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Fantasy Slaves to Armok, God of Blood, Chapter 4: Godbound

The Golden Mound

Turn 2


Action 1: The Better to Learn With
Following the Golden Mounds academic interests and enablement of Deals in Honey to continue his experimentation on the public, a school is quickly built to establish some standardization of learning and education in the realm. It is... fine. Nothing special, as these things go, and not a particularly grand structure, but it gets the job done. What academics that are in the Moundlands now have a place to share their ideas with the public in a sound environment.

However, all is not well. The main problem with this program is that, well, there's just one of them. People from all over the Moundlands have come to the founding chapter of this experiment in the hopes that they or their children might attend this novel construction, and the infrastructure of the city it dwells in simply isn't there to sustain this population level. While some have taken advantage of the sudden increase in demand, most of the locals see all this new congestion and prices increases to be a bad thing. Material investment to develop more schools around the domain would alleviate this issue, but for now, unrest has risen.

Gain: 1 Learned Laborer per turn (a resource that can aid in development and construction)

Lost: +1 unrest until a greater number of schools are constructed. (Materials Required)

Action 2: The Roads Very Much Taken
The Moundlands are an idyllic place. It was, of course, somewhat difficult to get around between the various highly defensible hubs. The Golden Mound sought to change that. Gleaming stone paths were erected, soon muddied by the migration of the masses. The traders of the Moundlands now had easier access to one another's villages and markets, and to the world abroad.

The only issue is, their markets were all fairly similar, and the domains around them were either dark or never returned from. When a proper trade deal is formed, the roads will be sure to aid in such matters, but for now, they're going mostly unused.

Gain: +1 to Trade Related Matters. (this will likely be treated as a bonus good available from trade actions taken)

Free: The Honeymonger's Menagerie
Hospital Research Log, excerpt 1:
Volunteer offered a brace of Rattlesharks. Symptoms of high energy and advanced cravings explained before transaction completed. Said he lacked an appetite anyways. Results: Arrested 10 days later for butchering the neighbor's cow without permission. One leg was picked clean. No sign of fire or cookware found at the barn. Volunteer kept supervised at infirmary, reasonable diet maintained. Cravings persist, though brought to manageable levels.

Gain: +1 Unrest, and....

The Honeymonger offers these three products (Pick One):

1.) 2 Units of Red Honey (Strong Pleasant Hallucinations)
2.) 2 Units of Solid Sunlight (Positivity Booster, High Elation in large area, potential for blindness)
3.) 1 Unit of Blood Honey (Strong Restorative/Regenerative Properties)

Turn 2


Action 1: Forming the Skeletal Legions
Through the application of a wealth of material and intellectual treasures, including the epitaph of a truly gigantic worm describing grand necromantic secrets, the dead have risen to serve Xavia once more. Though the populace is as ambivalent as ever about the actions of the state, they don't actually seem that upset over this. After all, some of the greatest heroes of their past are - at least partially - returning to fight amongst them once again. Though the people don't tend to go in for metaphors, many are optimistic and believe this will lead to good things, or at least less needless death from their own.

Gain Skeletal Legionnaires.

You may field 1 extra unit of Skeletal Legionnaires in all fights (until next MP threshold reached).

Significant progress towards MP threshold made (2/3).

Action 2: A Discussion with a Recalcitrant Diplomat

"A more permanent arrangement? Do you not have enough?" a large beetle-like negotiator gesticulates wildly as a rather embarrassed translator does his best. "This arrangement is built on the madness of others, not madness of our own. The survival of our peoples has been retained, for now. More is an unnecessary complication."

It is clear that general sentiment is against such an arrangement, though the translator indicates they may know a more amenable administrator....

Initial Reaction (poor), perhaps a deal can be cut during a scene?
The Hand of Haimas

Turn 2


Action 1: A Stable for the Mule
As the last board was put in place, the Hand of Haimas felt a similar peace fall over him to that experienced at the wooden house on the lake. Perhaps it is through hands like his that godly actions are truly enacted?

Resting in the cabin, the gift of Samiah was provided a gift in turn. Several of the sores along the beast's legs have receded, and so too the ailments of plant life in the clearing fell away. Upon this bed, in addition to ample nourishment for his steed, several flowers not seen since well before his fall have begun to grow shrubs and bulbs here. While it is clear there is still much to be done, the soft white glimmer of these petals can only be a good sign, right?

Additionally, the Hand in his walks to and from this place has seen flickering shadowy forms tending the green pasture. They seem to curate the plants, and occasionally a small bouquet is left between the boards near Rhyton's sleeping spot.

Gain a steady supply of Shimmering Lilacs (One per turn). The Hand of Haimas may use these to help convince another of their sincerity, allowing them to add their Absolution score to their Charisma for the purpose of one roll (current total of 3 dice rolled, with +1 to the results for including Absolution). One unit of Shimmering Lilac is consumed per use.

Additionally, at the beginning of each turn, you may roll 1d6. On a 1, 5, and 6, another plant has grown in your pasture.

Action 2: Fight Rigging Costs 3 Mana, Actually
Establishing a fight fixing ring in Xavia is a bit of an uphill battle, as there's already a fairly massive state sponsored fight fixing ring smack dab in the middle of the capital. However, after some heartache and a few failed attempts (authorities alerted, though you personally can't really be caught this way), you do manage to get a setup put together taking advantage of the slow days at the major arenas.

At the beginning of each turn, roll 1d6. On a 1, you gain 1 Suspicion in Xavia. On a 4 or 5, you gain an Indebted Citizen in Xavia. On a 6, you gain 1 EP from the haul.

If you ever have 3 or more Suspicion in one domain, your criminal enterprises there are busted, and you lose any abilities that generate Suspicion in that domain. If your control over a domain increases, the threshold for Suspicion will increase past 3.

Indebted Citizens are a resource that is useful for pulling off greater criminal acts within their associated domain.

Turn 2


Action 1: Raid on the Graughtsman's Laboratory
There are many names the people of your domain fear, the foremost in the western mountains being Namith Gheryon, a mad mage simply called the Graughtsman by those in the area. Known for capturing the beasts and monsters of the land and grafting them together in unfortunate ways, the Graughtsman craves the perfection of forms, and he often takes sentient subjects to work on. Certainly a pretty bad guy, all in all, who has amassed quite the collection of odd beasts and specimens.

His laboratory sticks out like a sore thumb in the dark, the eerie glow from his work bathing the mountains in a pale green glow.... Will the madness end here?

(Gain Knowledge of the Graughtsman and Preparation to Face the Graughtsman.)

Action 2: An Investigation into the Mayor of Tiddlemouth
It turns out, the supposed mayor of a far-flung town you've somehow already heard of lavishing gifts upon your populace is NOT a good person. The populace - and many of your lookouts and spies, are utterly bewitched by his public persona and strange charm. In fact, nothing seems to pierce this front, save for the raving of beggars and the haste at which animals flee his presence....

It is in the beggars' ravings that some clues are found. Your people manage to take one in before the Mayor's kind guards get to them.

"How do you not see it," the man shrieks, a horrified gleam in his eye. "He's filth! A howling, buzzing swarm of vermin! Disgusting flies and wasps and locusts and things in a tattered suit! And the food-" at this he begins retching, nearly passing out from the exertion....

The good news is, even if the beggar is to be believed, the Mayor's influence isn't growing all that rapidly. Your people simply aren't used to nice things appearing out of nowhere, and while the man seems quite trustworthy, most simply don't accept his gifts for now. So, this may grow into a problem over time, and a few foolish people do seem a bit more gung-ho about the gifts of this creature than before, but it hasn't grown nearly as much as it could have in a more trusting community.

Due to the covert nature of this operation, the Mayor does not seem to have a significant retinue with him beyond a few dozen guards.

(Gained Knowledge of an Unsightly Infestation)

(Current Infestation level: 1/9)

As both of these situations are, unseemly, and the rolls for your actions were pretty solid, I'll allow you to pick one to try and resolve as a scene and the other will be auto-resolved in a quicker bout of rolls.

Based on the knowledge you've gained:
The Mayor is likely a Godbound level threat, based on the widespread reach of his abilities and nightmarish existence. At best your military on its own could rally the town against him and fend him off. Which means he could start trouble somewhere else or invade on later turns (it is very unlikely this trick will work here again, in any case). If you wanted to end him, you likely would need to show personally, and have a decent plan for keeping him from fleeing.

The Graughtsman is a much more local threat, meaning the concerted effort of your troops could probably besiege his lair and take him out. However, it is unlikely they'd leave any of his abominable projects in a salvageable state....

You could also probably take yourself AND your troops to deal with one of these hazards, leaving one to go unchecked for a turn, if you have a decent idea for how it would be beneficial.
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Turn 2 - Lin Feng

Lin Feng looks down at the table map, looking at the regions where he could next venture to. He took some steps back, and quite literally tossed his sword and.... it lands on the region called Lost Carcosa. The Sword Saint smiles, and it seems like that is where he will head next. He hopes he can find a worthy opponent there. After all, to truly hone his swordsmanship, he needs to fight against someone.

(Sorry, short post. Quite sick.)

From a random roll, I will be traveling to Lost Carcosa.

Order 1: Honing of the Blade
Training never stops. Ling Feng will continue to train his swordsmanship. He seeks to break free from his limitations as one day, he will swing his sword and slice through this forsaken dimension.

Order 2: Find a Worthy Opponent
The Sword Saint seeks a worthy opponent to defeat.
Petyr Aleksey
Turn 1

Blood roared in his ears, just barely unable to drown out the clashing of swords and Spears or the cracks of rifles. Around him his cavalry wheeled, turning to charge once more into the fray and him with it.

"Into them men, run them down," Petyr roared, a wordless howl matching as they let out cries of battle. He looked forwards at the press of bodies that made up the front lines, guiding his mount gently to aim at a section that had his men being beaten soundly. As he thundered towards the fray, he raised his sword and, once close enough, lashed out ready for the impact-

-Only to shoot up in his bed with a choked off shout. Around him two bodies shifted before they started stilling once more. As he breathed deeply, he ran a hand through his hair, the slight tugs of the tangles helping to ground himself once again. Carefully extricating himself, he stepped towards a small table and took the flagon of wine that was upon it, pouring himself a generous glass before he turned to stare out the open window.

"How many times," The Slavic man muttered to himself, taking a sip of the wonderful blend. "How many times will I find myself on that field? Find myself among those traitors? Watch as I kill for them, only to be killed in turn."

Even as he pondered, the moon slid out from behind the clouded sky and illuminated the city that he had taken up his residence in. And, as he stared over the new realm that he had conquered, he reaffirmed his decision. This time, there would be no quarter, no chance for any to do what his old company had done. This time, the world would be his, or it would all burn.


Action 1 - "To leave a possible enemy well within the realm is folly aplenty, I would attempt to meet with one or the other of these strange people."
- Petyr Aleksey
Petyr will attempt to make contact with the small speeding ship, the man of metal, or both.

Action 2 - "To leave our own borders weakened as we bear our arms at another's would see our lands turned to rubble, therefore we will strengthen ourselves till none may challenge us."
- Petyr Aleksey

The borders of the Scattered Hand will be strengthened, 1 MP being devoted solely to the cause.​

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