[SIGNUPS] Consortium of Empowered Individuals

First of all,Firebreather,welcome to RPNation. I'd like it if you stuck to the character skeleton exaclty,as there are several sections that can be relegated to the power origin,and several areas are confusingly laid out. I'd preffer you give every individual power it's own section (sections being Power,Power Explanation,Power Limit,and Practical Examples),in order to minimize confusion. I don't need to know your character's allignment;that much will be made plain in the RP. Furthermore,I don't need to know what your occult type is...Whatever that is. All that matters is that your character is fundamentaly above human limits in some way. Finally,your attachments are sorta broken. Might I reccomend you use the embed image function? The button is part of the reply editing tools,right beside the linking tools.
I menat like to seperate them,with each power getting it's own dedicated Power,Power Explanation,Power Limit,and Practical Examples sections. This way,confusion is minimized for all.
I think this is my last comment?.. Ok bye everyone. It was fun for 3 days of dreaming. Unfortunately I was denied my dream. That's fine though... I guess Ill be moving on... Bye. : -_- :
I'm going to have to ask you to compare your character to everyone else's,and think "Would a one-on-one fight be fair for them?" I've been looking,and your only real match without making a draw is Grimm,who makes things explode like Super Semtex with his own blood,and an antagonist that's yet to be revealed. Please,either find a way to seriously tone down this half-dragon,or maybe consider a different character concept. I want you in this RP,I really do. However,I just can't allow a patently broken character in. Also,we have a live chatroom on the site,just click the site's logo up top,and it should be the first thing you see. We can discuss things there.
Name: Viktor Bryukhanov

Alias: The Ghost of Chernobyl

Sex: Male

Age: 105

Victor weighs one hundred pounds,and stands at five foot seven inches. His clothes are ragged,but are still recognizable as the uniform for office personnell at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. His appearance can be very accurately summarized as a clothed,skin-coated skeleton. His eyes are spheres of white,but he still has his sight. His mouth is full of rotting teeth,and his entire body has a noticable sickly green glow. He has no hair to speak of.

Power: Walking X-Ray Pulsar Soft Gamma Burst Anomaly

Power Explanation: Viktor is a walking neutron star. He can create bursts of extremely intense gamma radiation. The bursts are instantly lethal to humans,protected or not.

Power Limit: It takes time (about fifteen seconds) to generate a burst. The burst is lethal to twenty meters. Anywhere beyond causes varrying degrees of radiation poisoning.

Practical Examples: Irradiating a large area. That's all it can do.

Power: Functional Immortality

Power Explanation: Viktor WILL naturally outlive all of creation.

Power Limit: Although Viktor cannot die of old age,disease,or other "natural" factors,he can still die by mortal injury,such as total lung failiure,cardiac failiure,or cerebral failiure.

Practical Examples: Unless someone succeeds in killing him,he'll outlive God (if there is one).

Origin of Powers: Viktor Bryukhanov was the plant director at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant at the time of the Chernobyl Incident. Official reports state that after the incident,he was arrested,spent a year in a gulag,then spent three years in a Soviet labour camp. All a fabrication;they in fact willingly arrested a fake,after dicovering what had become of Viktor. After the explosion,Viktor was saturated with radiation,and had gained his powers. He hurried home,which was nearby,to check on his wife and children. When he discovered that they were safe,he embraced them...And that was when his first burst struck. They were killed instantly,bodies doomed to be forever preserved by the radiation. Broken by this,he remained behind in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone,his sole grasp to sanity being his daughter's favourite teddy. He sentenced himself to an eternity of watching the world die around him for his crimes that day,and jealously defends the Zone,in an attempt to preserve his own life to serve his sentence.

Code of Conduct: Viktor considers himself a criminal,but knows that there is no punishment severe nough for what he's done. He does not leave the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone,and will kill all tresspassers,lest they try to kill him,thus grantimg him an early release from his punishment.
( I mostly posted this as a general example. I’m not exactly sure if you would accept her as is, but here goes.)

Name: Clarity Sampson

Alias: Mimori

Sex: Female

Age: 19





1.) Divided Mind/Multiple Mind

2.) Enhanced Intelligence

3.) Mental Manipulation

4.) Clairvoyance

5.) Mendacity Detection

6.) Danger Intuition

7.) Enhanced Senses

Power Explanation:

1.) Side effect; Extensive mental access and past activities have resulted in Mimori to become an alter ego, rather than simply an identity. Enhances information storage used for Intelligence.

2.) Enhancement; Immense memory; rapid learning ability; ability to solve problems at an exceptional rate, based on every tidbit of information she has collected.

3.) Active/attack; Pain inducement/Nerve Manipulation: Can inflict pain on another by physical contact or nerve channeling. Channeling is easiest when subject is already injured. Memory Manipulation: Ability to wipe a person’s short term memory/ train of thought. May also input/absorb wanted memories into/from a subject.

4.) Active; Ability to locate a subject by thought, resulting mind to locate said subject and may inquire person’s current action. Enhances range on mental manipulation; may result in limited telepathy.

5.) Passive; Ability to sense the presence of lies in a person.

6.) Passive; Ability to sense incoming danger. Radar Sense: Results in nerve shield, providing protection/tolerance from most blows. Adrenaline Rush: when fallen under a high level of stress/fear, an adrenal activation occurs, signaling all energy to flow to her muscles for a short period of time, enough to escape danger.

7.) Passive; extremely accurate senses. Enhanced Balance and Awareness; May result in Extrasensory Perception.

Power Limit:

1.) If not under control, second personality may control entire body permanently.

2.) Clarity possesses this ability. May be prone to headaches. Level of mind conditioning determines mind capacity, and possibility of mental overload, which can result in brain shutdown.

3.) Mimori primarily controls this ability. Overuse of power may result in overload. Overuse varies based on level of power used/intention, the subject’s mental stability, and the rejection rate of the subject. Some actions require direct physical contact. Certain information from others may combine with her own memories of not monitored/sectioned off.

4.) Location accuracy is based on Clarity/Mimori’s relation to the subject and their proximity.

5.) Must use a form of manipulation to uncover truth. “Technical truths” may bypass detection.

6.) Shield does not protect against skin breakage. Adrenaline rush may temporarily weaken her and currently lasts a maximum of two minutes.

7.) Enhanced senses result in sensitivity.

Practical Examples:

1.) Mimori, being a more manipulative persona, will primarily use Mental Manipulation to her advantage. Clarity, as an intelligent individual, would only be content with her Enhanced Intelligence. Both are accessible to all other abilities listed.

2.) Clarity has super smarts, and an enhanced capacity for problem-solving and strategy planning. This ability is also beneficial due to the fact that Clarity is a college student.

3.) Should Mimori physically strike a person, the area struck may be enhanced to induce greater pain than what the hit typically requires. A person who has a cut, a bruise, or a burn, can have the pain be amplified at the site. If Mimori wanted information from a person’s memory, she would have to touch them during the process.

4.) If Clarity/Mimori wanted to locate a person, they would first have to know them to a certain degree. The closer in relation she is to the person, the greater her accuracy will be to locate the individual, and may be accurate enough to know what the person is doing there at that very moment.

5.) To simply put it, she knows when you are lying, and will tell you directly in a situation where you give her false information. If the subject simply doesn't know any facts, or can manipulate a lie into truth, it could be misread as the truth. She can’t know the exact truth unless she attempts manipulation.

6.) When there is upcoming danger, her dermal nerves will shut down, not receiving any pain signals when struck, (shield mechanism) but will still have the possibility to bruise. Detection and quick thinking allows her to dodge blows in most cases.

7.) She can see, smell, touch, taste, and hear better than an average individual. It also seems to go in hand with power #6.

Origin of Powers: Your origin story. How did your character obtain their superhuman abilities?

Code of Conduct: If you're a good guy, a bad guy, or somewhere in between, most people have a code of conduct. What will your character do? What will they not do? I expect any violations to be met with extreme inner turmoil on the character's part.
Marira: Clarity Sampson,AKA "Mimori" - REWORK REQUIRED! You are aware of how I feel about powers that can manipulate the bodies and minds of others. The Mental Manipulation power needs to have a whole host of restrictions attached,such as eye contact being a must. I can PM you other restrictions I'd like to see,as well,and some other factors that can interfere. Furthermore,I need an Origin of Powers and a Code of Conduct.

The current roster of approved characters is as follows...

-Alex Miller,AKA "Crimsontide",owned by Aura.

-Marcus Kyle Lawson,AKA "Deadeye",owned by Red.

-Alexis Higgins,AKA "Flare",owned by Legendless.

-Derick Asher,AKA "The Twin Personae of the Ebony and Ivory Knights",owned by Heartsteal22.

-Achalesvana "Charlie" Nayar,AKA "Freefall",owned by Vive.

-Mina Mortis,AKA "Cain",owned by Amdreams.

-Gary Garfield,AKA "Blacksmith",owned by Reviour.

-Donnovan Kincaid,owned by myself.

-Lu Zhang,AKA "The Ghost Monk",owned by Aeradom.

-Subject Number 47466,AKA "Grimm",owned by Heartsteal22.

-Yukiko Watanabe,AKA "Drama Queen",owned by Happy Crane13.

-Trick Gibson,AKA "Card thief",owned by Rhomboid.

-Beat Rizumu,owned by Thesmashbro.

-Viktor Bryukhanov,AKA "The Ghost of Chernobyl",owned by myself.

-Dylan Fisher,AKA "Vicnor",owned by Bettsyboy.

-Tratt Ellebay,AKA "Hiita",owned by Unbroken

This list will be edited to reflect new additions and people who drop out from the RP. If you are dropping out from the RP,PM me first,so I can fabricate a way to remove your character from the story smoothly...Or kill them off unceremoniously,if you want me to.
Name: Johnathan Beckham

Alias: Hollow

Sex: Male

Age: 27

Appearance: View attachment 6654

Power: Invisibility

Power Explanation: He is constantly invisible, but can turn his clothes and almost anything he touches invisible as well. Light simply passes through him, as though he isn't there. HE is undetectable by any sort of sight, infrared, thermal, x-ray, ultraviolet. No waves of energy can touch him, or reflect off of him. They all simply pass through him. He cannot turn visible. HE is utterly unaffected by radiation of any kind, as it simply passes through him.

Power Limit: He can turn an average sized house invisible. Nothing happens when he tries with something larger.

Practical Examples: He needs to hide, He turns his clothes invisible. IF he needs to hide someone, he has to touch them to turn them invisible.

Origin of Powers: He just woke up invisible one day. He doesn't know the exact cause, but he went to bed visible, and woke up invisible.

Code of Conduct: Neutral. He does both good things and bad things equally.
Name: Dylan Fisher

Alias: Vicnor

Sex: Male

Age: 25

Appearance: General apperance: http://server.myspace-shack.com/d11/Gaara.jpg Clothes: http://api.ning.com/files/KSW8Ez2Hsh2pfepT5dM0x-jtr0toSB1PNvOUT6oh2qSF4pm6clY*yhytz8QA1IWFhvBi3*kVYTTImdwLk-INylcwtLBLRggg/Gaara___Dark_Child_by_ByakuganLove.jpg

Super suit (kept under lockup at his hideout): http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs36/f/2008/248/b/1/Elemental_Powered_Armor_by_Shimmering_Sword.jpg

How he appears to others when "Visiting": http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/363/b/b/gaara_sig_by_deviant_clouded-d35yqdx.jpg

Height: 5ft 11in

Weight: 70kg

Power: Anyone he makes eye contact with, he can cast illusions on, he can control all 5 senses with ease, including any 6th senses, he can also teleport,

Power Explanation: Once "Vicnor" makes eye contact with anyone, they can be influenced by his power of illusion, he tricks people int looking into his eyes with the things he says, his illusions canmake enemies attack their allies, manipulate those who he wants, and even drive an enemy to suicide or more, he can teleport to anyone he has "made contact" with (those who have looked intohis eyes, even for a second)

Power Limit: he has no limit in the kinds of illusions he can cast, how elaborate or for how long, however if he has to cast illusions on more than 3 peple at once, his mind begins to strain and if he doesnt break his hold, his mind will begin to tear itself apart, and he can only teleport 3 times a day, any more and he'll start bleeding out of his eyes and nose and he runs the risk of having violent seizures with the possibility of foaming at the mouth.

Also, he cannot make a connection with someone with reflective surfaces over their eyes (eg: reflective visors or Aviator sunglasses)

Practical Examples: -Ahem- once Vicnor was faced with a "hunter" someone dedicated to hunting down those like himself, Vicnor kept him distraced with an illusion of himself as his real body casually strolled over to him and stabbed him, since he also controlled how the hunter felt in terms of pain, the hunter didnt realize he had been stabbed until he was almost dead, he can teleport to anyone he has made contact with, he will appear about 3-8 feet from them in an open area facing them.

Origin of Powers: Marco was on holiday in India when he was a small child, he wandered off from his parents and came to a small slum, he was about to be abducted by some locals to be shipped off as a slave, but insteadthe would be abductors were beaten away by another group, a small cult, they took Marco in to their dying leader's home, where she, in her last breath, passed on her strange power to Marco, well, a fraction of it anyway, that small fraction would grow and grow more powerful as time went on and as he grew, like it would for the children in the cult, then, the cult members bought Marco unharmed back to his parents and told them they found him in the slums... after diciplinary action was taken, he was bought home.

His powers didnt manifest until 12 years later when he was 17, he was asking a girl out to the dance, but while he did so, she saw him strangely, as if his body was morphing and changing before her eyes, one second he was an obsese trucker with a handsome face to a talking crab with dog hair on it, over the next few years, through meditation and concentration, he came to become more familiar and stronger in his abilities, needless to say his grades slipped.

when he was finished in school, he confronted his parents, his verbally and physically abusive mother and his near brain-dead alcoholic father... his mother, he used his powers on her, over the course of 2 months, he convinced her that his father had grown healthy and moved on to someone better, this combined with various debts and the such, eventually drove her to drown herself in a local river, his brain-dead father... he just dropped a cyanide pill into a bottle of beer and poured it into his mouth as he slept... he didn't even wake up, he just died.

Ever since then, Marco took on the name Vicnor, the name of the cult who gave him his power, through his trickery of he mind, he has gotten himself a suit of Mk VII spec-ops power Armour, which offers him protection and greater physical power, however he must lower the visor to make a "connection"

Code of Conduct: Chaotic Neutral all the way, he doesnt care for things such as good or evil, if he kills a gang of thugs, or just stops a kid from wandering out in front of a bus, he does what he feels like doing.
The Magic Hobo: Johnathan Beckham,AKA "Hollow" - DENIED! If all spectra of energy couldn't touch you,you wouldn't be able to wear anything. As it stands,this character is untouchable (pseudoinvincibility) and cannot directly interact with the world around them.

Bettsyboy: Dylan Fisher,AKA "Vicnor" - CONDITIONALLY ACCEPTED! Your illusions must be at the very least beievable for them to work. Otherwise,the victim(s) can apply their force of will to nullify them entirely. Other variables may also make your illusion powers more difficult to pull off,such as being a known factor. Also,feel free to remove the teleportation cap.

and i'll keep the limit on the teleport, i like my characters not to have too much power (contrary to what you might think after Ww)
I meant the untouchable by radiation as, light just passes through him. You CAN touch him, harm him, etc. He is just not visible in any spectrum of energy. He's there, just not visible. All he can do is make things invisible, and be invisible. He's not untouchable. How on earth did you come to that conclusion? If you shot an invisible person, the bullet would still hurt him like any other person. Light just moves through him, instead of reflecting off of him.

I honestly thought that that was pretty self explanatory. Are clothes made of light? Nope. How about air? Nada. Bullets? No.
Name: Tratt Ellebay

Alias: Hiita

Sex: Female

Age: 2019


View attachment 6685

Hiita's outfit:

View attachment 6686

Power: Mental control of objects.

Power Explanation: She can move objects around with her mind, in mid-air or still.

Power Limit: The object must be within three feet of her, it must be something physically light enough that she can hold herself (The heavier it is, the harder it is to have control of it.), and if she is enraged or another form of an extreme mood, it will not work.

Practical Examples: Weapons, blunt objects, rocks, or water can be stopped in mid-air or thrown with her mind. If it is too heavy or she is highly mad, sad, happy, surprised, confused, or any other mood, it wont work properly.

Power: Extremely Enhanced Speed

Power Explanation: She can run very fast to match a speed higher than the opponent.

Power Limit: turning and controlling where she runs is hard, because her mind does not work fast enough to keep up with her speed. She can easily run into things at such a force, which can cause great damage to her. She can only run at a specific speed without losing control. (30mph)

Practical Examles: She can run very fast, but if she exceeds a certain amount of speed she could lose control of where she is heading.

Origin of Powers:
Long ago in the beginning of the C.E. era, Tratt was an eighteen year old girl in northern europe, about to be married. She had a husband before, but he died of a sickness that is without medicine. The night before her wedding, she had gone to church to pray it would be a happy marriage full of love, because her last husband treated her with disrespect. Woman's right were not existing yet, and there were not many men who treated woman right. Tratt had left late at night, lost in the darkness. The first light that she saw, she had followed. It was two red eyes, watching her. She had not turned back, because she was interested. It was standing near her own home, just multiple feet away. She walked towards it; she was thinking it was someone looking for her before it had lunged for her. It was a vampire, and it had made her into a vampire as well. Because she was not born one, she had expirienced the ability of manipulation, which certain vampire can get if they are transformed. The next day, she had drank the blood of everyone, slaughtering the entire village. She fled the scene and lived in Southern Europe. It took many, many years for her to have control of her powers.

Code of Conduct: She walks alone, neutral. To Tratt, the good and bad are just sides to take, and she doesn't belong on either side.
Unbroken: Tratt Ellebay,AKA "Hiita" - ACCEPTED! Also,I believe the word you're loooking for is "Telekenesis" for the first power. Also,can Tratt walk in the sunlight? If so,are there any penalties imposed on her vampiric powers?

Hobo,you mentioned that your character is unaffected by radiation of any kind,so it's not much of a leap of logic,considering your RP history here on the site,to infer that you meant that he's untouchable to all spectra of energy. Furthermore,simply invisibility is more than a little lame. Yes,I want balance,but invisibility with the ability to make others invisible makes you rather weak on your own,especially against people who will be able to see you regardless of your state of visibility. Furthermore,I'd really like some meat on that origin story. Simply "waking up" is more of a cop-out than "Radiation from x-ray exposure".
[MENTION=72]Riddle78[/MENTION] Tratt was not born a vampire, so yes, she can walk in sunlight. But the things that affect her in a bad way are Fire, self inflicted pain (Power defects) and loss of blood (she still needs blood to be immortal). For vampiric powers, She has bat wings but they are small and do not fly very high (She likes to use them just for show x3). She cannot transform into a bat, and she does not have influence.
Eh. I'll just revamp my entire character. Invisibility is weak anyways.

First and last names are required.

Alias: Boomer

Sex: Male

Age: 21

Appearance: View attachment 6732

Power: Vibration Emission/Detection

Power Explanation: (http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Vibration_Emission) Besides Vibration emission, he can detect vibrations as well. He uses this as a sort of echolocation, sending out a strong vibrations, and listening to the echo.

Power Limit: He needs to be careful in small spaces, since the vibrations can reflect back on him and potentially kill him.

Practical Examples: Surrounded by enemies, slams his foot into the ground, releasing a devastating shockwave that knocks his enemies off their feet, and punts them away. A wall is in his way. He punches the wall, sending massive vibrations through the wall, crumbling it. He cannot see anything, so he sends a high frequency vibration through the ground, listening to the area around him.

Origin of Powers: He was just your average teen, listening to DubStep in his room during a cosmic storm and electrical storm. He had his bass up all the way, shaking the house, doors locked, hands resting on a sub-woofer. Lightning struck his home, overpowering his subs and knocking him unconscious. He woke up, feeling strange. He walked over to his door, grabbed the handle, and pushed. The door opened violently, putting a hole in his wall, and damaging one of the hinges. Thinking nothing of it, he ran down the stairs and jumped down the last step, sending out a shockwave that nearly leveled his house. He blew out every window, and shattered every piece of glass. He trained his powers in the field outside his house, causing small earthquakes and sound out sound waves. He listened to dubstep through speakers and sub-woofers, dropping bass bombs. He soon found that he could create a shockwave that launches him up into the air, after which he slammed into the ground, sending out a ripple of earth. He now travels around the country as an amateur DubStep composer.

Code of Conduct: He is a good guy with bad tendencies. He doesn't think of his actions, or how they affect others. The worst he would do is vibrate a persons molecules apart. If they deserved it. Or angered him.
Name: Koru Tav

Alias: Nobody

Sex: Male

Age: 23


201 pounds

5’ 9”

View attachment 6995

Power: Power Protection

Power Explanation: Passive ability that makes him immune to powers such as mind control, blood control, body control, etc. His body is his own.

Power Limit: No real limit

Practical Examples: You’re trying to mind control my mind? I’m going to slap you in the face.

Power: Speed

Power Explanation: Can run above superhuman speeds. He hasn’t been given the chance to hit his limit yet. He, as of now, has clocked himself at 300mph but knows he could possibley exceed mach-1. Because of these speeds, he has superhuman reflexes, agility, eyesight, endurance (at “lower” speeds), and toughness. Increased toughness and speed also gives him increased strength…especially in the legs.

Power Limit: He tires easy when running at a “fast” pace. More speed=more metabolism. More metabolism= more food. More food= more hunger. Pain is pain. He can survive running into or through a wall at excessive speeds without injury but can still feel a good portion of that pain.

Practical Examples: Zoom Zoom, you’re too slow. You’re a bad aim. Step it up.

Power: Shield

Power Explanation: Ability to generate an invulnerable shield for a 2 or 3 second duration.

Power Limit: He only uses the shield ability when running through stuff or when he doesn’t have enough time to get out of the way of something. Because of this, he is extremely inexperienced and has little stamina. Any longer than 3 to 4 seconds, he will feel somewhat fatigued. Above 10, he’ll most likely pass out.

Practical Examples: Building? What building? I’ve been shot?!?!? NOT!!!

Origin of Powers: It was the 2nd grade. On his way home from school, he fell through a manhole. As it stormed all day, he was swept away. Eventually he came to a calm area and climbed out. He saw a light down one of the tunnels and found a crystal that radiated light. He grabbed it…the rest, as they say, is history.

Code of Conduct: Good guy but not afraid to work with those of opposing views. He doesn’t like killing, but won’t hesitate if there literally is no other option. This can be seen by the two Desert Eagles his carries with him.
Name: Naomi Aki

Alias: -

Sex: Female

Age: 15

Appearance: Naomi is 4'6'' and weighs 79 lbs, she has dark blue eyes and long brown hair that stops at the top her hips. She tends to skip school rather than go into it. while preforming acts of questionable nature she dress's like a tom-boy wearing a all black paper-boy ish outfit. trying to hide her Identity by dressing unusually for her. Normally, she chooses to dress in either school-uniforms, or anything with a skirt.

Power: Chaos Imagination

Power Explanation: Her imagination can change the world around her

Power Limit: The ability is passive, She has no control over it and all changes are not permanent, only lasting while in her line of sight.

Practical Examples: If she is feeling partially playful she may get Neko style ears, or if another super goes out of his way to make her feel helpless and weak her strength can drop dramatically and her whole body can re-size to match how she feels. If she gets angry she may yell with fire coming out of her mouth. To name a few examples of examples of ways the power reacts.

Power: Force-Shield

Power Explanation: Around her body is a invisible 2 meter wide (1 meter radius) Sheild, it acts like a invisible Non-Newtonian fluid, The faster you try to pass though it the stronger it gets

Power Limit: If you pass into the force area, you can move as fast as you like (such as a gun in under 1m distance from her.) Chaos Imagination may also disable her ability to use this. This ability is tough on her, and she can only hold in up for periods of 30 minutes safely, at 45 minutes ish, she normally pass's out and the shield drops.

Origin of Powers: Your origin story. How did your character obtain their superhuman abilities? Her chaos Imagination was the first ability to appear, arriving pretty much as soon as she was old enough to dream, her body would change and shift all the time in her sleep.Later on her ability became more of an issue, school with the other young kids participially, with bulling in the play ground, her body often changed form and she learned that there was nothing she could do. As she got older, the students got more violent towards her calling her a 'freak' and attacking her more and more.

4 years ago, she was involved in a hostage situation at a café. the man was large and had a shot gun. the police had the building shrouded. he demanded they brought him a fully fuelled helicopter within an hour. the police didn't provide. when the hour was up, the man pointed the shot-gun towards another kid and went to fire at him when Naomi stepped in the way. blocking it, her body in a star, spread out as much as she could "don't do this!" she yelled at him, panicking as tears rolled down her face. the man didn't say anything, but fired at her. this was the first time she learnt about her shield powers. the man was shocked at this, but not as shocked as he was when a sniper took him out moments later. This is when she decided that she would never become like this man, killing people to get what she wanted.

Code of Conduct: She believes that people have too much money. she wants to steal as much as she can. she doesn't like hurting the innocent if she can, and has issues with anyone who would hurt a child or kill people without good reason. She has once or twice captured murders using bear traps and luring them with her presence. calling the cops once there legs are maimed. She likes blades over other weapons and collects bladed weaponry. Although she has never killed, she has sliced wrists and ankles to prevent a person from doing something to stop her crimes.
name:rune is his first name, his parents where killed so he doesnt know his last name in the least


age:appears about 16, is about 1600(due to his parents being gods in a far off planet that was destroyed when he was a infant)

(also when in his true silver armor he has a slight glow)

powers:conjuration, alteration, magic, swordwielding

power explination: he can alter his entire body to make it true silver(hardest substance known to exist)(also in some cases armor made with dark elf magic wich is even more powerful than true silver) he can use the power of the demon locked inside of him to fight but risking it escapeing and destroying all life ,and can summon dark elf weapons to aid him in battle.

powwer limits:all his powers except for magic drain his energy much faster and he is vounerable after a long/dawn out fight

power examples:i can crush a city in one hit in the demons form but after i exit his form i will pass out

origin of powers:he is still trying to figure it out

code of conduct:justice is swift and strong,any evil cannot go unstopped once he finds it

Power limits:when using his true silver

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