Slave RP Anyone?

I was thinking that a war had occurred over several year prior and the _(masters)_ species had won. The losing species had been gathered up and placed into holding cells while the new leaders of the winning species debated on what to do with their hostages. Many ideas where taken into consideration until slavery was picked at the losing species punishment.

Any ideas as of further plot would be nice. Again I just came up with this a few hours ago so...
Just keep in mind please, that the forum is pg-13, and no sexual content whatsoever is allowed. Just leaving this as a note as slave rps in nature can be pretty risque in that aspect.

Thank you,

hmm It's a nice plot i like it. And even though i like the 3rd one I could totally do the whole human masters and supernatural slaves one too (that's actually my second favorite of the pairings ^^) So I'd totally rp it with you if you want
Oh well :) I wouldn't mind Rping the human master and supernatural slave x3 That is if you're still looking for another partner ^w^
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I will probably make a RP for the 3rd pairing for everyone. Okay so Human slave and supernatural master. What kind of supernatural? I'm okay with vampire but I would like to lean more towards a less overused supernatural being. Any Ideas on the species. Something human like in appearance and mentality. I was thinking were-creatures. Not werewolves though. Like were-cats or something.







haha it'd also be fun to do like a nine-tailed fox for the supernatural being (lol been into that ever since watching My gf is a gumiho)
Hey everyone I was thinking demons. Demons have found their way out of hell and captured the human race only to force them into slavery...

We would need an equal amount of humans and demons to make everything fair.
I love your idea! A group role-play as that should be created as soon as possible, I bet a whole bunch of people would join as soon as it was up.

What about Were-chinchillas?

You could also do demons. Or basic demons, as in some of the masters could take the forms of werewolves or vampires or elementals, ect ect.

The supernatural masters could be a race of aliens, at that.

So basically, I think that a human-slave and a supernatural master would be just incredible.
bravo I agree, how many do we have a board now, depending on the numbers we can start it up from there. Also going along with your plot you could say the demons have had their fun in their own realms but now they want to explore the surface,
it really depends on roles everyone wants (master or slave) if you want it to be an even # of each. I can rp as either of them just sayin
I think I've been hooked on the human slave and demon masters. Let me make a plot and skelly for characters. While I do that please post whether each one of you would be a slave or master. Then I will make a list and I will make the slave & master pairings as to who owner who or who belongs to wh. I think there will be a auction or a slave warehouse where slaves are purchased.
This sounds pretty interesting. Mind if I join in as well? I could be a master or a slave, though I would prefer the latter.
How does this sound?

Slavery was once in the past of human lives. It was abolished then forgotten, never to be seen again. Until now that is. Demons have found a way to enter the human world. They grew tired of their own world so they now want to explore the surface. They caught humans by surprise, taking over their semi-peaceful lives. Every human was rounded up and placed into small, enclosed cities to be counted, sorted, and controlled by the demons. Sad right?

The fate of the humans is soon to be decided. The choice is small, the decision large. Send the humans to death or make them demon slaves? The choice was simple.

Humans are slaves.

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