Sins and Virtues. [Inactive]


Queen of Broken Hearts
Bree submitted a new role play:

Sins and Virtues. - Evil and Good fight for control over humanity. WHat fate lies in store for the Earth as we know it?

Virtues and Sins have lived together since the dawn of humanity but they wanted different visions. Virtues wanted light and goodness whereas the Sins wanted to toy with humanity and plunge them into Chaos. For years they were at war and finally, the Virtues found a way to imprison them in their own minds, saving humanity. The Sins eventually found a way to communicate and organize their escape without the Virtues knowing. Now, in present day, the Sins are in hiding from the Virtues until they...
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(You may, but please hold off on the charrie sheet ^^ I'm in the middle of making a separate sign up thread for them)
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Charity was pacing back and forth in the board room, occasionally tapping the cool leather of her chair as she went by, making the business seat spin. Her white teeth were chewing on her bottom lip, a tell-tale sign something was very wrong. She had just sent the house cat to collect the other Virtues and lead them to the board room to discuss this news. Panic was settling in her chest and she stopped in front of the chair to grip it tightly and take deep breaths before the others arrived. She was their leader, she would remain strong.

Evaris smirked from the large common room in the warehouse, watching the glitter of the diamonds that seemed to cover her fingers. They were gorgeous, as was she in a sparkling dress, and they made her smirk even more malicious. They had done it, they had gotten out of the horrid hell holes without the Virtues knowing and had settled on the outskirts of some little town. Now they needed a game plan and Evaris had just the idea. So before the first, dysfunctional hectic meeting had even started, her voice called out over the others. "I have an idea if anyone would care to hear it."
Luxure woke up to see 3 naked women sleeping/laying around his room and his rather large bed. He ran a hand through his long ice blue hair and looked around for a black hair clip to put it into his usual style. "Found you," he sung and pulled on a pair of silk black boxers that were decorated with hearts that were the same color as his hair and eyes. Luxure walked out of his room and heard Evaris' voice. "Sure I'd love to hear your new strategy Eva," He took a seat in a black plush chair.
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Anya had been brushing her hair over one of her eyes when she woke up. She did it every morning as to show balance between good and bad. It didn't effect her in any way, but she liked how the style was balanced out. She began walking to the board room to start working like she did every morning. She was usually the first virtue awake, and the last one asleep, so she was surprised when she walked into the room and found her leader there already, since the cat had not reached her before she left. Anya silently sat down without distracting Charity and started her work.
Acedian yawned and stretched as he slung his legs over the side of his bed searching for the pull cord to the lamp on his nightstand. Finally finding it he yanked the light on and grimaced as his eyes adjusted. Putting his fist to his jaw he applied enough pressure to make the bones in his neck pop "Jeez it feels good to be free again.." he whispered to himself allowing a small smirk to dance across his face. Lazily he stood up and sauntered over to where his shirt was hanging on the back of his desk chair. He was just finishing with the top button when he heard the voice of his fellow sins in the main room, he slowly opened the door and ambled into the room seating himself next to the others. Hardly opening his eyes he looked up at the embodiment of Greed and said, "What's on your mind Evaris?"
Killen smiled as he heard Eva call out to everyone. He shrugged and moved off his place on top of some shelves and dropped down behind Eva. He grinned and walked up behind her, placing a kiss on her cheek. Killen was a very angry person but he had a soft spot for Eva, he was fond of her and he could never lay a hand on her. He smiled and walked around her, sitting in a chair in front of her. "What do you have in mind Evaris?" He smirked, taking a drink of the whiskey from the bottle in his hand. He stayed up all night drinking and taking his anger on random people that crossed his path. He leaned back in the chair and smiled up at Eva. "You should have joined me last night. It was fun."
Vara woke up with the sound of something not being right. She walked over to her closet and tried to find her last pair of pants. She struggled to get them on as she hopped with one foot and crashed into her dresser. "Ouch you stupid thing!" She yelled. She hopped over to the door and looked out in the hall. She saw others walking towards the board room. "Crap, Crap Crap!" She was hurrying as fast as she could. She ran over to her pile of tank tops, put one on and put the rest of her pants on. She went running out the door, flipped in the hallway, and walked into the board room. "I'm here!" She said walking towards Charity. Vara sat on the desk giving Charity a half smile. "Hi." Vara said. (Vara is still a young girl, even though she is 17 she is learning the kinks :P )
"Ah, hello," the greeting fell from soft lips as Asmodel bent down, fingers scratching at the spot just behind and below the ear of a small feline. A soft smile settled across his features, eyes edged downward in the corners, the creases around them deepening in fondness for the creature.

"Time to get up, is it?" He questioned, continuing his conversation with the cat as he stood back to his full height. He had been in the process of dressing, and he moved to find himself a shirt - a plain white button down - which he pulled on, doing up each button with a calm to match his slow rise to meet the day. "Don't worry, I'll be there in a few minutes, go along to collect your next charge." He waved his hand off to the cat as soon as he finished fastening the last button on his collar. From there he moved off into the bathroom annex on his room. He brushed his hair with the same methodical air he had attached to dressing himself before going through the motions of brushing his teeth - something he knew would be less time consuming if he simply did it in the shower before getting dressed, but which he felt deserved his full attention. When he was done with that he returned to his room, quickly making the bed - no sense in leaving it a mess, he'd just have to do it later if he rushed out the door now, and he might as well get it done at this moment. No time like the present, after all!

With his room sufficiently squared away he exited into the hall way, shutting the door behind him. He moved down to the kitchen, the soft pad of his bare feet barely noticeable against the cold tile on which he walked. He paused in the kitchen to set the kettle on and to make sure that the coffee pot was properly brewing - something he found his other virtues didn't make the time for. Tsk, can't start the day off in a rush, each thing in due time, and the due time for tea and coffee was first thing. He went about the task of preparing his own tea, sure to leave plenty of water in the kettle in case anyone else cared for it, and moved into the pantry. He had left a box of croissants - pan au chocolate to be precise, far more delicious than the usual flaky butter-and-dough confection - there the morning previous, and now loaded the lot of them onto a plate. He moved to the microwave and put them in for forty-seven seconds, waiting for them to be finished before removing the serving plate and picking up his mug of tea. These in hand (well, in hands) he moved into the board room, bypassing Charity, Anya, and Vara to set them down in the middle of the table. He moved to his own seat and settled himself comfortably, taking a sip of his tea and setting it down before looking over his fellow virtues. Noting the troubled look on Charity's face a frown tugged at his soft features.

"Charity, you should eat. Whatever's troubling you - it won't help to handle it on an empty stomach. Take a moment to take care of yourself before you let your worry over take you." His tone was gentle, if slightly firm. It would do her no good to rush into worry - taking time to think things through would help, and taking care of herself was part of that. Which meant making sure she got enough sleep and a good meal in her before she went faint from the stress of leading them all. "As for the rest of us... I brought breakfast, coffee is brewing, and there's hot water in the kettle. I imagine none of you took the time to get settled and ready for the morning?" His question wasn't mocking, just matter-of-fact. His morning ritual may have taken longer than theirs, but at least he was prepared for the day - and if that meant taking an extra ten minutes to make sure that everyone else was taken care of in terms of morning tasks... well, it was worth the extra time spent. Nothing ever got done well by rushing it through, after all.
Envy was awoken by voices in the main room. He got out of bed blinking his violet eyes sleepily and his blonde hair was messy and sticking up at odd angles. He walked over to the bathroom that he had in his room and changed out of his bedclothes. He took a comb and combed his messy hair and splashed some water on his face. He yawned before walking out of his room and into the main room. He saw Eva and a few others and caught the last of Eva's comment. "What is your great plan now Eva?" he asked in a groggy tone, he was happy to be free but he needed his 12 hours of sleep or there was hell to pay.
Charity's smile softened a bit as her fellow comrades began to shuffle in, in completely unique ways might she add. She nodded to Asmodel, her tone quiet to keep the headache she had manageable. "Yes, you are right. It seems I have forgotten to take care of myself. Please, wait a moment and talk amongst yourselves whilst I get me some food." Her stomach was empty but it was more to take time to calm her nerves than to feed it driving her to walk calmly out of the room and to the kitchen. She took a bottle of medicine out and made a cup of tea simultaneously. How was she going to break it to them? After all the hard work and precautions? Taking a deep breath, Charity swallowed the pills and grabbed a blueberry muffin before heading back to the board room, now not remotely hungry.

Evaris rolled her eyes at Lust and was about to make a snide comment about his appearance before Killen surprised her with a kiss on the cheek. She made a cross face but couldn't stop the satisfied smirk from appearing on her face. Hey, she was a greedy person and once she sees something she wants, Evaris doesn't complain when it's handed to her. "I'm more of a hiesting diamonds girl than beating people up, but maybe next time. And since you've asked, little Envy, my wonderful plan is to hit the Virtues where it hurts. Anyone wanna make a guess?"
Envy blinked sleepily as he walked to the kitchen to get a Poptart. He walked back into the main area and sat down on a chair. He unwrapped the tart, it was blueberry flavored and he took a bite. He fixed his eyes up at Eva and chewed boredly. He was the youngest sin and he sometimes didn't really care about the plans and the fighting. "I'll take a guess. Maybe their crotches, I heard that humans hurt when they get hit there." he smirked followed by a chuckle.
Theodora flipped over on her bed. She yawned for a bit and snuggled into the fluffy comforter . Getting up, she rubbed her eyes and yawned a bit. Being the youngest of the Virtues, she stayed in bed for a little bit longer. Dragging herself out of bed, she flopped onto the floor and slowly got up. She slipped on a pair of slippers and walked out of her room. She walked into the kitchen wearing a pair of pastel pink pajamas, and padded over to the stove. After a few minutes, she had made a meal that could feed 5 people. She usually did this, some of the Virtues always ate some, and if they didn't she would save it or give it to someone. Walking into the board room, she smiled and said loudly, "I made food!"
(Man, everyone's bringing food, Asmodel with his plate of pan au chocolate, Tehodora with... whatever she brought? and Charity going off to get herself food as well...)

A smile spread gently across Asmodel's features as he watched their little representation of Kindness walk in. While most children were described as little angels he couldn't help but think that it truly applied to the young girl - but perhaps that was just her sweet and caring nature emanating from her like an aura of gentleness.

"Thank you," the words were soft spoken, gentle as he looked over her and her creation. If the virtues were his family Theodora was his little sister, and she certainly held a dear place in his heart. He wheeled his chair slightly to the side in order to make more space for her. "I'm sure we'll all appreciate it. Sit with me?" the offer was made along with a motion towards the seat next to him - both because they were right next to each other in ranking and because he felt a sort of protective fondness for the young girl.
Lux chuckled at Envy's response because he was thinking the same thing. He stuck his tongue out at Evaris and leaned over to give Envy a high five. "I agree with Envy on that one but I've never actually been hit there before," he said curiously.
Leaning his head back, his eyes shut, Acedian slowly twirled himself clockwise in the office style chair he was seated in. "Indeed it does little Envy" he slurred through the chuckles at what the young sin had said, "But I doubt it would do much to a Virtue.. Correct me if I'm wrong.. but I think what Evaris is implying is that we pay the humans a visit.." His eyes opened almost all the way, a very unnatural thing for the epitome of sloth, as he spoke the last few words. A cold, almost evil smile forming at the corners of his mouth.
"Sure," Theodora said, balancing the food on a tray while walking over to the chair. She thought about Asmodius for a second. He was really nice and she enjoyed being with him. She slid the tray onto the table carefully and sat down in the chair next to him. After sitting down, she messed with her hair for a little bit, in a half-hearted attempt to make it look presentable; she always got bed head when she slept, even if it was a quick nap. Leaning against him and playing with his hair, she said, "So how's your breakfast?"
Kellin smirked at Eva and raised an eyebrow. "Are we going to hit them with their sins? Which is us?" He had claimed Eva as his 'toy'. Lust wasnt the only one to feel lust. He looked her up and down then went back to the converstation. "I say we hit them with brutal force. Kill them off." He growled. He spun his chair and looked at the other sins. "Dont you all agree? They need to be gone. Killed off." He looked up at Eva. "Yes?"
Vesta awoke from her peaceful slumber, her night scarf on. "I need to get up earlier..." she mumbled to herself. Being a Virtue meant she always had to get up and do her daily duties. She sighed and brushed her hair out of her eyes and plodded out of her room. Vesta plopped down into a chair in the dining room and pondered getting cereal, but she was feeling too lazy. "Can someone get me some cereal?" Vesta asked. She never normally acted like this and as a Virtue this behavior was unacceptable! "Sorry for this behavior, guys..."
Luxure smirked at the idea of teaching his virtue counterpart the wonderful feeling of lust and he shivered in sheer pleasure at his fantasies. He could feel his body heating up to an unusual temperature for a human or sin for that matter. "Eva can you hurry up and tell us your ingenious plan so I-I mean we can go mess with the humans," he muttered.
"Hmm, well enough," Asmodel responded, humming lightly to himself as the younger girl settled against him. His hands came up and casually started running through her hair, de tangling it as best he could through his slow motions. "Not quite as enjoyable as what you made us, I'm sure." He smiled down at her, pleased to have his sibling-esque companion so close. He paused, then, to look up at Vesta's entrance, frowning slightly at her bizarre entrance. After a moment of taking in her sudden entrance he finally spoke,

"Vesta? Are you... feeling all right? We have food - courtesy of Theodora and myself - and you're welcome to it but... you don't quite seem yourself. Is everything well with you?"

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