Skin Slip (Bookworm0492 and Wingal)

Carla smiled and pulled out a camera to start taking pcitures, trying to get th best lighting and show off his...finer features.

Terry heard the door open and close so fast he wasnt even sure if it was Max that came in. He dropped their bags and went to follow him out, but hung back when he saw him with Carla posing

After a few moments Carla set the camera down. "Alright, that should do it. I'll call you later when youre client is set up." She turned and left.

Before Max could leave he heard Terry's voice behind him. "Max? What the hell was that all about?"
Maxwell nodded to Carla and gave a hefty sigh when he heard Terry's voice from behind. "Umm umm Hi Terry" he said nervously trying to think of the way of not telling the truth to Terry. "Well you see well Carla was so happy with the money I was bringing in as a messenger and she decided to take my picture to save somewhere" he lied looking at his feet.
Terry's eyes narrowed. "Uh huh. And th fact that you're dressed to impress has all to do with delivering packages.

Forget dressed to impress, the kid looked downright shaggable. And while it was something Terry didnt mind looking at in the least he was getting a bad vibe from this whole thing.

"By the way you're a sh***y liar. Now tell me the truth, what the hell has Carla got you doing that you need to dress like that?"

He waited, knowing he probably wasnt going to like the answer.

At all.
Maxwell easily submitted to Terry's demanding Tone "Fine im . . ." he said gulping and looking down at his feat. "Carla is selling my virginity" he mumbled loud enough for him to hear but before he could respond Maxwell looked back at him "But Terry before you say anything if I do this then Everyone here is going to get better food and supplies and even have a shorter amount of work to be with each other" he said quickly waiting for Terry's Rage.
For a split second Terry saw nothing but white as he processed what Max just said.

He's selling his...what?!

He held up a hand. "You mean to tell me....that you're going to let some random joe she picks, f^%k you, and not just that but your first time all for some people you dont even KNOW?! When dont even know what it is that they do around here?!"

He paused for a moment as he reprocessed what he said to let it sink into both of them. " Are you out of your f&^king mind???!!! "

He tried not to yell, but God, the idea of Max letting some greasy smuck touch him, and rip away is innocence like that? They would eat him alive God only knows what would be left of him.There was no way in hell he was going to let that happen.

" Please, tell me Ma,x how in the hell is this even REMOTELYa good idea??!!"
"Because then I can mean something to people" he said trembling a bi at Terry's Tage. "I've always been useless I never had any use to anybody thats why even my parents asked me to do anything plus. . ." he said pausing. "It's my fault there dead in the least I deserve this" he mumbled depressed. "I'm the one who didn't listen to them and tell someone I thought I could trust i'm a shifter" he said quietly. "And It's my fault My parents are gone and I'm stuck with nowhere to go" he added again. "So yeah Terry All I want to do is mean something to somebody and I would probably deserve whatever comes to me" he said trying not to cry but his sniffles were escalating into a sob.
When Max fiished speaking, Terry couldnt hav been more shocked.


"Max....God Ma you...really think that? That you deserve this?"

He stepped closer to the boy, tooks his head in his hands and made him look up.

"Listen to me ok? What you did was normal, you trusted a friend and they betrayed you. Thats on them, not you. You dont want to do this. At all. If you go out there and sell yourself you're going to mean nothing but a money-maker and quick **** the people here and the sickos on the street, understand? Your parents would want so much more for you, and you deserve a helluva lot better than that."

He took a few deep breaths to let it sink in. "An you're a bit of a moron you know that? After this morning you should f^cking realize." He leand down and kissed him softly. "You mean something to me."

(0o sorry this is so late Wingy, RL sucks)
After this entire scene Maxwell just quickly grabbed on to Terry's shirt leaning in close nuzzling himself in like he would do when he was embarrassed or scared. "I don't know what to do Terry but I don't want to do it if your not around or even agree with it" he said when Terry kissed him softly" "Terry" he said again as tears came into his eyes again hugging and refusing to let go no matter who was watching this time.

(Lol np)
He pulled Max close and rubbed his back. "Hey, dont worry, it'll be ok. What do you say we blow this popsicle stand and go somewhere else? Its a big city, I mean theres gotta be more than one place to crash."

he'd been wanting to get out of this place since yesterday, and now he definitely had a valid reason. He had a strange feeling that woman would force Max to do this even if he changed his mind, and if she tried anything Terry'd have to rip her throat out.
"But Terry" he said sniffling as he looked up at him from his shirt. "How and where are we supposed to go though that would accept us" he asked confused (Sorry for short post just woke up from the floor =-=)
(Holy crap that was annoying >_<'' I jus realized that the sitre was back up)

Terry smiled at him confidently. "Hey dont worry about it. If we gotta survive outside we can rough it for a few days. And if Clara doesnt like that we're not staying she can suck it. Whaddaya say?"
"Alright" Maxwell finally said wiping his eyes off a little bit as he noticed Carla starting to walk back from the little office she was working at. As soon as he saw her Maxwell quickly shuffled behind Terry not wanting to face the woman knowing she would be angry. "Maxy you have an appointment" he said to him not aware that Terry knew what was going on which made Max cower down a little.

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