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Futuristic Simple Slumber

Oh god, a shit ton of stuff happened!

I have a lot to catch up on. Dx

I'm working on a post right now.
Oh god, a shit ton of stuff happened!
I have a lot to catch up on. Dx

I'm working on a post right now.

I think I f*cked up man SAVE US
I actually love it. xD

Annnd I'm going to post.

I feel like Pierce is completely useless atm. He hasn't actively done anything, but kinda... think.
I actually love it. xD
Annnd I'm going to post.

I feel like Pierce is completely useless atm. He hasn't actively done anything, but kinda... think.

Wooo! ~Rushes off to read it~
CyanidePie123 said:
I think I f*cked up man SAVE US
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Hey now wait a minute. Look at my last post. My actions might make more sense to you now. I stand by both the facts that I f*ucked up and possibly found a solution at the same time.
I mean, i understand you're thinking but...

Timothy hadn't actually done anything to the group and Rusty was literally sitting there until Terry shot at Timothy. AND Timothy had mentioned he would help them out of there. Just by how he spoke, and lack of attacking (if he could summon metal slabs to protect himself, he surely could have surprise attacked them before they realized he was there), I don't think trying to kill our only source of information was the best idea.

Its also not guaranteed that Rusty and the world Timothy made up will disappear after Timothy is killed.

So just sayin'...

I think you angered Rusty
I mean, i understand you're thinking but...
Timothy hadn't actually done anything to the group and Rusty was literally sitting there until Terry shot at Timothy. AND Timothy had mentioned he would help them out of there. Just by how he spoke, and lack of attacking (if he could summon metal slabs to protect himself, he surely could have surprise attacked them before they realized he was there), I don't think trying to kill our only source of information was the best idea.

Its also not guaranteed that Rusty and the world Timothy made up will disappear after Timothy is killed.

So just sayin'...

I think you angered Rusty

Actualy if you read what he said, he was not that friendly. He already alerted the beast by throwing his wrench nearby and telling us the creature liked to play fetch and it made no difference between play and kill. He already made toys out of us by alerting the monster. I was only the first one to respond with the weapon I had. How I see it he only try to keep us occupied while the beast get closer. Maybe Tim is not a good fighter and its why he let rusty do the job.

Also note that survival come before informations. We will certainly meet harmless peoples in the future.

Edit: also remember that he said that rusty is his partner, and the only way out is in rusty stomach or out of the door. If he's goong to help us out, the bloodthirsty creature is his partner, and he alert the creature. Isnt that enough to see he's absolutely not with us? Specialy if the bunnies are his friends.
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He also said that Rusty was like a puppy when he said it couldn't distinguish between play and kill. Puppies could play rougher than they mean to because they don't know their own strength. It could be applied to Rusty, which is how I had interpreted it.

He did alert the Rusty by clanging the wrench and throwing it, but that could have also been a sign that Rusty is alerted by loud sound and movement. Rusty, however, didn't move from the door until after Terry shot at Timothy.


New post <3
He also said that Rusty was like a puppy when he said it couldn't distinguish between play and kill. Puppies could play rougher than they mean to because they don't know their own strength. It could be applied to Rusty, which is how I had interpreted it.
He did alert the Rusty by clanging the wrench and throwing it, but that could have also been a sign that Rusty is alerted by loud sound and movement. Rusty, however, didn't move from the door until after Terry shot at Timothy.


New post <3

It is a pretty large and intimidating puppy. But it thinking like a puppy does not make it better. He said more than once we werent the first one there and when I attacked he mentioned all the others did that too. It may have been a way to say that others didnt listen but it might also mean others defended themselves.
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