Slave RP!


Queen of the Nerds
This is the sign up for my Slave RP. If you weren't part of the discussion rp then please ask me before joining. This will be a human slave and demon master RP.

Slavery was once in the past of human lives. It was abolished then forgotten, never to be seen again. Until now that is. Demons have found a way to enter the human world. They grew tired of their own world so they now want to explore the surface. They caught humans by surprise, taking over their semi-peaceful lives. Every human was rounded up and placed into small, enclosed cities to be counted, sorted, and controlled by the demons.

The fate of the humans is soon to be decided. The choice is small, the decision large. Send the humans to death or make them demon slaves? The choice was simple.

Humans are slaves.


- I expect good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. (I know people make errors so try your best and you'll be fine.)

- Keep in character as much as you can.

- Be careful what you post! Don't get a warning from GgAcE.

- Violence is going to be part of this RP but keep it under control.

-Have fun!


- Violence is a part of this role play. If you do not like this then... the exits are here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, anywhere!"

Form- Weaknesses are mandatory, no one is invincible. I ask for personalities to be descriptive and thorough. Special features are optional. If you have read the rules and warning then put the name of your character in red. You may include a picture. If you do include a picture, don't put “picture” under hair, eyes, complexion, etc. Please describe it as best you can then at the bottom of the form place you picture.




Species: (Human or Demon)

Age: (For Demons- Real & Looks)












Special Features: (Scars, Birthmarks, Tattoos, Piercings, Etc.) (Most slaves had their jewelry taken away upon enslavement.)


Once everyone has their charries made I will assign pairings of master and slave. This will be done fairly and by similarity and differences between characters so that the story is more interesting.
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Name: Ruron J. Zadahr

Nickname: Mr. Zadahr by most people, Zad by friends

Gender: Male

Species: Demon

Age: Real- 1560 Looks- 20

Likes: Ruron likes many things: Hot chocolate, Vodka, reading, warm homes, quiet places, food, bagels, and pets (both animal and humans.)

Dislikes: Loud noises, large crowds, annoying human voices, being looked down on, being told what to do, People stealing from him, others getting close to him only for his riches and power, and other people hurting his pets (Again animal or human.)

Weaknesses: He has a hard time controlling himself whether anger, appetite, or curiosity. He also gets emotionally attacked quite easily.

Personality: Ruron is mean, rude, and aggressive, but this is only to keep people out and to guard himself. He also builds walls around himself for the same reason. Once past his walls and front personality he can be sweet, caring, and gentle. A lot of noise at one time can cloud his senses and make him bolt from the situation. Kier is very independent, cunning, brave, protective, distant, and cautious. He fiercely protects loved ones, friends, and the innocent/defenseless to the death.

Biography: Ruron was born of the high family of Zadahr, a rich, noble family of demons. His father was the first of the demons to breach the surface and so was honored with larger sums of money from the Demon King. In the war to capture humans, Ruron’s mother, Mirella, was killed by humans. After her death, Ruron and his father didn't often see eye to eye which caused Ruron to go his own way abandoning his father and the memories of his dead mother behind him to start a new life on his own.

Other: He blames humans for his mother’s death and punishes them likewise often.


Hair: Ruron has dark brown hair with streaks of dirty blonde running through it. His hair is usually styled messily with a beanie or other hat atop his head. (Picture)

Eyes: Smoky grey eyes with gold around the irises. They seem to stare right through you and melt your heart at the same time.(Picture)

Complexion: He has slightly tan skin but on the lighter side.

Build: Broad shoulders, a strong back, and wide chest give him a bigger build. His arms are slightly muscular as are his legs. Ruron makes it a habit of working out in some way, shape, or form very often without constantly going to a gym. He stands at around 6 feet tall. Special Features: Spider bites piercing. (Picture) Other: He has a Chocolate Shepherd (Half German Shepherd half Chocolate Lab) named Tonks
Name: Erokec

Nickname: Ero

Gender: Male

Species: (Human or Demon) Demon

Age: (For Demons- Real & Looks) Real-1610 Looks-22

Likes: Of course pets-preferably human-, roses, red wine, melodramas, reading, poetry,

Dislikes: extremely bright places, loud children (actually most children in general), hypocrites, people who try to act like they are better than everyone else, people who whine and complain to get attention

Weaknesses: He can be too cruel sometimes and hurt those who he cares for. His arrogance also sometimes can be a weakness as he forgets that sometimes you just have to care for about what other people think.

Personality: Ero is actually really caring he just has a funny way of showing it. He is cruel and sadistic, even the thought of someone else’s pain brings a smile to his face. He gets irritated with people easily sometimes even the smallest things annoy him. Although he is brutal and mean he can be sweet and kind too but only to the people he cares for. Everyone else he will be respectful to but if you don’t show him the same respect he’s likely to lash out in anger. He's often quiet and gets lost in thought easily

Biography: He was adopted as a child and was raised for a short time in a human house hold. He was picked on by his older siblings-something just wasn’t right about him they said. They were right. As soon as they found out what he truly was they kicked him out (he was around 8 in human years at the time.) He luckily was found by another of his kind who had faced a similar fate. The guy raised Ero until he was about 17 in human years and then left him on his own.



Hair: Picture Medium length wavy light brown hair

Eyes: Picture his eyes are silver but to humans they look darker more grayish. He often weres thick black eyeliner.

Complexion: Light skin tone

Build: 5’8” and while pretty lean he is rather muscular.

Special Features: (Scars, Birthmarks, Tattoos, Piercings, Etc.) (Most slaves had their jewelry taken away upon enslavement.) regular ar piercings, nothing to special

Other: has a bad habit of smoking,



(this picture is actually what imagine him looking like over all, just sayin)

It's not great right now, I may make minor adjustments later
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Name: Eimin Craw

Nickname: E.C, Crow

Gender: Male

Species: (Human or Demon) Human

Age: (For Demons- Real & Looks) 16

Likes: Sweets, being patted on the head, his hair being messed with

Dislikes: People , anything besides sweets, his emotions being played with, the light, hope

Weaknesses: His hair being pulled, the light, people bringing up his family, His lower back

Personality: Eimin is a silent boy, he doesn't care for much anymore, after the incident. He only does what he is told , and he does it right. He hates talking so his social life isn't out there like most. He doesn't view himself as high and mighty, someone who can rule. He thinks he's worthless, can do nothing but follow orders or make enemies , so he keeps to himself. Like everyone else, the want freedom, a life but Eimin wishes for the opposite. Deep down inside he doesn't mind being pushed around, shoved into he dirt, follow orders or be called worthless and scum. He enjoys It more than anything, it grew on him like a leach. If he had a choice to leave or stay he would choose to stay.

Biography: Eimin was born into your normal day family. He had a father , a mother, a little sister and big brother. They lived in a two story house on main street. The neighbors were friendly and the animals that ran a stray were nicer than your average alley cats. They followed rules, curfew. He even went to school. But even though this may seem normal it really wasn't it. Behind his closed doors it was like war in his home. His sister would have sex with his brother and the mother would bring random men into the house from out back. His father locked himself away in his room never to be seen again until dinner, lunch and breakfast. He was probably the only normal one. He went to school, got good grades even made friends. That didn't last though. The news about his sister and his brother go out , so now everyone thought he was doing dirty things to. His friends were his enemies, and the kids started to beat him up after school. This became like a routine now, he had gotten used to it so much, he waited for them to come, he enjoyed it. The day his family left him alone in that house. The father committed suicide, the mother eloped with her new lover, and his siblings vanished without a trace, he was left alone. He felt like trash, filth a big rumor that everyone knew about. He had stopped going to school and decided to pick fights in the alleys of downtown. He completely threw away his sane self and became like those savages who steal for nothing.

Other: He believes no matter how hard he tries to thin, he will always think of himself as trash, filth a one big rumor that will never go away


Hair: Pure White

Eyes: Deep blood red

Complexion: White, almost looks pale

Build: Eimin weighs 154.5 pounds and is 5'5 in height. He has natural pure white hair, that comes down to the front of his face, hiding the top of his eyes. The back of his hair comes down to the nape of his neck. The side of his hair covers his ears a little when he tilts his head down or back but when standing straight up, his ears are hidden. He wears a tight black tank , that shows the definition of his chest and 8 pack. He wears black baggy pants that cover half of his feet. On the pants are three pockets both on the right and left side giving him a total of six pockets. In the loop of his pants are trouser straps that hang against his legs for fashion. He barely wear shoes but when he does he wears black sneakers that have three shoelace and a Velcro strap at the top. He wears open fingered gloves on both hands, which are also black. He rarely wears a jacket but when he does it's green with pockets on his upper chest. Both open with zippers and a button. He has dark red eyes that look like dried up blood and black eyelashes. On the rim of his right ear he has small dud piercings. In his mouth he has a small dud piercing on his tongue. On his right arm is a tattoo of a closed eye.

Special Features: (Scars, Birthmarks, Tattoos, Piercings, Etc.) (Most slaves had their jewelry taken away upon enslavement.) He has a flame tribal tattoo on his right shoulder. He had small dud piercings on the rim of his right ear and on his tongue

Other: He is good with hand to hand combat due to his brawls in the streets

Name: L Shaw

Nickname: L

Gender: Male

Species: (Human or Demon) Demon

Age: (For Demons- Real & Looks) Real-148 looks-25

Likes: Food, Short people, Reading, Taking walks, Beating up people for fun, Telling someone how low they are

Dislikes: Those who look down at him, those who speak ill of him, those who try to think there better than him, loud people, those who beg for mercy

Weaknesses: Attacking his neck, reciting a scripture from the holy bible, holy water

Personality:Although he is known to be a violent fighter, L's actions tend to be for the best. He has a very poor sense of direction, at times asking koko for help (even though her sense of direction is just as bad). L lives for battle, and enjoys a good fight more than anything. He even holds back in an effort to make any fight last longer. He claims injury and death are nothing but the price one pays for a good fight. Despite his tendency to be brutal, L usually stops a fight if his opponent is too injured to fight back, claiming he is not interested in fighting "weaklings who can't fight anymore", and he does not feel obligated to deal a death blow to anyone who cannot fight any longer. However, he will unhesitatingly kill his opponent if they refuse to end their fight.

Biography: L was at first a low class demon. He had no ambition, no drive, no motivation to make it to the top of the food chain. He was strong but just didn't want to do it. then that one day, one of the higher demons looked down at him. They called him out, how useless he was. He who would smile all the time, lost his grip and gave him a glare. With just seconds the man was burned to ashes. His hair movement's were so swift not even the devil king himself could see it. Because he killed him , he gained the man' title. He didn't want to and saw no use for it but kept it anyway. Gods fury, was his name, what they called him. He was bored of it though, his name, his life. He wanted something new, and what better way to take out this boredom with taking over a new world.



Hair: Deep red

Eyes: Deep red

Complexion: tan

Build: L was a tall man. He wasn't muscular but he wasn't lanky either. He had nice deep red hair that spiked up from the back to the front. His pupils were red but behind it was pitch black. He wore a shirt , buttoned up striped shirt along with a vest he wore on top. He had three buttons each with a word inside. Death, hate, pain. He wore nice black pants that bunched up at the bottom where he wore his red shoes with laces that are tucked in on the side. On his wrist he wears a bracelet that is chained to two other ones that are skinner than the first. On his left he wears one huge thick braceltet with studs around it, and four smaller ones. On his right hand are two silver rings. In his ear's are four piercings hammed tight inside, never to come out.

Special Features: (Scars, Birthmarks, Tattoos, Piercings, Etc.) (Most slaves had their jewelry taken away upon enslavement.) He has stich mark around his neck

Other: Pet hound koko, he smokes
Name: Dorian Branwen (The full name means "fiery little raven")

Nickname: Rise

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Age: 16

Likes: Intellectual discussion, strategy, science, philosophy, battle, technology, improvising, heights, competition, the ocean, surviving, birds, learning.

Dislikes: Being controlled, oppression, loosing, idiocy, being called a "pet", when she is NOT in control of a situation, being in enclosed spaces with other beings, being judged or criticized emotionally, being grounded (not as in the type one is when they are in trouble with parental units, but that in which she is not free), having to be constrained ether mentally, emotionally, or physically, having a debt to owe a person, being saved or taken care of, dealing with annoying people.

Weaknesses: Though she appears as though she is the opposite, her capacity to stand up for others in need is a huuuuuggee problem, as it always gets her into trouble. Speaking of trouble, it has a knack to follow her everywhere. She can hallucinate at times, which can come in pretty handy to whomever she is fighting at the moment, but just sucks for her. And her left eye is blind, which is an obvious weakness.

Personality: Many say that she is a natural born leader, but that is simply not true. Dorian had leadership thrust upon her, and found herself partaking in that path less then willingly at first. But gradually, she came to accept the fact that she had no other choice but to continue (notice she accepted the fact of it, opposed to it itself). She is strong-willed, feisty, independent, and intellectual. Dorian appears as simply cold and astringent, but is in fact deeply caring in nature (you have to dig and get to know her for a while to see that, though). She is very philosophical, though strange in the ways of expressing it. Being calculating and intelligent, she can see the world from a great many different perspectives. She is as stubborn as she is determined, and as soon as she has her heart set on a goal, she will never stop until it is complete. Dorian is as competeive as possible, and welcomes any challenge with open arms. She is also very strange, and her methods would be considered questionable by most, though you will quickly learn that her instincts are best to be followed. Prone to emotional swings, she is actually exceedingly skilled at maintaining a strong wall of ferocity, hardly ever allowing people to see her compassionate heart clearly. Also being very witty and clever, she tends to have a difficulty keeping her mouth shut. But when she needs to be, Dorian WILL without a doubt be the smoothest talker you will ever encounter. Even with her coldness towards others, when it comes to motivating people, they are truly moved by her words and taken aback by her ideas and concepts. Be prepared to encounter some of her very weird habits, as she has a great many.

When it comes to fighting however (as she is an expert in hand-to-hand combat) Dorian is fast, agile, and unpredictable. Her blows are precise and will come out of seemingly nowhere. She never fights an opponent who is extremely weaker then her for very long, and though she has honorable tendencies, is not afraid to fight dirty when left with no other choice.

Biography: Dorian was one when her parents were torn apart by demon soldiers, right before her eyes. They allowed her to live, though only for one reason and one reason alone: science. She was sent to the specialist of laboratories, where she was the product of various formations of agonizing pain. Two years later, however, the girl was sold to a a particularly important demon by the name of Denicalis. Enduring brutal torture and horrific endearments ever since she could remember, Dorian found herself to soon be the product of vicious science experiments by the demon himself as well, Deinicalis leading such an important research group which she had been transferred to. She was one of many humans to go through the experimentation, yet one of the very very few to actually survive.

She was 8 when she began really plotting. For four years she planned her escape into freedom, for four more years she went through the most gruesome of exploits by her "master" and his peers. However, ever since she came here, she was learning and observing, tracking each word and each motion.Then, she turned 12.

Eventually, during a session of being in one of her torturous experimental sectors......

She attacked Denicalis.

And she killed the demon scientist. Then, during a process which would take far to long to describe, she got a hold of the guards weapons and managed to kill several other entities. Then she escaped, at what seemed to be for good.

Dorian traveled through the zones for a short amount of time, but soon discovered what would change her life from then on out:

The amateur rebellion. They were broken, scattered, lost. With assaults on their demon oppressors only stretching on a small scale, the horizon was bleak and dark. Then she found them, or more likely, they found her. Dorian began collaborating with the rebellion, and in a few weeks provided them with their best and brightest ideas. In those few weeks, they accomplished more then they had in several years. They knew that they needed a new perspective. They needed hope. They needed strength. They needed a leader. Less then willingly, that position was soon thrust upon the young girl in their act of desperation and plea. She had no choice but to accept, swearing her view would only be accessible for a short amount of time.

But she stayed with them for four years. And the "Resistance", as it is now known, became a global organization sweeping across all nations, an underground movement with operations ABOVE ground, posing an actual threat to the demon overlords. Some saw her as a revolutionary, a visionary, a madman with incredible ideas that would save their independence. Others saw her as an insane young girl who was in far to over her head. Yet they persisted.

Then that one run happened. With this assault on a particularly dangerous area, everything went wrong. An informant for the demons had infiltrated the ranks of the Resistance, and the "enemy" had been waiting for them.

In order to save her fighters, she had to sacrifice herself.

The demons decided that instead of killing her, it would serve as a better message to take the humans symbol of "freedom" into permanent custody, where she now resides awaiting to be asigned to a be a slave to her new master.

Other: Frankly, she's nuts. Coo-coo for cocoa puffs. Insane. Off her rocker. Crazzzzyyyy. A But smart about it, so her motives count. She also has a photo-graphic memory.


Hair: Her hair is kept relatively short, as she hates having to maintain it were it to be at a longer length. It is smooth, thick, and colored a dark brown streaked with natural shades of chestnut.

Eyes: Naturally, she has large, doe-like dark brown eyes. But due to a battle some time back, her left eye is a piercing silver, though it is blind.

Complexion: A beautiful, pale, marble-like ivory.

Build: She is just below average in height, at exactly 5"3 and a half. She is slender, though curvy, having a firm and well-built frame.

Special Features: Stretched across her collarbone is a beautiful black raven, each wing traveling a little past her shoulders. On the small of her back there is a moon and a sun formed together by swirling shadows, which turn into whisks of feathers traveling along her side. She has scars along her stomach, arms, legs, and back, one in particular stretching across the top of her forward over her left eye.

Other: Despite her scars, she has an attractive sense about her. Not beautiful in the traditional way, but very striking and enticing in a mysteriously independent uniqueness.


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Name: Randall Camden

Nickname: Randy

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Age: 22

Likes: Quiet. The times when he can be alone in his thoughts. However he also likes being around nice people. Music. Reading.

Dislikes: Being called a "pet". Violence. Blind hatred. People that look down on him.

Weaknesses: When he was young, he hurt his leg so he has a slight limp when he walks. Coincidentally, it's hard for him to run. He can't stand up for himself. He can stand up for other people, sure, but when it comes to himself, he just takes whatever is being thrown at him. Knives and other sharp objects.

Personality: He's an introvert. His head is always up in the clouds, thinking about random stuff or actual important stuff -- like escaping, which he doesn't see as an option anyway, just a good thing to think about. He gets nervous easily, but he tries not to show it. He generally seems calm, even if he's panicking inside. He has trouble communicating with people, because putting his thoughts into words is just so hard. So he generally doesn't have deep conversations with people. He has strong beliefs that he doesn't know how to convey, so he doesn't state those, either. Not that he would under these conditions, anyway, but..

Biography: His family had just been a normal middle-class family. He had an okay life, of course never getting everything he wanted. But he was okay with that, he hated being selfish. He loved his younger (by two years) sister, and only sibling, to death. She was the only person he could really talk to without stuttering and stumbling over his words. Because of his trouble conveying his thoughts, he was picked on quite a bit by other kids. Which really didn't bother him until he was in his teens, when he started to become depressed. When the demons came, he grabbed his sister and ran off after his parents had been killed. They'd run for a few months, but eventually the demons had caught up with them and killed his sister in front of his eyes. Since then, he's just somewhat submitted to them. He's had one or two masters before, and he's kind of scared about his new one.

Other: He submitted, but he never completely gave up hope.


Hair: dark brown and shaggy, always falling into his eyes.

Eyes: dark brown

Complexion: Pale but not a cute or mysterious kind of pale, more like the awkward "I'm too lazy to go outside" kind of pale.

Build: He's 6'2, and about 178 pounds. He has a little bit of muscle.

Special Features: Yeah, his upper arms are covered in self-inflicted scars. Since then, he's developed a fear of knives. Like, since his sister died. He also has two tattoos. One is an infinity sign with 'family' in the middle of it on the inside of his wrist, and the other is an owl feather on the opposite forearm.

Other: x



Name: Malum

Nickname: Mal

Gender: Female

Species: Demon

Age: Real: 120. Looks: 20

Likes: Playing with the Humans, teasing and being comical (To the humans around her), those that are tall and wolves.

Dislikes: Being told what to do, secreatly hates confliction with others, those thinking they are higher than her. Creepy crawlies

Weaknesses: She can become too attached, be that to a Human she happens to 'Love' being around and teasing, or another of her kin she can actually relate to. This can cause severe problematic issues with her, making her somewhat vunerable despite being a Demon. Her horns are also her weakness; She is extremely sensitive upon them so a stroke or something will send her in an upmost frenzy and she will try to escape- They can induce pain depending on the level of firmness of the touch.

Personality: She finds Humans fun, she finds having them as a slave fun, she even finds (Sometimes) annoying other Demon's fun! Over all she carries an air of childishness around her wher ever she goes, yet despite this charade she is actually wise and mature for her years when she lets herself go. Deep inside she has much baggage, but doesn't really let it on. Unless, of course she connects with you. She is also very territoral with what is hers, so she boasts a very strong, protective aura to either her Human or perhaps a Demon she feels strongly for, with her, race, nobility and all that hassel doesn't matter if you put her on the wrong footing.

Biography: Malum is a somewhat mid-rank Demon, not boasting enough to be high and mighty like most of the noble Demons, yet isn't as swimming in the mud as much as low rank Demon goes, where she resides she has how ever see a continuation of conflicts, mainly between the lower and higher ranking Demons that aren't for 'Taking orders from snobby people' of course, though she could relate to them she never personally had an issue, untill one day that is.

She has always been curious and witty, going about her business and seeing a Noble Demon that she did infact become infatuated with from her respect and admiration of him, many how ever hated the idea of 'Mixing' so one day she had to stand and watch as other's of his 'Rank' took him away and was then punished.

This has caused her to hold resentment to those higher than her, making her somewhat stubborn to listen even acknowledge them, she isn't afraid of being hurt. For she will stand by what she believes in.

Other: She has a pet wolf called Spera, making their names when together spell 'Evil Hope= Malum Spera' they are a team and where one goes, another follows.

Appearance Hair: It is short purple which is spiked up at the crown of her head. It is naturally like this, both in colour and style.

Eyes: They are a very bright, sun-colour yellow. They are also naturally like this and very rarely filters through her true feelings.

Complexion: Is rather resonable, not pale, and not toned. Just in midst so a soft pinky colour?

Build: Standing at a mere 4ft11 she is very small for a Demon, yet is somewhat curvy still and weighs in at around 125kg.

Special Features: She has a huge Bell-Collar around her neck that jingles anywhere she goes, many think this is just a fashion statement she has but it is infact to help her remember what has happened; A memorial to the Noble she lost.

Other: Strikling and visably hard to miss, she has Horns upon her head, she doesn't use these, but she feels proud of them and find they add to her quirkiness more, and yes they are attached to her head!

Name: Lucas Coil

Nickname: LC, Luke

Gender: Male

Species: Demon

Age: Real- 1162 Looks- 25

Likes: To be on his own, to have his way by using kindness. Silence and serenity. To be in charge and to have others respect him for that. Kindness to others, even when he looks quite cold and calculated. Rain, somehow he loves the rain, maybe it is because the sun can hurt his eyes.

Dislikes: Loud annoying people who think they own the place. Sun with a lot of heat, pain, greed and respectfulness. Can't bare to watch someone suffer, even when he can get very violent himself.

Weaknesses: Kindness, he will do whatever it takes to save others and so he is often found in the line of fire. He also can't stand it when people hit his right ankle, it has been weak from the moment he was born and when it gets hit hard enough he will fall to the floor.

Personality: Lucas is a demon but he never wanted to be one, that makes him cold and calculated. He prefers to observe and so he looks like the silent type that doesn't do anything. Though you shouldn't be mistaken, he can be a good fighter once he is provoked and he has kind of a short fuse when it comes to other demons. He just can't stand injustice, he just looks and acts like a badboy, using sarcasm and charm to get what he wants but he actually had a golden heart once he trusts you. He would do anything for the people he cares about.

Biography: Lucas never had wanted to become a demon, but he sold his soul to save his sister from a terrible illness that would slowly eat her life away. He was a happy young lad while he lived but becoming a demon made him bitter, knowing that he needed to get to the top if he wanted respect there. He used every trick in the book to get as high as possible and he is now a demon that uses violence in humans to gain power, at least he had in the past. He is a demon but he would never hurt one himself unless he is told to do so.

Other: Lucas will be an annoying man when you first meet him, seemingly broody but he will open up once he realizes that there is no threat. He also has a cat named Manaya, a black cat that he found alone in a dumpster and that he took home.


Hair: Dark brown almost black, only in bright sunlight you will see the golden shine on it. Though in a dark room it looks jet black. He always combs it back and uses gel to keep it perfect, he can't stand it when the hair moved into his face.

Eyes: Brown, a dark brown that is even darker then chocolate brown, a black circle around the outer edge and they always seem cold and dangerous.

Complexion: A light completion because he never goes out in the sun.

Build: He's lean but muscled, having a sixpack and a lot of power when it comes to a man to man fight. Usually he underestimates just how much power he has but usually he will just use intimidation. He is 6'5" tall, that means that he is larger then most men, he even was seen as a giant when he was a human.

Special Features:He has a very characteristic face, there are not many faces like him, making him look more dangerous that he actually is. He also has many marks on his back from his human life, he was beaten because he had stolen a bread for his little sister.

Other: Tattoo on his back of a broken angel it seems, but it is actually how he really felt after becoming a demon. Though he tells other people that it is to remember himself of his little sister that he had saved by giving up his life.


Name: Selene Banesworth

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Age: Seventeen


Selene enjoys reading and writing. She likes being outdoors and secretly has a thing for battle and knows a lot about it from books she has read and training she has done on her own. She writes poetry and is obsessed with Shakespeare's pieces. She likes chocolate and cherries. Her favorite thing to do is walk through the woods. She quotes things often. She has thing for dominant people but would never admit it. Miss Banesworth likes quiet places and observing beautiful places before she paints them. She is very good at painting and adores how relaxing it is. Enjoys playing mind games.


She strongly dislikes spiders and loud noises. She is easy to startle and holds disdain towards compliments. She hates being looked down upon and underestimated as well as being completely controlled. She also dislikes being told what to do and will lose her temper at anyone. Love is another thing she hates even though she secretly wants someone to love her. She also has a fear of water and stays away from medium to large bodies of water. Controlled water is fine. Like showers, but baths scare her. Dislikes people playing with her head. Cocky people, people who whine constantly. People who boast about everything. She hates to lose. Hates when people act sweet towards her. Loathes fake people.

Weaknesses: Needles are her weakness. She has a very strong fear of them as well as doctors. Love is another thing that scares her.


Selene is easily tempered and quick to react. She never thinks before she says something and that sometimes gets her in a lot of trouble. She is impulsive and insolent as well as very sly and sneaky. She loves to play mind games and finds it amusing when another is angry. She is stoic and will rarely show weakness or won't give in. You could say she is stubborn. Sometimes her being impossible makes others enraged and she always adds fuel to the fire and finds amusement in watching it burn. She tries to make people angry and hate her so that it is easier for her to push them away.


Miss Banesworth was born into a highly successful business family. They were never short on money. However, at the age of ten her parents and two brothers were brutally murdered in front of her as she peered through the small crack in the closet. She tried to choke back her tears but couldn't manage it. The man who was soaked in blood had moved towards the closet and flung open the doors, gazing down at her with a masked face. A face that would haunt her every dream in the future. The man had grabbed her by a chunk of her hair and hauled her out of her hiding spot. He had slammed her against a wall and beat her until she was bloody. She was near dead when he fled the house with a small safe her father kept under the bed. The police found her two hours later when Mrs. and Mr. Banesworth were to show up for a business meeting and didn't. She was treated and lived, unlike the rest of her family.

She was instantly put into a foster home and jumped from family to family, never satisfied with where she lived. Her nightmares got worse and she went completely insane at the age of thirteen. She was put into a mental hospital that was full of people who were sick in the head. They thought they were in a time period of where all the old mental instruments as well as physical. She underwent ice water treatments, shock therapy and needles to sedate her because she wanted out so badly. The place was busted when she turned fifteen and she was released. Her whole life changed when she went into a slavery program. She speaks not of her past and tries her best to not think about it. She doesn't have psychotic spells anymore and can be rather happy when she wills herself to be.

Other: She is slightly sadist but she never shows it.





Her skin his fair and porcelain-like. Many call her a doll.


She is slender and graceful.

Special Feature:

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yeah..let's see by my count we have 5 masters and 4 slaves....weird I was expecting there'd be more slaves than masters...I might've counted wrong though
Nope, you counted right.

I'll make another slave if that's what we need to get started.

If I do make one, then, can we start?
I might make a slave. Let me see. I have driving school for two more days. I might be able to post it in that time frame. I might not. Please everyone be patient with me. This is a long week.
I can make another slave to help was broken

WasBroken77 said:
I might make a slave. Let me see. I have driving school for two more days. I might be able to post it in that time frame. I might not. Please everyone be patient with me. This is a long week.
It's okay Goddess. I'll make the charrie. It won't be really complicated or anything. Just another charrie.
Like I said. Not much.


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