Silence in the Woods

Name - Axel (Bounty Hunter codename- XEN)(Shadow Prince)

Age - 21

Gender - Male

Alliance - Neautral (he doesent care whom he fights till money is supplied efficiently)

Occupation - Assasin + Bounty Hunter

Possition - (if any)

Species - Half Human/Shadow

Appearence -



Powers - Can turn into a shadow being. While in shadow form he can manipulate certain emotions like panic or fear. Shadow teleportation allows him to move through different sources of Darkness in with a supersonic speed. An adept in the use Sword and dagger and has an exceptionally high reflex that can be said to be inhuman.

Weaknesses - In shadow form a natural source of light for eg; sunlight or a strong enough source of man-made light is capable of causing a fatal damage considered the exposure of the body to the light and duration of contact. The past memories haunt him and thus any mention of those events cause him to become unstable. He is very bad in working with groups and thus is very inaffective at some ocassions and group survival.Weak against Fire as it disrupts the elemental affinity.

Personality - Cheerful, Coolheaded and coldhearted. height - 6' 2" approx. Generaly he doesent mind any insult or remark but becomes dead serious if a friend is insulted. In general he is not serious in most serious occasions and prefers death over surrender. He is emotianally soft from inside and cannot endure any harm done towards a friend. He can act flirty sometimes but is rather shy around woman unfamiliar to him.

Bio - (brief) His parents were killed along with all the other blood-related members of shadow clan during a massacre which took place while he was at the age of ten during that event the remaining members alive sacrificed themself to protect axel with embedding a soul-spell into him providing tendency to change into human thus making him half human and inturn escaping the massacre. He is the lone survivor and descendend of shadows and carries the weight of abandoning his family during the time of massacre and indirectly being responsible for their death.

Transformation -

Half Shadow Form


Major changes - Dark Aura emnating from body hair color Changes to white and a Shadowy contrast is added to the body.(p.s. except from these 3 changes other appearance remain the same.)

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NAME: Arto LeFevre

AGE: 32


ALLIANCE: Undecided

POSITION: Broke and homeless



He is really small 148cm/4'10 inches tall,

POWERS: IQ of 195 (If you can call that a power)

WEAKNESSES: weak and non-athletic, being normal human has lots of weaknesses.

PERSONALITY: Arto is distrustful towards humans. He is cunning and doesn't fear taking advantage of others. He appears to be from outside humorous, frank, and aloof.

BIO: Arto was born into Wealthy family. But he was detested, because he wasn't pureblood. Reason why he could sleep in comfortable bed, wear expensive clothes and accessories was all thanks to his loving father. But when his father died, his second son became head of the family and kicked Arto out of the house. From there out has detested humans. He is making living in the streets, but its too straining on his small body, which is affecting mentally which was originally complete mess. His daily life consisted working and going to inn to drink. But he decided to use his past to motivate himself from being broke to becoming a important person and secure his position in this harsh world.

Note: I wanted to create a normal human being(with iq of 195 :I) who tries to survive in this unruly world.
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ALLIANCE:Neutral but more evil than good.

POSITION: Chaos Incarnate

SPECIES:Half Demon, Half Human


POWERS: Flame Manipulation: Can generate fire at will for both offense and defense

Regeneration: instantly heals small wounds such as cuts and given enough time can even regenerate lost limbs.

Blood Manipulation: He can manipulate his blood to form all kinds of weapons.

WEAKNESSES: His blood magic when overused makes him very light headed and can't be used for some time when he reaches his limit.

Crowds: Jin absolutely hates being in groups as he's a natural loner.

Water: Naturally being a fire manipulator his flames grow weaker with water.

PERSONALITY: Jin loves fighting there's nothing he enjoys more than fighting the strong. He's often viewed as insane or having a dual personality because when he's not fighting you wouldn't see anything more than a normal teenager just one that shows no emotions, but once the fighting begins his emotions come out in full force the laughter when cutting down an enemy the joy of finding someone able to wound him its as if he becomes an entirely different person and once that person comes out he doesn't go away until the fighting ends.
Name: Ulfgar Frostbeard

Age: 97 (like 20 in Human years)

Gender: Male

Alliance: Neutral, leaning more toward good

Position: Mines gold deep in the mountains

Species: Dwarf

Powers: Tremendous eyesight, allowing him to spot and shoot his crossbow extremely long distances. He also has thick skin from life in the mountains, giving him a strong resistance to damage

Weaknesses: Is not physically strong, and does not do well in close quarter combat. Due to his small stature, he can also not travel very fast.

Bio: Ulfgar lived his childhood in the mountains, where he was raised with his purpose being the gold mining business, which he proudly fell into. Now, once every 6 months, he makes a trek with his cart to populated cities to sell the gold, which he normally mends into jewellery.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/_20150518_221447.JPG.efe498eb300ac6df5a673aca7e330c6b.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52995" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/_20150518_221447.JPG.efe498eb300ac6df5a673aca7e330c6b.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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xoloveox said:
NAME: Echo nasille
AGE: (Looks around 22)

GENDER: Female

ALLIANCE:(good or evil): Goood

POSITION: (if any) Royal Guard


APPEARANCE: (Pic please!):

POWERS: (Limit of 5)

1. Natural Healing- She can heal herself when around a healthy plant, and she can do the opposite, heal a sick plant when she, herself, is healthy.

2. Fading : The ability to teleport by fading through nature, such as trees and bushes

3. Semi- Flight : The ability to propel oneself through the air. Nymphs seemingly displayed the power of flight through green mist.

WEAKNESSES:(Minimum of 3)

1. Iron

2. Cream (makes her drunk)

3. Lead

PERSONALITY: Echo is a bubbly, cute girl who everyone seems to either pick on, or hang out with. Shes not hated by a lot of people, but she doesn't really mind. Shes an extreme optimist, and though shes most probably the sharpest tool in the shed- shes a great problem solver.

Bio- Echo's mother had passed away when she was born, but Her father was a very respected royal guard before he passed away, and since he was very close to the queen, he asked the queen to simply make Echo a royal guard, in order to get her to be protected.
@Mr Swiftshots ((heres the reason
BlueHawk said:
Name: Ulfgar Frostbeard
Age: 97 (like 20 in Human years)

Gender: Male

Alliance: Neutral, leaning more toward good

Position: Mines gold deep in the mountains

Species: Dwarf

Powers: Tremendous eyesight, allowing him to spot and shoot his crossbow extremely long distances. He also has thick skin from life in the mountains, giving him a strong resistance to damage

Weaknesses: Is not physically strong, and does not do well in close quarter combat. Due to his small stature, he can also not travel very fast.

Bio: Ulfgar lived his childhood in the mountains, where he was raised with his purpose being the gold mining business, which he proudly fell into. Now, once every 6 months, he makes a trek with his cart to populated cities to sell the gold, which he normally mends into jewellery.
NAME: Gregor Terro

AGE: 27



POSITION: (if any) King


APPEARANCE:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/knights-fantasy_00414605.jpg.f8b4b6633f0d4116fcf530d736b363b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53192" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/knights-fantasy_00414605.jpg.f8b4b6633f0d4116fcf530d736b363b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/original.jpg.fab00240ca4f497a085209400dd88507.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53193" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/original.jpg.fab00240ca4f497a085209400dd88507.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

POWERS: Master necromancer. By using sacrifices, he can extend his life, but with a cost. Master with a bow.

WEAKNESSES: Ruthless, quick to anger, plus the essence necessary to continue extending his life is raised everytime he uses it, thus making him more wary of his limitation.

PERSONALITY: Like his weaknesses, he is a ruthless king. By growing into an aggressive household, he is quick to anger and will not stay his hand into killing anyone who dares question his authority. Also, he sometimes shows his compassionate side, but not in public, and too much, as he thinks of it as a weakness.

BIO: First of his name, Gregor grew in a distant family, being a bastard at first, before the king adopting him as a "legitimate" son. He was always despised by his cousins and other family members, seeing him as a shame and a black sheep of the family. Some time, not known in any records, he started to learn necromancy from someone. Some say, it was a forest god, others that it was the shadow itself, others that it spoke through smoke and only in dreams. One day, the day he returned home, his dad greeted him and gave him a hug. Everybody saw a smile on his face, being written as the last time he smiled so warmly. For the next past days, the king fell ill. Gregor did everything in his powers to make him well. Daily sacrifices, but one day, he took his father in the crypt, beneath the city, and returned, with the most grim expression anyone could have. His hair had gone from auburn, to silver-gold. Some say, he harnessed his father's spirit, making him immortal, others recall a sound, like weeping, coming from the crypt. It has since been locked away from the public. After that, he took it upon himself to rule the kingdom, and teach others necromancy, and how to harness it. Gregor rules with an iron fist and now, he sets his gaze on the forest he once roamed as a child.



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NAME: Ethan Steelthorn (alias: Steam)

AGE: 20


ALLIANCE: The people who pay more gold.

POSITION: Master Mercenary and Theif

SPECIES: Awakened Human

APPEARANCE: (I can't draw for my life or find one so im just gonna explain)

Ethan has messy blond hair with bright blue eyes. He is of average hight, and is skinny but suprisingly strong. Usually wears some sort of light armor, with a dark hood that conceals his face.

POWERS: Kinetic Abilikies: Pyrokinesis, Hydrokinesis. Awakened Gifts: Stronger, Faster, and Smarter than a regular human. Weapon Proficiencies: Swords, Bows, Staffs

WEAKNESSES: Ethan is reckless and will do just about anything for the right amount of coin. He also gets a huge migrane if he uses his Awakened brain power for too long. He is Claustrophobic and Kenophobic (Fear of huge empty voids and spaces).

PERSONALITY: Ethan is very sneaky and tricky. He will try to con you out of everything, and the scary thing is that most times he succeeds. The few people who have grown close enough to him to be considered a friend will tell you that he is very brave and extremely loyal to his few great friends. He consideres these friends more important than jobs and will stop a job to help them. After helping, he finds another way to complete the job because of course, he stil wants his pay.

BIO: Ethan started his life as a normal human boy. His mother stayed at home but his father was a well known scientist and alchemist. One day, his father stumbled across a journal written by a extremely famous alchemist from ages past. His courious father brought the journal home and started to experiment with the mystical recipies in the journal. The one he was most interested in was the Awaken Syrum, was a mystical potion that supposedly unlocked the unused portion of the human mind. One day, he set to create a batch of this syrum. He safely put all the ingredients in except for the final one, a dragon's frontal lobe. As soon as he put the lobe in, the solution exploded in a wave of energy, killing him and his wife. The energy traveled upstairs where it filled young Ethan, who was successfully Awakened by the syrum. The rest, my friends, is a story for another day.
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NAME: Xyadron [or whatever whoever finds him calls him]

AGE: 1

GENDER: male

ALLIANCE: [finders will try to turn good if finder is evil]


SPECIES: dragon


(just imagine him smaller and cuter)

POWERS: ice aura: area around him grows to ice and still waters freeze. Ice walk: allows for creature to walk and climb on ice with little trouble. ice breath: can breath a cone of breath making the target have a chill (making him/her slower) or death (if the creature is around the size of a rabbit)

WEAKNESSES: heat: as a dragon of the cold fire and large sources of heat sap his powers. rushing waters: As he cant swim or freeze these waters he would be drawn by the current and drowned if the water is to deep. energy: he has a low energy capacity and tends to fall asleep often also by overusing his breath he can feel down right exhausted. thin scales: the scales are of a thin and weak material allowing for easy chipping or removal of the armored scales (the scales will thicken overtime but any armored scales removed will only be covered by weaker normal scales) cuteness: this guy shows no looks of threat making him a prime target for predators (this one will be replaced upon becoming a certain age)

PERSONALITY: He is a funny one who seems to get in trouble ALOT as he can freeze someone's foot and not notice it

BIO: he was dropped into the woods by his father who outlasted him before hatching and has been running from predators enough where humans don't bother him as much as they should. (this character can be greatly influenced by the finder but he has a natural leaning towards good)
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NAME: Rose

AGE: 16

GENDER: Female

ALLIANCE:(good or evil) Evil

POSITION: (if any) Assassin

SPECIES: Shape shifter

APPEARANCE: (Pic please!)

POWERS: (Limit of 5) Shape shifting into any feline animal

WEAKNESSES:(Minimum of 3) Magic


BIO: (optional) Nah
NAME: 'The Kraken Knight'

AGE: Unknown, speculated to be around 34... Add a few digits and you're closer to the truth.


ALLIANCE: Neutral, easily corrupted to fight for either side.


SPECIES: Unknown, assumed to be human.

APPEARANCE: (Pic please!)


POWERS: (Limit of 5)

'The Drowned Man's Curse'- The Kraken Knight can turn his arms into great tentacles, granting incredible range and power.

'Poseidon's Rage'- The Kraken Knight has a very VERY small percentage of the Sea God's power. Granting increased strength, speed and reactions.

'Drowned Mans Price'-The Kraken Knight cannot be killed by basic means... So what does kill him?

'Champion of the Seas'-The Kraken Knight possesses great combat skill, with an elegant and swift fighting style. (Unless insane.)

'The Kraken' - ...Whatever happens, do NOT let him drown again...

If the Kraken Knight is corrupted by EVIL he will be insane, and attack on sight. If converted to GOOD, he will be smart and steadfast. Evil would mean his powers are deadlier, and his fighting more lethal. Good would mean his intelligence is incredible, and drive to succeed greater than ever.

WEAKNESSES:(Minimum of 3)

-Fire, or even heat in general. All of the Kraken Knights abilities are dampened when in hot temperatures.

-Mind manipulation, being granted even the tiniest fragment of a God's power tears your sanity a little... The Kraken Knight is an easy mark for mental masters

-Himself, the Kraken Knight has no motives or goals, a struggle to survive might not be worth fighting for. He will give up easily unless enraged, insane or motivated.

-'Drowned Mans Price'


The Kraken Knight is a distant individual, with seemingly no emotions... Positive or negative, he is mostly a mute, though will talk if talked to. He's also extremely mysterious, never removing his armor or helmet - some say what he wears is his skin. Lacking a goal or motive, the Kraken Knight is hardly a cheery man, but normally dull, tired, and cold... Always cold... Rather passive as well, never one to interfere with events unless circumstance forces him to.

BIO: Legend has it, that in a murky, misty land. Of forgotten wonders, and great arch-trees. There was a blessed village, the only village, on paradise. Among this village were many a man and woman, yet like all humans, they sought adventure. Years passed, more and more these villagers adapted, eventually creating ships, to sail and explore the worlds and seas. Yet the island may have been a paradise, but it was surrounded by a hell. The moment they left home, the God of the sea made his presence known... Huge tidal waves weaving paths of destruction through the helpless Armada, giant whirlpools to ensnare and swallow the helpless ships. Vicious thunderstorms striking fear into the hearts of men...And those that the survived, were truly unlucky. Monstrous, terrible and Godly, was the great leviathan of the ocean, The Kraken itself, all that made it through was pulled to the depths of the ocean, and one man... One lowly fisherman... Was embraced, by the Sea God himself. The fisherman had a choice, live, and be cursed for all eternity. Or die. He choose life.


"My name? It's Kaito Pearson! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!"


"My age...? I'm 17 years old!"


"Umm... What kind of question is that?"((Male))


"Are you kidding me? I fight for the forces of good! Just kidding, I don't fight~"


"My position? I assume the position of a fellow entertainer thank you very much."


"I'm a human! Nothing more! Nothing less!"


"H-Huh? You wanna know what I look like? Ok..."



Kaito has a surprisingly strong affinity for animals. They even help him preform his shows.

Since he's a human... He doesn't have many powers... As for talents, here they are!

1. Affinity for animals.

2. Extremely flexible so it makes it easy to put on a show.

3. He is incredibly kind... Does that count?

4. Quick on his feet.

5. Primal instinct((He grew up in the wild for some time so he is very knowledgeable about anything concerning living in the woods...)).


1. His kindness is also one of his weaknesses. He is easily manipulated because of it. He is easy to trick in other words.

2. He isn't much of a fighter, so attacking him rather than his animal minions is much more efficient.

3. He isn't particularly smart...


Kaito is a cheerful young boy who seems to enjoy wearing a bright smile and treats all of his animal friends with kindness. He seems to have a thing for... Hippos. As well. He can be very strange sometimes, but is sure to put a smile on almost anybodies face.


Kaito was a orphaned boy who wasn't treated too kindly by anybody. They all called him trash and dirt. They wished he never existed. The only person who kept him going was his father... Who disappeared one day shortly after his mom died. He decided to chase after his dream of becoming a professional entertainer, so that he could hopefully bring a smile to everyone's face one day.

TheDragoon said:


"My name? It's Kaito Pearson! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!"


"My age...? I'm 17 years old!"


"Umm... What kind of question is that?"((Male))


"Are you kidding me? I fight for the forces of good! Just kidding, I don't fight~"


"My position? I assume the position of a fellow entertainer thank you very much."


"I'm a human! Nothing more! Nothing less!"


"H-Huh? You wanna know what I look like? Ok..."



Kaito has a surprisingly strong affinity for animals. They even help him preform his shows.

Since he's a human... He doesn't have many powers... As for talents, here they are!

1. Affinity for animals.

2. Extremely flexible so it makes it easy to put on a show.

3. He is incredibly kind... Does that count?

4. Quick on his feet.

5. Primal instinct((He grew up in the wild for some time so he is very knowledgeable about anything concerning living in the woods...)).


1. His kindness is also one of his weaknesses. He is easily manipulated because of it. He is easy to trick in other words.

2. He isn't much of a fighter, so attacking him rather than his animal minions is much more efficient.

3. He isn't particularly smart...


Kaito is a cheerful young boy who seems to enjoy wearing a bright smile and treats all of his animal friends with kindness. He seems to have a thing for... Hippos. As well. He can be very strange sometimes, but is sure to put a smile on almost anybodies face.


Kaito was a orphaned boy who wasn't treated too kindly by anybody. They all called him trash and dirt. They wished he never existed. The only person who kept him going was his father... Who disappeared one day shortly after his mom died. He decided to chase after his dream of becoming a professional entertainer, so that he could hopefully bring a smile to everyone's face one day.

Dude.... We have rebooted this since no one has rp'd on this one for a while. If u want I can get u the link
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Dude.... We have rebooted this since no one has rp'd on this one for a while. If u want I can get u the link

Sure! That would help... xD
I'm gonna make another CS, I don't really like my other one. But could I still be a royal guard?

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