Shipwreck Island

"Oh, no, you're fine!" she reassured, smiling. He sparked her interests by talking about Magnum, and she instantly lit up. "Yeah," she giggled, "he's a big boy. But he's really smart and a great guard dog. He bites on command, but... I can't exactly show you that," she laughed, widening her eyes at how much she was actually talking. So she knelt down and scratched under Mags' ears and chin as his tail lazily thumped against the deck.
"Shhhh," Daniel whispered to Casey as he held her against him, softly caressing her shoulder. "Casey, I'm here," he assured her as he looked her in the eyes. "I'm not leaving anytime soon, not until you want me to." He looked down at her and softly, gently, briefly kissed her as he held her soothingly. "I'm all yours."
Maxx laughed, "Yeah, I'd rather keep all of my limbs is possible." He chuckled as pet Magnum. He looked at Madie and smiled, "You like animals?" He asked her, although it was obvious she did. 
Casey looked up at him, her body stopped shaking and her breathing became normal. It was like those were the words that she so desperately needed to hear. She hugged him and spread a small smile. "Thank you." She whispered, "It means a lot to know that you truly care about me." She told him as she rubbed his arms. She wiped her tears and couldn't help but look into Daniel's eyes and feel lucky.
"I think that's a bit of an understatement," she replied, smiling. "I prefer them over people-- no offense," she giggled, quickly apologizing.

She glanced down at Magnum and smiled. "I think he likes people more than I do."
Maxx nodded, "It's okay, but don't apologize. No offense was taken." He told her as he watched her and Magnum. "Well he likes you. And that's a start." He stated with a small chuckle. He looked at Maddie, "Ypu want to hang out some time?" He asked her curiously.
Hayli sighs and gets up, joining a curly haired man at the railing after failing many times at trying to get Abbi to wake from her slumber in the chair. She smiles, looking out to the sea as the wind blows her long, brown hair in all directions. She looks over to the man and smiles before closing her eyes and taking in the sounds of the bustling people, noisy seagulls, and the rushing water. As strange as it may be, she takes peace in this and sighs, leaning over the railing to catch a glimpse of the dolphins playing below.
He smiled as he looked at her, held her close. "Of course I do, Casey," he whispered to her. He smiled, looking in her eyes, as he gently wiped away her tears with his thumb.
Casey sniffled, she couldn't help but smile too. She looked up at him, looking into his eyes, she sat next to him and laid her head on his shoulder. She kissed his cheek and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Yeah, it would have been cool. I have never been to a rodeo myself, so it might have been interesting to me," Ron said. "It's getting kinda dark out here, don't you think?"
She couldn't breath. Her lungs felt like they were filled with water.

Air. Air.

Valerie sucked in a breath, water again.

Then everything went black.

xxxxxValerie jerked her head up. Had she been asleep all this time?

She rubbed her eyes and combed the hair out of her eyes with her fingers. Oh, people were still arriving. She hadn't been out long.

Goodness, when would the ship depart?

xxxxxValerie stood up from her seat and walked towards the bar. She needed a cold drink to wake herself up. Though she wasn't entirely fond of alcoholic beverages, she didn't mind some of them. "Could I just get an ice water please?" She asked the bartender. Val looked up just in time to see three people walk onto the ship. two grils and one boy. "Siblings." She guessed. Shaking her head. Crazy how all three of them could be so good-looking. She'd normally seen siblings where one kid had received all the looks.

The bartender slipped the cup in front of her. She picked the water up and took a few sips, feeling the ice cold water slip down her throat. It made her shiver. "Well I'm awake..." she said to herself, with a slight smile.
Blake eyed the girl next to him, she was small in comparison to his towering frame. "First time seeing dolphins," he commented, staring down at the magnificent creatures below them. He ran his long fingers through his unruly curls and let out a soft sigh. He was never very great at small talk or making conversation, which isn't exactly a good trait to have, in his eyes.

Madison eyes the boy in front of her, letting a small smile shine through. "Why not?" she replied, petting Magnum. "But wherever I go, so does he," she giggled, referring to her dog. Her dog and her brother were her two natural protectors, one or the other is always close behind.
Daniel smiled as he looked back at Casey, holding her close, as he noticed out of her cabin window that the sky was beginning to get a little darker, slowly.

"They're pretty fun," she muttered. As she spoke, the Shoreline loudly honked their horn as the deck hands began to pull in the ramp, hoisting the flags in preparation for launching. "Yeah, it is getting pretty late," she agreed with him. "I guess that means we're about to set sail."
"That's good," Ron said. "I can't wait to get away," He smiled at Skyler and poked her nose. "Hey, I need to put my stuff in my room, would you like to come with me?" He asked with a small tilt of his head. His bags were still sitting next to the chair he previously was sitting in, and he stood up.
"Yeah," she softly muttered as she looked away and back at him, giggling as he poked her as she rose with him. "Sure. Do you need any help?"
Casey wrapped her arms around his stomach, she smiled up at him and kissed him. She pulled away and looked outside, she wondered why it was so windy and so dark. Only time will tell, but for now; she looked up at Daniel And ran her finger through his had.

Maxx looked over at Magnum, he shrugged and looked back at Maddie. He smiled softly and yawned a little bit. "I'm guessing that he's like your best friend." He commented with a curious tilt of his head.
Hayli looks back up to the man and smiles. "Yeah," she says with a sigh. "They're really beautiful." She looks back out to the dolphins and giggles at them. "What about you," she asks the man. "Is this your first time seeing a dolphin too?"

Jeydon sighs and sits down at the bar, giving up on trying to find his siblings. "Da**," he complains. "Too many people here." He looks over to his left and notices a distressed girl sitting next him with a cold drink in her hand. "'Ello, love," he greets in a fake British accent.
Casey looked up at Daniel, she couldn't help but smile. She was already so comfortable around him, and they had basically just met. She had nearly forgotten about why she was going to Europe. But then remembered it was finally vacation time. She didn't want to leave Daniel's side, she nuzzled her head into his neck and kept herself close to him.
xxxxxValerie was absent-mindedly swirling the water around in her cup. Looking up, she noticed that the workers began pulling in the ramp. Finally, it was time to leave. "Thank God..." She muttered under her breath.

The quicker they began the voyage, the faster she was able to get off of the boat. She was never really good with travelling on sea. After the movie, "Jaws" came out, the girl kind of had a phobia of being in the ocean.

xxxxx"Ello, Love." a voice said beside her.

xxxxx"Hm?" Valerie looked over at him. It was one of the siblings from the trio of good-looking siblings. "Oh, hey there." His British accent nearly made her laugh. Had she not heard his sisters talking earlier, she would've fallen for it. "What's with the accent?" She asked with a friendly smirk.
"Da**," Jeydon mutters. "You caught me." he smirks, holding out his hand for the girl to shake. "I'm Jeydon," he introduces himself.

Abbi wakes from her nap and sits up, noticing the ramp being pulled in. "Finally," she says, getting up and walking over to her sister. "Stay here." Hayli shrugs her off and looks back to the ocean. "Jeydon?!" Abbi calls out for her younger brother as she notices an attractive red-head and immediately feels jealous of her looks. "Why can't I look like that," she asks herself, studying her large thighs. She sighs, taking out her cell phone to call her brother.
xxxxxValerie laughed. "You're going to have to try harder than that next time. I'll give you a seven." She joked, "Why even fake an accent anyways?"

xxxxxShe took Jeydon's hand and shook it. "Valerie."

xxxxxTaking a sip of her water, she turned to him in a chair. "So what brings you to this bar? If I'm not correct, I'd say you were under age." She said, not stating the fact that she, too was too young to be drinking. Who at her age, hadn't? Highschool was a hellish place that could get you to do anything.
"That would be nice," Ron told her. "You don't have too, though. But I enjoy spending time with you," He smirked as he grabbed his luggage and walked towards the cabins.
Daniel smiled to himself as he held her close against him. He softly closed his eyes and calmly rested them as he thought about her.

Sky smiled as she followed him toward the cabins. "Really?" she curiously asked as she subconsciously twirled a strand of hair around her pointer finger.
"Of course. If I didn't I would've walked away a long time ago," He said as he smiled at her and opened his cabin door. "You're different... in a good way," He noted and gave another smile, pushing his hair back with his hand. He pulled the luggage through the door and kept the door open for Sky to pass through.
"Well, I guess that's a good thing," she muttered as she walked in and looked around. "Different... different how?" she asked as she leaned slightly against the bedpost as she looked at him with a sweet smile.

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