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Futuristic Skypirates- OOC Page

marorda marorda hi!! So I posted aaaaaaand... it's kinda mean, but like if you want me to edit it or just wipe it clean let me know k? Just wanted to stir up a bit of dramaaaa... lol let me know.
It's fine for now. But next time I would appreciate if you'd ask first BEFORE making a post where NPCs put my character in a weird place. It takes away some autonomy and now I can't have Keith do what I'd planned first 😉

I'll probably get to replying tomorrow. I'm working all day and visiting a friend in the evening
Won't have time to post anymore due to IRL getting pretty hectic so I just wrote my charries out.

Good luck with RP everyone!

(EDIT: and that whole part in the spoiler can be ignored and the post should still make sense. )
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Bye bye! Hope to see you around sometime again!
Won't have time to post anymore due to IRL getting pretty hectic so I just wrote my charries out.

Good luck with RP everyone!

(EDIT: and that whole part in the spoiler can be ignored and the post should still make sense. )
I'm feeling a little under the weather. Got tested, no covid. Just my body hating me, I guess...
Been busy with my book and its cover. Feeling the desire to redecorate my home despite not having the money to.... Just the usual XD

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