Shipwreck Island


Junior Member
On a cold, early morning, the passenger ship Shoreline is due to leave the docks before sunrise, on course for the coast of France. With 150+ people on board already, they still had half an hour for the other passengers to get on board before they left the docks. Skylar and Daniel were going to visit their family in France and couldn't wait to get there. They were eagerly sitting on deck next to the railing watching the waves roll across the ocean as the deck hands bustled about around them preparing for launch.


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3. Preferably no one-liners

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5. Cursing is permitted

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*the only characters you are permitted to ghost besides your own are the ship's employees (as long as they're not anyone else's characters) or the island natives

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Wearing a pink and white plaid peacoat Priscilla walked up to the ramp that led to the top of the boat and smiled brightly as she watched other passengers board. Feeling a little nervous about her first time on a large boat the red haired girl took a deep breath and quietly exhaled. Suddenly a brown sugar glider popped it's head out of her jacket pocket and climbed up onto her shoulder nuzzling into her shirt to snuggle against her skin for more warmth.

"Oh Love Bug I am so excited, aren't you?" she would pause and button the last few buttons on her coat to close it all the way "But you need to stay in my jacket I do not know if you're allowed on the boat"

Priscilla was actually surprised she had not been caught earlier. No one had noticed the little rodent in her jacket pocket when she went through security. Just then her phone went off and a text read >have a safe flight sis, can't wait to see you -Chatton<. Priscilla grinned from ear to ear and headed up the ramp to stand and look over the side of the ship. Her medium length red hair was a mess atop her head with the wind blowing a chill breeze. She was dressed in a pair of denim printed leggings and a Green plaid sundress with spaghetti straps under her pink and white plaid peacoat. On her feet were green heels and a golden anklet that said "VIP." The girl also had a red duffle bag that read "Warriors" in black lettering in her left hand. She pulled the bag up over her left shoulder as she watched others down on shore, she had so many butterflies in her stomach. She planned on standing here to wave goodbye to her mother and father who were down on shore already taking photos.

There was still plenty of time before the ship was leaving so Priscilla turned to look around on the ship. She saw two teens sitting down on her left and smiled down at them with a small wave of her fingers. Straightening her gaze back to her family she propped her elbows on the railing and laid her head in her hands. THIS WAS SO EXCITING!
Ron McGee pushed his thick hair back and let out a laugh as he looked up at the big boat. About time I got away from everyone and everything... He thought to himself. The weather was nice, with a bit of a breeze and he zipped up his black and blue hoodie that was labeled Titans, which was his old football team in high school. The boat wasn't leaving until a little later, but why not get a look of the place? He nudged his black duffle bag back onto his shoulder and made sure it was secure as he boarded the boat.

Ron had never been on a boat before, so he was engulfed in the size and amount of room there was. A store here, a few shuffle boarding areas here and there, people sitting out in chairs. He sat down on a deck chair and waited to see if anyone would ask why he was here or whatever. He considered it a vacation, but his parents might consider it running away. Not like they would care though. Hey, he thought to himself, I'm over the age of eighteen, I'm free to do whatever I want. He smiled at that thought and laid his duffle bag next to him, grinning at the sun.
Skylar smiled back at the girl and gave a little wave as she got up from her seat and moved against the rail beside the pretty redhead.

"Hello," she smiled. "I'm Skylar; that's Daniel," She introduced herself and her brother, gesturing to him sitting as Daniel gives a little wave. "Have you ever traveled by sea before?" she inquired as she took notice of the boy sitting in one of the deck chairs looking out at the sky with his bag beside him.

Daniel waved "hi" at the girl Skylar was talking to as he followed Sky's glance over to the other newcomer, a young boy sitting there and grinning as he looked into the sky and studied his features momentarily before looking back to the waves of the ocean and noticing the tiny movements of several small sea turtles floating around at the end beneath the dock, lost in his thoughts.
Ron finally looked away from the sun kissed sky and looked around the deck, and spotted a girl and a boy tracing her graze, which was over at me. He smiled to himself .Well, I am pretty easy on the eyes, if I do say so myself, he thought pridefully. He slung his bag over his shoulder and stood up to go talk to them. He was hoping he would meet some people here, considering his friends had been "to busy" when I invited them to join on this vacation of a life time. Then again, finals are coming up for college, but who cares!

Ron stuck out his hand and smiled at the redhead (who wasn't that bad looking). "Hi, my name is Ron. And who may you be?" He asked with a charismatic smile.
(Whoops.... My bad... Must have skipped over that part... I'll start over.. Sorry for the glitch)
Skylar smiled as she watched the way the boy moved as he approached her, unable to take her eyes off of him as she met his stare. "Hi," she stuttered, smiling shyly as her thoughts tumbled around in her head. Why am I acting like this? she asked herself. Since when do I act like this around anyone?

"I'm Skylar," she smiled as she answered him. "Have you ever traveled by sea before?" she asked nervously as her thumbs twitched as she sub-consciously brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear.
Her genuine smile widened as the girl approached her and began conversation. "Priscilla, and yes my family usually take a cruise for vacation" she paused and turned to wave at Skylar's brother. He was pretty handsome. Turning back to Skylar after following her eyes to the light haired boy sitting alone with a dufflebag as well Priscilla would continue speaking "My family is letting me go see my brother as my eighteenth birthday present" she clapped her hands together excitedly "what are you guys heading to France for?"

Her brown eyes sparkled in the morning light. She then saw the other boy walking over and blinked several times "Hello Ron, I am Priscilla" She extended her hand to give a firm shake to the new guy. She fiddled with her dufflebag and shifted it on her shoulder. Her smile just seemed to brighten, it was just like school with all the people migrating around. She would make plenty of friends on this boat. She paused and let Sklyar speak. The girl seemed a little shy, which was odd for Priscilla to see but she did find it adorable.
"Well, hello Skylar." He paused for a moment as he watched her push a few pieces of hair behind her ear. "May I call you Sky?" Ron asked, he actually quite loved the name Sky. It was a lovely name to him. He then answered her question she had asked, "Ah, no. This is my first time traveling at sea." He kicked his feet around. "It's quite lovely actually," And with that comment he smiled at Skylar, his voice was flirting. This girl, was quite wonderful actually. Not like the others that he had met before at college. 
"Hello Priscilla," Ron said, as he ran his fingers through his hair. He took her hand in his and shook it firmly. The boy next to Skylar hadn't spoken much and he wondered if he was naturally like that or waiting for a chance to speak.
Skylar smiled at her new friend kindly. "Priscilla, such a pretty name," she complimented her as she glanced out on the horizon. "That's cool," she mumbled, "my brother and I are just going on a little vacation, maybe meet up with a few people we first met years ago."

Daniel's thoughts returned back to the ship and the newcoming people who seem to be getting along with his sister. He smiled knowingly as he recognized her shy greeting to the light-haired boy, softly chuckling to himself as he brought a small journal from the pack by his side and began writing on the first page after he made sure to include the date above the passage he writes, lost in his own thoughts once again as he records, so far, the events of the first day of being on the Shoreline.
Casey literally threw her bags in her room, and then walked out to the deck. She pushed her ray bands up on her nose as she walked through the mazes of hallways. She couldn't wait to go to France; it was the perfect vacation. She smiled to herself as she came to the deck. Casey was getting smiley as she sat in the deck chairs. She messed around with the strings on her hoodie. The hoodie was silver and bright green; it was for their varsity basketball team. She was also wearing blue jean shorts; the usual casual wear for her. She leaned back in her seat as she watched more and more people get on the ship, and get to their rooms. Casey looked around her, seeing a red-haired girl, a guy and a girl-presumably brother and sister, and one more guy. She smiled as she finished scanning all of the people around her. She sat up in her chair and looked around at the people by her. She saw a guy with a journal out, this made her smile a little, but he looked too busy to interrupt.
Skylar smiled to herself as she realized that Ron hadn't used the same, melodic tone with Priscilla as he had with her. "Of course," she answered him, "a lot of people call me Sky."

She looked over at her brother and decided to casually introduce him. "That's Daniel," she said glancing over to see him writing in his book. Lowering her voice, she mumbled "he's not usually much of a talker when it comes to new people," she giggled lightly looking back to Priscilla and Ron. "We've both always loved traveling at sea," she smiled. "It's just so... fulfilling to just relax and get away from society sometimes." 
As Daniel felt the gaze of someone else, he looked up to see the pretty young girl watching him and lightly blushed as he closed his journal and gave a simple wave "hi" to her.
What should happen when young adults and teens come together. Yup a whole lot of flirting. Priscilla wore her famous smile and looked between everyone as the wind blew her hair across her face. Red strings would stick to her lip gloss causing her to lift her left hand and pull them away. "It is nice to meet all of you, now the boat ride will be even better" Priscilla always made friends on cruises, it was more fun to do things as a group.

"Thanks Skylar" a pause "and that sounds like fun, perhaps we will be in the same city or area even" Always the optimistic. Priscilla looked back to her brother figuring he must not be social right at first. Her view noticed a new young girl approaching perhaps their group may grow? The more the merrier for this young adult.

"Well I am sure we will all be friends soon. At least I hope so" She batted her long eyelashes to no one in particular. Her land would once again reach up to control her messy red hair. >and to think I just spent an hour straightening it< she growled mentally. Priscilla really adored Skylar and hoped she'd get to spend time with the girl throughout the ship ride. But of course boys would be welcome, a fresh graduate of high school and this red-headed gymnast was ready to explore adult life.
Casey smiled a little bit, seeing that the boy had waved to her. She waved back, stating a simple 'hello.' She slowly stood up, pushing her sunglasses up on her nose as she walked over to the guy. She sat down on the ground next to him, and smiled softly. "Hi." She said in a gentle and soft voice. She looked at him and then at her sweatshirt yet again. She felt a little shy, she didn't know why though; she tried to get rid of the feeling. However, she didn't mind having a shy feeling at that time. He didn't look like much of a talker anyway.
"Well, hi Daniel," Ron said to him, but realized that he was engulfed in his journal, just as Sky had said, he's not a talker. "I've always loved the sea, but I have never been able to really experience it," He told her and saw that Priscilla had walked away. He then said, "Yeah, getting away from society can be really nice. I don't think I get that very often, though," He said sadly.
Skylar smiled at the girl's wondering. "Maybe so," she said. "That would be pretty neat." She smiled as she looked down to the ocean, noticing the small group of turtles gathered underneath the end of the docks as a seagull flew overhead.

Daniel watched her sit beside him and look down at her sweatshirt, observing her shyness. "Hi," he mumbled, looking at her and studying her many features as well as her style. 
Sky smiled warmly as she looked up at Ron. "Well, you'll have a chance to get away from here in France," she smiled, patting the seat next to her as she looked at him. "You mean you never get a chance to just, get away and find your own personal place?" she asked curiously.
Casey noticed him looking at her, not that she minded or anything. "I'm Casey." She told him, her voice gentle and calm. She felt a certain vibe on the boat. She looked at him, looking at his facial features, and nearly getting lost in his deep and extravagant eyes. She blinked a little bit and rested her head against the table. She didn't want to be too pushy, or too boring, and she felt that she was somewhere in the middle. This pleased her greatly,
Then new girl had been interested in Daniel. Of course a single person was often easier to talk too. At this rate the trio's group could multiply at any time. She looked over Ron as he spoke with Skylar about the sea. Perhaps she was just spoiled because when she was on a boat she often just enjoyed the stuff on the boat not the ocean itself. Pulling a hair-tie off her wrist she'd pull her hair up to reveal her sweet little ears that had two sets of earirngs in both, a black pair of diamonds and a pair of regular diamonds, and in the top of her ear was a little black and white hoop no bigger than a dime. She had not really walked anywhere, just more so her eyes scanning their surroundings.

"So after the ship takes off, what shall we all do first? I still have to drop my stuff off but it won't take long" she spoke and then Love Bug popped out of the collar of her jacket and sat on her shoulder. As soon as the sugar glider realized Sklyar and Ron were close by she froze and just looked at both of them with large black eyes. "Oh Love Bug I told you to stay hidden until the boat left" she reached after the little rodent and grabbed her in her left hand to bring her close to her face and nuzzle her with her nose. "But of course you don't listen 'cause you're so cute you know you won't get into trouble." Ahh the sweet love a pet could bring to someone.
Ron sat down next to Sky, and thought about how to answer her question. "No, I'm not able to get out very often," He told her. It's a difficult situation he said with a smile that wasn't really a smile. "But I've been looking for my own place, you know," He said quickly and ran his fingers through his hair again. Ron felt really awkward, and normally he doesn't talk willingly like this to people. Sky was practically a stranger to him, but he still felt like he could trust her.
Skylar smiled as Priscilla's sugar glider peeked out of her coat and perched on her shoulder as she watched it watching her. "Oh, it's so cute!" she giggled watching it. "I've never had a sugar glider before," she mumbled softly as she curiously watched the pet play and watch her and Ron.

Daniel softly smiled at Casey as he reached to gently shake her hand. "Daniel," he whispered in a casual, low tone as he watched her shift her position.
Ron turned around to see the cute rodent sticking out of Priscilla's coat. He'd never been good with rodents, but this one was an exception. Sugar gliders were some if the cutest things ever, he had to admit. Ron watched it move around in her pocket and laughed at the "cuteness" of it.
Sky smiled as she watched Ron brush his fingers through his hair as if nervous. "Yeah," she mumbled, getting sidetracked as she watched him, unable to break her gaze from him as her hand sub-consciously rubbed against her forearm as if chilly. Upon realizing how intently she was staring at him, she looked away and observed the seagulls flying overhead as he talked to her.
It would seem that Ron and Skylar must want to talk alone and get their flirt on. Well that was a good enough reason to her she would leave them be. She lowered her head and set the Sugar Glider on her shoulder.

As the two sat down to converse more privately Priscilla turned once more to look at the water. She was not used to being tuned out of a conversation, but it couldn't last forever now could it? No of course not. The thin girl stretched her arms out to the sides and then her right would fall to her side as her left tugged at her messy ponytail. She didn't really want to explore yet, at least it still looked like she was with company. Priscilla was still next to them and could still carry a conversation if they wanted her included.

"Her name is Love Bug," she said to Skylar nicely "I have had her for about two years, she is very friendly" the little animal ran along her shoulder and right arm of her jacket. There was a thin leash attached to her small harness just so she couldn't get away.

"Well I will venture to my room" she softly kicked her foot against the wood deck "I am sure we will run into one another again soon... possibly lunch" Priscilla knew the first thing she was doing was tossing on a swimsuit and tanning though. She turned and waved to the two couples "I believe I am in room 215B if you'd like to make plans" she nodded and turned on her heel pushing the rodent back into her jacket and heading towards the way she believed were the cabins.
"Love Bug," Ron smiled at the Rodney's name. He then said goodbye to her as she walked to her room. He looked back at Sky and saw that she was staring at him, which he totally got. She looked away quickly and he noticed that she was rubbing her arm, as if she was cold. He grinned at the chance and tilted his head as he began to speak, "Sky, are you cold?" He asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder. He genuinely wanted to know, he had a feeling in his gut that made it churn and twist with every word he spoke to her.

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