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Fandom Skaia High

Feferi crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks. Ugh as if I need to be reminded of that! I can't stand him sometimes... She thought. Her expression changed once she saw Roxy walk by with one of her cats in her bag. Roxy turned around and waved until she noticed the cat. She quickly hid him back in her bag, "Don't tell on me ok?" She said quietly. Feferi giggled and nodded.
Nepeta finally made her way to school, looking around a little for a CERTAIN SOMEONE and having no luck, she personally wilted and stared down at the ground, sighing. She grumbled and headed into the school.

"I don't really know. I think Mituna's nice actually." Terezi said, making her way up to the school, Dragon the dog pressing the handicapped button to open the door for her before galloping in.
"long as he ain't crampin my style I don't mind being around him lets see to the auditorium 'parently the principals got two or three things to say"

-Eridan and his nerd herd (ha) were now in the auditorium, waiting for )(IP's welcoming to the school year. Or something like that. Really, they were just nerding out talking about Nerdy things like Star Trek and stuff like that.-
"Okay." Terezi meandered through the halls with her dog leading the way, sniffing at odd things and turning the wrong way occasionally, but after a while she found her way to the auditorium, sitting down at the end of the seats so her dog wasn't sitting in between the seats.
-Dave easily made his way to the auditorium, loitering in the spot next to Terezi. He tapped her and motioned to the Nerd Herd, before remembering she was blind as a bat and thus told her about the nerd herd up in the nosebleed seats, all pathetic and uncool to everyone but themselves.-
"What?" She turned her head the wrong way, then turned back to Dave's voice, "Oh. Eridork." She said, "and the nerd herd. Totally laaaaame >;]"

Nepeta found her way to the auditorium and sat alone, watching for Equius.

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