Sleep Tight "Zzz.."


Dirty Dan
DecpetaBOSS submitted a new role play:

Sleep Tight "Zzz.." - Don't join if easily scared :3

You and a group of friends decide to spend the weekend in the country. But unfortunately your car breaks down on the way there. The only sign of civilization is an old looking house in the middle of a large desert like field. When you got there it seemed empty, however something lurks inside. You shrug it off and prepare your sleeping bag for the night with your friends.







Relationships with other characters( Can be changed as people make more apps, But once the roleplay starts you cannot change this, make sure to discuss with the person before you put there character here. ):


1: No god-mode.

2: Your character could very well die so be prepared for that.

3: You may curse ( I would to in the situation you guys are about to be in) but keep it to a minimum.

4: Romance is defiantly aloud, it adds to the drama.

5:I will be role playing as a couple NPC's, the monster, and the narrator.

6: Put "My Application sucks" in your other section or I will now accept you.(Lol)

7: Have Fun!
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George drove the car down the country road, his window rolled down to take in the country air. He was proud of himself picking the best sunny day for the trip as the fields spanning both side of the roads were a sight during the trip. Especially for someone cooped up in a city for months. Yet something bothered him, the the fields were going on far too long, what seed like a couple of hours since there last stop, and there should be signs of life by now. Making it worse was the fact it was getting late into dusk so visibility will decrease rapidly.

"Hey navigator? How far to our lodge?" he asked the passenger next to him.
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Twisting the map that he held and cursing his GPS that had died last hour, Leroy reported "We should have been there forty-two minutes ago. Are you sure you didn't drive past it?" He stared intently at the large piece of paper that was supposed to guide the way. It seems like we were on the right path, so why have we not come across it? Geez, it's too dark to read this stupid thing at this time of day, he groaned mentally. He reached to turn on a light, but a small bump in the road was enough to jostle his hand, and he instead bumped it against the window. "Ouch," he muttered quietly. He turned to the seats further back, deciding that it might help to have other sources of information to solve this puzzle. "Did anyone see us pass the lodge?" Leroy called, pushing his glasses up with his index finger.
Adeline looked down at the map with confusion. She rotated over and over not knowing where they were going. "Umm...I don't know." She wrinkled her nose and looked towards the road to find a marking of some kind that can indicate where they were. She searched the sides, but all she could see was several trees ans shrubs that lined the side of the road. Looking back down to the map she noticed the car was slowing down. She turned her head towards George, "Come on you don't have to slow down because we are lost. I'm sure there's somewhere we can stop to ask for directions"
Joseph sat in the backseat as he pulled out a blunt. He didn't really care about where he was going, for he was appreciating the fact that he was hanging out with his friends. He pulled out his lighter as he inhaled the fumes. 'I know this is bad for me but......weed is the best', he said to himself as he exhaled the smoke. Adeline, George, and Leroy were busy fussing about the directions while he was just enjoying the cool blowing wind against his face. However, deep inside, Joseph was starting to wonder where the vacation house was, but he blamed on the drugs. "....just the weed talking". He was enjoying the smoke until his iPhone 5c began to vibrate. He quickly took it out of his pocket. When he looked at the screen, four shocking words were on the phones interface: YOU GUYS ARE DEAD. Joseph began to frown. "Ugh....guys!!! I think you should see this!! He passed the phone up to the front as he waited for them to read the anonymous text
"I havent seen anything since our stop, dont want yo missing anything else... Joseph please, open a window. I carpool people in this car, can't be having it smelling of weed. That is what the lodge is for. Also i hope you brought for everyone in class." He said when the first wiff of smoke hit his nose, the sensation he had to admit wasn't unpleasant but was the last thing he needed while driving. He yawned, was getting tired of driving and the placement of his feet on the paddles made his shins sore. The phone was eventually past next to him and he took a quick glance at it." What about it? the massage is blank probably an accidental sent."
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Jen was sitting in the seat behind her brother and had dozed off during the ride. It had been bumpy, but she could practically fall asleep anywhere if she wanted to. She woke up to the scent of weed, and wrinkled her nose a little, blinking her eyes open. “Joseph, you pot head,” she mumbled, no real bite to the words, as she woke and stretched her arms over her head lazily. Then she ran a hand through her bangs and looked around.

“Hmm? We’re still driving around?” she mumbled and glanced down at her watch on her wrist. “How many times did you guys take a wrong turn?” she questioned, and pulled one leg up with her on the seat, glancing out the window. It was strange being away from home, she rarely did that. Especially not with her brother, who she hadn’t seen for a while.
"Good evening. Counting the last one you were awoke for...None."He replied in best joking manner he could manage. looking at his sister through the rear view mirror."Probably what the problem was. That and you not taking the navigator mantle next me leaving me stuck with these two. Couldn't agree in anything these two."
Adeline frowned, "Hey! Leroy and I had been giving perfect directions. It's your driving that got us lost once you took that wrong turn." Adeline looked over to her right at Leroy for back up. The GPS had helped them a lot, but after it ran out of battery and George took a wrong turn, Adeline and Leroy had been trying to find a detour that would get them back into the main highway, but with three people in the front and an old school map that was probably outdated, it was harder than expected. "I still say to just stop somewhere and ask for directions."
"That would be smart, considering that we are using more gas than we had planned for," Leroy interjected. However, after a moment's pause and with an irritated sigh, he realized that Adeline's plan didn't work. And now we forgot that we don't know where "somewhere" is in "stop somewhere and ask for directions." Great. He continued to think through the situation, trying to somehow find a solution. He wasn't getting very far, but he didn't bother to ask for suggestions this time.
" any of you wanna hit??", Joseph asked to the obviously stressed navigators. They were so stressed that they even brushed off that text as if it was nothing. Jen was just waking up....and calling him a pothead. "Imma Stoner, Imma Stoner, Imma Stoner", he joked with Jen as sang the terrible rap anthem. He always had a TINY ITSY BITSY crush on Jen, but it never really affected him.....unless he was high.

It was just as the car was driving and everyone were fussing, that Joseph caught something in his peripheral vision. It was a tall dark figure and he couldn't really record the details because it was so quick. ".....what the hell", he mumbled as he looked behind him through the back windows, only to see nothing. He had hoped that he was just imagining this.....Hopefully......Possibly.....Rarely. His mind started to go deeper and deeper into questions about what he had saw. "Guys......". Just as he was calling to his friends, he saw the same figure, except it was more visible. It was laughing and pointing at the car. Strangely, Joseph felt as if this figure had some connection to the text. "Guys. I promise that I'm not high... But there's some figure out in the fields", he looked at everyone with a serious look that only his friends could detect as real
She smiled a bit, and shook her head by Josephs song. A stoner he was. And with Adeline and Leroy arguing on the front seat... this felt more like a family trip than anything.

Jen folded her hands on top of her leg and tilted her head. “If we haven’t taken any wrong turns why are we in the middle of nowhere?” she asked George in the rear-view mirror, glancing out the window, where there literally was… nothing. Nothing but long fields, and the sky that was slowly turning darker. She noticed that the GPS was off, and guessed that it most have run out of battery at some point. She could fix a car battery, but she doubted it was the same thing.

She looked over at Joseph when he spoke. “Hm?” she asked, looking out his window, and then stretched her neck to look out the back-window. “I only see fields..” she said. The look on his face concerned her a little though.
"Surely you are imagining things," Leroy scoffed, not buying into the 'I'm serious' attitude that Joseph put out. He stopped to quickly pluck the phone out of Joseph's hand, as well, seeing what it could have made up to spook the man so much. He scanned the message, paused, and read it again slowly. He hadn't misread it: "YOU GUYS ARE DEAD".

He handed the phone back before Joseph could even complain, resting his head in his palm. Some crazy sent this high guy a message. Of course it is going to mess with his mind, he sighed again. He glanced off into the fields vaguely, but then his eyes went wide. It was only a glance, but... there really was a figure in the fields. Humanoid, cackling, following the car with its head. "Strike what I said. Everybody, there really is something watching us."
Joseph watched in fear as the dark figure watched them contently. Immediately he rolled down the window,"HEY BASTARD!!! STOP BEING A CREEP AND LEAVE US ALONE". The figure didn't leave after Joseph screamed at it. Instead it slowly moved closer to the car. This angered Joseph and he screamed again,"HEY BASTARD!! I SAID LEA-". The figure came face to face with Joseph with only the cardoor as a protection. The car was moving, yet the figure was still at the car door's window. It didn't have legs and it's face wasn't human like. So how in the hell was it keeping up?? Joseph's mind raced into questions. Suddenly, his instinct over took him and he punched through the window to the figure. Instead of hitting the figure, Joseph's hand went through the figures face. He screamed in horror. "GEORGE!!! PUSH THE CAR UNTIL IT CANT GO ANY FASTER".
(i know maybe got to far but hey couldnt resist. Can delete if need up)

"Oh, come now you guys are jumping at scarecrows."He said using the the side windows to looked at the general direction of what the other were pointing at, he could see nothing but wide empty field."Joseph, man seriously, you gotta cut down on the we..."

He tried to say before, joseph began to scream about seeing someone chasing them. Still he could see nothing, he turned over his right soldier.

"Joseph relax! Jen could you do something about him..."He turned back to the road to be greeted by the sight of dark figure appear in the path of the car."Shit!"

The figure was to close for a gradual turn making George steer violently to avoid him, moving uncontrollably off road getting into a collision course to a tree.
Well, after that....everything went slow motion for Joseph. He saw the menacing smile on the figure's face as the car ran off of the road. He even felt himself eject from his seat to the car's roof. Pain surged through out his body as his neck took the devastating impact. The cardoor where he was sitting got severely molded as it smashed into the tree trunk. Glass from the door's window flew everywhere, some of it gave him cuts. After the sharp, sudden movement stopped, gravity came back to work and Joseph fell back down to the seat, face first.

After a few minutes of laying uncomfortably in the seat, Joseph managed to open the totaled car door. He slowly got to his feet, only to collapse again. While out in the air full of wind and dust, Joseph looked for the figure, but came to no conclusions. However, in a far distance, Joseph could see a old mansion. "G-Guys....t-t-there's our housssse-", he was barely able to speak words, so instead he pointed
The impact left him dazed for several minutes before gradually restoring his sight. His first sight was the broken windshield and tree, followed by the airbag and what looked like blood on it. He began to feel pain all over his body, particularly his legs trapped under the mangled front of his car. The pain was secondary as the worry for his siblings came to mind.

"Leroy...Jen...You guys dead? Please say no." he said painfully trying to move his head to look at them.
Joseph listened to George worry about Jen and Leroy. "T-t-they're f-fine for sure", he said to the stressed George. He noticed that George was in more pain than he was. "Come on man...let me help you out..", he said to George while still checking out their vacational house in his peripheral vision.
With a mumble signifying that he was alive, Leroy attempted to move, not noticing anyone else's pain right away. However, it turned out the back of his seat had been thrown forward, and was now squashing him uncomfortably. Other than that, he seemed uninjured. He moved his hand towards the little mechanism that would help him push the seat back into its usual position, but when he tried to push the back up, something stopped him. He realized there was someone strewn across the back of his seat.

"Sorry," he managed with a small cough, shifting the body he suddenly couldn't recognize off of the back. He came to three realizations at once. Firstly, his left arm was crushed. Secondly, his brother was stuck. Thirdly, his glasses had flown off in the crash. He resisted the urge to curse as he felt around for them with only his right arm. As soon as he found them he slipped them on, noting with dismay that one of the lenses had a crack down the middle and the other was missing completely. He looked to George worriedly. He attempted, with Joseph, to free him.
"Ah! Ahhh!"He cried in pain on his right foot as he was pulled out by Jeremy and Leroy. "Easy..Easy! My foot is not coming so easily, need some adjustment before i can move. Though...Though i think it sprained...Wait...Ahhh! Yep...Called it: sprained! God...jen your there? Don't want to survive a crash only for dad to kill me for losing you on our first trip...jen?"
After maneuvering through the car's tight spots, Joseph managed to free George, with the help of Leroy. "Man....we're gonna have to walk", muttered Joseph to George and Leroy. The black figure who caused te crashed floated around in Joseph's mind. "....that bastard. He oughta hide...YOU LITTLE B*TCH", Joseph screamed aloud in the air, directing it towards the figure. Joseph's gut was telling him that the figure was still around....Watching.....Waiting......Planning. As he laid George down on the ground, he felt in his pockets for his weed. Yes! He still had it. "....guys. I'm gonna go smoke some weed behind the tree to relieve some of this pain", he groaned to the two people.

He rested behind the tree. The fumes inside his lungs slowly gave him a sense of relief. 'dont think that I forgot about you brat.....' Joseph jumped when he heard the soft voice. It surely wasn't him. And there was no one beside him... Uh-oh
Jen was mildly speaking quite shocked when everything seemed to go to hell all at once. Everything seemed to happen in a flash, with Joseph flipping out over something by the window, and then the car driving off the road, and into a tree. She grabbed onto the seat, but still managed to knock herself into the front-seat with a gasp, and was showered by the small glass particles from the shattered windows. Then everything went quiet. For just a second. Only a faint buzzing sound audible in her ear. She had ended up in the bottom of the car, wishing to the higher powers that she had remembered that damn seatbelt.

She faintly heard the other speaking, and blinked back to her senses after a while with a groan. She picked herself up, having cut her shoulders a little on some glass and her lip was cut, but besides that she had luckily survived fairly unharmed. Which was a miracle. “I’m fine…” she mumbled in response, letting out a dry laugh by his joke. “I really hope you are too George… so I can kill you… with your license.”

She bit her lip as she slowly climbed out of the car. Okay, she had definitely got some bruises here and there.
"Walking will be really hard for George," Leroy said in a blank protest. He watched Joseph walk away, disappearing behind the tree's thick trunk. "Lay still, George; don't move your ankle. I'll see how Jennifer is doing-" he stood up and paused as he saw a shape emerging from the car, trying to wipe the dark smudge off of his remaining glasses lens. It came off with a wet feel to it and a reddish color. Dang, there's too much blood, he groaned. He recognized the shape as thankfully being Jennifer. He attempted to open the left rear car door from the outside, which seemed stuck for some reason. He yanked the handle harder and the door swung open. "Let's get a head count!" he called anxiously.
"Well, look at the bright side, jen. At least you have a project to during the week. Better then paying a garage."He said making a attempt to sit up. He felt a dampness under his nose, a dap with his finger revealed it to be blood. He reached into his pants pocket after brushing of glass,taking out a wad of tissue and pressing it on his nose. He noted Joseph going behind a tree with weed. He shook his head. "Joseph, for Christ sake, can't you remain lucid for five minutes at a time like this!? Could use your help here."
Joseph heard Leroy call for a head count and George call for his help. "I'll be there in a second..", Joseph called out to Them.

~don't ignore me brat! you and all of your friends are done~

Joseph looked around the field in both directions. Who was that talking to him? In an attempt to get away from the strange voices, He went and helped George up, since he couldn't walk himself. choose to ignore me. this isn't a voice in your's real. it's your choice to believe me or not~

Joseph was stricken with fear. "Guys......someone's still watching us...".

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