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Futuristic Skypirates: A New World (Not accepting new characers)

"I'm not actually a Southerner, I was making fun of you. Sorry about that. And it's even worse for me, I'm a soldier too."

Krystal took a swig of the moonshine. "Although... If the alcohol's like this, I might just move to wherever the South is these days. If I live."

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"Ah was being sarcastic my dear. It's hard to tell with mah accent an' face. Ah know a fake accent when ah hear one. Still, you're the closest we got to a Southan Belle so that's your Callsign, 'Belle.' feel free to come up with mine. Others come up with your Callsign, last time I was one of the 7 Cycos. Just a number. Hopefully you'll make it more personal." He smiled as she spoke. "There's a large part of the south on the outskirts. Mah family lives there. We could always take it, with enough firepower. Could be useful as ah base. The workers hold no love for the rulers. You could be a princess of Neo-Georgia. The dresses are horrid though, big enough to hide your an my mech. Something tells me the warrior in you would not like tha fancy parties of the airheaded nobles. Lawd knows ahm glad to be rid of it. Something about turning one of the greatest supporters of the World Government's home and giving it to the Skypirates makes mah heart sing."

Crow played with his necklace and thought about what brought him here. He had to lose everything to see the truth. He wasn't a force for good two years ago, fighting rebels. He was an opresser. Grinding the same people he ate with now beneath his foot. Back then he was just as airheaded as his kin. He was ready to atone though. He was happy to be assigned a ship. A few more meals and a place to sleep. Money'd be nice, he was getting low on funds, hopefully some people he could get along with. He was already hearing whispers when stepped by. Hopefully they would stop, or at least get more pleasant when he proved himself.
"What's a good one... Oh. I've got it. Stonewall. Cause the South. Stonewall Jackson. I mean, they might figure out it's you, but if they're intercepting our comms, the accent will have done that anyway." Krystal took another swig from the bottle. "I think you'd better keep this. It wouldn't be very good if I got drunk now."
"Do yeh think I should talk like dis' Matey?" Crow said in an outlandish pirate's brogue. "Tharr be no tellin it's me if I've made them walk the plank. Arrr, where's me parrot? I'll make them sleep with the gunner's daughter." He laughed slightly and took back the flask. "Ah know how to jam communication interceptors. Twas one ah tha first things OCS taught us. We won't be able to hear them, but I'm one of the best. I know their tactics. I know how to beat them, with good mates at my side. How do you think ah've been able to make it sixteen months?"
"Personally, I would've flown under an island when nobody was looking, attached my mech there, and burrowed in a little. If they found me, I'd rinse and repeat until I thought of something better. Some constructive criticism, you should've made your desertion more secretive, set yourself up as a double agent to give false information to the OCS."
"Well Jason Strongman Steele, and Hoodini, its a pleasure to meet you two... and to think you made him yourself? Thats amazing!" Ark complimented looking closer at the mechanical owl, it was beautifully crafted and Strongman must have took his time creating Hoodini "So you like mechanical everything right? Wanna hang out later?" Ark asked hoping to talk more when ever they had a chance to...

Ark's eye patch still bothered her and she rubbed it a little more to try to make it stop itching. The rub helped a bit for now and Ark went back to her normal posture while conversating with Strongman...

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Gradous13 said:
"Well Strongman, its a pleasure to meet you...Uh! Wow you made him yourself? Thats pretty awesome!" Ark complimented looking closer at the owl, it was beautifully crafted "So you like mechanical everything right? Wanna hang out later?" Ark asked hoping to talk more when ever they had a chance to...
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"They were in mah way. Plus there is no 'Secretive Desertion' in tha Round Table. Plus I have a powerful urge to kill them on sight so that would have made communications difficult. I'm ah man ah action. That's why they chose me. Mah hatred for the Round Table is known to those ah've served with, ah delight in nothing more than breaking their toys an killin their men. Mah inability to be a double agent an thus a triple agent is why ah'm here. Y'all can rest easy. Ah'm too crazy for killin to even concida betrayin ya."

He opened up a locket and a holo-vid played. It was a beautiful woman and a brown haired little girl of about six, they were playing in the grass in one clip, then it switched to a birthday party, then a younger, and dark haired Crow was smiling next to them at Christmas. "They took this from me. Ah'll die doing what's right. To atone for what ah've done and avenge mah family."
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Krystal winced. "Ooh. Family killing. Can't say I know how you feel, but one of my friends has been missing since I was twelve. And... Can you keep a secret? Just for a few weeks or so, probably."

Azra was trying her best not to lose control of Crimson One. It was getting pretty difficult. She knew that she had recalibrated the motors wrong, but that was just a small detail for her. It was her powers that mostly kept it aloft. Maybe it was mixing the chemicals required for combustion in the wrong quantities? She pushed the questions aside for now.

There! Azra spotted the Hammerlock, which according to her eyepiece, it was already being manned. Which meant that she actually had to avoid squishing anyone on entry. She sighed. Parts of lit up red plating made clanking noises, and sloughed off of her body to reveal Crimson Zero. She didn't really care about Crimson One, it was just a prototype. The propulsion kicked into effect just as she landed on the back deck of the ship, where there was a convenient hangar. She looked down to see that she had made a slight dent on the floor. Her eyes glowed red, and it quickly reversed itself.
"For a lady willing to put her skin on tha line to protect mine, of course mah dear." Crow said with a smile, putting the locket away. Krystal could also notice that a silver wedding ring was also on the chain. Crow looked directly at her so he could here her secret. He certainly had nothing to hide but if this young lady trusted him, that meant something to him.
"Well it was the only purpose I 'ad for a while." Strongman said before making a few clicking sounds towards the creature. All the while Hoodini's head twitched around, observing the area around it. "Ah'm still teachin' 'im though." he looked back to the woman and gave a hearty laugh. "Birds of a feather aye? I don't see why not." he said with a grin. He pulled out his flask and took a swig. He thought for a moment before offering the flask to Ark. "Whiskey. Ya ever drink lass?" @Gradous13
Krystal leaned in to Crowe's ear. "I'm an Envoker. And I can summon lasers. And if I haven't used my powers in battle, see the enemy taking anti-laser precautions, I'm going to turn you right in to the Captain. And from what I've heard, she's not going to be happy."

Krystal took a step back from Crowe.

"SPEEEAKing of which, we should go see if we can find her. Maybe an actual Southern belle showed up while we were screwing around down here."

"How many must ah kill to get trust?" Crow sighed. "Don't worry Darlin' your secret is safe. Would the same people tha led you here brought me here if ah wasn't to be trustahed?" He looked over as they finished seating his mech in. "Good idea to find tha Captain. Maybe she's stealing all the goodwill the crew had twhards me an is keepin it for her own. What you suggest is daring. Mah, mah a true southan belle in the company of skypirates and traitors. I swoon at the scandal of it all." His saber clacked against his thigh as he walked, making sure to keep on Krystal's left. Some habits die hard.
Location: Main deck conversating with Strongman

Ark gave a big grin at the offered flask, "I do drink, however only when I aint workin so Ill join you later for a drink." Ark told the man declining the drink "I dont mix work with pleasure...unless it bringing down enemy ships, well I am goin to go unpack my things and make my room mine...come with if you want as we should have time seeing as some people arnt here yet" Ark offered and began walking towards the crew quarters...

Location: Lower deck lvl 1

Ark found that everything was in the room that was specific to her, she immediately unpacked her speakers and took a device out, plugged it into the cord leading to the speakers and started playing heavy metal and thrash, Ark's favorite style of music but she kept the music low. The door was left open slightly in case someone needed to get her attention even though she figured there was a PA system on the ship...

"Just one kill, saving my life should do." Krystal walked along with Crowe. "Hey, I think that's her. Ahoy, Captain! Nice to meet you!"

@Inritz @Yonsisac
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Azra closed her eyes, and Crimson Zero fell off as well, revealing a slim bodysuit in a similar styling to her mech suit. Crimson Zero reassembled itself before her eyes, this time with a full helmet as well. It flew into the hangar as she walked in. Red light shone from underneath her eyes, quickly taking an analysis of everyone's blood. The only thing anyone should feel was a slight tugging sensation. It always helped to know a person's blood, should she have to quickly heal a massive injury.

"What's with the color of this ship? It's dull..." Azra mused to herself.
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Incoming Data Package to all shipmates...


Download Complete.

Subject Title: Immediate call to aid.

To the newly sanctioned crew of the newly crafted airship the Skypirates is putting out an immediate call to aid against a rouge element that has revealed itself. Former High Captain Rolin Greywater (Picture attached at end of document) has recently been revealed by an internal investigation to have betrayed the core tenants of the Skypirates code. His crimes are as follow.

  1. Slaving
  2. Unauthorized attack on Round Table vessels carrying aid supplies to newly formed islands
  3. Destruction of a Skypirate vessel resulting in the death of twenty active members
  4. Acquiring an Old World weapon

The Round Table is unable to move against Rolin due to his capture of the daughters of a high ranking member with threats of death should an airship flying royal colors come after him. Perhaps worse is his capture of a Specter from Underworld 003 who had been sent out under peace banners to reclaim the technology for valuable information to the organization. His actions fall far outside of our way, and thus he must be dealt with before he can cause significant harm to the reputation of our organization. All other ships project a two to three day travel time to the ships last location, but your current position would only be a single days flight.

His ship, the Crimson Fury, must not be destroyed until the Specter and the two hostages are brought to safety. The Specter's retrieval takes priority as Underworld 003 will seek vengeance for their lost soldier. The hostages will be invaluable bargaining chips with the World Government to prevent total retaliation against the Skypirates. Completion of this mission will offer great rewards should you be up to the task.

As a side note through not officially needed the capture of the traitorous Captain will result in greater rewards, as giving him to Underworld 003 will prevent any ill blood between us and them.

Total threat assessment

  • Enemy airship contains mostly laser weaponry, effective against shields but require more time to destroy an opposing ships hull. Require cool down.
  • The Old World weapon is an advanced railgun energy beam that has enough power to punch a hole through a ship quite easily, but requires a full days solar charge to fire. It is non compatible with Infendium batteries due to its old make.
  • Enemy Mech Suits are composed of five Valdenhom style Mecha and a Medusa style Mecha piloted by the first mate of the ship. Full details bellow.
  • Ten remaining fighting men reside on the ship, armed with energy blades and Infendium energy pistols. There is rumored to be a number of people captured for a slave transaction that might be used as human shields. While capture and release is preferred their deaths will not factor against you.

Enemy Ship: Crimson Tide


Enemy Mecha

Valdenhom: Basic Mecha designed for mass production three years ago, refitted with various technology by the Skypirates mechanics. Automated anti-mecha rifles attached to one hand with quick release rockets designed for anti-ship use.


Medusa: Custom Mecha created from the floor up for use by the Crimson Tide's first mate, a known Envoker whose abilities allow for increased movement. His Mecha is designed for close range combat with an Anti-mecha lance and built in minor force field generator. Its speed is great but its defenses past its force field are almost nonexistant.


((From this point forward your characters can prepare your craft, which will be available for reference from this point on in the Overview tab right under the lore, and head out to the mission, with a 'days' worth of character interaction happening beforehand, roughly one and a half weeks depending on how character interaction seems to be going. If things get slow with peoples characters talking and dicussing things I will advance it so the mission begins quickly. Any questions as always go to OOC.))
Crow listened to the transmission. "Well rest ahssured that I hoped that we'd be dealing with Round Table, but a slavah should do just nicely. I'll show this Envoka that ah wasn't the best pilot on mah ship for nothing. Captain, a pleasure." He bowed to the Captain. "If ah may offer some tactical insight ah suggest we deal with the mechs as soon as possible, leaving them unable to defend their ship. Then we space the life support. We wait until they can't fight anymore, free tha slaves and give them slavahs ohvah to the prison ship. Ahm ashamed to admit it, but ah know the tactic works quite well."
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"I....Will second what "Rogue" said, it is wise to take out the support to destroy the main, If our pilots can take on their mecha, I will eliminate their outter defenses simultaneously" Ark said after coming up to the main deck upon hearing the transmission. "Even though you are a Mili-Dog, dont be ashamed of your knowledge, your know advanced combat tactics that we might not know about" Ark said, unsure about being around an ex-military soldier but wanting to try and accept the man....
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Stormyface said:
"Just one kill, saving my life should do." Krystal walked along with Crowe. "Hey, I think that's her. Ahoy, Captain! Nice to meet you!"
@Inritz @Yonsisac
Location:Ship main deck

Action:Multiple interaction's and planing

As Ash finish the files she would sigh and hand them over to one of the ships suppliers as he will take them to the HQ to inform what those the Hammerlock has on board. Once that was done she would hear Krystal one of the ships chosen crew mates solute her. With a nod she would acknowledge Krystal "Its a pleasure to have you on board as well Krystal heard a lot about you" she simple said.

Soon after a bright yellow light would start beeping on the captains left wrist as she would pull up her sleeve and see its color and know it was a message transmission. with a nod she would wait a few seconds as she pull out a PDA from her pocket and read the following message. There first sortie was very quick one indeed but it was not that of a simple task. It was with dedicated planing but one wrong move and we could surely end down towards the world. The captain would soon hear Crow the mech pilot suggest they should take down the hostile AB units. She actually had that in mind as one of them posses Anti-ship Weaponry and if such gets close to the Hammerlock it will be a world of hurt. With a nod she would look at crow and would then hear Ark is with his idea as well. What Ash docent seem to like is the fact to cut there life support. Yes it would me some kind of a well pace move but taking done there support could cause internal damage on the ship and she wont risk damaging the hull of the ship and get a hostage killed be it from there fire. "
Crow i am aware of your capabilities but i cant risk you handling a enemy AB such way. If we are going to take down the enemy mechs first it would be wise to take down the Valdenhom first so we can assure the safety of the ship and it dose not damage our engines and let the enemy vessel escape or even worse damage our weaponry and being unable to defend our self's.....alright Crow seeing you want to handle the Envoker i will grant that but i cant let you go alone and risk losing you, Krystal you will go with crow and take down the Medusa. Once the Valdenhom is taken care of with our other Mechs we will be able to grant assistance using the ships weaponry against the Medusa if it still stands.

Once both mechs are down we will begin full consideration on the enemy vessel. We don't know where the hostages would be and if we know there location they could have been relocated. I cant risk and damage the ships hull and get the hostages killed if they are moved. Once we are in chase with the crimson tide, Ark you will make sure those weapons don't bite and make sure fire is not directed anywhere else but weaponry. Once we are sure they can bite back we will use the front and snap the rear of the ship and board. From there all available soldiers will sweep the whole ship with
CAUTION for the hostages and enemy inside the ship or even traps and ambushes...if..Possible injure the captain so we can reclaim him..if not..you know what to do but try all possibilities to keep him alive as it will be of great reward if he is alive. Remember we will be there for the 3 VIP but once the ship is clear we will rescue those from slavery but remember we will be there for only 3 people and there safety is Priority understood? If things get to rough but we have all 3 important personal....then return to the ship with them....I am sorry for the lives of the slaves but i cant risk my crew getting killed and this mission being a complete failure. But knowing you all i am sure this will not happen but if needed then do it

Any questions or suggestions?"

Once the captain is finished her long plan she would sigh and place her hands on the table and look at her crew and see if they had any other suggestion or if they where good with it. Her last words of leaving the slaves was rough but would you rather fail the mission and lose 3 the VIP as well and get even a worse situation at hand? No but she knows her crew will not need to leave the slaves behind...but if its needed then there is no other choice but to leave them.

(Hope that is ok was in a slight rush...)
"Why don't we just pretend we've defected too? From what I read, this guy said he'd shoot down any ship flying the royal colors. He's probably expecting someone. If we can get close, we'll have the element of surprise. And it would be dangerous to use the Specter on a ship that's right next to them."


(I've played a lot of strategy games, can't help myself :P )
"Did anyone else feel that? Must be mah imagination. If we pretend that then ah best keep in tha hanger as long as possible. Mah reputation proceeds me and ahm noted to be quite loyal to the Skypirates cause they give me tha best chance at killin Round Table and livin to see tomorrow. Ah far as ah know I'm the only one with such a mech in the force. Some have bettah scratch built mechs, but ah added a few things as well as ah new paint job to mah mech. Plus as ahshamed as I am to admit it, ah do have ovah two hundred sorties to mah name, though not all of them were for a noble cause." He sighed then nodded at the Captain's words and gave a sidelong look at Krystal "Looks like ah'll get that chance to save ya'lls life sooner than expectad mah dear." He smiled at Krystal. He pondered for a moment. "If our shields can hold, we can keep the mechs at bay till we finish the scan to find out where the hostages and the slaves ah being kept. I'd much rather be a saivoah, but death is bettah than what awaits those folk if we fail." He noted a few weaker points in the schematics of the ship. "If we take out the main weahpon then we got us a chance. It'll slice us like buttah if we take a hit. Luckily scuttlebutt says we've got ah gunner that can hit a fly at a thousand klicks with a ship's turbo battahry." He smiled at Ark. "Ah may be a Rouge, but the worlds ah full of men far worse than me. Just look at what we're up ahgenst. Sure I've kilt me many a man, but ah've never slaved me someone. Ah've robbed them of their life, but nevah their dignity or honah."
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Ark grinned at the compliment given by the mecha pilot, "Now here is another question, are your mecha capable of stealth or at least able to hide most of the mecha signature? If that is an option I suggest the mecha deploy before we are in radar's reach. Depending upon the weather our pilots could engage with the sun to their backs or from the clouds if its overcast...." Ark chipped in, she put her left hand in her pocket and rubbed the back of her head with the right hand "I should be able to find the specs on the the Crimson Tide's radar capability if I do enough digging around about the ship model...I think it could either be a Draka class or Henko as they are similar...." Ark wondered about the situation as she spoke...

"Oh, and my name is Arkia Razgod, for those I had yet to introduce myself to"

Ark had always done her research on hundreds of ship types and designs so she and the crew that she accompanied would have an upper hand, at minimum in knowledge "If it is a Draka, that would mean its shielding is somewhat moderate and it relies a lot on turret defense and early warning systems which seems to fit the description... but on the flipside, if it is a Henko, we might have a harder time boarding due to better armour and weapons systems, but its radar is lacking especially with limited counterparts....I will have to study the ship closer with what we have in order to fund out exactly the ship type...maybe Strongman can help "....
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