
Aaron blinked at her in surprise. Okay, he underestimated the girl. And he also figured that this was going to happen alot from now on. Surprises. Hopefully they'll be more pleasant than waking up on a beach after a shipwreck.

He shifted slightly towards her then hesitated, staring at her to see any signs of doubt in her face. This was a one time shot, and if the girl managed to pop it in wrong...

No. He had to lose his distrustful nature here otherwise he wouldn't survive. But it was quite the struggle.

He clenched his fist with his good arm, and exhaled away all uncertainty. "Alright. Hold on though..." He pulled his good arm out of his shredded jacket sleeve. Yeah, there was a very slim chance that all the screaming he was about to do would somehow attract a boat or something, but he wasn't about to go off on that chance. He bunched up the sleeve and stuffed it in his mouth to muffle himself, then he looked at the girl once more. He nodded, ready.
Poi worked hard at the strips of cloth until she had cut up as much as there was available. She gathered them into her arms and then moved to the approximate center of the people awakening. She cried out, trying to get their attention. "Jyu! Jyu!" She looked for them to look over, beckoning for them to come near to her, not sure about which ones needed or even wanted help with their injuries.
Shi groaned as the waves soaked her clothes. She coughed as she was welcomed by a mouth full of sand. Shi picked herself up and felt around for her weapons. They were all still settled nicely into their pouches. She looked around in shock at all the bodies and started to quietly back away from them.
Raekel nodded again and looked down at his shoulder. Taking a deep breath she popped it back in ready to here him cry out. She hated hearing people scream but she had to deal with it. At least his arm would be fine and they wouldn't want a cripple with them.
Surprisingly Aaron found himself yelling out for a second or two thanks to his sleeve, despite the excruciating pain he felt at first. Slowly the pain started to fade but felt like it was trading places with a feeling of insensitivity. He spit his sleeve out and landed back on the sand with a small thud. He panted rather heavy, giving a chuckle or two in between. His arm felt like it was in it's proper place and he relaxed.

He looked up at the girl that helped him, grateful for what she did for him. "T-Thanks. Thanks alot." He let his eyes wander along the beach side then back to the girl again, his breathing slowing as he tried to think of something else to say. Actually, there was alot to ask, moreso than say. He found putting it into words difficult. " this all happened. Do you remember anything from the wreck?"
Marcus made his way closer to the group of people, "Hello," he called trying to understand the slur of sound and motion. Between the waves crashing, the birds cawing and people talking in not one but two languages his brain was about to explode. Not to mention the fact that he had hit his head when he had fallen off the ship and was bleeding. He cupped one hand of the cut above his eye and trying to catch the blood before it blurred his vision.

Rosa made her way back to the people and moved closer to the girl who was speaking a separate language. "Shhh, we can't understand you," she tried to demonstrate her words with her hands but it was extremely difficult. "These are great," she added smiling half-heartedly. She picked one up and pointed to the man across the beach bleeding from above his eye than handed it back to the girl. She than picked up a few more strips wrapping her broken wrist tightly and made her way across the beach. "Is anyone bleeding?" she called
She watched a little helplessly as Rosa came near and took some of the sailcloth strips. She wanted to help Rosa bind her own wrist, but saw that the woman wanted no help, so she bit her lip slightly and turned her attention to Marcus. Relieved to be given some direction, she hurried to his side and made sure she had his attention before pointing to the wound. Her finger pushed forward gingerly until she touched the base of the wound, and she spoke a bit shakily. "Vem o teq or ím uíp?"

She gestured to the blood and lifted the rags hesitantly, hoping to gain a look of approval.
(They can talk to Rosa)

Marcus winced as the girl's fingers grazed his wound. Back home he would have quickly dismissed the girl, not out of meanness more out of a respect and pride for his family. He didn't take pleasure in rudeness he actually deplored it but what other considered polite was sometimes conflicting with his ideals of kindness. He struggled to understand her, the language sounded somewhat familiar maybe one of the maid servants or butlers had spoken it. Now he was sure of it, his nanny had spoken t his language and he had even begun to learn it. The nanny had been sent away the moment he spoke the language in front of his parents. Now he couldn't remember a drop of it. "Thank you," he said lowering himself to a sitting position so it would be easier for the girl to bandage his head.
Shi watched. Very carefully, she wrapped bandages around her wounds. "Ite!" She cringed. The pain was unbearable. It reminded her of her time at Sakura Academy. Shi hesistates before approaching, and finally decides she'll just watch.
"You're welcome," Raekel said with a satisfied grin on her face. She was pleased that she had not harmed him or done it wrong. She didn't want to injure him further. That would not be good, especially here of all places. She was sure that when they all grouped up, and they would, they would need every able body. Thinking of such Raekel glanced at a nearby unmoving body. When Aaron spoke to her again the young girl was happy for it.

"I don't member much. I know I was on the ship." She was in someone else's room trying to see if they had anything worth stealing. But she was not about to admit that to a stranger. "Then things just started getting crazy and I think I got hit in the head. Next thing I was here with the rest of you."
“Damn..” Aaron sighed. He slid his coat sleeve off his injured shoulder, albeit very slowly to avoid too much movement. The coat was practically destroyed and no longer served the purpose of protection anymore. That, and it was way too warm for it, but he had another idea in mind for it’s usage.

Then something in Aaron’s head clicked with the girl. “Your…parents. They weren’t on that ship, were they?” He asked, unable to sound indifferent. He never saw any kind of parents, led alone any adult, when he'd see her around on the ship but he wanted to be sure.
Parents? Raekel had not seen or thought of them for a couple years now. She was tempted to lie about it but then the girl realize that would be stupid. It was not like he could do much now. Still he didn't need to know the whole truth right now.

"My parents didn't come with on the ship. I am not sure where they are. Well I can guess back in the house living a nice life. But I have lived mostly on my own for a couple years now."

She knew what he might say. She was too young to be on her own but Raekel had done well enough. Besides she mostly went around with other street kids as well. She was never really alone. Still people did not always see it that way. "What about you? Oh and never told me your name. Mine is Raekel Hallibreck."
“Oh, sorry. Under normal circumstances I’d ask straight-away…but I guess these aren’t normal circumstances.” Aaron looked down and shook his head, then quickly made eye contact with Raekel again. “Aaron Cornwell. And you’re a runaway?”

He felt like asking her the reason why, but he didn’t want to press. Not now. He wouldn’t have wanted someone to do it to him, and he was a firm believer of treating others the way you want to be treated. Well, in some ways. “My parents? They’re back home too. I came along…trying to make my own in the world, I guess.” He took a wide glance at his surroundings, then said with a sigh, “Guess I’m doing a pretty good job right about now.”
"Yes I am. I had...problems at home," Raekel explained. She didn't want to go into more detail. But it was interesting hearing what he had to say about himself. It seemed that she was not the only one who had gotten on the ship to get away from their old life or away from their family.

"I think you are doing a good job," she said with a small smile. "I mean what a better place to make your own place in the world than a deserted island."
Aaron smirked. “Yeah, waking up with your hair and boots full of sand wondering what the hell happened to you last night. And no alcohol needed. Joyous.” His already developing smile widened into a youthful grin.

How shocked he was at himself that he was smiling in a situation like this. But no matter what happened to everyone here, there needed to be smiles. Some form of happiness every now and then. If there wasn’t, everyone was as good as dead.

He picked himself up off the ground and stretched with his good arm, trying to shake off the stiffness. “Well, looks like we’re going to be here for a while. Might as well get familiar with our surroundings.”

His eyes met with a woman who was standing not too far from them, holding strips of cloth in her arms. She was asking who else was injured or bleeding. "Hey, could we have a few of those?"
Raekel smiled. She was happy that the first person she had talked to was Aaron. He seemed like a likable person and he did not judge her based on her age or the fact that she had runaway from home. She moved with him, looking at the others who were also with them.

"I hope not too long. I mean they will send people to look for us?"
Poi was relieved when the young man let him bandage her head, and she quickly and deftly wrapped it around his wound a few times, moving to his rear so that she could tie it tight. Testing the tautness of the binding, she smiled slightly, unsure of how to communicate with these people. She decided that perhaps it was best she didn't speak at all. At least, not until everyone was a little less disoriented.

Noticing the other young man gesture, she quickly moved to his side, holding the bandages out curiously. She had to fight the inclination to speak, lightly biting her tongue.
Shi looked around. She had run out of bandages for her wounds and the sand was starting to sting her open skin. The bandages she had put on recently were not enough and they already needed to be changed. Shi tried desperately to walk over to the people that were now gathering around a girl she had never met before. The wound on her leg wouldn't let her do much more than limp. The pain was unbearable and it almost brought her to tears. She was thankful the mask covered most of her face. Eventually she limped over to the girl with bandages.

"Can I please have some...?"

Shi found it hard to focus on saying anything. She took out her water pouch and poured water on her wound.

Aaron bit his lip. He didn’t want to crush the girl’s hopes. He hated feeling doubtful and cynical…but there was a uncomfortable, lingering feeling in his gut telling him that they were going to be here for a long time indeed. Most of the people on the ship were lower class anyway. The only probable reason he could think of for anybody looking for the ship would be for their shipments. Maybe.

“I don’t know. I hope they do…” He said quietly, masking his pessimism. Just then he saw a foreign woman - by the looks of it - moving fast to his side with the long strips of cloth. He made a note of all the cuts she had on herself as he took a few strips from her. “Thank you. You should take care of your cuts, too...some of them look pretty bad.”
She seemed relieved when the young man took the strips, and she made a gesture, her arms darting forward, as though miming wrapping his arm for him. She wasn't sure what he was saying, but he didn't sound threatening. It was then that she noticed the other woman limping towards her, and she suddenly felt a little overwhelmed. So many injuries to take care of! She waved the young woman to come closer and she started laying out the sail cloth, strip by strip.

She didn't want to touch the injured people, but she knew there weren't enough wraps to take care of -everyone-. She spaced each of the slips of cloth out several feet apart. Moving to the first man, she gently hooked her fingers at his elbow and tried to tug him to the first spot with strips, gesturing for him to sit next to it. While she was trying to get him to do this, she waved over at the limping woman, pointing a little anxiously at the second spot with sailcloth strips.
Shi looked over and let out a small sigh of relief... She couldn't understand a lot of what the people were saying to her and she was glad that someone made a lot of hand gestures. Shi looked at the girl and then saw the cloths. She grabbed some and started to wrap her own wounds. Shi pulled out of vial of an amber liquid and poured in on her legs. She had to bite her tongue so she wouldn't cry out in pain. The wound foamed up and some blood had disappeared. Then she finished wrapping her legs. As Shi observed the people more closely, she noticed that they seemed to understand each other.

”ありがと ございました。Thank you"

Shi realized that her accent was thick when she said it and bowed deeply to the girl. Shi noticed that the girl had wounds too, but was frustrated because she didn't know how to ask if she needed help. Shi searched around her many weapons and eventually pulled out a scroll. She opened it and read it a few times... and then she said with a thick accent:

"Do you need help?"
Marella watched the slew of activity before her not really knowing where to step in. She had already wrapped her wrist but had really touched any of the other scraps, they were going to need more bandages as long as they were here and for now the other cuts would have to wait. Deuce sat down beside her panting heavily and once again she was reminded of the heat and the need for freshwater.

She looked around the beach for anything to carry water in, her eyes landed on a small chest that had washed up on the shore. It looked as if it belonged in the Captain's quarters and some of the drawers were missing but their had to be something useful. Marella waded into the water and began to tug the piece of furniture onto the shore.
Aaron tilted his head at the woman, curious as to why she was only using gestures instead of speaking. He guessed she didn’t know how to speak English. This was confirmed when the other girl near him spoke to her in a different language. Well at least someone could speak to the woman.

He bent down to pick up one of the sailcloth strips using his good arm and made eye contact with the woman so eager to help them. He pointed at her cuts, indicating that he wanted to help her too.
Shi noticed the boy wanted to help the girl as well. Shi looked at the scroll and read: "I can speak English but it is not very good."

Shi hated that her accent was thick. It made understanding things difficult. Shi could understand English but she could not speak it without looking at the scroll. The foreign man appeared to be kind. For the time being, Shi decided she could trust him. She cut off parts of her shinobi robes so she could make more bandages. She was careful not to cut her robes too short. Shi offered the pieces to the man trying to help the girl. Shi looked at the scroll again:

"I hope that this will help you"

Her accent didn't allow her to pronounce the l's properly. She hoped that the guy could understand her okay. She was running out of things she knew how to say.

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