Skulls & Shackles - Pathfinder Forum Game

Sorry, busy week. Human Witch? Is it cool is the witch is male?

Or possibly a ship's doctor Alchemist?

Or a weird sea-shaman Summoner?
I was inclining towards Aereon Damphair, in terms of 'half-drowned lunatic worshipping a dreadful creature of the deep', rather than tribal islander. But we'll see. I could also go with aspiring captain, using one of the leadership and tactics packages
Well, if you want to be a leadery, tactically type, a Bard is really handy for a party to have around. Inspire Courage really helps shore up that Magus 3/4 BAB, too. /innocent whistle

Edit: but seriously, play whatever feels best. Sea Witch would be a great choice for overall utility in a piracy game, especially if you pick a bunch of water-manipulation spells.
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I like the Half Drowned Lunatic Worshipeing a Dreadful Creature of the Deep- might I suggest... Cthulhu? xD


Also- Anti-Paladin might make a decent leader, considering the 17 Charisma- at least, in terms of RP, if not in combat. *Shrug*

But yes- go with whatever you want to play. :)

Also....Shep! You need to tell me where to get a PDF Charachter Sheet so I can use a better format than I did!

Edit: Although.. I notice we dont have a rouge.... so.. uhh... if we ever end up in a dungeon, or any place with traps, that might not go well.
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Tallgrass said:
Surviving the Shackles

Introduction/Story Teaser

Slaves, ev’ry one of ya! Any Shackles pirate’s worth ten o’ you poxy devils, an’ ev’ry Free Captain commandin’ a sloop’ll keep sailin’ circles around any bloated Chelish frigate you send at us. We’ll go on raidin’ yer sea lanes, stealin’ yer silver coins with Abrogail’s pouty gob stamped on them, an’ we’ll cart it all back home, where we’ll sing an’ drink ’til the sea swallows us all! I’m ready to do my dance with Besmara; no regrets for a life lived free on the waves. The worms’ll be better company than you ugly, dung-eating devil’s slaves anyway!”

—Last words spoken by Free Captain Wilihem Wache, moments before his public hanging in Macini for piracy

It's time to set sail in the pirate-infested waters of the Shackles, where bloated Chelish trading vessels, uncharted islands rife with treasure, and other cutthroat pirates await your motley and burgeoning crew.


Pathfinder Ruleset

The game will be using the Pathfinder rules - which for those who haven't experienced it, are essentially D&D 3.75. Most of the core rules are available online at

You don't need to be a Pathfinder expert to apply, but a basic understanding of the rules is expected.

Paizo Adventure Path - A little more railroad-y than sandbox-y

This is a pre-written adventure path - this is awesome, because it makes my life as a GM much easier. But it also places some expectations on you, the players. While there is a little sandbox-action later in the AP, the initial "acts" are a little railroad-y. And once we get into the game, you're kind of expected to go with the plot hooks to keep things moving forward.

Non-Good Alignment Characters Welcome

While you don't have to be evil to take part in this AP, it certainly is a nice break from the typical "save the world because we're such noble good guys" adventure.

There are Pirates & Ninjas (& Wizards & Clerics)

You may have guessed this by now, but this is a sea-themed adventure featuring countless pirates. But this is set in Golarion (Paizo's universe), so there are all manner of characters available to you.

A Post A Weekday

I'd like for players to post at least once a day during the week. This will help keep the game moving and help us get through the beginning of the AP, which while important for character building, can get a little tedious if dragged out for too long.

Player Slots & Requirements

I will take up to five players - the strongest submissions will be selected. I base a strong submission on the character concept, backstory and "correct" character crunch.

All characters will use the following guidelines to build their character:

Character Creation

  • Players will start at 1st level. 

  • No alignment restrictions, but you must be able to play well with others - both in-character and out
  • 20-point ability buy 

  • Average gold for your class
  • Max HP for your class 

  • 3 traits - one MUST be a campaign trait. 

  • Core races preferred.
  • All Paizo-created classes are allowed.
Is this game ready to be created?
Sarzain is a human wizard. I just searched pathfinder fillable sheet, but I could email to you or something if you want
The sheet should be ready today. The past few days have been astonishingly busy for me, and I just couldn't find enough time to really sit down and write it all up.

On a side note, I find it beyond disappointing the Aquatic Druid doesn't get proficiency with the trident. What a shame.
Here's the sheet, in not-that-fancy pdf form, lacking only in prepared spells given how often those may change (I will just have to note them down somewhere in the post once the game's subforum is created), and descriptions of individual elements because sheet aesthetics.

And here are the descriptions of individual elements. Those that could need them, anyway.

And, of course...

The past, as told by the man himself:
For as long as I could remember, the sea has called to me; sang to me with the gentle splashing and thunderous roar of the waves, beckoned with its glorious azure and intimidating grey alike. At first, I was confused and afraid. The depths seemed dangerous and hostile - an impression only worsened by the words of others, their horror tales and hushed whispers of legendary monstrosities: fish capable of swallowing a ship whole, roiling masses of tentacles capable of tearing hulls asunder in seconds, and of course the more human-like, but no less dangerous, dwellers of the seas. Even worse was my family's hatred of the sea - far too many of my line perished somewhere out there, never fulfilling their promises to return, nor finding the fortune they have sought.

As years went by, the bizzare longing only strengthened its grip on my mind and soul, the pleading cry of the waves and creatures living beneath them piercing rationality and ripping caution apart, rending my heart each and every day. In time, as my frustration rose, I began to realize that there was no avoiding my fate, whatever it could be - or whether it even existed beyond my own imagination. Perhaps it is mere insanity. It hardly mattered - it was a choice between a life on the sea, and a life of torment. Not very difficult.

I have left my family and friends behind without a word - a coward's decision, and one I regret, but at the time I thought it to be the only way. They would try to stop me, as they did many times before, and to leave in spite of their pleads, likely hearing the cries of my mother behind as I walked off... it was too much to even contemplate.

Joining a ship's crew proved harder than I originally expected - those captains who would accept just anyone, no questions asked, were hardly the sort I wished to travel with, and those whom I felt I could trust expected a measure of skill. In the end, fortune smiled upon me, as an old sea dog by the name of Kerrel found my odd longing for the seas both amusing and inspiring, and offered me a place on his crew during his next journey - one he constantly referred to as likely being his last. Sure enough, the old man fell ill during a storm, and by the time the sky cleared up, life has already left him. I never did find out how exactly he knew. Such a shame.

His successor proved less sympathetic of my self-declared destiny, and insisted on dropping me off at the nearest port. As 'luck' would have it, it meant ending up with almost nothing to my name in the very capital of the Shackles... but there was certainly a glimmer of hope. After all, finding a new crew there, of all places, should be simple. Right?
...hopefully I didn't forget something vital. Another busy day, so I did this in a bit of a hurry.
SephirothSage said:
I wish I had an Editable PDF for this game... xD I could transfer Alexis to one. :tongue:
There are links to a few sheets available on the SRD. The one I used was Abellius', not sure how the others look.

  • Name: Scraaw

    Race: Grippli

    Age: 12

    Gender: Female

    Height: 2'

    Weight: 22lbs

    Appearance: A small bipedal frog, Scraww has smooth skin with Black as the base on which her back and head are yellow with black spots. Her arms and legs are vividly blue with large bright red eye. One eye is covered in an eye patch but a scar shows under it. She wears a pair of trousers to the knee, very baggy and a padded shirt adorned with tribal attachments. She carries a folded net along with a small axe and a bow longer than herself.

Revised character (including bio)

Sarzain Stormgaze

  • Name: Sarzain Stormgaze

    Race: Sylvan (Taldan Human)

    Class: Wizard (Conjurer)

    Alignment: LN

    God: Irori

    Age: 100

    Gender: Male

    Size: Medium

    Type: Outsider (Native)

    Height: 6'6"

    Weight: 180 lbs

    Languages: Common, Auran, Cyclops, Aquan, Elven, Draconic, Ignan

    Familiar: Tiber, the Greensting Scorpion


    Sarzain possesses a thin frame and uncommonly pale skin for a Taldan. He has storm grey eyes and black hair long enough to touch his collar and cover his ears. He prefers to wear the black robes of a scholar over a more serviceable grey shirt and trousers. He wears heavy boots and a pair of cloth belts. He has a waterproof hooded cloak in case of inclement weather


    Sarzain's features are atypical enough for any human, let alone a Taldan that there were whispered rumours of his true heritage from the day of his birth. When he reached the age of human majority (15) he departed his home town, leaving his family and human heritage behind him. After leaving he rapidly became obsessed with arcane knowledge, joining a temple dedicated to Irori to further his knowledge. After spending nearly a century learning arcane lore and the tenants of the goddess, Sarzain came across a passage on the ancient civilization of Ghol-Gan. His curiosity piqued, Sarzain left the temple and offered his services to the captain of a merchant ship in return for passage to Port Peril. 1 year later he has arrived, ready to seek this long forgotten lore.

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Frixz, I swear, you pick the oddest options in a system and gravitate toward them. :P First the machete lady, now frog lady...

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