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Fantasy Skyriders of Jolibane (medieval fantasy/isekai with hoverboards)


The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
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God sent champions? None compare to a Skyrider!

Karma is a fantastic chaotic world of magic and monsters. A planet created by thirty supreme beings that most races would conclude to be some form of gods. These gods are able to pluck souls from earth during their final journey to offer them a chance to live again on Karma with powers and gifts fashioned by a God...
As long as they agree to work towards completing one task during their new life, to complete this task means a wish granted by the gods.

While the races of Karma know that higher powers influence their world by sending champions, they do not worship or pray to these gods. Long ago that may have been different but no answers were ever offered.
Just otherworldly spirits with weapons and abilities no mortal can wield. These champions often did more harm then good but even with such amazing gifts.
Only three champions sent from the gods have ever truly changed the world and in present times none know who, where, why or how. As far as people can tell? Could just be stories...
These champions may have gifts from god but they can still be matched or killed just like anything else on Karma.

Speaking of anything else on Karma, how do the mortal races survive such a dangerous world?
They sorta don't...

The elves are the most inherently powerful, blessed with mana that could become magic however imagined.
It's a common tale that Elves created the Orks and the Orks forged devastation in return...

The Hobbits with brilliant intelligence and creative souls crafted tools and weapons like no other mortals can.
Those smarts led to hobbits hiding underground in mountains to survive, on the surface they joined the beastkin and humans or became enslaved or eaten by Orks.

The Beastkin like their name might allude to are more animal in their abilities surviving with speed, strength and numbers.
Various breeds/races of beastkin have been extinct for decades.

The humans have potential, they start off weak in terms of strength magic and knowledge but with time and effort they are able to overcome anything.
Monsters, Orks, even other humans...

Our story starts in Jolibane, a human kingdom and home to the Skyriders guild. This guild of legendary warriors hold a tournament open to the public every two years with the top competitors being offered a place in the guild and a custom skyboard created by one master Bagin Forgeflame.
This year's tournament is different, while many come far and wide for the opportunity, this is the first time otherworldly souls attended the games. To think not one God sent champion would arrive, but three of them?

The leader of the Skyriders guild announced that they can compete.
"None compare to a Skyrider, if some other world soul is enough to frighten you then this guild is not for you!"

It's like most isekai/medieval fantasy adventures of mine except with boards that fly.

Magic is a thing but depending on if you play a champion or a mortal the rules will be different.
Basically, everyone has a mana that determines what magic they can use.
Bob has fire mana, he can conjure and control fire.
Harry has transparent mana, he makes himself or things invisible. Etc

A champion has a type of mana but they also have a weapon and a power gifted from a God,
As a champion they cannot use anything but their gifts in battle.
A weapon, tool, rune, anything from the mortal realm cannot utilised by God's champion.

The plot is about the skyracers guild doing the best they can to help people and make money.
anyone playing as a otherworldly soul is given a task from a God they must try and accomplish.
It’s back! I’m kinda disappointed the beast rider option isn’t here this time, but I can make it work if you just want to focus on the hoverboards.
you're thinking of something similar but this is different aha

Main differences being...
orcs haven't taken over the world,
the players don't live in the sky,
Isekai shit is happening,

The shit that's the same
(in alot of my fantasy stories)
Is how magic works,
Elves are a minority/not around,
Orcs are a main big bad
Hmm… ok then. I’m thinking I’m still not gonna do an isekai soul, I’m just gonna play a guy already from Karma. And to go with the similar vein of the original Skyrider plot I’ll give him a sort of dragon themed hoverboard and some ice mana.

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