Skulls & Shackles - Pathfinder Forum Game

Hell, you could have a lawful good pirate if you wanted: sworn to obey his captain, following his personal code of honour. So long as the captain wasn't evil you could pull it off (a paladin probably couldn't though)
Yeah. Because for a Paladin, it's more than a loose code of Mores and Ideas. For a Paladin, it's a greater Cosmic Idea.
I never really felt that alignment worked quite the way it was intended.

D&D grabbed the concept of alignment off of Michael Moorcock's Elric stories, which positioned law and chaos in eternal conflict for control of our world. This is fine material for fantasy fiction, but I feel like D&D misused it. They said 'people who are wild and free-spirited are chaotic, while people who are law-abiding and rulesbound are lawful.' This is a pretty gross alteration of 'two metaphysical constants forever at war with each other.' To Moorcock, a free-spirited person is not chaotic unless they've been exposed to the energies of chaos; likewise a just king who obeys the rule of law is not Lawful unless he is aligned with the Gods of Order. The moral dimension of good and evil has no basis in Moorcock's stories. Law was generally better for humans than Chaos, but one without the order would lead to the end of the world as we know it.

What's more, when you see alignment as a little bit malleable and ambiguous, you get some interesting ideas. What about a Lawful Good Pirate Paladin of Basmara? Maybe his code is to rob wealthy merchants and give to the poor. It's not something you associate with the lawful good, but why not? If he's following his code and doing good by the poor and downtrodden, I'd say it fits.
The point was that Order vs Chaos is the subjective morality, as there is also the fact that good and evil are absolutes in the system. It can be lawful to enslave people, but it certainly isn't good. Etc, etc.
*Shrug* Sure- I dont disagree- though, I'm certainly looking forward to an Evil Charachter. I also, and this most heavily, agree with the Balance concept you flew over- but, if we're playing in a games rule system, we'll have to acept their interpretations. I certainly dont think that the average person, in a DND world, is heavily "Aligned" or "Embodying" their alignment- except, I would place divine spellcasters as an Exception- they /are/ meant to be acting in tune. I see alignment as ambiguous, and malleable- for most people. Not so, for a Divine Spellcaster, who is gaining their power from their god/goddess of choice, and thus, is in fact utilizing energy drawn from an overarching concept.
Although, all things considered, this is not the best Forum for a discussion of What DND Alignments are. Make Charachters already! xD
Is taking Drawbacks? And, on a Similar Note- the basic Book, has Azathoth, in it officialy, in the religions... are Worshipers of Other Mythos Deities Allowed? IE- An Oracle Worshiper of Nylarthotep, of the Dark Tapestry Mystery?
Damn. Ah well, Demonic Sorcerer it is.

Edit: Can I take the Fiendish Heritage feat, changing my stat scores? (most likely to Kyton-spawn, +2 Con, +2 Cha, -2 wis, bonus to escape artist and intimidate, web instead of darkness)

Also, can i take the Brutal Bloodline (wildblooded Abyssal)

Edit: Forget it, I wanna go with a human
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SephirothSage said:
Although, all things considered, this is not the best Forum for a discussion of What DND Alignments are. Make Charachters already! xD
Here you go!


Tieflings are an exile in every country. Most are drifters, nomads, avoiding the attention of those native-plane races who smell the presence of the demonic and hate out of an ancestral fear that demons come for their souls, to poison their crops, to lay waste to their kingdoms. Cursed by the misfortune of their birth, Tieflings are reduced to drifters, nomads, and worst of all adventurers, always traveling to evade the hostile eye of would-be devil hunters, suspicious locals, even church Inquisitors.

Tyrné has lived such a life. You might even call her a lucky one: with a bright mind benighted by ignorance, a Magus saw potential in her and trained her. But in Tyrné’s heart, she always had one goal: Shackles. All she knew is that her mother, also a Tiefling, told her this: seek her father in the city of pirates, press her luck there. Tyrné was clever enough to catch an old Magus’s eye, and training with his curving desert blade and his magic.

Her apprenticeship paid off, Tyrné set out for the Shackles -- guided by her mother’s words and a hunger for loot.


Mostly the loot. And, maybe, in the back of her mind, an odd desire for companionship and family that she never had in her childhood.
Rest here.
:) Happy Mode! Now just waiting on a response from Tallgrass to my Cosmic Horror Based Question, and the Drawback one.

Edit: So. So far.... Ze Plan so far, seems to be... An Anti-Paladin, a Sorcerer, and a Magus... we're gunna need a Cleric, or a Divine Caster of SOME sort that can heal.... xD
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I'm having difficulties with settling on one of the three possibilities I've mentioned, but I should have it all done soon. Ish. Within the next 24 hours, anyway.
Well, it's still mostly deciding between what would be most fun to play. White-Haired Witch is tempting me as usual, but I've already mentioned the issues with it at one point (that is to say, the general not-quite-good status further made worse by the wholly unnecessary errata of its abilities from free to swift actions). A barbarian relying on the more 'feral' rage powers, such as Beast Totem and Animal Fury for starters, is also something I've been intending to play for a while now. Finally there's the druid, which offers large amount of amusement in general, with the exact kind varying depending on the archetype. (Because Shark Shaman is hilarious, and Aquatic Druid would be more or less Aquaman, what's not to love)
I suppose that's a good point. Aquaman Druid it is then. I shall have the sheet ready soon.
Here's my sheet.

I don't own any setting books for pathfinder, so I've left the home region blank. I'll type out my backstory when I get the name of a city that a former cleric-in-training of Nethys could have come from.
All right, so as I understand it, we have the following:

Alexis Grim - Dhampir Anti-Paladin

Tyrné - Tiefling Magus

Sarzain - ??? (the sheet isn't loading for me, for some reason)

Hurm - Druid

Did I miss anyone? Anyone else want to get their concept in?

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