Sleep Tight "Zzz.."

“Joseph, there is nothing there,” she said. Jennifer sighed and leaned up against the car (or what had been one), she put a hand on her shoulder, but it didn’t look like it needed stitches. Luckily. She looked back at the car. “It’s a wreck… this will take me forever without spare pieces,” she mumbled, blowing a hair out of her face. Then she looked around at the others. “Did anyone bring a first aid kit?” she asked, and staggered to the back and popped the trunk open to get her bag.

She roamed through the things for something useful, biting back the pain. She pulled out a shirt that she deemed worthy to be scarified. Then kneeled down beside George. “Got to take off your shoe…” she said apologetically, and slowly tried to get it off without causing too much damage.
"....Whatever", muttered Joseph as a song began to play out of a nowhere. Joseph began to smile,"MY PHONE!!!". He opened the wrecked cardoor and grabbed his slightly cracked phone. Slowly his smile went away as he read what was on his phone screen: HOW IS JEN'S SHOULDER???. He shivered from fear as the black figure popped up in his mind. Joseph passed the phone to Jen, who didn't believe that there was someone or SOMETHING watching.
"Do your worse or best whatever the case may be."He crunched and groaned as the shoe was removed and squeezed tightly on Joseph shoulder of which he was leaning on. "Almost like the bicycle trip when you were....Oouch! Eight, i think....Though the roles were reversed. Your sure you two are ok? You and leroy, i mean. Not wasting time due to my minor hiccup."
Jennifer maneuvered the shoe off, and sighed when she saw the foot. “At least it’s not broken..” she said, looking up at him with a ‘that’s something’-look. She smiled a little by the memory he brought up and rolled her eyes. “You remember such weird thing..” she mumbled, and wished she had something cold that could take the swelling, but she didn’t. She looked over toward the house. “I think we should go check if there is someone in there… your foot could really need some ice.”

Then she looked over to Joseph and the phone. She looked skeptical for a moment, but then slowly took it. Her mouth opened a little as she read. “Okay, Jos, now it’s not even funny,” she said and gave it back to him quickly. She straightened back up, and glanced around a little warily now, putting a hand over her shoulder.
((Btw I'd like it if you didn't control the monster. That is my Job. However Ik Ive been offline for like 2 days so, It's fine. Just be aware oK?))


As the group of teenagers recovered from there wrecked car the monster watched them though the Old House window in the field.


Yes be afraaaid.. I want them now! No.. I must wait.. They need to be.. marinated? Yes.. Yes. That sounds delightful. The monster laughed under his breath. Soooon..
"Don't worry i am tougher then my nerdy look might suggest. I teach high schoolers...In public school!"he boosted jokingly with a forced smile, he removed himself from joseph and attempted to stand on one leg. He was unsteady but managed."You are right though, not to mention probably safer from our phantom. Come on."

He began to limp slowly towards the house.
Joseph nodded in agreement. "That's a good idea", he walked with George. He continued to shiver from the haunting text. Who was around watching them? Why was this person watching?

He looked behind his shoulder and signaled for Jen and Leroy to follow
"At some point we need to talk about this shadow character."He said in a low hissed voice to Joseph when he came next him. He kept a casual demeanour but was deadly serious."Keep it quite until then ok? No need to scare the others until we recover and know what we are doing."
"....okay. But Leroy knows about it already", Joseph mumbled while pointing his heads toward Leroy. George was wouldn't be fair to scare the others. While walking, Joseph felt in his boot for his revolver, which was still there. He sensed that he would need the gun
Jen had walked over to the car, and managed to open the hood although it had bend against the tree. She coughed as smoke erupted, and she walked back waving it away a bit. “This is a mess…” she mumbled, and kicked the wheel. And, it was getting too dark to work too. She did have a flashlight, but although she hated to admit it, she wasn’t keen on darkness. It would be better if the engine could cool overnight too.

The guys had already started walking, and she decided to follow up toward the house. Glancing over her shoulder to see if Leroy was coming as well.

As the group of friends walk to the house they have yet to notice the door is smeared in dried blood, and our Monster eagerly awaits the arrival of his meal.
"Be that as it may, just not any mo..."He began to say before he was taken aback by something he saw. The door to the lodge was covered in dried blood, if there wasn't a shiver down his spine there was one tenfold now."Well...That's interesting."
Joseph froze in fear as he saw the blood on the door. ".....dude. It's just paint", he scratched his fingernails on the dried blood as it easily scraped from the door. He tried his best to deny the fact that it was blood. He slowly opened the door as he entered the huge old mansion. The smell itself made Joseph shiver. "My gut's telling me to bail on this place, but we don't have a choice", he mumbled to George, who was just as frightened by the hideous sight on the front door
Jen walked behind them, and stared at the door. “This is creeping me out… who would even live out here,” she said, looking around. Fields. Some kind of hermit at least. She was happy that they were more people with her… although injured people. She crossed her arms. “Shouldn’t we knock or something?” she asked under her breath, following after Joseph warily.

Hallo!” she called into the room. “Excuse me, we crashed our car outside, is anyone here?” She really tried to go with Josephs ‘paint’ theory, but it still gave her chills to look at the door.

There here!!! Oh. I mustn't be hasty.. No.. Ah... I know.. I'll give them a scare. yes! Oh yes... The monster licked his lips in trembling anticipation.


As the group enters the mansion the door shuts, then locks itself behind them along with all the windows and the back door. There trapped, with a monster. Oh I wonder how this will play out.
Joseph jumped as the door closed shut behind him. He looked at the group,"...did any of you close that door?". His body temperature nearly dropped at the thought of the door closing by itself. He reached down in his sock for his revolver and he pulled it out. Sweat rolled down his forehead. "....can someone come with me while I search around this house?", he turned towards the three people.
"Probably a draft..." George tried to explain in a way that barely convinced himself let alone the others. He turned to the door and tried to open it, it would open."Well whatever it was also locked it...Were the hell are we...Joe better not split up for this...More eyes..."

Yessss Seperate.. yes Yes! YES! I just might have an early snack! No! I must control myself.. I must be patient. I must wait. Soooon..
Leroy shivered. Somehow, his occupied thoughts - full of his crushed arm and his video games at home - had temporarily numbed him to the atmosphere of the place. It felt really off.

"I don't think this is the right place," he announced. After all, how could we have been lost for almost an hour and then just stumbled upon "our lodge", with its old red paint and dark mood?
Joseph walked up the mansion's stairs. With every step he made, the stairs made a creaky noise. When he made it to the second floor, he was greeted by four doors. "...hmm. What about this one", he opened the first door to the left. Inside of the room, there was a large bed, a small lamp, and the rest was space. Quietly, he exited the room and resisted opening the other three doors..
"Is it? Thats good, I thought i got ripped of by that comparison site... Good to know."He jokingly said before putting a little to much weight on his injured leg, he lost his balance slightly forcing him to make his way to what seemed to be the living area. The room was something out of a cliche horror movie, not having been used for ages as the couches were dusty and the ceiling was covered in spiderwebs. "Well...Cant be picky.."

He sat on one of the couches, with some relief though the ensuing puff of dust made him cough.
Jen looked around, and then glanced over at her brother. “Looks like no one is home…” she said, since she hadn’t heard anyone answer her call at least and then started walking off into another room. “I’m going to look for a kitchen… see if they have ice anywhere,” she said, and disappeared around a corner. This place was creeping her out, big time.

As the group separates there chances of survival grow even more slim. The monster might just have an early bite.


The monster watched as Jen came around the corner. The monster stood at the end of the hallway, only a silhouette from the moonlight shining through.

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