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Fantasy Skyrim RP

Gabriel smiled warmly. "Don't worry, friend. The Empire has never had any quarrels with the falmer of ancient times. Stick with us, we can get you signed up at the nearest imperial garrison," he said, and was about inquire about his abilities before the thief I terupted, shouting at Adriana who had already left the barrow. "You know she didn't want you to go to the block, right? If you couldn't tell just by her expression, I'm very worried for your social skills. Bah, that was a bit rude, I apologize. But still, Adriana wants nothing more than to prevent bloodshed. She is only asking for your help because she thinks you are strong enough to help. But I know better- yo won't help. I can tell, I used to be like you as well..." Gabriel sighed, his memories of living as a bandit flooding back. "Go ahead, young one, and may Talos guide you."
(Umm.. Unless you're talking about M'aiq, the Dunmer didn't go to the block, it was actually M'aiq, Ulkan was working as a mercenary to the Empire xD .)

M'aiq nodded. "Yes, M'aiq understand..., M'aiq should apologize for being rude actually." He said, looking down. "But seriously, is it a crime to search for calipers on skyrim?" He asked with a confused tone, but then laughed.

(Lol you guys just all ran to the Barrows. Time for a change of plans so long ass post. I hope you guys read it fully or I'll be confused when you guys reach to Whiterun.)

Einarr, completely confused at the turn of events, heads to Riverwood. He didn't want to rush to the Barrows, thinking no one has anything to gain from their but dust and an old tablet. Kamille ran off to the Barrows but Einarr will follow behind at his own pace. The other two: the Dunmer and the Khajiit, seem to be already going on ahead. He is exhausted and will not bother with their "rush to the top of the mountain." The wanderer sighs as he walks down the path, seeing the small town up ahead. He guess Kamille's need to be in a hurry hasn't change in the past decade. She'll be fine if she did reach the Barrows by herself, seeing that she's grown to be capable. And with supernatural abilities, he thought with a frown. He pulls his fur cowl over his head.

The wanderer finally reaches the town; the sun in the sky is starting to set. "I saw a dragon!" exclaims an old lady to her son though the young man brushed off his grandmother as her being crazy. Einarr shakes his head, not sparing a look at the two, before searching for an inn. The sound of a blacksmith hitting metal at his workshop and children chasing are most of the noises coming from the town. It's a peaceful town; a place Einarr wouldn't mind living in if he ever stopped his travels. Riverwood is calm for the time being; Einarr would hate to see this place in burned down by an over sized flying lizard.

He discovers a traders store and decides to check out what they have. The wanderer hears two people arguing about claw. He frowns, "Excuse me, what is the matter?" The owner of the shop responds, "We lost a golden claw to thieves that headed for the Barrows. My sister here says we should send more adventurers up there but I'm not willing to pay any more people. We got a nord fellow, by the name of - what's his name?"

"Gunmar, brother," says the irritated sister.

"Yah, Gunmar. Good man. I'm going to reward him when he gets back. You could go to the Barrows and check up on him for us or do the request instead of him," the man continued. Einarr shakes his head, tugging on the tip of his hood. He examines the items in the store. Not much caught his interest but the incident at Helgen has him left him a bit paranoid. He sighs, "I'll let the Nord do your guys quest. I'm not going to bother. May I look at what you sell?"

Einarr bought a few health potions - nasty things when you're not used to them. He steps out of Lucan's shop and proceeds to the inn farther up ahead. A kid calls out to him, "Hey sir, are you going to the haunted Barrows too?" Einarr scrunches his eye brows; wait "too"? Oh shit. He approaches the kid, his arms crossed, "You are telling me you saw a bunch of people head up there?"

"Yes, stranger. A lot. I think they want to get rid of the ghosts up there. Will you do it too?" asks the kid. Einarr lets out a tired long sigh. By the Divines, it better not be all those people he just met today. His thoughts on the possible treasure up there is now shot down knowing that a lot of travelers have reached inside the Barrows. Kamille is also over there, possibly, and he hopes she knew the situation. If the other prisoners with her are up there, then Einarr shouldn't be too worried. "Thanks, kid. Great." He gives ten gold coins as a reward for the kid then enters the inn, the Sleeping Giant. The warmth of the large fire in the middle was welcoming. He made his way to the wooden counter and the man behind it greets him. The Nord asks the same thing as the kid, "Going to the Barrows too, traveler? We seem to have a lot of people going there from what I've heard." Einarr groans internally, then shakes his head as an answer.

If no one from Helgen was here, who's going to report the town about the dragon? Einarr asks, "Has anyone in Riverwood heard about the dragon attack at Helgen?" A lady who also must work here seems to have heard it because she approaches them, her broom in hand. She asks the cook behind the counter, "Orgnar, who is this traveler?"

"He just cam here, Delphine."

Delphine locks eyes with Einarr, "You better not be lying. I have heard a few rumors about something flying overhead. If there really is a dragon, Jarl Balgruuf must be informed." She then looks away as if she was deep in thought about something else.

"Can I stay here for the night?"

The serious lady looks back at him, "You may stay but we have no one to warn the Jarl. We need someone to urgently get to Whiterun. Please, for the town's sake, head there now." Einarr wanted to curse everyone who ignored him back at the exit of Helgen. Now he's got to go to Whiterun but seeing that his possible treasure must be already discovered at the Barrows, what other choice does he have? He may even get a nice place to sleep for the night if he reports to the Jarl. "Alright, I will do it. May you spare a lantern or a torch so when night comes I can still know where I'm going?"

Orgnar disappears under the counter, rummaging for something. He stands back up straight, with an unlit lantern. "Here, traveler. By the way, what is your name?"

"Einarr. I may come back, so remember that you owe me," The wanderer takes the lantern, waves a short bye to the two, and heads out of the Sleeping Giant. He thinks about the odd lady; she seemed to turn really serious about the mention of dragons. Anyone would be scared but she seemed to carry more secrets. Shaking off the odd feeling, Einarr travels his way to Whiterun, passing the pathway that leads to the Barrows. The lantern they gave him hangs at his hip.

(I'll post again about reaching Whiterun after you guys post a few more stuff about getting the dragon tablet)
At this point, Gunmar was already near the end of the barrow, he got what he came for but wanted to explore some more, "To think, these ruins belong to the ancient nor--" He enter the boss room and a different looking Draugr, "Well... let's dance." He lodged his axe in the Druagr's leg then in the nape of its neck. After he dealt with the Draugr he heard chanting, "What in oblivion..." He looked at a strange wall with a glowing portion, "I dont understand... what does this mean." He didnt ponder on it for too long, he left it be, searched the chest took the gold, searched the Draugr and took the strange tablet and left the Barrow.
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Adriana inhaled the cold air, the small snow particles stinging her face. She had lost her temper, and had no right to. What was she thinking? The only interaction they had was her literally signing their death warrants. She hadn't wanted to, but maybe if she had objected... SHe couldnt dwell on the past now, not when a scaly ball of fire and claws was flying through Skyrim, her home. It was time to leave.


Gabriel perked up when he heard the kahjiit speak. "Oh no, my apologies. I had meant that for the young woman," he tried to explain, gesturing to Kamille. Why women always argued when they met, he had no idea. "My name is Gabriel Advenici, housecarl to Tribune Adriana Montebello. You know, the fiery redhead from oblivion that just stormed off?

"Ah, well. You're dance with death at Helgen wasn't intentional. See, the general had sprung a trap and captured Ulfric. His plan was brilliant. At that point, I'm sure that the imperials were looking forward to the war ending, that they forgot their morals. Please, hold no grudge against them. The Empire truly does not wish to kill innocents. I'm sorry you had to get acquainted with them in such a horrible way."

the doors to the barrow opened once more, and Adriana marched in. HEr dragon helm was closed, hiding her expression. "Let's go, Gabriel. If that dragon gets to Whiterun before help arrives..."

"You don't have to explain, Montebello. Let's go." He looked back to the snow elf. "You had said you wanted to join the legion, and we can make sur you do. You coming, Nirilor?"

"I will." The Snow elf, the Dunmer and the Khajiit said in the same type as they stand back up. "Well, three more members to the Legion..." Nirilor said, as he looked at them. "And we should get going before more of his friends arrive." Nirilor gently kicked the dead body on the ground, from what looks like, it was the leader of the group.

Gabriel nodded, jogging to catch up to Adriana. "Making friends, are we?" she laughed quietly.

"Oh, we both know I'm the personable one," he replied, smiling. She stepped back into the cold air, cursing herself for letting the horses go. Ah well- they only had two in the first place.

Nirilor, the snow elf. You said you had a flying scroll?" she asked, turning to the falmer. She hadn't heard of levitation magic for years. It had pretty much disappeared after the Mages Guild was shut down. But if it could get them to Whiterun quickly, then she was wiling to try it out. If, of course, it would work on more than one person.
Gunmar walked back to the Riverwood Trader, but at this time it was closed so he paid a visit to Delphine, "Delphine! How's business?"

"Some guy pased through here earlier.. Orgnar gave him an empty lantern." Delphine said.

And?" Said gunmar, out of curiosity, "Give me the latest." He leaned on the counter.

"Hmm.. well I told him to warn the Jarl of Whiterun about the dragon and that was the last I see him." She said. It didn't seem to concern Gunmar.

"Well I found a strange tablet in the Barrow and wanted to take it to Farengar and see if he could tell me what it is." He told Delphine who responded, "What tablet?" Her interest was peaked.

Gunmar pulled out the tablet and showed it to her, "This... is the Dragon tablet... You said this came from the Barrow?" She asked.

"It did... You know this tablet?" He said, she quickly responded, "You should get this to Farengar immediately.." Gunmar nodded and tossed the Dragon Claw to Delphine, "Give that to Lucan will ya, keep the payment for yourself." He said before waving bye and making his way to Whiterun.
(@Crysalisis - jfc man, your character is quick on the tablet. Now you got me posting again. )

Einarr passes by a few imperial soldiers escorting a stormcloak. The wanderer tries not catch their attention, going around them on the dirt path and walking downhill. He makes his way to the Honningbrew Meadry; it was finally dark out so the place is closed. The last time he drank one of their drinks - man, would he love have another one later. The lantern was lit awhile ago with a small basic fire spell Einarr learned a few years ago. He's been only using the spell to light up things. It's nice to finally carry a lantern of his own. After a few more minutes of walking, Einarr spots Whiterun's walls in the distance. He hears the sound of fighting somewhere in the farms. Not wanting to tire himself more, the wanderer ignores whatever battle was going on and passes the Whiterun stables. He eyes a horse, wanting one since his last one got killed by a group of frost trolls. He really hated frost trolls.

The drawbridge is down, letting Einarr to get closer to the city's gates. Two guards stand in front of the entrance. "Halt. Official business only with the dragons about." So they knew about the dragons already? Einarr bites the inside of his mouth. How was he going to get in?. Then it dawned on him, "Uh. Riverwood calls for the Jarl's aid."

"Riverwood is in danger too? Go inside. You'll find the Jarl at the top of the hill in Dragonsreach," says one of the guards. The gates open just enough for him to go inside. It closes behind him with a loud thud. He looks up at the night sky. Einarr hopes Kamille is doing well with the others.The blacksmith is the first building he see on his right. A lady with an apron, who's probably the blacksmith, arguing with a man in imperial armor. The two banter about who's going to make weapons for Imperial soldiers. The blacksmith seems to give up and take the impossible order. So, Whiterun is divided by the war too, huh? This war seems to be problematic for everyone, even for neutral Holds.

Einarr has been to Whiterun only once but he has never fully explored the whole place because he had to head to cabin close to Solitude to talk with a friend who got Rockjoint. The poor guy has a dog to only help him so Einarr had to do something. He wonders if the man is well. He makes his way pass the houses and shops then ascends the steps to Dragon's Reach. He ignores the very religious Talos worshiper going on a religious rant at the shrine. The wanderer did worship Talos even though he was not a Nord but he wasn't open about it.

He enters Dragonsreach, giving a short nod as a greeting to the guards posted. The inside is huge compared to how it look outside. He walked up another few steps to see the main hall. There were larges tables, covered with silverware. In the middle lies a bonfire, lighting up the whole place. Einarr notices the Jarl from afar, talking probably with his adviser. An elf, fully armed, approaches his warily. He stands his ground, not wanting to look like a threat by coming closer. "What's the meaning of this interruption? Jarl Balgruuf isn't receiving visitors," she says while examining him from down up.

"Riverwood's in danger. They need the Jarl's help."

"As housecarl, my job is to deal with all dangers that threaten the Jarl or his people. So you have my attention. Now, explain yourself."

"A dragon has destroyed Helgen."

Her eyes widen, "You know about Helgen? The Jarl will want to speak with you personally. Approach." Einarr swallows down his nerves. He's not the type to speak with high authority. Being a thief as a child in Riften puts a person in place of how important they were.
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"Yes, here." The elf said, giving one scroll to Adriana and one to the Dunmer, keeping the last one to himself. "Each scroll can work on two people in the same time, a little upgrade of mine..." Nirilor smiled.
Adriana took the scroll, attempting to not seem nervous. She had never used advanced magic before, so the prospect of using a scroll was a bit daunting. But she had company- she couldn't afford to look weak. With a qucik motion, she looped her arm around Gabriel's and opened the scroll. Runes, in what seemed to be Aldmeri, were scrawled across the parchment. The scroll seemed to ooze power.

Adriana had experience casting a few novice level healing spells, so she knew how to form her magicka. Concentrating, th tribune infused the scroll with her magicka, and felt the power grow. She suddenly felt much lighter- lighter than air. "Is it working?" she asked Gabriel, too caught up to check for herself.

Without warning, they lurched to the side. They were floating? "Mara protect me..." Gabriel muttered as Adriana attempted to control them.

"Wait, wait, i- i think i have it," she called out, and they suddenly came to a halt. You kinda just have to... think. She turned them around, locking her eyes on the capitol city. "You ready?"


They shot forward, the cold wind feeling like blades upon their skin. Gabriel began muttering every obscenity he knew, and began cursing Adriana using the names of daedra. Whiterun was rushing towards them, which caused her to think- how does she land? With a jolt, she pulled them o a complete stop, forcing the wind out of her housecarl. While he wheezed, she lowered them slowly to the ground, still unsure about the safety of the spell. As soon as Gabriel touched the ground, he wrenched away, panting heavily. "Never, ever, do that again."

"Oh, you big baby. Lets go." The town guards didn't stop them, seeing her Tribune armor. "We'll wait inside the city for the others."

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(Okay if you guys are confused on how I have actual dialogue from the game, well I did make a story for this character and its saved in my documents so I'm literally just copying and pasting this stuff then changing a few things)

The crackling of the fire behind him comforted his nerves as he stands before the Jarl. Einarr pulls at the tip of hood out of habit; the Nord's gaze is nerve wracking. He then speaks, "So. You were at Helgen? You saw this dragon with your own eyes?"

Einarr responds, "The dragon destroyed Helgen. And last I saw it was heading this way."

The man's eyes widen "By Ysmir, Irileth was right!" He asks his advisor, the imperial, "What do you say now, Proventus? Shall we continue to trust the strength of our walls? Against a dragon?"

The elf, Irileth, says, "My lord, we should send troops to Riverwood at once. It's in the most immediate danger, if that dragon is lurking in the mountains..."

Proventus speaks up, "The Jarl of Falkreath will view that as a provocation! He'll assume we're preparing to join Ulfric's side and attack him. We should not-"

"Enough!" yells Balgruuf, "I'll not stand idly by while a dragon burns my hold and slaughters my people! Irileth, send a detachment to Riverwood at once."

She salutes the man, "Yes, my Jarl."

Proventus says, "If you'll excuse me, I'll return to my duties."

The Jarl sighs, "That would be best." He then faces the wanderer, "Well done. You sought me out on your own initiative. You've done Whiterun a service, and I won't forget it. Here take this as a small token of my esteem." He hands Einarr studded Imperial armor which the wanderer unfortunately probably won't use though he accepts the gift out of courtesy and respect. Before Einarr could turn away, the Jarl says, "There is another thing you could do for me. Suitable for someone of your particular talents, perhaps. Come, let's go find Farengar, my court wizard. He's been looking into a matter related to these dragons and ... rumors of dragons." He stands up from his seat and guides the unwilling wanderer through the side into a room with magic equipment, a huge map, and tables with items scattered around. The court wizard looks up from his work when they arrive.

"Farengar, I think I've found someone who can help you with your dragon project. Go ahead and fill him in with all the details."

The mage says, "So the Jarl thinks you can be of use to me? oh yes, he must be referring to my research into the dragons." He searches for something on the huge map displayed. "Yes, I could use someone to fetch something for me." I become bewildered by his odd actions. He continues, "Well, when I say fetch, I mean delve into a dangerous ruin in search of an ancient stone tablet that may or may not actually be there."

"You're not talking about Bleak Falls Barrow, are you? I was about to go there but a bunch of adventurers beat me to the place. I'm not sure if your tablet is still there or if it even exists," Einarr sighs internally. Why did it have to be the Barrows? Where were the others if they really do have the tablet? He bites his lip before saying to the disheartened mage, "They might come here pretty soon... so. Don't worry. If by chance you guys find something out, I'll be in the Bannered Mare." The thought of sleeping in a bed makes the wanderer want to keel over but that would be embarrassing. He gives a short nod to both the Jarl and the mage, "Sorry, I cannot help you any further. Goodbye." He heads back to the entrance of Dragonsreach.
The Dunmer and the Khajiit did the same and went flying right after Adriana and Gabriel. "There they go!" The Snow elf said, smiling, as he used his scroll too, going after them.

"Here we are" M'aiq said when they landed, Nirilor didn't landed next to them, but instead, landed right infront of Dragonsreach. "Well, I missed the target..." He mumbled to himself.

Gunmar makes his way up to the gate of Whiterun, giving a slight nod to the guardsmen before entering and walking to the entrance of Dragonsreach, "Oh.. its you.."

"Actually I need to get a tablet appraised.. Delphine directed me here.. now if youll excuse me." He brushed by them and went straight to Farengar and sets the tablet on the desk, "Delphine sent me here." He said.
Adriana and Gabriel brushed themselves off, waiting for Maiq and the dunmer, whose name eluded them. "Curse this damn city. Remaining neutral in the middle of a gods damned battlefield isn't wisdom- its suicide," Gabriel muttered to himself. "The nearest Imperial Garrison is Falkreath, isn't it?"

"Yes, but seeing as I'm a Tribune, i am free to administer positions in the Legion to those whom i see as fit. Once we're rested, I'll give our new friends the oath."

He nodded, taking the lead. He had been to Whiterun before, and knew that the only Inn in town was the Bannered Mare. "This way," he said, heading up the main road. Adriana followed close behind him, expecting their friends to do so as well.

"Im going to the Inn..." Nirilor said, as he run off, stopping when he noticed the Shrine of Talos. (Im doing 'yall a favor.) and a Priest yelling about him. "To oblivion with Talos." He said to himself and grab a rock, before hiding somewhere nobody couldn't see him, but still had a good sight of him. "To oblivion." He repeated before throwing the rock towards Heimskr, hitting him in the head, making him fall to the ground unconscious before running off to the Bannered Mare.

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"Ah the dragonstone of Bleak Falls Barrow! You found it!." He said.

"Do I get a reward?" Gunmar asked, "You'll have to see the Jarl about that." Replied Farengar.

"Farengar! Farengar, you need to come at once!" Irileth came running in, "A dragon's been sighted nearby."

"Oh a dragon! Where was it seen? What, what was it doing?" Farengar asked quite excitedly.

"I'd take this a bit more seriously if I were you, if a dragon were to attack Whiterun.. I dont know if we could stop it.." She said, quite seriously.

Gunmar followed them and watched what the talk of a dragon was all about. "Tell him what you told me, about the dragon." Said Irileth. "Uh yes, it fast... faster than anything i'd ever seen, I thought it would have come after for sure.." Said the guardsmen.

"Thanks, get down to the barracks for some food and rest, you've earned it." said Balgruuf, the guard leaves, "Irileth, gather some guardsmen and take of the dragon menace."

"I've already ordered my men to muster near the main gate." She said.

At this point Gunmar was already gone for the Western Watchtower, he didnt care about his reward, "A dragon? At the Western Watchtower? Whiterun is in danger.." He began running to the Tower.
Einarr shakes his head muttering in disgust, "Dragons. I'd have to meet dragons in my lifetime." He passes by the snow elf with another tired sigh at the guy's actions. He felt like his life lost a couple of years from all this dragon business. He didn't gain anything in the past few days - well then again, he did have the armor he received from the Jarl. He could probably sell it for a couple of coins. He makes his way down the steps to the part in the city with all the shops. There the Bannered Mare in his eyes is like a beaming light of rest.

Irileth runs from the entrance of Whiterun to Dragonsreach. Noticing Einarr, she stops and commands, "You come with me. You've encounter the dragon before. Bring the so called 'others' you know of who's dealt with this creature and come go to the entrance."

Einarr wanted to yell that he didn't want to but she seemed really urgent about something so he complies. The others will join him and Gunmar soon.
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"Know what? Im leaving." The Snow elf mumbled to himself as he grab his last scroll of Icarus flight and use it, quickly going up. "Wait..., what's that?" He said when he noticedd the soldiers gathering up at Western Watchtower, he floated towards that location, landing right behind them. "What is happening?" He asked. "Dragon..." one of the guards answered. "Oh..."
Upon reaching the Watchtower, he noticed nothing amiss, so he decided to lean against a rock and take a long rest. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

(There, ill wait here till we are caught up.)

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