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Fantasy Skyrim RP

The tibune stopped, seeing a few guards rushing past her. "You there, guard!" she called out, stopping him. "What's happening?"

"A dragon was seen at the western watchtower! The housecarl has called us to the battlefield," he answered before sprinting to catch up with his platoon.

"Our prey has come to us, Gabriel."

"This is gonna be fun, isn't it? I hope you two are good in a fight," he said, turning to Maiq and the dunmer.

"This is no time for chitchatting, men. Lets go." Adriana started up a brisk run, slowed only slightly by her armor. A pillar of smoke bellowed from the ruined tower, only making her move faster. A worried expression was plastered across her face, but her helmet hid it- she couldn't help but wonder what the dragon wanted, and why it was attacking. Such a magnificent creature... perhaps there was more to Dragons than they thought?

No, she couldnt think that way. The beast was slaughtering civilians. It was her sworn duty to protect the citizens of the empire, and she was going to uphold that oath. The western watchtower came into view, and she caught her breathe. It was in ruins... people surrounded it. A nord- was he sleeping? A few guards remained, as well as an archer she had yet to meet. "Gabriel, search for wounded. I want as many people unfit to fight evacuated from the premises. If the dragon returns, get his attention. I hate to say it, but you're great at being bait."
Nirilor noticed Adrina as he run towards her. "Finally... you arrived...there i- Nevermind, you probably know about it, so, is M'aiq and Ulkan with you?" He asked, before she could answer, M'aiq appeared from behind the tower and Ulkan was nearby, checking for any wounded soldiers. "Here." "Here" They both said, as they go back to what they were doing.

( @Rook So ,I was thinking, we have 2 options here: A) We vote for one of us to be the Dragonborn.... or B) Everyone from the group get a % of the soul)
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(I don't really care if Im going to be the Dragonborn or not, as long as I get one of the Aetherium Items or I become the Arch-Mage of the college or be the Champion of Boethiah/Mephala, Im fine.)
((Yeah. Since this is a RP, im gonna bring in some cannon items, from the lore. For sure, Adriana needs the Wraithguard. If we are going off-cannon, though... Skyrim could always use a new General. ))

"You mean the white haired one? I saw her before i left, but i didn't see where she went. You two know each other?" Adriana answered, latching her shield onto her back. With a grunt, Gabriel hefted an unconscious guard onto his shoulder, carrying him away from the battlefield.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.b8685db6a87498340ae40331b7b44697.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78747" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.b8685db6a87498340ae40331b7b44697.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Lol I'm dragon born, sorry I got distracted with things.)

Kamille only nodded as the guy spoke to her about good luck and Talos and WAIT did he just make a remark about her social skills?! Just then she heard a roar outside. It was distant but definitely dragon. She ran out of the barrow and got to where guards and families people where gathered... "What the hells is going on?!" Kamille exclaimed at the half destroyed watch tower. She looked at Einarr, who had a expression at small relic. "Einarr, what happened?" She said panicked



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(randomly pops up)

Alyandra was walking around the forest as she heard a roar as she got out her bow as she saw the dragon as she saw a tower as she ran there not sure if she can defend herself by herslf as she walk around the tower

(Least I got the birthright of Alduin :P )

Gunmar woke up and got up from the rock he was leaning against and saw everyone from Helgen, "Anything happen yet?" He asked, streching his arms and picking his battleaxe.

@AnimusLight @AtlasTheShapeless
(Darkness allowed me to play him.. so I'd say I did

Edit: Nevermind, sorted out in PM...)
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(Well...if you're the Dragonborn, can Skyrim have a new General/ Rebellion leader or New Dawnguard leader and etc...?)
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Not far from the watchtower, two figures were seen walking toward it. The taller one had a shield and sword, the smaller one carried nothing but a book and satchel. Vel'Koz had her nose in the book she was reading, her ears flattened in thought. Santos watched around carefully, "Y'know you got the better ears, nose and eyes. Why dont you help me keep watch?" Santos asked. "Be quiet, you can see for miles." Vel'Koz growled, turning the page. "But its a lot better if you help"

"You sound like a Argonian with a bellyache. Whining all the time" Vel'Koz snapped, looking up. Santos, being way taller than her, grabbed the book and looked through it. "Hey! Give it back!" Vel'Koz protested, reaching to snatch it though he held it over her head. "Why are you reading about the Oblivion Crisis?" Santos asked. "Why are you such a gobshiet?" Their arguing could actually be heard from a distance away.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.4899cf19848d13ad4a422b40a5b7fb95.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78815" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.4899cf19848d13ad4a422b40a5b7fb95.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Kamille looked away from Einarr towards a road that sounded. "By the Nine.. Dragon!!" She yelled. As the dragon flew over the mountain, and landed onto th watch tower, screaming a rage of fire at them. Kamille doged the fire. And shot the arrow into its wing, it flinched but didn't move, and it fixated it's attention at her, hurdling fire at her, and Kamille barley doged it. The dragon took off in the sky and circled the watchtower.



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"Gabriel! Get that lizard's attention, now! Everyone with a bow, aim for the base of its right wing; if we can ground it, we can kill it!" Adriana began barking orders, far too used to combat to realize that she was ordering around a bunch of random travelers rather than an imperial platoon. She drew her own blade and charged across the field with Gabriel, trying to get its attention.
Suddenly, an arrow fly past them and almost miss the dragon's right wing, it was made of Ebony and it had a green tip (Poisoned arrow). 'Got'cha bastard.' He thought while casting an invisibility spell on himself, walking past them and going to the tower, when he finally reached the top of it, he crouched down, hiding from the sight of the Guards.


(My keyboard is kinda glitched today, sorry for any mistype.)
Kamille started to shoot it's shoulder of its left wing, even if they got one wing down the left could be dangerous on the ground as well. There where many arrows in the right wing and the dragons flight staggered. But it seemed no matter what the imperial girl did, the dragon was hell bent on killing Kamille. The dragon suddenly fell, sliding down and started to snap and breath fire at Kamille, snapping at others who got to close to it. It croaed around and Kamille watched in horror when the dragon picked up a guard by its head, shook it, and threw the body.

Kamie pulled out her sword and started to effectiy stab the dragon. Running away from its snaps and fire. And she was pretty sure her right arm was comley burned, but the dragon was on the verge of death, and Kamille ran and jumped as she plunged her sword into its side. The dragon growled and said something in dragon tongue before flopping toward, going limp and dead. She watched as the scales started to burn away from its body, disintegrating into nothing, and the bones remained. They all started to back away from her and the dragon as blue and orange magic seemed to flow into her, coming from the dragon. Then it stopped.

"I can't believe it.. Your-your Dragonborn!" A guard said looking at her. "What? What in the hells is that?!" Kamille said surprised, angrily, but had a face of small fear.
A man appeared from the top of the tower, aiming his bow at Kamille. "Now, dear, you better be the Dragonborn, or I will personally kill you." He said, looking down at her with an evil grin, his mask covering his face, but then laughed. "Kamille? right?" He asked, lowering his bow. "The guild needs you back." the mysterious man said, going downstairs.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.c18a8c48ea02fb88dd6aff082555e733.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78844" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.c18a8c48ea02fb88dd6aff082555e733.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Ka'Jamie stood at the top of the mountain, bleak falls barrow a bit below her, and she was at the peak of the mountain. Her tiger-like tail swishing angrily. She could overlook Whiterun from this view. And watched as the dragon fell. She was filled with anger and grief. A part of her family dead, most of them, and it was because all of them. And she could see none of them where Beast races or Mer. Well some where Mer but most are the human races, and one beast race, from what she could see. Humans must've corrupted them like Urgomush said. She jumped down from her peak.

And went to where a kneeling Urgomush was. He was kneeling over his brother. A Orc that now lay dead. "You see the way there is no magic upon him?" Urgomush said in a gruff voice. Ka'Jamie nodded a yes. "That means it was humans. And evil Mer. Bad elves. Human make elf bad. We go back in barrow, now." He got up and turned, heading back for going inside. Ka'Jamie spoke "This one, saw humans at Whitrun. They killed a dragon." Urgomush stopped at her words. Then he spoke. "When we get in then, ward the doors. Nobody comes in." He said gruffly and they entered.



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