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Fantasy Sleep of the Gods [Character Sheets]



Paragon of Dreams
Roleplay Availability
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Godly Weapon:
Godly Power:
Fatal Flaw:
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Name: Jordan Lake
Gender: Male
Age: 22
God: Sun Wukong
Backstory: Born In Texas to one Jordon Lake and his Wife Chun his ancestry can be traced back to Irish on his father's side and chinese on his mother's' side. He had red hair and brown eyes growing up. He grew up taking dance and gymnastics. Although he stopped going to competitions when he was 16 he never neglected his gymnastic training. He has always had a penchant for mischief and pranks. Though not a bully at heart his pranks usually targets bullies or other people he perceived to be jerks. When he was 21 he went a step too far and pranked a known drug lord. This got him in hotter water than he could get out of on his own. One day he was kidnapped. Gagged. Chained to weights and thrown into a lake. But instead of drowning he awoke to a creature standing over him. A monkey in golden armor. The Monkey offered a hand and helped him up. Telling him that he had gained the favor of Wukong with his boldness and cunning mischief. Wukong offered to Jordan some of his power so that one day he might join him in his adventures with the time was right.
Godly Weapon: Ruyi Jingu Bang or The Jingu Bang, Wukong's own staff altered to allow the use of a mortal like Jordan. It is heavy enough to make powerful blows but light enough that it isn't too cumbersom and can extend up to twenty feet/
Godly Power: Wukong has blessed the hair on Jordan's body to transform as his does. Though with the stipulation that Jordan must study and understand the nature of a thing before he can transform his hair. As of the year in which Jordan has had this ability (making him 22 now) he can transform his hair into clones of himself though he cannot creat perfect clones yet. He can transform the hair into a wolf. A katana. And a wrench. He can only use four hairs at anyone time and it is stipulated that the larger the object he creates 9say if he studied and learned how to create vehicles) the more hairs are required to create the object,
Fatal Flaw: He is only as good as what he knows when it comes to transforming his hair, and his own reckless and mischievous nature has him acting rashly and trying to do things outside his current proverbial weight class

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Name: Naos
Gender: female
God: Urania
Backstory: Naos was made by Urania from a small constellation in the sky. As Urania wanted there to always be some kind of muse to inspire the humans especially as she felt the sleep calling out to her. So from the stars came Naos, she looked to be about twenty with blue eyes that seemed to sparkle, and very long silver hair. Noas finds mortals fascinating and tries to ask as many questions as she could to Urania about them but she was pretty quiet when in the other company of the other gods and powerful beings. She loves to spend her nights outside looking up at the stars.

Godly Weapon: a small staff
Godly Power: star guide- she can use the stars to show her the way to where she needs to go. Constellation companion - can use the constellations to aid her in a fight they become semi solid beings of what thier constellations are. She sometimes also likes to talk to them when shes board.

Fatal Flaw: Naos is way to naive and trusting as she hadn't had much opportunity to be around others. She likes to see the good in everyone.

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Name: Lu Cao
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: 1725755946246.png
God: Ho Hsien Ku mainly and secondly to the other seven drunken immortals. His favored by Dionysus.
Backstory: Born in Beijing, Lu had spent his life training in the martial arts. It was expected he would become a grand martial artist in kung fu and train his own dojo until one day at the age of 9 he took a sip of his father's rice wine. Angering his father, the old man went to attack Lu, only for Lu to respond by successfully defending against his father's attacks. His grandfather then realized the potential of Lu in the art of the drunken fist. For 4 years, his grandfather, a kung fu master, trained him in the art of the drunken fist to prepare him for the day he would meet Mao Lao, the drunken master in the mountains. At the age of 13, he went on the long journey carrying an entire barrel of rice wine up the 7777 steps to the home of Lao. Seeing the discipline, Lao agreed to train him in the art of the drunken fist. All 8 martial styles after the eight drunken immortals. He also learned the art of agriculture and alcohol making, brewing fine ales and distilling pure spirits from whiskey and vodka to saki and rice wine. He learned how to use a Jian, a Chinese sword. One day, the gods were observing his training when Ho Hsien Ku saw his fighting style and noticed it mimicked hers. When he finished his training, the goddess herself came down and disguised herself as a mere peasant woman. Asking for rice and drink, Lu served her rice and chicken with a warm cup of saki. He even offered her his bed for the night and to help her down the mountain. Touched by his compassion, Ho revealed herself at breakfast before the master and student. She offered Lu the chance to be her champion. Lu agreed and continued to train with the aid of his master as well as miss Ho. His training even brought the attention of the other drunken gods, and in turn they trained him in their fighting styles as they indulged in his drinks. By age 18, Lu had proven himself to be worthy enough of becoming the champion of miss Ho. He was then gifted a Jian from the drunken gods, and his master gifted him a special gourd said to have healing powers. It was then that his true journey would begin, a journey of mastery of the drunken fist.
Godly Weapon: Jian of the gods (Magical Chinese sword that is always sharp and never rusts.), Master Lao's Gourd (Infinite gourd that can heal moderate injuries, liquid is an alcoholic beverage of choice)
Godly Power: Enchanted Drunken Fist Kung Fu (With enough chi and alcohol, he can enhance his kung fu abilities.)
Fatal Flaw: Drunkard, Lu is always finding an excuse to drink.
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Teachers New
Name: Grant Treeborn
Gender: Male
God: Yggdrasil
Backstory: A teacher at The Cradle Grant graduated 50 years ago and teaches botany, nature magic, and some healing classes. Not much is known of Grant's past before he enrolled at The Cradle but his time there was filled with his impressive actions and kind deeds. Amongst mortals he is very popular and well liked with most students going to him for any help they need.
Godly Weapon: Yggdrasil staff
Godly Power: Avatar of Yggdrasil allows him to embody the Yggdrasil and gives him control over all nature in his area as well as the ability to open portals to different heavenly realms.
Fatal Flaw: Grant takes after the Yggdrasil and is endlessly kind but he believes in balance though he finds it hard to be as ruthless as the Yggdrasil is.
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Name: Grant Treeborn
Gender: Male
God: Yggdrasil
Backstory: A teacher at The Cradle Grant graduated 50 years ago and teaches botany, nature magic, and some healing classes. Not much is known of Grant's past before he enrolled at The Cradle but his time there was filled with his impressive actions and kind deeds. Amongst mortals he is very popular and well liked with most students going to him for any help they need.
Godly Weapon: Yggdrasil staff
Godly Power: Avatar of Yggdrasil allows him to embody the Yggdrasil and gives him control over all nature in his area as well as the ability to open portals to different heavenly realms.
Fatal Flaw: Grant takes after the Yggdrasil and is endlessly kind but he believes in balance though he finds it hard to be as ruthless as the Yggdrasil is.
(The world tree? noice)
Name: Amanra Setna

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Appearance: IMG_0178.jpeg

God: 13th Daughter of Set

Backstory: Amanra was born to the god of chaos Set, lord over the sands. She despises her father as she was left to grow up on streets of Cairo. Being born of Set has given her the strength to survive on her own and provide for herself. One day as she was scrounging for food she overheard something chittering behind her, upon turning around she saw a scarab on the ground in front of her, shining in the sunlight like a bright jewel. It watched her as she moved, pilfering some food from a nearby shop she quickly made her escape to her hiding spot only for the bug to follow her there

Godly Weapon:

Godly Power: sand manipulation, zoolingualism. Chaos aura (which can cause insanity in weak-minded subjects)

Fatal Flaw: Pacifist…
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Name: Aiolos Rinha
Gender: Fluid
Age: 19
God: Loki
Backstory: No one knows how Loki found Aiolos only that she showed up one day with Aiolos in her arms and declared him her son. Aiolos grew up traveling the world learning from other demigods or playing with mortals. As a result they are open minded though they tend to be a bit shy.
Godly Weapon: Ice Core it can transform into a weapon made of Jotun ice that is harder than steel
Godly Power: Passive cold aura and slight ice manipulation and the ability to shapeshift into a fly, a horse with 8 legs, a wolf, and a large serpent
Fatal Flaw: Shy and mischievous Aiolos struggles to interact with their peers but reacts well with those in lesser positions.
Appearance: 1725758499411.png
Name: Emilia (Mila) Marie Gutiérrez
Gender: Female
Age: 23
God: Chalchiuhtlicue
Backstory: Emilia comes from a small seaside town where her family owns and runs the local bakery and cafe shop. Growing up amongst the sea she grew up loving the water and was always found engaging in many different forms of water sports. From swimming and even stand-up paddleboarding during clam sea days. Along with her love of the ocean she is quite artistically skilled. Be it creating beautiful cakes, painting or creating delicate hand embroidery. She has quite a few hobbies as she always loves to keep herself busy. To her family's surprise Emilia ended up going to study marine biology, instead of the culinary arts as her family had hoped. During one of her work studies out of the coast of Mexico on the local reef ecosystem a freak storm rolled in. Thus causing Emilia to get swept by a wave bashing her head on one of the reef's rocks. Falling unconscious she started to drown, however before she could drown she was rescued by a beautiful woman wearing a beautiful teal native dress along with a distinctive headdress. The girl had been rescued by the Aztec goddess Chalchiuhtlicue, who had been watching her closely for a while, waiting for the right moment to tell her that she had grown to like the young woman. Gaining the favor of Chalchiuhtlicue for her love of the sea, its creatures, along with the pure and very nurturing way she had towards every being around her.
Godly Weapon: Given a godly chalice (it's more of a turquoise/ Jade colors) which when drinking directly from the vessel, it healsthe drinker. Two beverages can be formed within the cup, ‘chocolate’ for minor wounds or ‘pulque’ for much bigger injuries. As for fighting weapons she has weaving tools, though they have no magical abilities as they are just plain weaving tools. However one can learn to use them as weapons with the right technique.
Godly Power: Emilia was given the ability of water manipulation and rain summoning.
Fatal Flaw: Very trusting, helpful and caring. One to give you her shirt of her back or even all of her food if you needed it.
Personality: Emilia is friendly, caring, and a nurturing person. Like the sea she can be energetic, playful but at the same time quite graceful. Always trying her best to look on the positive side of things, keeping a smile on her face, although at times she is crying on the inside. She does know when to relax and be mellow like the calm waters of the sea. She isn't really shy, just quiet at times, when she is feeling mellow and observant. Though like the sea herself, the brunette can be unpredictable and has a strong fearful side, a side which she shows when those close to her get hurt. Determined and a bit stubborn but she will always do her best to help out others around her even if it means negating herself. She is a huge believer in not judging someone by their cover. (Or well she tries her best to follow this). Expressive and gets excited about the things she loves.
Emma is quite artistically skilled, and this can be seen in the love of baking and drawing, always enjoying learning new creative skills. Emma is a great swimmer having grown up by the sea. She adores anything cutesy, animals, nature and sweets.
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Name: Morgan Claeg
Gender: Female
Age: 88
God: The Morrigan
Backstory: On a battlefield a great soldier gave birth while protected by her fellow demigods. After a fierce fight that lasted 5 days against one of the worst monster surges known only as the great battle All the demigods were slain along with all the monsters leaving near perfect silence save for the cry of a baby. The Morrigan came down from on high and in a moment of saddness chose to take in the poor waif and raise her. From that day forward Morgan was raised to fight and has spent many years post graduation fighting moving from battlefield to battlefield in the name of both her mothers. Only recently was she pulled from the field to be a teacher.
Godly Weapon: Scythe and Daggers
Godly Power: Probability perception, shadow travel, Speak to birds, limited precognition, minor magic
Fatal Flaw: Love, The Morrigan loves deeply and with her whole being doing nothing in half measures. If she loves someone she would fight everyone for them even her patron.


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