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Fantasy Silence in the Woods

'Well it's good to meet you Sir Falling. You wouldn't happen to be able to bring me to the nearest castle or boutique or... Oh wait' Ellarya began, before remembering she had nothing exept the clothes on her back.
Rose looked between the two speaking. "I'm Rose..." she said in a quiet voice.

((She's stuck in the middle with the boy so))
'Of course. Hello Rose. I think we need to have a plan here. The rest have gone off. It might be an idea to get this child to the nearest holdfast so that that monster that mutilated him cannot do the same again, and so he can rest, because as it stands, two ladies with a bit of magic and one man who is currently sitting in a tree arn't his best best bet at survival. And anyway, believe it or not, growing a leg isn't just tiring for me. Sir Falling, would you mind helping us carry this child to safety?' she said, fluttering her eyelashes.
"A pleasure to met you Rose. Now about the nearest Castle, you should ask the one that healed you hands. With her being a Queen and all." he chuckles.

Unknown snaps his fingers and a black mist is emitted from the ground near the child, a man in black armor rises from the ground and picks up the child, "Will that do?".
'That will be more than ample support, thank you. Care to escort us?' she said

(Excuse me but could you describe Falling to me, or if you know could you tell me what page of character sign up he is on?)
"Oh, yes of course the white Queen shed be fine with us taking hi there, she knows him" she said as she looked at marth and frowned a little "I'd heal him myself if I could, but I can only heal wounds by taking them as my own, I can't reattach a limb..."
"Really?, c-can you try??" Rose asked with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

@subject 635
"Do you need any backup sir...." Mioshi pulls out a sword that looks like Drago's but the design is different.

(( so srry for my sig


(Plz answer... im bored...)
Isaac turned in his direction "That's not my call, its Jacks,you'll need to ask him"

@subject 635

((Sorry multitasking))
"Not that I know of, anyone who is is being taken care of by the queen, a canine medic and my sister." He replied as tried his best to try and recognise the guard, he seemed familiar but he couldn't quite put a finger on it.
"Might as well." he hops off of his branch and moves over to the legless boy. He picks up the leg and holds it against where it should attach, the flesh starts reattaching itself. After it is reattached he moves the leg to make sure it works and says "Ta-dah! The power of Necromancy!" as he presents his work. "I also took the liberty to give him some more blood just in case he lost too much", he then stretches a little bit, as if in discomfort.
Mioshi notices Issac trying to recognize him "Sorry sir... Im 2nd General Mioshi Jing.... But right now im being treated as a high ranked recruit... I just came from the camps.... Sir.."
"Oh my, how kind of you" she clapped her hands together with a smile on her face, standing up from where she sat to examine the mans work


"Ah, okay" Isaac replied "I guess you could come along until jack shows up.." shrugging his shoulders

@subject 635
"Yes sir..." Hiroshi follows Issac "so..... Who attacked you... Sir..?"

[QUOTE="Unknown Falling]As Rose looked at the reattached leg it looked like it had been never ripped off in the first place and was in perfect condition. @Nonalaka

[/QUOTE] [QUOTE="Unknown Falling]As Rose looked at the reattached leg it looked like it had been never ripped off in the first place and was in perfect condition. @Nonalaka

"Me? Well,, no one attacked me.. but it was probably my fault it happened if I'm honest.." he frowned a bit "if I had of gotten their in time... I could have just let the attacker kill me in the boys place..." his face wore a guilty expression. "As for the mans name, it was Draco.."

@subject 635
"That's amazing!" She called to him, she then looked at her own arm "I tried to heal Marth before, but the wounds wouldnt heal up for a while, " she rubbed the scar on her arm a bit.

"What place?" He asked with a confused expression
"The place my uncle died..... i cant believe it...."

(i thought marth said his leg would still be gone? oh well we will to far in for him to take it away

Hiroshi Sheaths his sword


(ill brb my pc is messing up so brb

((If he disagrees we can make the spell fail or reverse or something uvu nothin to worry about.))

((I'll reply later I'm in class))

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