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Fandom ☾⋆。 ๋࣭ ⭑˚ silver moon のろい [ CS ]



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

silver moon curse


application info.

face claim

zodiac spirit.
full name.
birthday [month/day].

distinguishing features (scars, tattoos, birthmarks, etc.).
physical description (optional, max 2 para).

likes/dislikes (min. 4 each).
hobbies/quirks .
persona (optional).
bio (min. 2 para).


additionally: feel free to use whatever desired code for your profile! while I do prefer profiles that use codes and are aesthetic. I understand not everyone knows how to use the codes on here or wants to be bothered with it, so it's not a requirement to use one. like I mentioned before profiles will be picked based on who I feel best encapsulates the role for the rp. so please don't take any personal offense. also as a reminder ages for characters should be 19+~!


the rat


The darkness hidden in this Spirit's heart. Whispers of malice and distaste only this person can hear. The cruel voices almost maddening, to the point one's sanity is pushed to the very edge. The Rat is able to hear the thoughts of others within their own mind, BUT, only the negative ones. Hateful and criticizing words hitting them especially hard; a would straight into their trauma filled heart.

the ox


Born with mixed features, a balance of light and dark. Cursed with a wicked split personality. The lighter side cool, and lazy - like a warm summer day spent floating in a blue lagoon. Their darker side a vicious, tumultuous storm. Tearing down anyone in their path with brute strength alone. They have multiple triggers, one of them sneezing and the other when they hear the word ______. They live life on the edge fearing any new experience might trigger their dark side. ☆ Resides within the Saeki Estate.

the tiger


Every turn of the year, the day after the New Years banquet they loose their memories of the previous year. Having every small precious detail and person lost to hazy blackness. Over the years they learned to keep their distance from people. Lashing out with cold strikes and a sharp tongue to keep away the broken look of the faces of people forgotten.

the bunny


Born with pale features yet striking eyes, unnaturally so. Cursed with a frail body and easily sickened and wounded. Always being hospitalized for what most people would escape with minor injuries. Easily their body reaches its limits, which could cause them to unintentionally transform. Something they are very prone to.

the dragon


Born time and time again with healing hands and a kind heart to a fault. Gifted with the ability to take away memories from people. However, with the newly strengthened curse... if he looses control of his emotions, whether good or bad, he has no control of his power and can steal away someone's memories without control.

the snake


Every touch from them takes a time off your life. Like a lovely flower drenched in poison of an angry goddess. At first , the affected doesn't really feel much. Maybe an extra bit exhausted for a couple of sniffles here and there. However the more time spent in the presence of the snake, the worse the sickness progresses. To the point where one is left hospitalized unknowingly. Zodiac members are still affected but some have a greater tolerance to it.

the horse


A wish can be a powerful thing, a negative thought even deadlier. Prone to a meloncholy nature. Her thoughts have influence over a person's will. If she wishes secrety in her heart for someone's downfall, an ill wish for them to die persay. Then that action may actuallyhappen to them on some degree. Based off the intensity of their emotions atthe current tie and the frequency of said thought. Good things are much rarer to occur, only darkening their heart that much more.

the ram


Their curse is tied in tandum to the Tiger spirit. However, instead of forgetting, they are the ones being forgotton. As if they never even existed, a walking apparition among the living. For similar reasons they keep their distance from forming any bonds with people. The only people unafflicted by this curse are the zodiac members and the cruel god of the family.

the monkey


They live life waiting anxiously to find their out their curse. The extra layer of burden sprinkled on to the zodiac members. It wasn't until after they first accidently transformed into their zodiac counterpart that they discovered their curse's oddity. Body parts that did not belong to them hanging oddly off their skin, in their intimate areas. Every time after they transform back from their animal spirit form, they switch genders. A truly confusing gambit to try and play into their life. ☆ Resides within the Saeki Estate.

the rooster


The day they were born the sky turned blacker than night. It was an unpredicyed eclipse of the sun that day. Maybe so the sun could shield its eyes from the creature's horrible birth. With their curse stregthened it loomed over thwir head like a dangerous cloud, figurativly and literaly. This person's mood affects the flow of the weather. Happy equaling sun and negative feelings like sadness or anger creating thunderstorms and even out of season monsoons. Their family keeps them locked away, typically sedated on drugs that lulls them into a rose colored haze. ☆ Resides within the Saeki Estate.

the dog


Upon meeting them you feel instantly drawn, no matter how brief the encounter. A magnetic attraction forms in a victim's heart. Till one becomes obsessed with the thought of the zodiac member. A spell-like induced amore you are unable to shake. Unfortunately, the dog has no control over this and gains countless admirers. Its quite a lonely existence. Not knowing who truly loves them versus those afflicted by their curse. Certain Zodiac members are unaffected by this phenomena. ☆ Resides within the Saeki Estate.

the boar


During childbirth they killed their mother due to such a violent birth. It was pretty obvious when the doctor picked them up and their little hand pushing him away caused the poor doctor to fly across the room, severely injured. Everyone thought hitting the ground at such a young age would cause permanent damage. However their curse of superhuman strength protected them, and also throughout their life injured many others.

the cat


A foul beast, hated the most by the twisted God; who wanted all to know of The Cat's original sin. To any human born with this spirit they have two inhuman evidence of their corrupted soul. Cat ears that are only repressed by the talisman of bone and blood by a great Sage. Three days before and after the full moon, what could be beautiful nights for most turns into a nightmare for the Cat spirit. Once the sun sets they shed their human skin, taking on their true cursed form. Nothing can stop their transformation into the true cursed form of the Cat Spirit, not even their usual talisman to keep their form in check. Leaving behind in their wake a bloody path and confusion to the locals.

extra information.

All of the characters will be residing in the town of Kaibara. Pay attention to your role because certain zodiac spirits were not only birthed in the town, but they reside within the Saeki Estate. This doesn't mean they are necessarily blood family members but rather, they belong to the family. For other characters its up to you to decide why they are in Kaibara... For college? A job perhaps? Maybe they were born there? Or perhaps a more lucrative purpose? It's said zodiac spirits are drawn by nature to their place of origin. Also it has been known for the Saeki family to... acquire zodiac spirits through shady business.

face claims should be anime/manga/art but preferably not your own artwork.

If accepted I will send you a PM to the discord, where more information on the rp will be avaliable. Along with the OOC and other fun

♡coded by uxie♡

  • The Dog
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phantom bride


the snake




Yua Saeki


None, she's never been given one




March 15th


Female, she/her








5'8", 172 cm


123 lbs, 55 kg

distinguishing features

Her hazel eyes that look more green in certain lights. Her tall stature which makes it easy to single her out from a crowd. Old scraps and scars from when she young and digging around in her parent's garden as a child.




spring, plants, warm weather, luxury items, compliments, spicy foods


overly sweet things, physical touch, cramped spaces, crowds, people overstaying their welcome


gardening, bug collecting, traveling, piano


Always wears gloves, hums to herself when stressed, carries a small book of plant identification in her bag when she travels, always dresses up.


An air of sophistication follows Yua, carrying an aura of 'look but don't touch', and she prefers it that way because it has to be that way. To stave off the loneliness a life without touch brings, she adopted an apathetic attitude, presenting herself as someone of self-importance, too busy to care about anyone else's worries, laughing her own off, as though nothing can truly affect her. A barrier between her and the world, even as she gives pleasant enough smiles in return, the only way she can show her affection and fondness for people around her without hurting them, protecting them with her polite decline to participate in the world outside the one she's carefully curated for herself.


Being a zodiac was hard, but being one that couldn't have physical touch was another. Giving and receiving comfort was impossible, and Yua learned how to reassure herself through her imagination and things that didn't fade with her touch, like the calm serenity of plants which can't look at you in distress when all she wanted to do was share her affection and love. Yua's parents had once aimed to relieve her of her burden, welcoming her poisonous touch in some way to let her know she was cared for despite her curse, but she would flinch away from their contact, fearful of losing them from something easily preventable.

In her developing years, even with her easy attitude and amiable persona, she had a reputation of being untouchable and icy, rejecting every offer of friendship and romance, deeming it for the best. This adamance to avoid touch became ingrained into her and has led to her living years without feeling nary a passing jostle of a shoulder down the street in her hyperaware state to keep her deadly skin to herself.



♡coded by uxie♡
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(fc will be added later im still deciding)
The Ram

Kaito Tanaka

None, but he sometimes calls himself "Cupcake".


June 3rd



Drifting through life without much interaction with the people around him, Kaito might come off as the "Cool loner" type of guy. He's gentle when he pushes people away, not wanting to hurt them badly when he refuses to let them get to know him. He's starting to wonder why he even cares how they feel, though. He can be as harsh as he wants, they'll forget their interactions anyway, so what difference does it make? If he stopped caring, maybe his life would be better.

Still, he tries to remain a decent person, even if he's starting to question why he even bothers. Even if they don't remember him, his actions could change a person's life... Yet, he still doesn't know if he cares anymore.

He's long stopped being particularly talkative, seeing no real use in talking to people anymore.

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