legs? Where else would I --" Eli stopped his whispering when he noticed the teacher shooting him a stern look of warning. Once the teacher looked away Eli simply continued in a quieter whisper, leaning in closer to Summer so that she could hear, "where else would I find one of those?"

Eli drummed his fingertips on his desk through out the class. He looked back and forth from the clock to the teacher, trying to focus on what was being discussed. Towards the end of the class he caught the attention of a hot blonde as she flirtatiously batted her eyelashes while twirling her hair with a finger.

"Hi," Eli whispered to her. "Hi," she whispered back sweetly but provocatively. A smile played on his lips before he noticed the bell had went off. Eli got right out of his seat without hesitation. He stretched his arms out because they were tight for sitting in such a rigid position. "Ah Summer, I can finally talk to you in a normal voice," he said rather loudly as they began walking out of the class room. "How are you this pleasant morning 'Mer?" he said as he slow walked down the hall.

Mentions: @ChloeeGracee
'Thank god.' Wendell said inside his head, eternally sighing. He took a seat next to the boy, glad he let him sit there. He took a bite of his apple before thanking the boy. "Thanks! And, uh, sure! I'd love a flower." 'Something about him is different...' He wasn't sure what exactly, but it didn't bother him either way. "Oh, and my name's Wendell." He said, offering his hand.

(Sorry this is a bit short.)
((No its perfect!)

Robby reached and shook his hand, giggling and wiggling his bottom on the bench madly. He pulled from his plastic bag a small amount of dassies and dandilions. He placed the drying up flowers in the boys hand he shook, before reaching to touch his hair. He usually explored his friends heads, wondering why they were different from his own curly blond one. He softly papped his forehead, then papped his chest. "Mmm...mmmmRobby~!" He announced with smile wide.
Though her freckled face burnt hotter than coals, she still had a quick, witty comeback. A smile widened at her face partially at the thought of Logan liking her, but partially because of the comeback she had tucked away. She'd save it for later, when the time was right. Instead she just gave a light push to Bo's shoulder and gave a slightly embarrassed laugh.

"Sure, sure," she said with a playful roll of her brown eyes. "And I still think the a Tooth Fairy is real." She added with a laugh.
After Clair walked into the class room, Sage followed suit. She slyly tip-toed between the desks, multiple students’ eyes on her, to get safely to the back of class with out the teacher noticing. Almost there… and then, “Rowan, Sage?”

“Yes?” Sage said apprehensively, chewing on her lip. The teacher turned around, “You say 'here'—why aren't you in your seat?” Sage scratched the back of her neck nervously; a couple of students snickered. “I. um.. Was just getting th-there,” Sage cleared her throat to sound more convincing. Sage sat next to Clair; “whew!” she wiped the invisible sweat from her forehead.

Soon enough after sitting through the class the bell went off.

Mentions: @ArtisticKwittyKat234
'So he does have something different about him. Something to make him special.' Wendell thought to himself, a small smile forming on his face. The boy gave him a few daisies and dandelions, which Wendell put in his jacket pocket. Suddenly he reached up to touch Wendell's hair, messing with it a little. This gave Wendell a small laugh, and he just let the boy do what he wanted. After he stopped, Wendell watched him as he told him his name, Robby. "Nice to meet you, Robby!" He took another bite of his apple and whilst chewing, noticed a bear next to Robby. "What's that?" Wendell asked, gesturing towards the teddy bear.
Clair gave Sage a quick giggle. She looked at Sage who look extremely nervous. She raised an eyebrow at the teacher when her name was called. "Yes?" She says and everybody stares at her, a few boys give her a stunning smile before turning around, so they could just pretend to listen to the teacher. Clair laughs before getting out her notebook and doodling in one of the pages near the back.

After hearing the teacher blab on for what seemed forever, the bell rang.

"Yay!" She smiles stuffing her stuff into her bag. "Let's go." She says. When she gets up some guys wink at her, she only rolled her eyes and focused on walking next to Sage. She had 10 minutes break before her next class. "Hey, Sage, let's go do something.. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if we went out then came back.. I have 10 minutes before my next class.. Come on, sounds fun, right?" She pleads, using the puppy eyes.

@Iridescent Irony
Summer smiled, "Why don't you use one of your per say

Hoes? I'm pretty sure they would love it." She snickered, stretching out of her seat. She covered her ears at his loud voice and slung her purse over her shoulder. "Oh, being woke up at 5 AM in the morning, being used as a foot tester, but other than I'm perfectly fine" she inquired, biting her lip and fiddle with the strap of her purse. She walked towards her locker and opened it, save grabbed her new textbooks for creative writing and her iPad. Creative writing and English were her favorite subject, probably the only reason she even came to school, except for hanging out with her friends. "I hate school, I think I'm gonna skip." She groaned pulling her purple beanie on her head and shut her locker.

@Iridescent Irony
MrLlama said:
'So he does have something different about him. Something to make him special.' Wendell thought to himself, a small smile forming on his face. The boy gave him a few daisies and dandelions, which Wendell put in his jacket pocket. Suddenly he reached up to touch Wendell's hair, messing with it a little. This gave Wendell a small laugh, and he just let the boy do what he wanted. After he stopped, Wendell watched him as he told him his name, Robby. "Nice to meet you, Robby!" He took another bite of his apple and whilst chewing, noticed a bear next to Robby. "What's that?" Wendell asked, gesturing towards the teddy bear.
Robby looked down at his teddy and pulled him out to show his new friend, wiggling his paw and giggling gently.he placed William down on the others lap and kissed his head. "Is William. He real smart and funny~ And he teach me how to count! See?" he counted to ten before stopping and blinking confusedly. "I cant go very far hehe!"
Wendell gave a small, accepting, chuckle as he watched Robby show him his bear, William and how he described him. He put the bear in Wendell's lap, who looked it over and handed it back. "Do you know many people here?" He was a bit curious to meet other people, too, to get all of those awkward moments out of the way. Wendell had finished his fruits already and put the tray back before sitting back down next to Robby. ((or tossed it away, I'm not sure if the trays are plastic or Styrofoam, etc.))

*100TH POST*

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