• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Skyworld (Steampunk)


Not even my final form
You can either use this format or just list the info inside in your own design

[center][font=Georgia][b][size=30]Character Name[/size][/b][size=30][/size][/font][/center]

[align=center][img=Your picture here][/center][/font]
[tab=Basic Info][b]Name:[/b]
[b]Combat Style:[/b] If Applicable

[tab=Magic]If applicable, otherwise please delete tab[/tab]
[tab=Ship]If applicable, otherwise please delete tab[/tab]


If you prefer other formats, this is info that's good to put in:









Combat Style: If applicable

Magic: If Applicable




Ship: If applicable

Realistic or artwork pics only, no anime


Just an FYI you TOTALLY can be the most powerful rulers in the world if you want and if you fill them it's probably actually good for the RP. That said please don't quit out if you pick an important role like the Aeternan King or Regent or the Tribune of Volkaria. Also keep in mind their archetypes: the Regent isn't going to be some swell leader who loves the people or something like that, and the Tribune for sure won't like puppies and flowers. If you'd like, more than 1 character is allowed

Please list the following info for country applications:


Government Type:


Foreign Relations:






In any format you want. If you came from a place in the far reaches it’s alright just to say you came from this merchant city, kingdom, occupied industrial city, or forlorn area and describe it a little. By no means do you have to send an app for a country – in fact, I’d say please don’t unless you’re really serious about a country idea. Since a lot of people become too attached to powerful game changing countries, they really can only be minor powers as world politics orbits basically around 2 main cities.
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Delilah Nepalo

  • VCdL2Oc.gif

    Name: Delilah Nepalo

    Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Height/Weight: 5'3" / 119lbs

    Sexuality: Straight

    Nationality: Yuanzhouian

    Occupation: Hired gun/Mercenary

    Combat Style: Sneaky


    ---------------Casual/Street Attire-----------------------------------------------Mission Gear

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Su Ling


  • Name: Su Ling, Marquess Chi

    Age: 37

    Gender: Male

    Height/Weight: 186 lbs, 6’1”

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Nationality: Yuan

    Occupation: 3rd Ranking official on Border Affairs, agent of the Zai Yan

    Combat Style: Ling never uses weapons. Ever, and he prefers not to fight at all, using poison to dispatch of enemies. If it does come to blows, he’s highly dexterous and has practiced and graceful form. Taking advantage of circular motion, he compensates for his age by beating younger warriors by leading them along their own motion, then striking at weak points. He lets the enemy attack first, and has an eye for opportunity.

    But make no mistake, he’s vicious. Fighting with class, he loses it when he goes for the kill. Fights usually end with swift and savage strikes, and Ling is famous for punishing enemies in duels by pulling their eyes out, then their tongue and letting them bleed out. The eyes are a weak point, after all.

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I just wanted to say that I think this is brilliant. I've been dying to find something like this since I became a member. I also can't help but love the undertones: e.g "Aeternan Dream."

I can't help but think this could be a wonderful way to channel some frustration from our own current affairs.

I'll be posting a character shortly!
Dameos Ferrous


Name: Captain Dameos Ferrous


Gender: Male

Height/Weight: 6"1'/182lb

Sexuality: Straight

Nationality: Aeternian

Occupation: Captain of the Aeternian Fleet

Combat Style: Defensive, relying on his opponents mistakes to find gaps in which to exploit, both in ship combat and personal combat

  • Dameos is a single minded individual. He does not like to hear any sentence implying that what he wants done, cannot be done. If he wants something done he will make it happen, regardless of the consequences.
Julius "Juli" Bright


  • Name:Julius "Juli" Bright

    Age:15 (says she's 20)






    Combat Style:n/a

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  • Name: Elihad Khalel

    Age: 30

    Gender: Male

    Height/Weight: 6'3"/161 lbs

    Sexuality: Straight

    Nationality: Muavian

    Occupation: Assassin

    Combat Style: close-quarters combat/hand-to-hand/sneaky

Bel Burtau

Bel's Theme Song


Character Art

Hoary Bird — Ridolfo Transport-class

Hand Flamer

Trauly - Dusty Roads

Bel Burtau
Character Content

  • Name: Bel Burtau

    Age: 41

    Gender: Male

    Height/Weight: 6'2 // 190lbs

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Nationality: Ridolfo Imperium

    Occupation: Treasure Hunter

    Combat Style: Bel isn't a warrior, he's a survivor. He isn't concerned about honor or pride, he just wants to make it back in one piece. So his first option in a potentially lethal scenario is always deescalation. If that fails he'll look to flee, and if that's not feasible he'll ambush and disorient his enemies. The flame pistol is great at both roles.

    Thanks to his boxing days Bel's an excellent striker. His gauntlet, combined with his punching speed & strength, can deliver quite a blow. For a man not looking for a fight, he sure has found his way into a lot them.

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Isaac James (WIP)


  • Name: Isaac James Mortio (More-di-oh)

    Age: 36

    Gender: Male

    Height/Weight: 6'1"

    Sexuality: Heterosexual.

    Nationality: Volkarine Union.

    Occupation: Mechanic.

    Combat Style: WIP

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The Marauders (WIP)

  • Name: The Marauders (that's how they're known to outsiders, anyway. They refer to each other usually as Brethren and to outsiders as degenerates, loathsome vermin, human garbage and some other less flattering terms).

    Government Type: Loose association of nine major clans, each led by a king who essentially rules a military regime based mostly on a sort of meritocratic martial law. Transfer of power from a living king to a usurper is usually done via an honorable man-to-man duel or some similar trial by combat, but while a king holds power, his word is law. Tyranny is uncommon because an unpopular king is usually quickly removed from power, and ruling via fear is ineffective because Marauder warriors are not only engaged in politics but are quite fearless. They follow their codes of honor as much as they follow their king. This is not to say that Marauders are incorruptible but selfish behavior is often swiftly detected and punished in Marauder society; most of them understand that the survival of their entire race depends on self-sacrifice and solidarity.

    History: The Marauders used to hold land on some minor islands but they were forced to become nomads as early as the rise of the Ridolfo Imperium. Infighting has, throughout the Marauders' history, frequently prevented them from resisting the military power of larger nations but in recent history, they have for the most part set aside their grudges with one another, faced with the threat of total extermination from the Volkarine Union and the Kingdom of Aeterna before them.

    Foreign relations: The Marauders are universally vilified by all the major nations but have earned the respect of pirates and bandits. The respect, though, is not mutual; Marauders raid settlements and trade caravans as a cultural imperative and for survival. Bandits and pirates, in the eyes of Marauders, are culturally vapid and driven purely by greed, and are lucky if they are treated sanctimoniously by Marauders. Usually they're slaughtered. Marauders do, however, recruit those whom they observe performing exceptional acts of bravery, honor, or any other virtue their culture values.

    Religion: The Marauders worship two main Gods: the God of Gusts, whom they call Rhojast, and the God of Blood, Gharmok. They believe the two Gods are in partnership with each other - therefore, the honorable sacrifice of blood should translate into favorable winds for a Marauder fleet.

    Culture: Cultural differences are the reason the clans have refused to work together until recently, but to the outside observer, each Marauder clan looks more or less the same as the next. They each value honor, though they might define honor slightly differently from each other. They each subsist on raids and conflict for survival, though they might prefer different types of targets (some specialize in raiding trade fleets while others bully and manipulate pirates, for example.) They each respect combat prowess above all else, while some clans respect clever tactics over brute force. They each travel in their iconic, painstakingly handcrafted longships, but fly their own clan heralds and use culturally specific figureheads (for example, Clan Seadragon has sea serpents, krakens and similar figureheads on their prows). Each clan worships a different animal, real or mythical, or sometimes whole animal families (the Feline Clan worships everything from the domestic cat to the lion). Their "spirit animal" often determines a clan's behavior in battle or society. For example, the elite Clan Bear warriors, known as Kriegsbaren, are tall, muscular, generally massive and have no equals in melee combat besides each other. Their fighting style mimics the bear; they charge at their enemy, usually knock them off their feet with a shoulder or shield bash and then execute their prone enemy before they have a chance to raise their hands in defense.

    Population: Altogether, the Marauder clans add up to about 14 million people ((subject to change depending on how we want to balance them, but much more would be unrealistic considering the costs of fuel and food)) The average population size of each of the nine major clans is about 1.5 million and the minor clans comprise the rest. The Marauders are believed to have common ancestors with the people of the Volkarine continent, possibly having split off during a colonization spree a few hundred years ago to islands that are now considered Forlorn.

    Military: The Marauders are completely strange to industrialization but have honed ancient shipbuilding techniques to nigh perfection. Their ships are nevertheless of only somewhat higher quality than those produced in the industrialized cities. They are more personalized and lovingly crafted but take much longer to build than a Volkarine or Aeternian ship of equal power. The Marauders have learned to be more careful when tangling with the industrialized powers for this reason; they cannot afford to spend months on an obscure and appropriately resource-rich island just to build a single longship. The largest of their military longships have a maximum crew of 200 and are about as large as a medium-sized industrial vessel - not only because of the difficulty of building such a ship with non-mechanized human labor, but because they rely on speed to pick and choose their battles. Their largest civilian longships are like community sky-yachts minus the luxury and can transport and quarter as many as 450 people.

    As for man-to-man combat, Marauders favor melee combat generally, using steam-powered chain axes, war hammers and chain swords, but have adopted the use of firearms, grenades and cannon out of necessity. Their usual tactics involve closing in rapidly and boarding the enemy ship as this is, according to their culture, the most honorable form of combat. One of the most effective weapons they've invented is the Manned Torpedo: a small vessel made mostly of iron with a small balloon and propeller that detaches its balloon when above the wooden deck of an enemy ship. The vessel's reinforced, narrow prow penetrates the upper deck so that three to eight Marauders, depending on the size of the torpedo, climb out of a hatch in the back and take advantage of narrow corridors below deck to wreak havoc and kill enemy crew. Some of the Marauder clans who rely on psychological warfare use these torpedoes in combination with fireships to clear the upper deck of combatants.

    Perhaps the Marauder's greatest edge, though, is that most of the clans do not stigmatize mages for their abilities, but make full use of them. Their reputation for tolerance of mages has caused a flood of mages, persecuted in industrialized cities, to seek out Marauders. The Marauders have been uneasy about accepting them, though.

    In summary, the combined military might of the Marauders would probably not be enough to conquer any of the major nations, but if they focused their raiding on a particular nation, they could tip the balance in favor of, perhaps, Aeterna or the Volkarine Union. The clans currently have little or no interest in world politics, though.

    Economy: Marauders take what they can get where they can get it, only setting up camp on small islands when necessary, but the clans each have their own forms of currency. Some trade hand-crafted tokens while others use their own coin, and a few (relatively speaking) morally flexible clans are willing to use whatever currency they collect from raids or trade. The one consistent factor in the clans, though, is that not much value is placed on wealth. A man or woman's worth is based on their accomplishments in battle.
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(WIP) The Truciano Twins


  • Names: Ti and Jolene Truciano

    Ages: 33

    Genders: Male/Female

    Heights/Weights: 5'11/5'7

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Nationality: TBD

    Occupation: Entertainers

    Combat Style: TBD

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If the GM doesn't like the idea, you won't hurt my feelings. I understand if the Marauders don't fit the setting well enough. Just let me know so I can go forward with planning my character. I would message you but this is only my second post.
Juway said:
If the GM doesn't like the idea, you won't hurt my feelings. I understand if the Marauders don't fit the setting well enough. Just let me know so I can go forward with planning my character. I would message you but this is only my second post.
I think I tagged you somewhere but they're good

Everything so far is approved, great work all
Archie said:
I think I tagged you somewhere but they're good
Everything so far is approved, great work all
Excellent, thankyou.


Mireille Wisseau


  • Name: Mireille Wisseau

    Current Alias: Freja

    Age: 27

    Gender: Female

    Height/Weight: 6'3"/175lb

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Nationality: Volkarine

    Occupation: Volkarine covert ops field agent

    Combat Style: well-trained in the use of small pistols, also given basic Volkarian hand-to-hand training and has learned basic one-handed steam-hammer and shield techniques from the Marauders she has infiltrated

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Bella Guerra Sagnant

[align=center]View media item 2718 battle uniform, View media item 2715 casual wear. [/center]

  • Name:Bella Guerra Sagnant



    Height/Weight: 5'10



    Occupation: Admiral

    Combat Style: Expert military trained Fencer, combined with refined, and technical prowess of light manipulation threw resonance, Stealth and guerrilla tactics. Uses pistol time to time.

    her chain-sword

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