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Futuristic Skypirates: A New World (Not accepting new characers)

"Just throwing out a random, dumb strategy. How about we all put on gas masks, fly into the poison fog, and come at them from below?"
Crow paced, thinking. "Tha could work. Coming at them from tha uhnudabelly. It's nah somthing they would expect. I'm glad ah got picked with some thinkas on this ship. Mah last crew was, 'WAAAAAGH!' Charge uhntil either they or tha enamy broke. It bahley worked." He looked at the Captain. "Our mission is to sechure tha hostages an tha Spechta. Eliminatin tha mechs is point one. Eliminatin the main weahpon is point two. Then our own Belle can see to the hostages. Ah saw that wehapon she has. Ah'd hate to be on tha other end ah that." He goes over to look over the crew roster. "We don't have ah lot ah options. Ah'm no boarder but ah can assist. Ah've been trained in personal combat, and I know how to use a blade. All men ah mah former stature are expected to. Belle can lead the assault and ah can provide her with a bullet shield. Somethan else for the bad guys ta shoot at. Miss Razgod can disable the wheapons and the othars assaulting can get to the Captain. As much as ah'd like to part him with his head, ah can sleep soundly knowin that 003 is keeping him company. Ah really don't like tha idea of cuddlin up to tha World Guvermunt but ah can see the tactics in it an I know betta than most that tactics are betta than emotion. Plus if we do as little damage to tha ship as possible tha Skypirates can keep it and furtha our goals."

Crow paused, then sighed. "There is anotha option though. We steer him outa his hidey hole an set us up a trap. Our ship was used ta transport goods before we came ta own it. We pretend to be a normal merchant and send out a distress call, claiming that we ah transporting colonists. That will make any slahva drool. He comes to us, we seem meek, then we let him have it. Ah course this is not without risks an it counts on us all running like clockwork. We just barely met. Ah don't know if we know each other enough to pull it off." he looked around. "And ah know that anythin ah say comes from tha mouth of ah traitor. Many have said that. If ah betrayed tha Round Table, and showed no honah towards them, do ah have any honah left for tha skypirates? Ah grew up privileged. Ah thought Skypirates were a misguided bunch. Mah own father used to tell me about his battles with us with pride. Then I saw the Guvenment for what it was, a bunch of selfserving idgits who only care about coin and how they can control people, and I was the club they used to crush dissent. Tell me, we are going against a man who killed for pleasure. The World Guvenment cares about that? I bet they care more about the face they lost than about the people they lost. Yet here we are, helpin em save face. We care about the people ah ours that was killed. We ah the only justice that tha worlds will evah see and that's why I'll fly our colors till they take me down, a shanty on my lips. If ah was flying with you, the man tha killed mah family woulda been executed on sight. His crimes were brushed aside cause he was useful to the Round Table. Ah know what's right now, and savin those people is what's right. Also Miss Razgod, my mech has two such devices, one's ah backup in case of failure. We can give it to Belle and we can sneak by one way or 'teother. Mah suits' a prototype an was built to kill mechs. Hiding from ships an mechs is what I do best, though ah'm not too sure if tha transfer is even possible, given our levels ah mechs. Ah mechanic should look at it and give her a once ovah. Ah'm really glad you know more than just shootin' ah can't abide people who nevah look outside their job."
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Ark inhaled a deep breath and quietly let it out, "Well, Im down for whatever strategy. I will retire to my room if anyone needs me, I feel a little rest before the mission is a good idea" she said and walked to the next floor down, Arkia actually left because she felt uneasy next to Crow even though he is out for revenge against the military but that didnt really change the fact them her "memories" are filled from what the military had done to her...

Ark gently closed the door behind her, leaving it unlocked. She walked to open the window before sitting at the desk within the room which was adjacent from the bed. From the metal walls a mirror hung above the desk that shown most of her reflection. Ark gazed into the mirror, looking at the eyepatch that covered her right eye but was suddenly removed in frustration, Ark then pulled her hair to the side revealing the mutated coloring of the black sclera and blue and green iris, the pattern of the iris shifted in irregular patterns by itself and could be seen by any who had a decent amount of attention to detail....

Ark hated the patch but she has yet to accept the fact she has no control over what had happened and feels like people would think her different or make them uncomfortable so she keeps it covered when not alone, playing it off like she physically has no right eye. Ark took out a large book titled "Advanced Weaponry Maintenence - Level XIV" and began reading from where she left off...
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Stormyface said:
"Just throwing out a random, dumb strategy. How about we all put on gas masks, fly into the poison fog, and come at them from below?"
"and risk killing the VIP's? No as like you mention its a dumb idea"

Ash kept a high ear hearing the words of her crew and other plans. They where of high chance of success and yes they would surely open fire upon government colors but thy are unpredictable and could open fire upon anything that can be even the slightest of suspicions of being "Government spy" or anything willing to cause damage to them. With a sigh ash would think it through hearing the ideas of acting as a civilian merchant ship with defects or attacking the enemy with priority of there firearms. She knew that all plans would work in there own way but failure will have the same result. With a nod Ash would look at her crew and see ark leave. Ash frown as she left as this was a mission briefing not some dam dinner table where you can excuse yourself to use the bathroom or get salt but this was there first day so ash will go easy on them but soon she wont be easy on anybody as all should know, For example, LIVES are in there hands in this mission and leaving in middle of a planing interview? Very well executed....

Ash would let it go this time as she would say "
alright...i have a plan set up...why not do both" she said as she would look at them and begin "We will do what crow said second as our main plan and initiate a distress call as if we where a down merchant ship and execute from there with the priorities of taking down the mechs first and there old world weapon. If we are engage before plan A works, or in short, they don't fall for it, we will execute plan B by engaging the enemy without the element of "Sneakiness" and equal objective as the first. Take down the mechs and old world weapon first.

Mech pilots your priority will be to take down enemy Mechs and defend the ship as we engage in combat. Mechs with Anti-Ship capability will engage the pirate ship and take down defenses but priority is the old world weapon. We, the pilots, will use the ships weaponry to engage in direct combat with the opposite ship. In short: Mechs Attack enemy mechs and defend ship from said enemy mechs, If you have anti-ship weaponry attack the enemy ship's main weapons with caution. Ship pilots, Take a seat and start shooting at the ships weaponry. DO NOT cause critical damage on the enemy ship...we have VIP on board. People with the screwdrivers make sure to keep my baby working got that?

Once we execute phase one. We will snap at the ship and board from there and seek out the VIP and if possible retrieve the captain. Mech pilots will maintain air born and take down any stranglers around the ship such as ordinary mechs or any functioning weapon installation on the ship itself but once the crew in on board aim before you fire, Friendlies will be inside. If there is none left. Mech pilots capable of combat board the ship. Those who cant keep an eye out in the air as more pirates might be near by and try and rescue the target vessel. Once we have the VIP immediately return to the ship with the 3 targets
ALIVE! once all 3 VIP are rescued we leave. Remember of possible keep the enemy captain alive.

If we eliminated EVERY enemy from the ship and sweep it in and out to clear it. We save the slaves and if we have any available tow ships in the Skypirate we can..."Borrow" there ship for parts and get a bonus out of it and retrieve that Old world weapon. But don't think that we will possible so instead if not, Everybody take a seat and enjoy the fireworks."

After she was done she would look at her crew and nod and see if anybody was with the idea. Well..two plans as if one dint work we could change to the next one immediately and not be confused afterwards. It might work but her fear is that Old world weapon. With that online it can pin a hole on there ship like a hot knife through butter. They had to take that down first.
"I dunno about you, but I'm ready to go." Krystal said, standing up and stretching. "We'll just have to hope the ship's fast enough to dodge that Spectre, if they fire it."

((I'm not one for inaction))
(Good Show)

"Let's get to it then. Ah'll be in mah bunk if anyone needs me. Crow said turning and waving at the others before heading to him room to mull a few things over and prepare his mind for the battle.

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