Skin Slip (Bookworm0492 and Wingal)


Junior Member
(Private RP between Bookworm0492 and Wingal)

The streets of Chicago were quiet, or as quiet s they could be. In the calm after the evening rush and before the bustle of the nightlife crawling out to thrive, the streets only had the a casual amount of cars on the road, and only a small amount of people on the streets. Nothing conspicuous, nothing too hurried.

Perfect time to grab some food.

Terry crouched behind a corner, glancing around at a hotdog stand. Sizzling and wafting in the air, the promise of the factory produced meat made the blonde stomach rumble, reminding him of the day hes gone without food. he wanted to just rush the guy and nab his wares, but that would just get the cops called on him and that was way too much of a hassle.

Instead, he casually walked up to the guy. "Hey, can I get a frank with the works?" The owner, as greasy as the hotdogs themselves, just nodded and after hacking a lugey onto the sidewalk starts to make the dog. Time to put the plan into action.

With a quick kick that the owner couldnt see he unlatched the wheel off the cart which sent the guys money rolling down onto the cement and down the road. The owner roared in anger and frantically started pawing the money back into his hands, and before he looekd up Terry had grabbed about 5 of the dogs and bolted .

Terry could hear the owner screaming at him but he was already down an alleyway, dashing through the maze of the back alleys.

Looks like he was eating good tonight.
Maxwell was having his hard time finding food as he wandered around in the alleys of the now dull city. "Maybe Ill get lucky this time" he thought hopefully as he hid behind the corner leading into a busy fast food restaurant in the city.

"3...2...1" he said as a man came out on queue like he always does during closing to throw away all the food leftover and any old extras.

Max waited until the man was inside for about 5 minutes until he quickly scurried over opening the bag of junk.

He grimaced at the food as he found only a half eaten burger that wasnt falling apart a his fingers.

Maxwell gave a big sigh as he held his breath taking a bite out of it causing him to gag immediately but he forced himself to keep it down. He couldn't afford to lose anything else in his stomach.

Max sat depressed leaning against the thrash can looking back at the burger trying to work the nerve to take another bite.
Terry dashed through the streets, no longer becuase he needed but becuase it was exhilerating. The sucess of the theft, the food in his hands, he was high on life, the adrenaline, everything. For a moment, as he dashed around a corner, the world was his oyster and nothing could slow him down.

Until he ran smack into a kid.

He slammed into the kid at full speed and ended up tumbling to the ground, the dogs going everywhere. "Dammit!!!"

He looked up at who had been in his way, his canines elongating a little as his inner predator got very, very pissed.
Maxwell was finally about to take another bite of the garbage when he was suddenly bumped into causing him to fall to the ground himself.

Maxwell quickly got up surprised to see a very angry looking person glaring back at him.

He wasn't sure at all of what he did but knew he couldn't even come close to beating this person in a fight. "I-I'm sorry" he stuttered out shrinking down onto himself.
Terry pulled down his hood in frusteration now that it it had become tangled fomr the fall, showing off his shaggy blonde hair and very irritated blue eyes. He glared over at the person he tripped over and faltered. damn, kid looedk like he was gonna piss himself from fear. He sighed. "Its fine. Sorry. Got a little carried away in my escape. Speaking of which."

He reched down to pick up the hotdogs, only minimally damaged from the fall. While picking up another dog he froze hearing yelling. "Shit." The owner was alot more persistant then he thought. He glanced around frantically for a place to go before settling on the kid, surrounded by hald eaten trash obviously dug out of the dumpster. "You. Help me hide and I'll split my food, got it?"
"Really" he chimed suddenly exciting his tail hidden in his pants wagging happily at the the thought of fresh food. "Follow me then" he said suddenly grabbing onto his arm and dragging him though the dark alleyways leaving the mans thunderous ells behind him as they stopped in a clump of trees in a park.
He let the kid drag him through the streets into the park. Had to admit, the guy knew his way around. They went deep into the woods of the central park, and with all the twists and turns they took Terry just about found himself lost. "Whos, whos kid slow down I think we lost him!!" He tore his arm away fom the kid ans fthey stopped in a meadow, complete with rocks and a small pond. Picture perfect. he took a deep breath. "Thanks for that."
Maxwell was panting himself now noticing just how far of a run that really was when eh heard the man talking again. "It really is no problem" he said grinning but quickly stopped looking at the water. He wanted to ask for he food but didn't want to be rude so he stood there oddly trying to think of what to say or do next.
Terry took afew deep breaths and then grinned at the kid. "THanks for that." He separated the dogs evenly and tosses one half towards him. "Here ya go, your share."

He sat down on a rock to start nomming on his, his belly eager for the sustenance "So, whats your name, and where the hell did you come from?"
Maxwell instinctively pounced on the actual food gulping it down as if he hadn't had anything to eat for days .Which he hasn't.

After he was done in the next few questions he heard and sat down on the grass. "My name is Maxwell but of course people call me Max" he said and then heard the 2nd question causing him to get depressed for a few seconds. "My house was raided and my parents were killed in a raid by humans" he said with said sigh. "They even burned down our house" he said looking at the lake.
Terry stopped short of eating his third dog hearing the kids story. Talk about unexpected.

"Holy shit dude....Im the hell did you get away...?"
"My parents held them back long enough for me to get out one of the windows" he answered laying down and sighing.

"Do you have a story" he asked quieter now looking over to him.
Terry looked at the kid, seeing what a wreck he is, and with that story it makes sense.

And yeah he had his own tale to tell.

He sighed. "Im a runaway. My parents are rich snobs and I didnt want anything more to do with that life. They were gonna marry me off to some spoiled snobby girl use me to meet their own ends. I was sick of it so I ran to try and make my own way....which hasnt gone too well so far."
"Oh they must be worried for you then" he said sitting up and with a small hint of concern in his voice.

"But either way I guess that was a good enough reason to run away" he said laying down again. "I mean at least you know how to take care of yourself food and water wise" he said to the boy. "Besides You never same your name either" Maxwell remembered lifting his head a little bit to see him.
Terry smiled. Kid had alot to learn, but he paid attention. "Names Terry. And I doubt theyre worried. Pissed beyond all reason maybe, but worried? Nah, theyd probably get the servants to beat me if I ever went back. " He took a bite out of another hotdog. "By the way, you said 'humans' did it, so, what the hell are ya then?"
Maxwell immediately got a worried look on his face as he sat up biting the end of his thumb on instinct to try and calm his nerves.

After a few more moments of pondering he glanced back over a Terry "I guess I could trust you" he said with a sigh standing up. As soon as he did Maxwell undid the belt on his pants and setting it down next to him and let them drop in the back a few inches but enough to see a minimally fluffed looking tail poking out. "I'm a shiftier" he said hesitantly watching Terry's face for any sort of reaction which indicated he would need to make a full transformation and run for it.
Terry blinked rapidly but then smiled while raising an eyebrow. "Of all the cool things you could turn into you got the tamest thing ever." he smiles playfully."Dont worry kid youre in good company." He leaned back lazily against a rock, his movements slow but having a subtle aura of power, like the predator he is. And almost out of thin air Max sees two white tiger ears appear, and a tiger tail curling and uncurling at his side. he cocked his head to the side to see the little dog-shifters reaction.
"I have a tamed kind of personality I guess" he replied rubbing his arm as his cheeks flushed red for only a moment but he knew Terry Most likely saw. He felt a little calmer as Terry began trying to calm his own nerves as Max Watched Terry lean back against the rock. "He is pretty Cool" Max thought remembering another kid that acted Like him in his own neighborhood. Maxwell finally looked back at him in time to see Terry shifting minimally with ears and a tail. "Wow So cool" he said with a small kids Glee as he ran up to Terry, His tail wagging in relief and excitement that they were alike, Max leaned over on him knew poking the cat ears to watch them Twitch ,which made Max Hold back a squee (x D Thought I had Too for this relationship :3). Trying to follow in Terry's footsteps he shifted his ears into a dogs, which weren't too straight up but leaned over at the tips. "You Must be the wild type then Huh? "He asked beginning to poke The boys ears again to see them twitch not noticing his pants sliding down a bit. (Building up the Awkward moment Between an innocent boy and a gay older boy)
( *dies* Holy crap Wingy you kill me)

Terry's eyes widened in surprise when the young pup ran up to him. Most tamer shifters steered clear of him due to him being a more...dangerous predator. Self-preservation instincts and whatnot. But this kid ran up to him like he was the coolest thing since sliced bread. It was all well and good until the kid started messing with his ears, which, unbeknownst to almost all, were very sensitive, and at this moment ticklish.

"Hngerk" After the inhuman grunt, he shook his head and pulled his ears away, his face actually tinging pink with his weakness being shown. "Hey Hey! Who taught you your manners kid? Ya dont just grab another guys ears, c'mon!!" He grabbed the kids wrist to stop the touches and realized the dog was just about sitting on him, the abrupt shift showing off a little more than waht the kid probably wanted shown. Well f&^k.

Averting his eyes Terry reached down and hooked a finger in a belt loop and pulled the jeans back up for the kid. "And get yourself a decent belt. Sheesh."

No need to start bringing THOSE instincts in today. Cripes.
(:3 Don't die on meh yet and It was kinda late I had to entertain myself somehow x D so I imagined this scenario is all Sorry if it was a little much too early)

Maxwell quickly got the message and stepped back at least enough so he wasn't sitting directly on him. "Really sorry about that it's just so hard to contain myself I mean your the first Tiger shifter i've ever met and well your ears seemed cool was all" he said just now noticing that his pants had to be pulled up. "And I do have a belt thanks I just took it off so I could reveal i'm not human" he replied quickly reaching for it and putting it back on making sure to tighten it. "There" He said mostly in a playful tone. "How old are you anyway I mean you look really young but Act like your about 26." he asked cursorily letting out a yawn against his will.
(Oh dont worry, I found it hilarious, xD if we can turn this into a comedy too and just rack up the hilarious sexual tension Im all for it.)

Terry frowned, not sure how to take the 26 compliment. "Close but no dice. Im 19. But you can peg those extra years on the fact that Ive fended for myself for a while." he grinned at the young one excitement for his form. "If you think thats exciting, wait'll you see the other shifters in the city. They'll knock your pants off." He used his foot to tap at the side of Max's leg to playfully add to his point, and he smiled at how bouncy the kid was. It was kinda cute. "So, how old did you say you were again?"
"Really Yours must be the best though" he quickly answered back until he heard the question. "I'm 16" he answered back as soon as he could remember himself. "But could you take me to see the other shifters" he asked anxiously hearing on how much Terry thought of their forms and transformations. "I don't know how you could take care of yourself for so long it's hard to get what you need when a lot of people hate you" he added sadly.

(Wasn't sure how old/young you wanted him to be let me know if you want me to change it xD )
(16 works lol)

Terry looked at the kid in surprise at the kids question. "Take you to the other shifters..? I dunno Max, theyre not always the friendliest bunch. At least the ones I know at any rate. They kinda...let their baser instincts out alot more. You'd probably have to do something weird to prove yourself to them so you could stay with em. Its pretty brutal. Thats kidna why Im takin' care of myself." He sighed. "Its no that hard once you get the hang of it." Find odd jobs, steal food on occassion, yeah it wasnt the most glamorous but it got the job done.

The tiger shifter ran his fingers through his hair. "Look, if you really wanna go, I'll take you but I dont recomend it at all. it just might be too wild for you."

With baby-face cute this kid was he'd chewed up and spat back out. Heck a stronger male might just "dominate him" just to prove a point and that was something Terry didnt wanna see happen. The kid wasnt even of age yet.

F^*kin jailbait. Just his luck.
"Well if your there I'm sure I would be fine" he answered back optimistic now creating his images of what the other shifters would look like. "Maybe big tattoos and muscles" he said to himself shuddering a bit now at the thought of meeting them. Maxwell also became a bit nervous hearing the words "Doing something Pretty Weird". "Well I want to learn how other guys live on the street and besides like I already said you would be there so nothing could go wrong right" he asked smiling with a little tilt to his head.
"Ah, well, when you put it that way..."

The amount of confidence this kid had in him was...well damn,....kinda nice. And still kinda...worrisome maybe?

He turned away a little to hide the small amount of pink that showed on his cheek from the compliment. he cleared his throat, trying to seem aloof and stern. "Y'know kid, first rule is you probably shouldnt be so trusting of people. I mean, how do you know Im not pulling a fast one on ya?"

Which of course wasnt true, but he had to make a point.

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