Sleep Tight "Zzz.."

Jennifer stopped in her tracks as she had rounded the corner, seeing something by the end of it. The shadow startling her a bit, and she put a hand over her heart. “Hallo?” she mumbled, wondering if it was a person. She took a careful step back. Was there really something living here?

(What does the monster look like?)
Joseph heard Jennifer say hello to empty space. "There's no one here, Jennifer", he yelled across the house."You know what? I'm gonna come down there and prove it to ya". He quickly ran down the stairs and joined Jennifer, only to see the same monster. Reaching in his boots, he pulled out his revolver and shot at the terrifying monster. The monster's appearance was so unpleasant that Joseph was almost afraid to even shoot at the monster. Despite of this, he kept on shooting the monster, not even realizing that it didn't hurt the monster. "Die, bastard, die--", Joseph froze as his gun ran out of bullets. "RUN, RUN, RUN!!", Joseph shouted to Jen as he began to run away from the monster
Leroy was having trouble focusing through his shattered glasses. Hearing the shouts and seeing Joseph whiz past, he became unnerved.

"Run? Where to?" he called after the other man, shakily. What could everyone be freaking out about?
Jen was still backing away from the figure when Joseph suddenly arrived and made the loudest ruckus she could have ever imagined. “Joseph!” she complained and put her hands over her ears when he started to shoot the thing. “What the hell are you doing?” she exclaimed, but she still chose to take his advice and started to run. She didn’t even know where they were going, but she was guessing it was just ‘away’. So she ran down the corridor until she saw a new place to enter.

She round a corner to what appeared to be the kitchen and held a hand over her heart to catch her breath. What had just happened? She felt like nothing from the past few minuets had made any sense at all.
Midnyte stumbled behind everyone, holding her arm gingerly against her chest. She didn't really talk much on the car ride so it wasn't a surprise that she wasn't talking much now. She sat next to George, not really able to do anything else with a possibly broken arm from the crash.

She sighed heavily, leaning her head back against the wall, eyes closing. Her breathing quickly became shallow, but she was still breathing.

(I can edit to make it longer let me know)
(So sorry for abandoning this, stupid site, you don't check on post it don't get an update you on the others. Lets see if i can make up for it by reviving this)

"There you are Midnyte, I thought you.." George said noticing her stumble next him but stopped when she realized she didn't look well. He stood up painfully and stood over her to check on her, her arm looked bed and she seemed to be out of it"Hey. Hey! No sleep yet not before i know you are ok..."

However, before he could fully assess and help Midnyte, gunshots rang out from the kitchen and the yelling of Joseph and jen. They need help, he thought with concern, but Midy does to she cant be left behind. He agonized over the choice for what seemed like hours before starting to limp his way to the kitchen. She would be fine there, he tried to convince himself, the danger was elsewhere.

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